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The Official Gundam Thread of Gunpla, Origins, and 35 Years of GUNDAMUUUU!

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So I just finish watching the Gundam 00 movie subbed, and I found it far better than what I expected. Pretty decent flick overall, and it gave the series a definitive ending.


Finished watching the movie here too...It's ehm... Yeah I think it going all "GSD" on us was a pretty accurate description. The lack of an actual enemy definitely hurt it, it seemed like they were just fighting against a shit ton of missiles. And the ending was conclusive... Story wise sure, but character wise? Not really. Do we give a shit what the fuck happened to Marina or that Klaus guy after all this time? Hell no. At least give us a conclusion on the characters too. I have to say, I enjoyed Code Geass' take on understanding much much better than how it was handled here.

Some things were enjoyable though. Like the Harute and Hal/Al being a motherfuckin boss. Also, Graham Aker being a freakin badass too.


Blader5489 said:
I don't recall Kira and Lacus showing up and stealing the show here too...
:lol :lol What I meant was everyone just mostly shooting everywhere without a specific target.


Junior Member
Gundam 00 Movie

You can tell just from seeing Solid Setsuna Fucking Seiei piloting a goddamn Flag that THIS IS IT PEOPLE, GUNDAM GOT REAL.

But really, it was a nice change for a Gundam show till, yup, you guessed it - The typical dumb ass Japanese ending we all love. Ending made dat sexy 00 Qanta absolutely useless; That's just how bad it was.

Still big applause for Sunrise for taking this to the big screen and trying to make Gundam a bit different even if they still couldn't get rid of the usual Gundam baggage (NEWTYPES, SHIPPING WARS, WHY WON'T WE DERP UNDERSTAND EACH OTHER). Perhaps people would have liked it more if the series started straight with this instead of turning 180 degrees here but what the hell, shit was entertaining and that's all I could ask of a Gundam movie; eye candy to the max.

As for the new Gundams (other than poor Qanta) they rocked hard but what's better is that sexy blue Flag. My man Graham Aker is a true BRAVE AMERICAN BRO. And oh, Feldt Grace is such a sexy babe.

Perhaps the biggest thing missing that made me love 00 was the trolling. I miss Ribbons Almark and his SUPERIOR INNOVATA TROLLING. Oh well.

Bring on the next Gundam show, Sunrise. My body is ready.
What I liked about the movie:

-Al/Hal and kicking ass in the movie
-Graham Aker

What I did not like about the movie:

-A war with a bunch of missiles and some huge ships

Everything else just felt... I dont know, I just didn't feel anything despite the whole idea of them fighting against an enemy that just keeps on assimilating, or seeing Earth's huge army to defend Earth. I dont think it was that bad but there was just something about the movie that didn't click with me unlike the S1 or S2.


Junior Member
Speaking of music, Kenji Kawai did an amazing job in 00 Movie.


Blader5489 said:
So apparently the Bluray release was pushed back from March 18th to April 7th, because Bandai received too many preorders and can't fulfill them all on time.

I can't tell if that's good news or bad :lol

Good news, that just means there is big demand for it. I was in Japan when the first volume came out, and I saw nothing but signs everywhere saying that it was sold out and that it would be a month before the next pressing would be available.


Just watched the Gundam 00 movie. It's kind of hard for me to express my feelings into words as I feel like I am going to need to re-watch it over to understand WTF happened towards the end.

The last battle was beyond epic though with the classic 00 music and ridiculously powerful Gundam's doing what they do best. I wish we got to see more of these Gundams in action though .. their movements were so fast at the end it was hard to see what they were doing and what weapons were being used.

so Setsuna uses the ELS to make a new body and is now a Terminator?!


X-Frame said:
Just watched the Gundam 00 movie. It's kind of hard for me to express my feelings into words as I feel like I am going to need to re-watch it over to understand WTF happened towards the end.

Setsuna mentally links with the ELS hivemind, both sides realize the conflict started on a misunderstanding, so they puts an end to the fighting and Setsuna leaves for the ELS homeworld to act as humanity's liaison so they can learn from each other.

Setsuna always thought of a desert flower as a symbol of peace/understanding, so the ELS pull that image from his memory and transform their planetoid into it, as a sign to end hostilities.

so Setsuna uses the ELS to make a new body and is now a Terminator?!

He finally became a Gundam. :lol


Blader5489 said:
Setsuna mentally links with the ELS hivemind, both sides realize the conflict started on a misunderstanding, so they puts an end to the fighting and Setsuna leaves for the ELS homeworld to act as humanity's liaison so they can learn from each other.

Setsuna always thought of a desert flower as a symbol of peace/understanding, so the ELS pull that image from his memory and transform their planetoid into it, as a sign to end hostilities.

He finally became a Gundam. :lol


Okay ... to better understand this ..

Yeah I got as far as Setsuna/Tiera realizing it was a misunderstanding .. but he in his Gundam ACTUALLY "teleport" to their homeworld and within seconds the conflict is over? So Setsuna's human flesh is light-years away?

Basically, the time-frame is confusing me. Was it only seconds in real-time but potentially years and years for Setsuna/Tiera?


X-Frame said:

Okay ... to better understand this ..

Yeah I got as far as Setsuna/Tiera realizing it was a misunderstanding .. but he in his Gundam ACTUALLY "teleport" to their homeworld and within seconds the conflict is over? So Setsuna's human flesh is light-years away?

Basically, the time-frame is confusing me. Was it only seconds in real-time but potentially years and years for Setsuna/Tiera?

I don't understand your last question. Are you talking about the time-frame of when the conflict stops, or the time-frame of how long Setsuna was gone for?

In either case, the conflict ended immediately, and Setsuna/Tieria were gone for 50 years.


Ok, where would someone start if they are looking to get back into watching MSG? I used to be quite into it, but the last series I saw was seed destiny (hence my quitting gundam in the first place :lol ), and since I'm from the UK, the dvd selection isn't great.

Any post-destiny series recommendations? Also, is there anywhere I could import subbed DVDs to the UK for a decent price?


Feorax said:
Ok, where would someone start if they are looking to get back into watching MSG? I used to be quite into it, but the last series I saw was seed destiny (hence my quitting gundam in the first place :lol ), and since I'm from the UK, the dvd selection isn't great.

Any post-destiny series recommendations? Also, is there anywhere I could import subbed DVDs to the UK for a decent price?

What have you seen already?

The only post-Destiny series so far have been Gundam 00 (which is pretty divisive, though I liked it myself for the most part) and Gundam Unicorn (which has been pretty excellent so far, but is only 2 episodes in).


Well then I'd definitely recommend Unicorn. And maybe give 00 a shot, especially since Unicorn won't be finished for another year or two. :lol
Feorax said:
Pretty much everything up until seed destiny. I think the only series I havent seen is V gundam.

Then see V Gundam, shit was awesome.

_dementia said:
What is the consensus on MS Igloo?

Opinion seems to have always been mixed on it, I enjoyed some of the episodes. The CG turned off lot of folks it seems but I didn't mind.


I thought Victory was pretty shitty tbh. It had some good stuff in it, but overall it was a total mess (more so than ZZ, even though I hated that series more).


Where do you guys usually buy Gundam MG model kits from?

The international shipping of most ebay sellers always turned me off
Blader5489 said:
I thought Victory was pretty shitty tbh. It had some good stuff in it, but overall it was a total mess (more so than ZZ, even though I hated that series more).

That's crazy talk, especially the ZZ comment.


Bebpo said:
I just finished watching the OO Movie.



I hope everyone involved in the production is killing themselves for destroying one of the greatest franchises out of Japan.

I'm not exaggerating when I say it was the WORST FUCKING MOVIE I'VE EVER SEEN. I thought it was just a really really terrible movie until the end, but then ending the credits rolled there really was no other reaction than "worst movie ever".

The OO Movie makes SEED Destiny and OO S2 look like Jin-Roh and Millennium Actress.

There is nothing redeeming at all about the film. At best it's completely boring, at worst it makes you want burn down Sunrise. I wish I could erase this movie from memory.

Plus the horribleness will live on by having this beyond-awful fucking story in future cross-over games like SRW.

Kuroda better stay the hell away from Gundam. If he touches another Gundam show I'm not even going to watch it.

0/4 stars
Figured it would be. There hasn't been a generally good Gundam since 08th.


BattleMonkey said:
That's crazy talk, especially the ZZ comment.

ZZ is 20ish episodes of juvenile stupidity followed by 20+ episodes of attempted-drama-but-still-falling-short-because-the-writing-sucks.
Not to mention the ending, where Judau fucks off to Jupiter for no reason and his sister shows up out of nowhere, despite having been killed horribly earlier.

Victory...great battle choreography, good music, likable core group of characters. But the writing was a fucking mess in every way and the mech designs were among the worst in the franchise.

00, with all its flaws, is considerably better than both.


The story of the 00 movie may not be the best (or anywhere close to good), but I can't imagine there being anything that matches the battles scenes in this movie. I had chills during the final battle, which was over half an hour.

I only wish there could be more of 00 just so we can see the Gundam's in action, they're awesome but we saw so little of their abilities.
Blader5489 said:
Victory...great battle choreography, good music, likable core group of characters. But the writing was a fucking mess in every way and the mech designs were among the worst in the franchise.

00, with all its flaws, is considerably better than both.

Eh Victory's main problem was some awkward characters and it's dark tone. The mecha design have always been a divided issue with fans, lot of them dismissing it purely on the mecha. I'm one of those who adored the mecha design theory of the show and liked it's return to more simplistic roots. Story was pretty straight forward and never veered into stupid territory like ZZ. Victory is one of my favorite UC series and personally, was one of the more solid Tomino offerings, as I always found his work to be pretty random after 0079. Outside of the OVA's, majority of Gundam TV series writing has been frankly... shit. Nothing beats out ZZ though, even though I did enjoy it's 2nd half, I have to admit it was one of the worst written Gundam's ever.

00 I loved at first, but after it fell apart in season 2 and this awful movie, it has been tarnished. It's Destiny all over again.

X-Frame said:
The story of the 00 movie may not be the best (or anywhere close to good), but I can't imagine there being anything that matches the battles scenes in this movie. I had chills during the final battle, which was over half an hour.

I only wish there could be more of 00 just so we can see the Gundam's in action, they're awesome but we saw so little of their abilities.

The battles was one of the major negatives I had with the 00 movie. Never have I been so bored with a mecha series battles since it was just nothing but mindless missile spam and explosions. To make things exciting, they just constantly would simply just increase the amount of shit on the screen, but that was it. No actual mecha fighting each other, no bad guys, no real emotion at all to it.


X-Frame said:
The story of the 00 movie may not be the best (or anywhere close to good), but I can't imagine there being anything that matches the battles scenes in this movie. I had chills during the final battle, which was over half an hour.

I only wish there could be more of 00 just so we can see the Gundam's in action, they're awesome but we saw so little of their abilities.

Umm, the battles were awful. What's so good about gundams dodging and shooting ELS all day? I much prefer gundams vs. gundams.

ps: I actually thought the movie was okay but the series was waay too ambitious with the plot IMO. A lot of WTF moments :lol


X-Frame said:
The story of the 00 movie may not be the best (or anywhere close to good), but I can't imagine there being anything that matches the battles scenes in this movie. I had chills during the final battle, which was over half an hour.

I only wish there could be more of 00 just so we can see the Gundam's in action, they're awesome but we saw so little of their abilities.

if spamming lasers into the camera or shooting into the void (which consist of majority of the fight scenes) means good action... if it's in 3D maybe it'll be entertaining.

there are melee fights but it's nothing special.


BattleMonkey said:
Eh Victory's main problem was some awkward characters and it's dark tone.

The problem wasn't Victory's dark tone, but that the tone was constantly changing--even within episodes--so you'd have really bizarre shit like girls flying around in bikinis and bazookas, and at the same time you'd see a character get decapitated or something crazy.

Character development is zero. Almost none of the characters have any kind of arc whatsoever; the only one that does, off the top of my head, is Katejina, and it's just absolutely batshit. :lol 90% of the cast is introduced and then killed off immediately or shuffled to the background for several episodes, only to be killed when they're brought back.

The mecha design have always been a divided issue with fans, lot of them dismissing it purely on the mecha. I'm one of those who adored the mecha design theory of the show and liked it's return to more simplistic roots.

Battleships with wheels is Gundam's simplistic roots? :p

Outside of the OVA's, majority of Gundam TV series writing has been frankly... shit.

0083 is one of the worst offenders! :lol

00 I loved at first, but after it fell apart in season 2 and this awful movie, it has been tarnished. It's Destiny all over again.

00 has plenty of problems, but they don't come close to Destiny's in quantity or quality. It never deviates into zaniness like ZZ or Victory, and there's some actual depth to how the characters act, grow, and die over the course of the series/movie. Also: no stock footage. How refreshing. :lol

And I also the loved battles in the 00 movie. I loved the emphasis on grunts and actual tactics, especially the teamwork between Graham and his squad. SEED's beam spam was just a shot of one Gundam firing off a bunch of weapons, cutting to another shot of a bunch of mechs exploding; in 00, there's actual choreography and movement to the action. This is also one of the things I love about Unicorn, and why 08th MS Team is my favorite.


Has Gundam really dropped to 'WORST ANIME EVAR' territory? I come into this thread to check on whats going on in the world of Gundam and this is what I find.

This is quite disappointing but I guess I was correct in bailing after Destiny.

I do still want that SEED movie though. I loves me some Jesus Yamato.


I guess we can agree to disagree.

I thought the action in the 00 movie was insane .. but I also like "Michael Bay action" so go figure .. (yup, one of those).


Igo said:
Has Gundam really dropped to 'WORST ANIME EVAR' territory? I come into this thread to check on whats going on in the world of Gundam and this is what I find.

This is quite disappointing but I guess I was correct in bailing after Destiny.

I do still want that SEED movie though. I loves me some Jesus Yamato.
Go watch Gundam Unicorn. It is fuckin awesome. Besides that there hasn't been anything decent since Destiny... Gundam 00 S1 is good, but it goes downhill in S2 and then outright catastrophic in the movie.
Blader5489 said:
The problem wasn't Victory's dark tone, but that the tone was constantly changing--even within episodes--so you'd have really bizarre shit like girls flying around in bikinis and bazookas, and at the same time you'd see a character get decapitated or something crazy.

Character development is zero. Almost none of the characters have any kind of arc whatsoever; the only one that does, off the top of my head, is Katejina, and it's just absolutely batshit. :lol 90% of the cast is introduced and then killed off immediately or shuffled to the background for several episodes, only to be killed when they're brought back.

Sounds like majority of Gundam frankly, like I said before, I found most of Tomino's series to be wrecks of writings.

Blader5489 said:
Battleships with wheels is Gundam's simplistic roots? :p

In saying mecha I was more inclined to the regular Zanscare MS design, with zany MA's like Zeon used to pump out. But I was fine with the Motorad fleet, literally running over europe. Good times.

Blader5489 said:
0083 is one of the worst offenders! :lol

I had more of 0080 and 08 MS Team in mind, not all Gundam OVAs, and even then these have issues. I've said before that while I love Gundam, most of it is pretty poorly written.

Blader5489 said:
00 has plenty of problems, but they don't come close to Destiny's in quantity or quality. It never deviates into zaniness like ZZ or Victory, and there's some actual depth to how the characters act, grow, and die over the course of the series/movie. Also: no stock footage. How refreshing. :lol

Problems are problems, and 00 had just as many as SEED/Destiny, you just had different kinds. 00 was a much more cohesive production, but you had an awful disjointed mess of a story spread through 3 separate projects. Now to be fair, I do think 00 was better than Destiny as a whole, the 00 movie to me was just so awful and put such a bitter taste in my mouth that it really hurt my feelings on 00. It's best I just ignore the movie and just keep the 2 00 seasons on their own.

Blader5489 said:
And I also the loved battles in the 00 movie. I loved the emphasis on grunts and actual tactics, especially the teamwork between Graham and his squad. SEED's beam spam was just a shot of one Gundam firing off a bunch of weapons, cutting to another shot of a bunch of mechs exploding; in 00, there's actual choreography and movement to the action. This is also one of the things I love about Unicorn, and why 08th MS Team is my favorite.

I didn't see any tactics, just lots of high speed laser/missile spam. It was all boring faceless explosions. Beam spam was better than SEED, but it doesn't somehow make it better in 00 because it had more "zazz" :lol

Igo said:
Has Gundam really dropped to 'WORST ANIME EVAR' territory? I come into this thread to check on whats going on in the world of Gundam and this is what I find.

This is quite disappointing but I guess I was correct in bailing after Destiny.

I do still want that SEED movie though. I loves me some Jesus Yamato.

Worst "anime ever", no. But it's never been high tier entertainment outside of perhaps 0079 which set a bar for mecha drama series for years to come, and in some cases Zeta even though I think that it was highly uneven. The series has always been more mecha porn and fun action series, with lot of the more recent stuff trying to appeal to the more flashy styles, and apparently trying to top each previous series with ridiculous action.


BattleMonkey said:
Sounds like majority of Gundam frankly, like I said before, I found most of Tomino's series to be wrecks of writings.

I thought 0079, more often than not, was actually pretty well-written.

I agree that Tomino is not a good writer/director, and he seems like a pretty bipolar person in real life (which would explain why his characters act so bipolar), but I think his Tomino-isms grew worse over time and that all culminated pretty badly in Victory. The worst example I can think of being his kill-em-all mentality in Victory, where he seemed to forget that killing off characters en masse is pointless if you haven't done anything with them beforehand.

(By all accounts he rebounded with Turn A, but I've never watched more than the first handful of eps, so I don't know myself.)

Problems are problems, and 00 had just as many as SEED/Destiny, you just had different kinds. 00 was a much more cohesive production, but you had an awful disjointed mess of a story spread through 3 separate projects.

I guess so. When it comes down to it, 00's problems don't detract from my overall enjoyment of the series...and SEED's do. :lol But obviously ymmv.

I didn't see any tactics, just lots of high speed laser/missile spam. It was all boring faceless explosions. Beam spam was better than SEED, but it doesn't somehow make it better in 00 because it had more "zazz" :lol

Just to name a few:
-Lockon, Al, and Tieria working together, especially when they're leading the ELS away from Setsuna
-the Solbraves leading packs of ELS in circles, shooting at each other's trails of ELS, and leading their own into the way of fire
-Andrei and a pack of GN-Xs working together to get in close to an ELS ship
-and my favorite maneuver: Graham leading a pack of ELS with his Brave, transforming in mid-flight, throttling his engines forward, thrusting in reverse, shooting at the group of ELS that fly past him, then sweeping the beam up through the whole pack...
I fucking love that scene :lol

Obviously, giant robot battles are more exciting when they're fighting other giant robots. But I still quite liked the fights in Trailblazer as is. Choreography is key and 00 had it in spades.


Blader5489 said:
Just to name a few:
-Lockon, Al, and Tieria working together, especially when they're leading the ELS away from Setsuna
-the Solbraves leading packs of ELS in circles, shooting at each other's trails of ELS, and leading their own into the way of fire
-Andrei and a pack of GN-Xs working together to get in close to an ELS ship
-and my favorite maneuver: Graham leading a pack of ELS with his Brave, transforming in mid-flight, throttling his engines forward, thrusting in reverse, shooting at the group of ELS that fly past him, then sweeping the beam up through the whole pack...
I fucking love that scene :lol

What he said! ^


Deadly said:
Go watch Gundam Unicorn. It is fuckin awesome. Besides that there hasn't been anything decent since Destiny... Gundam 00 S1 is good, but it goes downhill in S2 and then outright catastrophic in the movie.

That better be the biggest mix up of names ever or else. Destiny was the worst Gundam series ever.


thetechkid said:
That better be the biggest mix up of names ever or else. Destiny was the worst Gundam series ever.
What I meant was ever since that show, afterwards there hasn't been anything good since it was the last one he watched. It didn't mean I said Destiny was good at all:lol
Blader5489 said:
Just to name a few:
-Lockon, Al, and Tieria working together, especially when they're leading the ELS away from Setsuna
-the Solbraves leading packs of ELS in circles, shooting at each other's trails of ELS, and leading their own into the way of fire
-Andrei and a pack of GN-Xs working together to get in close to an ELS ship
-and my favorite maneuver: Graham leading a pack of ELS with his Brave, transforming in mid-flight, throttling his engines forward, thrusting in reverse, shooting at the group of ELS that fly past him, then sweeping the beam up through the whole pack...
I fucking love that scene :lol

Obviously, giant robot battles are more exciting when they're fighting other giant robots. But I still quite liked the fights in Trailblazer as is. Choreography is key and 00 had it in spades.

The Graham stuff was really only bits I liked, outside of that it just was more of the same we saw in previous seasons of 00 and it just dragged on with the fights against the ELS. Also I don't know, but the whole productions values of the 00 movie seemed pretty shitty compared to other anime films and previous gundam theatrical productions. It really was not much better than the TV with what one would expect from a movie, this felt like a quick cheap cash in film, and story wise it really felt like it. Gundam 00 finished well enough with the S2 epilogue, this movie was not needed at all.

S. L.

change of pace. i finally gotten around taking some pics of my Sturmdias

Jonsoncao said:
Where do you guys usually buy Gundam MG model kits from?

The international shipping of most ebay sellers always turned me off
Where are you located? I found gundamstore and 3rd party sellers on amazon rather reasonable.


Jonsoncao said:
Where do you guys usually buy Gundam MG model kits from?

The international shipping of most ebay sellers always turned me off
www.hlj.com and www.1999.co.jp

I live in Europe, so I pay a whole lot for transportation and when they arrive, I have to pay the customs as well. This means I usually pay 1,5 times the total price of any single model plus shipping.
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