"God's Beard!"
They need to get rid of all the 12369 motions, I always wind up jumping all over the place like a dumbass. Just make it a quarter circle for my cammy and fei :-(
Kintaro said:Does anyone else think that if Capcom releases this as a stand alone game (same with Arc Systems and the new Blaz Blue) that this will actually do much more harm to fighting games than good? Think about it. We've seen great fighters hit this year and the return of classics that have really brought the scene back. Why would you repeat the mistakes of the past? Why do they believe stand alone iterations will work again in this day and age for a genre that is really just trying to awaken again? It won't. It will kill any goodwill people have given the scene again.
These iterations have to be at least offered as DLC for owners of the original game for a nominal fee. They just have to be.
Kintaro said:Does anyone else think that if Capcom releases this as a stand alone game (same with Arc Systems and the new Blaz Blue) that this will actually do much more harm to fighting games than good? Think about it. We've seen great fighters hit this year and the return of classics that have really brought the scene back. Why would you repeat the mistakes of the past? Why do they believe stand alone iterations will work again in this day and age for a genre that is really just trying to awaken again? It won't. It will kill any goodwill people have given the scene again.
These iterations have to be at least offered as DLC for owners of the original game for a nominal fee. They just have to be.
God's Beard said:They need to get rid of all the 12369 motions, I always wind up jumping all over the place like a dumbass. Just make it a quarter circle for my cammy and fei :-(
Yeah tell me about it...But seriously they need to help a Fei Long player out a little bit, I feel like I'm fighting an uphill battle against all the shoto's besides Dan. And most of the time I feel like I have to put in twice the effort to win against people within the same skill range. I might be switching to Honda soon, but he feels nerfed from Remix when I use to main him.SuperMattyFighter2T said:Fei Long is god tier.
Threi said:If they nerf his st.RH then it needs more priority, like sim's knee. Its bison's only real AA (well c.hp is too but lets forget about that for now) without a charge and one of his main weaknesses.
why does everyone keep saying this as if it matters? do files on disk somehow magically shrink compared to dlc files? what matters is their size, not where they were stored. it happens to be that size is quite small and thus, it should be easy enough to host such files as dlc.Lost Fragment said:Yeah, but they were already on the disc,
wrong. although the new models do not change the characters hitboxes, they are separate and distinct character files with their own geometry. [see: akuma/gouken/el fuerte/balrog/blanka/etc]and were just simple texture swaps anyway.
the intro and ending movies would probably take up the majourity of any one characters alotted space, thats for sure.But with SSF4, each new character will have to have an intro movie and an ending movie. I'm guessing they'll have music/rival sequences too. Plus, the AI for their characters, the programming for the characters, the voice acting for the characters, etc. That stuff adds up.
they've already released a dlc update that edited such things, its evidently not that big of a problem.On top of that, it would include the new code and stuff for non-character-specific changes to the game system, adjustments to the game's UI and assets, and other things.
Pandaman said:why does everyone keep saying this as if it matters? do files on disk somehow magically shrink compared to dlc files? what matters is their size, not where they were stored. it happens to be that size is quite small and thus, it should be easy enough to host such files as dlc.
The fact that the dlc was accessed with a key does not magically change the fact that the models on the disc are very, very small. As a consequence of that, file size would not be a hindrance to a dlc form of SSF4.Leunam said:People keep saying that because you didn't download any new models, you downloaded unlock keys.
abstract alien said:Why can every other game release a yearly sequel with basically a level swap and charge full price(while usually not even polishing the damn thing), but capcom cant do it when they have given us an extremely polished game as a foundation, with damn near 10 extra characters, balances, moves, etc? I dont understand. If this is the case, then every other game that doesnt completely change its play style should be condemned to download content as well, and battered by the public in the process.
Madden comes to mind immediately except football is as mainstream as it gets while fighters are generally niche despite SF4's success. And I hate that Madden does it though they'd surely be "punished" more if they hadn't locked down the NFL license.abstract alien said:Why can every other game release a yearly sequel with basically a level swap and charge full price(while usually not even polishing the damn thing), but capcom cant do it when they have given us an extremely polished game as a foundation, with damn near 10 extra characters, balances, moves, etc? I dont understand. If this is the case, then every other game that doesnt completely change its play style should be condemned to download content as well, and battered by the public in the process.
bob_arctor said:Madden comes to mind immediately except football is as mainstream as it gets while fighters are generally niche despite SF4's success. And I hate that Madden does it though they'd surely be "punished" more if they hadn't locked down the NFL license.
Pandaman said:Are you honestly so mindbogglingly asinine that you think an unlock key would be 200mb? No? Then that should have been a clue to you that i wasn't talking about the download file.
Pandaman said:the dlc for all the alternate character models in sf4 is only 300mb~ IIRC
You know... if you're illiterate you could save yourself alot of bother by not frequenting text based discussions.Leunam said:This is what you said.
It sure sounds like you're talking about a download file from the PSN store that consists of new off-disc content, not an unlock key. Maybe you should be more clear?
One final bonus to literacy would be that you would know that I suggested capcom could do both and that I have never personally expressed a wish to purchase a dlc model of the game over a disc. Honestly, i'd be happy if they let us carry over unlocked characters just so i wont have to play ryu again.Sorry that the idea that you may have to buy a new disc has made you a little irate.
yep.pelicansurf said:So to confirm, since I'm not very good with timezones, this is coming out at 4am EST tuesday morning, right?
Seriously.entrement said::lol @ people thinking this will be DLC.
They want something new to get pissed off about and this guarantees it.entrement said::lol @ people thinking this will be DLC.
Sapiens said:Coming in less than a year and only being an update as opposed to a new game, there should be a disc and DLC option.
Asking for another 60 dollars is a little annoying, but I'd be more than happy to pay 30-40 dollars.
The same could be said of Hugo vs. Zangief fights. Yet, no Hugo. Your logic is flawed.Augemitbutter said:Adon has to be in. Sagat vs Adon fights will make the game 80% better, it's just great to look at.
VariantX said:If all the rumors/leaks hold up to be true, 10 new characters, adjustments to systems, new ultras, its totally justified to buy another game disc. Ill tell you a game from capcom that had updates but really wasnt justified, CvS Pro. There could have been subtle changes and fixes to characters, but with only 2 new characters and still having to pay full price....THAT was a rip off.
Snapshot King said:Have you all lost your minds? This is the same company that wanted to charge me 100 dollars each on five revisions of SF2. NONE of which adds nearly as much as this ONE update.
Shig said:The same could be said of Hugo vs. Zangief fights. Yet, no Hugo. Your logic is flawed.
how does it run compared to blazblue?Sapiens said:What's to fix with the SFIV netcode? Runs fantastically on PSN for me. Leagues better than KOFXII at least.
Totakeke said:Can it not be in a disc and priced less than $60?
Seriously people, all this pointless whining is making my head hurt. If $60 and being a disc destroys the fighting game community, so be it. WTF.
Happy Phantom said:how does it run compared to blazblue?