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The Secret World |OT| Everything is True


huh...I just got 2 blue talisman by killing some mobs in City of the Sun God zone.
I thought you could only get them in dungeon, yay!!

My subs have 4 days left. I'm gonna have to resub later though seeing alot of games coming out this week.
Yeah you're really not supposed to power through the main-line quest, the object is to do quests along the way and get lost in the world, that's why the questgiving NPCs are sort of spread out instead of all being in giant clusters

I'm very much glad they went that way. maintains the flow to an extent bit also let's you take a rest.

anyone going to be on later? may have to wait for the week to meet up and do some dungeons as I think I'm usually the only Templar on late evenings:(


Just got to the Scorched Desert. Nice change of scenery! Framerate takes a big dive when looking to the NW though, which kinda sucks after steady framerates in the high 40s-50s on Solomon Island.

When the new content comes out on Tuesday, how do we find the new quests?


Just got to the Scorched Desert. Nice change of scenery! Framerate takes a big dive when looking to the NW though, which kinda sucks after steady framerates in the high 40s-50s on Solomon Island.

When the new content comes out on Tuesday, how do we find the new quests?

Some mission names reveal their heritage (Carter, Bach) - maybe they will have a list, or it will be on the forums the next day :)


The new content update. I've been hearing that new content that's added might be removed in future updates. I figure this is because of the story but I hope they don't do this. That's just going to screw over those that play off and on, take breaks a few months at a time. Something I tend to do with mmos myself. They'll simply lose access to mission and even if there is a recap that's a poor alternative to playing through a mission yourself. If anything they should be going with a phasing system that's in World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King (the questing areas on the Northrend landmass are like this) and the upcoming expansion for Lord of the Rings Online. Where you are playing in the same area as others, can talk with them and see them in towns but once you hit a certain area it's different unless you've complete the same missions/quest as others. The area can then change as you make decisions in the story. The way WoW does this is pretty seamless. Look up walkthroughs of the Death Knight starting area to really see it in action. The area is constantly changing as you go through those beginning quest.


Did my first run through Polaris last night! Was pretty fun and was glad to see that I was powerful enough to run good DPS throughout the entire thing! Good times!


Who specifically should I message to get into the Cabal? Is there a group of "league" admins we can choose from? I've added a few of you to my friends list in the game but I am not sure aside from Feef (who is in another timezone) who I could message. :)


Who specifically should I message to get into the Cabal? Is there a group of "league" admins we can choose from? I've added a few of you to my friends list in the game but I am not sure aside from Feef (who is in another timezone) who I could message. :)
What Faction are ya?

Edit: Nevermind, forgot about the GAF spreadsheet. Message any of the Templar players when they're on and someone should be able to shoot you an invite. I'd do it, but I'm in the much superior Illuminati. ;)


So I'm looking at The Secret World.

I've played plenty of MMOs, so the primary thing drawing me to this one is the modern Lovecraftian setting. Because it's still paid/sub-based, I can't just download it to test, but, from videos, it looks like it's still very much a traditional MMO in terms of questing and character progression (item treadmill), even if not leveling.

My main concern about the game is its longevity. I picked up a 3 month sub for The Old Republic and was done and tired of it within 60 days. This game's been out for about a month now, so I'm curious about people's sustained impressions at this mark.

What's The Secret World like at endgame, if there is an endgame?
So I'm looking at The Secret World.

I've played plenty of MMOs, so the primary thing drawing me to this one is the modern Lovecraftian setting. Because it's still paid/sub-based, I can't just download it to test, but, from videos, it looks like it's still very much a traditional MMO in terms of questing and character progression (item treadmill), even if not leveling.

My main concern about the game is its longevity. I picked up a 3 month sub for The Old Republic and was done and tired of it within 60 days. This game's been out for about a month now, so I'm curious about people's sustained impressions at this mark.

What's The Secret World like at endgame, if there is an endgame?

Even if you only end up playing for a couple months I guarantee it'll be worth the 50 bucks because the story is awesome for an MMO. Most of the quests have cut scenes with fantastic voice-acting and dialogue. Seriously the voice-acting is some of the best I've heard in video games, no exaggeration. The atmosphere of the game is also great. You really can't go wrong, especially since you're interested in the Lovecraftian setting.

For what it's worth, this is the only MMO I've truly enjoyed for any extended period of time. I've tried SWTOR, WoW, Rift, a couple others and got bored in a day or two, just couldn't get hooked. TSW is different thanks to the great plot and modern setting.


So I picked this up last week and have been having a ball, but I just got to the savage coast and man has the game difficulty spiked. I can't seem to kill the boogieman. Is there somewhere I can buy q4 stuff. I haven't found even one weapon vendor thus far.


So I just started to try out blades but almost every attack misses (glance)... is this because I don't have enough SP points in it?
So I just started to try out blades but almost every attack misses (glance)... is this because I don't have enough SP points in it?

What's your skill level at in blades? And are you using an acceptable level blade with it? Glancing usually happens when your weapon is too low a level compared to skill level.
So I picked this up last week and have been having a ball, but I just got to the savage coast and man has the game difficulty spiked. I can't seem to kill the boogieman. Is there somewhere I can buy q4 stuff. I haven't found even one weapon vendor thus far.

Yeah I'm finding it difficult too. The weapons vendor is in the top left on the map at the Bait and Chain shop. You can trade your Solomon coins in for ~Q6 weaps I believe.

Also, another way to upgrade your weaps is to go to Agartha and just advertise about wanting a QX weap in Trade chat and someone will sell it to you for currency. I bought a Q6 one for 50k, had like 300k so it was nothing, the guy even put a Q6 glyph in it. A lot of the people there are at or near end-game so they'll sell you Q5-6 stuff for cheap. There was another one who was going to make me a Q6 weap for free but i got dc'ed and couldn't find him, so just ask around and you'll be fine. It kinda sucks having to do this but the game simply doesn't gear you up enough for Savage Coast, especially if it's your first time and you're just putting points into whatever to try stuff out.


What's your skill level at in blades? And are you using an acceptable level blade with it? Glancing usually happens when your weapon is too low a level compared to skill level.

Skill level 3 and QL4 sword...not really sure what's goin' on. Maybe I shouldn't even try right now since I'm in Blue Mountain and barely have any points in my AP tree for it. Just getting tired of my Shotgun/Ele build.


Did anyone else experience a sudden FPS drop when logging in today? I logged in earlier this morning and everything ran normal on my usual settings, 40-45 FPS. I went to log in just now and all of a sudden I'm only getting 9-10 FPS.

I tried exiting the client and logging back in and it's still the same, only 9-10 FPS. I lowered all my settings to low and it only boost me to about 15 FPS. I have no idea what happened.

EDIT: Apparently it was my computer. I tried another game and it had the same issue. I have no idea what it was, but restarting my computer fixed the issue.


Yeah you glance a lot if the mobs are higher in QL than your equipped weapon and/or skill level.

Skill level 3 and QL4 sword...not really sure what's goin' on. Maybe I shouldn't even try right now since I'm in Blue Mountain and barely have any points in my AP tree for it. Just getting tired of my Shotgun/Ele build.

Do some missions with your shotty/ele build and get some SP so you can upgrade your other weapons. I had 3 complete inner circles when I arrived in blue mountain, maybe not the right way to do, but surely the most fun way as you can choose from plenty of skills and switch weapons back and forth.

the female Crusader outfit is so badass, much better than the male one (from kyouapple on the official the Forums)



Servers should be back up in an hour and Issue #1 live! :D Excited to see all the new stuff and the marketplace. Anyone interested in running Ankh today maybe?

derFeef said:
the female Crusader outfit is so badass, much better than the male one (from kyouapple on the official the Forums)
That does look nice! The one thing I don't like about the Illuminati is that most of their deck outfits don't look good, except for the mercenary. Templars have a great set of outfits!
Servers should be back up in an hour and Issue #1 live! :D Excited to see all the new stuff and the marketplace. Anyone interested in running Ankh today maybe?

That does look nice! The one thing I don't like about the Illuminati is that most of their deck outfits don't look good, except for the mercenary. Templars have a great set of outfits!

Depending on the time, I may be.


Finally, the 1.1 update is live!


The Marketplace

The Marketplace is now available in London!
All tradable items can be listed and searched for via the search options in the Marketplace UI. This UI is accessible via the bank NPCs in London
Only items from your personal storage can be listed and they will occupy a slot in the bank until they are sold
Listings show up from all players on all dimensions
All items are listed for 7 days after which point they time out
All listings have a 10% up front cost based on the listing price. This cost is refunded if the item sells
All successful sales are subject to a 5% broker fee upon sale

The ‘/say’ and ‘/shout’ chat commands now work properly
Improved animations when interacting with objects
It is now impossible for players to make their characters nude
When using the ‘high’ graphics settings, screen will no longer become blurry in some areas
The Orochi-Group.com website will not crash the in-game browser
Filth Rain does not follow players to other zones
Players can no longer attach character-bound items to mail
Changing eye colour now works properly for all heads in character creation
Certain heals will no longer generate hate on friendly targets
Players will not be able to consume the Elixir of Life when already at full health
Certain monsters, such as the Royal Sadists, will not attack the player when dead

Introducing two new Nightmare Mode dungeons: The Ankh and Hell Fallen. These dungeons are built to be extremely challenging, and the enemies and encounters in these dungeons will test your build-making, gear, group composition and combat skills to the limit
Dungeon bosses and mini-bosses now only drop one loot bag
The Ankh: Akhenaten, the Black Pharaoh, is now immune to crowd control effects and will no longer despawn, then respawn with full health

The anima full-screen effect will no longer persist if the player has entered a PvP Battlefield
Players can no longer enter PvP Battlefields while in Anima form. They will be resurrected upon entry

Trying to split a stack when the player inventory is full will no longer cause that slot to malfunction
Mission decals will not disappear when a player teleports out of a zone

Hammer: The “Smash” ability will now always have an animation


Seven brand new missions are now available to all players as part of our first free monthly content update, Issue #1: http://thesecretworld.com/news/the_secret_world_issue_1_july_2012_unleashed
Crafting items for a mission should now fulfil the goals of that mission
Into Darkness will no longer shut players of any faction out of the instance for any reason if they have not yet completed the mission

Solomon Island

That’ll Leave a Mark: The trapped survivor should now spawn at the trap only if he has been killed or the mission has been completed

The Savage Coast
Another Bug Hunt - Tier 2: Players can now turn in their dog tags to Sarge when in the appropriate area
The Black House: Carrie Killian's ashes should now reappear correctly
Crustacean Curse - Tier 2: Mission will now award XP as intended
Winter’s Legacy: Jacob Smythe will now spawn as intended
Taking the Purple - Tier 2: Players can now spawn the ambushers if another player fails this mission

Blue Mountain
Off the Menu - Tier 2: This mission should no longer reset after a player had added the sedative to the meat
The Haunting - Tier 3: The Delapores now respawn if players leave using their Agartha Conduit and zone back into the instance
Dawning of an Endless Night: Players can no longer get stuck in the Dreaming Prison
Dawning of an Endless Night: Players who have exited the dream before completion will now have a marker directing them back to the Dreaming Prison
Dawning of an Endless Night - Tier 5: Joe Slater cinematic should now play properly in all situations

Scorched Desert

The Big Terrible Picture - Tier 3: Prisms should now work properly
King of the Hill: Vortex Grenades, Fragmentation Grenades, and Landmines will now only work in the appropriate area
The Last Legion - Tier 3: Monsters should no longer disappear during cinematic and Legion should spawn correctly
The Last Legion - Tier 3: Killing Legatus Aulus should now reward credit for players who are on the same step

City of the Sun God
The Eye of Horus: Keeper Garran and Keeper Sh’ar now spawn as intended
The Eye of Horus: Pausing this mission will no longer cause the Eye of Horus to disappear from players’ inventories
The Way of Things: Tiers 2, 3, and 4 have been made more multiplayer friendly with multiple improvements
Black Sun, Red Sand - Tier 9: Akhenaten, the Black Pharaoh will no longer despawn, allowing the mission to be completed
Halls of Lost Records - Tier 6: Activating the defense mechanism will update the mission for all players present in the room
Foundations - Tier 3: Examining the tablet now updates the mission properly

The Besieged Farmlands

The Cost of Magic - Tier 5: Ritual can be completed as intended

The Carpathian Fangs
The Castle: This mission is now repeatable
Exit Strategy - Tier 4 : The Orochi communications terminal now works as intended

The Shadowy Forest
Mortal Sins - Tier 10: Only one player at a time can now interact with the water of life puzzle letters
Mortal Sins - Tier 20: Players can now re-enter the tomb if needed
Last Dance of the Padurii - Tier 4: Pausing this mission will no longer cause the Humming Music Box to disappear from players’ inventories
The Draculesti - Tier 4: Once all of the explosive spots are full, players who placed explosives get credit for this mission
Fatal Framing: This mission will now reward XP as intended
Who Comes and Who Goes: Goal text will now correctly ask the player to “Find the Abandoned Tunnel”
Still waiting for the full patch notes. I'll be really disappointed if they still haven't fixed chat subscriptions and the gear manager. I thought the first auxiliary weapon was coming in this update but I guess it's not coming until August?


About the new missions (from the official forum):

It comes with 7 new missions, 5 of which are investigation/puzzle missions (some of them are quite hard, an excellent brain workout), a whole bunch of bug fixes, the much anticipated tradepost function and 2 new nightmare modes! (Ankh and Hell Fallen).

New Missions

The Pickup – Stealth – Kingsmouth – Hippe Camp
Hell and Bach – Investigation – Savage Coast – Overlook Motel
Crime and Punishment – Investigation – Savage Coast – Lighthouse
Carter Unleashed – Action – Savage Coast – Innsmouth Academy
Funeral Crasher – Investigation – Blue Mountains – Franklin Manor
The 3rd Age – Investigation – City of Sun God – Nefertari
Red Handed – Investigation – Besieged Farmlands – Varias

Deleted member 10571

Unconfirmed Member
Overlook Motel huh? :) I really like all the nods to horror/mystery novels and movies this game has ^^


1GB, that's hefty. thinking of how I add those Issues to the 2ndOP, because if it's really monthly it's going to be big soon.

Overlook Motel huh? :) I really like all the nods to horror/mystery novels and movies this game has ^^

Yeah, lot's of stuff :) It's so good, I love this games writing and story.
I hope everyone knows how awesome this is. Currently working through the Hell & Bach investigation mission and got-dang does it really keep me vibrant.

Damn, Templar GAF is not responding in Cabal chat :(


The consturction that was mentioned. Looks like future plastic surgery shop :D :D/\


Comin on soon! That construction is sweet, good idea!

Also updated OP with fancy info ;)


  • Carter Unleashed:
    An action mission set at the Innsmouth Academy on Solomon Island, where the player gets to know more about
    the exceptionally gifted student Carter. Exploring the hallway below the academy, Carter will need help controlling her powers
    before they get completely out of hand.

  • Crime and Punishment:
    Bestselling horror author Sam Krieg came to Solomon Island to write his latest novel -- but there's more to it than that.
    Through this investigation, the player will dig into Krieg's works and the mind of an obsessed fan to learn more about the dark and hidden history of Solomon Island.

  • Hell & Bach:
    Daredevil reporter Daniel Bach is working on the story of all stories, his shot at finally winning a Pulitzer.
    For years, he's been chasing the ghost of Theodore Wicker, only to end up trapped at the Overlook Motel outside Kingsmouth Town.
    But Wicker's story doesn't end here -- nor did it start here. Following the bread crumbs back in time, the player will investigate the mystery of Wicker,
    and learn more about what brought him to the gates of hell...and beyond.

  • Funeral Crasher:
    Eleanor Franklin only has her cats and her ghosts to keep her company at her mansion in Blue Mountain -- and now the ghosts are getting restless.
    When the dead themselves are spooked, the living must pay heed.

  • The 3rd Age:
    There have been Ages before ours, and the evidence lies beneath. In Egypt, the sand is thin, and the remnants of past
    Ages are beginning to spread their influence across the world. The Seven Sentinels hold the key to an investigation that begins in the present,
    and delves deep into the distant past.

  • Red Handed:
    It wasn't chance that brought Dr Varias to this distant part of the Carpathians at this particular point in time.
    Following in his father's footsteps, Varias is attempting to unravel the mystery of the Red Hand. Why did they build a vast facility beneath this desolate region?
    What were they doing here? And how was Varias' father involved? In this investigation, we answer some burning questions about this secret
    Soviet era genetic research project -- and how it ties into the events of the present.

But that's not all! Another mission awaits observant players on Solomon Island -- one that explores a character that may be more than she pretends to be...​

Two dungeons are receiving new Nightmare modes: The Ankh and Hell Fallen.
Increased challenges, increased rewards, and a chance to test new builds, new synergies and to put your team to the test against
some of the toughest and fiercest challenges in The Secret World!
Who will be the first to conquer The Ankh and Hell Fallen in Nightmare mode? When 'Unleashed' is unleashed, we will find out!​

Unleashed also contains the brand new, cross-dimensional Marketplace, allowing players to sell, trade and ship items to other players,
no matter where they're playing. The Marketplace will be an integral part of The Secret World's growing economy,
giving players more flexibility when it comes to how they equip their characters, and how they procure PAX.​


Crime and Punishment:
Bestselling horror author Sam Krieg came to Solomon Island to write his latest novel -- but there's more to it than that. Through this investigation, the player will dig into Krieg's works and the mind of an obsessed fan to learn more about the dark and hidden history of Solomon Island.

I really love the sound of this one. Reminds me of the plot of In the Mouth of Madness (John Carpenter starring Sam Neill).


Some neat new Pistol and Hammer animations, have not checked other weapons yet.

Damn...The AH is laggy as hell.
I can sell stuff, but can't buy any.

They really need to fix this quick.

I guess everyone is hammering it now, they had the same problem with the claim/shop in the beginning.
edit: Also it's The Marketplace, not AH :)
And if we are at it, Missions, not Quests.


Progress made, tired as hell.
The investigation shall continue tomorrow!



Yeah I'm finding it difficult too. The weapons vendor is in the top left on the map at the Bait and Chain shop. You can trade your Solomon coins in for ~Q6 weaps I believe.


Thank you thank you thank you. I'd actually already been there but somehow I only noticed the consumables vendor. And now there is an auction house. Off to explore London now I suppose.

Edit: err the marketplace
First investigation mission* (Hell & Bach) done. Took me a few hours of game-time, but that's because some of the clues threw me off which I always enjoy :D. Seriously, content of that mission is primo.

Also most Cabal members I've seen online currently. They definitely made Carter look older!


Yay, I finally got into the Cabal as my Templar mach7. The new missions are so ace so far, loving it! I just started Hell and Bach before I had to log off. Can't wait til tomorrow so I can dive into it.
Is there any reason to explore the borders and forest areas? I've been trying to be thorough in exploring kingsmouth but haven't found anything around there yet.


Still in Innsmouth Academy. Actually I just got pointed to Blue Mountain but going to be sticking around for a while. Will try to tackle the Carter mission this week if I can.


Bought the game at launch but never got the chance to play it.

Which faction and weapons would you guys recommend and why ?

Edit: Also, on which server is GAF on ?
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