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The Sly Collection |OT| Fly Cooper: Band of Deeds


Finally got this and I'm replaying Sly 1. It looks amazing and the level design is still some of the best I've seen in a 3D platformer.


I'm so glad chapter 4 of Sly 2 isn't Bently the entire way through. Bottles were really easy to find in that level too.


Perfect collection for me, since I never played any of the Sly games but I always thought they looked interesting. Just picked it up today and I've really been enjoying Sly 1, game looks surprisingly nice and controls well enough that my natural distaste for platformers isn't triggered.
Bought The Sly Trilogy last night. So glad I got it! It feels so refreshing to play something other than shooters and racegames again. I've been wanting to pickup a Wii due to all the platform goodness it's been getting, but Sly (and inFamous (2), R&C:ACiT, Sly 4) will hopefully hold me over until Wii 2's announcement, so I can get a Wii even cheaper than it is now, along with cheaper games, lol.

I'm ~42-ish % into Sly 1. After I finish it, I'm probably taking a break though. I feel like if I rush into it too much I might never finish the sequels.. So Sly 1 / other games / Sly 2 etc.

Platform games <3


I have a question about the UK version of this game, and I'm hoping someone can answer it.
Does Sly 2 and Sly 3 have the Swedish dub on either of those versions? I would really like to try and play the game with that dub once.
I know the version of Sly Collection you buy in Sweden has them, but the UK version of this collection doesn't have the sticker that says the dub is included.
So if anyone can answer this, it would be awesome.


Made it to Canada in Sly 2. Dissappointed that my house isn't in the game:lol

Anyone else go right for the bottles at the start of a level before they do anything else?


People will probably hate me, but holy bananas Sly 2 is a gigantic improvement over Sly 1. I just completed Sly 1 (platinumed it too, although that's nothing to brag about), and played a few missions in Sly 2, and it's so so so much more fun. All the stealth stuff they added is great, and I love the more open ended structure (both with the city hub, and the missions themselves tend to be more open).

Sly 1 is a great linear platformer, but I felt it became a bit repetitive in the long run and some of the random minigames you have to do aren't that fun (there were also far more of them than I could remember). And the boss fights and combat was never enjoyable in Sly 1.

Anyone who's new the series and got this trilogy but is not having a lot of fun with Sly 1, I'd recommend simply skipping it and start Sly 2. It just feels like an entirely different game. Music is so drastically better too. All hail Peter McConnell!
krae_man said:
Made it to Canada in Sly 2. Dissappointed that my house isn't in the game:lol

Anyone else go right for the bottles at the start of a level before they do anything else?

For Sly 2? My "routine" is to just go through the missions as usual and only go for a bottle if I see it en route to the next mission. If I see another bottle while getting that bottle, I'll get that one too.

Usually I end up with 28 or 29 bottles by the time the final mission is nigh, and I feel good about it. Cleaned the missions up fast and didn't waste too much time bottle hunting. Of course then I spend an hour looking for the final one or two bottles and want to tear my hair out as I cover every square of the inch level twice. Then I find them in a super obvious place and start cursing.

<3 my routine


erotic butter maelstrom
revolverjgw said:
Usually I end up with 28 or 29 bottles by the time the final mission is night, and I spend an hour looking for them and want to tear my hair out. Then I find them in a super obvious place and start cursing.

Oh man, I hate this. Collecting bottles was a breeze in Sly 1, half the time I did it in my first go, but right now I'm 29/30 in the Palace level and it's driving me crazy. I've gone through the streets and across the rooftops so many times with no luck, it's bringing back some painful memories of those goddamn BLAST SHARDS.

I know they aren't required for completion, but I simply cannot move on until I've 100% that chapter.


Working through Sly 3 now. I'm actually liking it more than I remember, but I think it probably gets worse as it goes on as far as the too many playtypes thing goes. I do really like the level I just got to from what I remember (the third level not counting the opening thing). And the end of the second area was really great.

I hate the lack of bottle collecting in the third game. Not sure what they were thinking cutting it, but it seems from the last couple of posts you guys may like that. Not sure.


erotic butter maelstrom
TripOpt55 said:
I hate the lack of bottle collecting in the third game. Not sure what they were thinking cutting it, but it seems from the last couple of posts you guys may like that. Not sure.

I like them, but tracking them down in the big, open level hubs in Sly 2 can be a pain. You almost always end up with 1 or 2 that you just can't seem to find. An Infamous style sonar thing would have fixed the problem, but I think Sly 1 did it right so hopefully the sequel will have that style of bottle collection.


I'm only in the first hub, but I had no problems finding all of the bottles before I did any mission. I think the devs did a very smart move by having that recognizable sound whenever you're close to a bottle.

Also, Dimitri is awesome. "You picking up on what I'm throwing down? Peace out!"


An blind dancing ho
AltogetherAndrews said:
I have it sitting here, just begging to be played. But, it's a gift for someone else. Jrrgh.

open it , play it then gift-wrap it in something flashy "xmas" themed and no one will notice anything , everyone win...ect.
Sectus said:
I'm only in the first hub, but I had no problems finding all of the bottles before I did any mission. I think the devs did a very smart move by having that recognizable sound whenever you're close to a bottle.

I did not even realize that there was a "recognizable sound".

Well damn.

Actually I vaguely remember wondering about some weird sound while I was playing one day, and dismissed it as ambient sound.


revolverjgw said:
I did not even realize that there was a "recognizable sound".

Well damn.

Actually I vaguely remember wondering about some weird sound while I was playing one day, and dismissed it as ambient sound.

Didn't notice it myself until 3 levels into Sly 2. Wonder if it was in Sly 1 as well...?

It's a great idea. With the sound, I can hunt them all down myself without too much trouble, no need to look for a guide online.
Played through Sly 1 and got the Platinum trophy; easiest and fastest platinum I've ever gotten.

Revisiting it now, it's a little thin. Good, but a little too easy and auto on the platforming. The minigames are no fun in that installment too.


Never had a PS2 so never played these games before. Just started with the first one and i'm impressed. Plays great and the graphics have aged well. I'd go as far as to say that it still looks lovely. Music is great too. also, conversion seems well done and the game plays very smoothly.

As somebody who loved inFamous, it's great to revisit and play what Sucker Punch did in the past.


I never ran into any trouble with the bottle collecting in Sly 2. I play the game with headphones on I can easily hear the bottle noises when I walk near them. I found them all easy with one exception and I was in Canada because I forgot you could ice climb so I was never close enough to the bottle to hear it till I said screw it and started the story missions and one made me go where the last bottle was:lol

Finished Sly 2 the other day. 2 plats down, one to go. Got all the Move trophies too with no move controller. Wasn't too hard.


The Haiti portion of Sly 1 is still incredible. I think it may be the high point of the series as far as level design and atmosphere go.


I'm late, but I have to agree with this (first time playing this trilogy).

I might be int he minority here, but I'm really not feeling Sly 2.

The story is better than the first so far, but the hub world really feels disjointed. I hate playing as Bentley and Murray (I hate them so much), and hate running around to different points on the map. I guess I just feel like the levels wear out their welcome. Granted I'm only on level 2, but I'm not really excited to push forward.

Sly 2 is still good, but Sly 1 was great. I'll add that in Sly 2, many missions are a chore: do the same thing six times at six different places. And some boss battles are pretty bad.

Rolf NB

I've platinumed Sly 1 on the weekend (which is super easy) and I'm really not sure how I feel about it.

The grab-on platforming mechanic is cool, now I finally see where they came from when making Infamous. The stealth works well, too, unlike a lot of games that try to insert stealth somewhere.

It's just one of those games that try being the magnum opus, the one game to end all games, the one that encompasses everything you may or may not want to play. The racing. The turret sections. The chases. Just not that great to play.

The last chapter soured me on the whole game, basically. Introducing all-new mechanics just for the final boss has always been problematic. And Sly 1 does it not just for the final boss encounter, but multiple times in the levels that lead up to it.

The music is also dreadful, what's with the cheap OPL synths? The voodoo swamp theme is ok, the rest not so much. The hideout track in particular is so bad, it made me turn off the music in the options.


I'm surprised how much better Sly 2 gets the further I get into it. I think it's at gothic episode (episode 4?) it suddenly becomes much better. The hub is bigger challenge and more interesting to navigate, the missions you do are more fun, and the story takes some interesting turns.

I do agree that playing as Bentley and Murray isn't as fun as Sly, but I thought they handled it pretty well overall, especially with Bentley. He usually gets puzzle-esque missions or shoot'em'up stuff, both I think are fun and a nice change of pace. Murray gets too many simple brawl-em-up missions early in the game, but he gets much more interesting ones later on. It's also worth mentioning that later in the game there are less missions where you play as Bentley or Murray.

As far as I'm concerned, there's 3 things which makes Sly 2 much much better than the first one:
-Non-linearity! I love exploration in games, and I really hate feeling like I'm being led through a long corridor so this is a huge plus for me.
-More focus on stealth. It's almost nonexistant in Sly 1, and I thought they handled it very well in Sly 2.
-More puzzley stuff. Puzzles are always good! Even though they are mostly simple. But there are some clever puzzle stuff with Bentley, or stuff like figuring out how to navigate through a room without being detected as Sly.

I'm surprised how little I remembered of Sly 2. I remembered the first 2 episodes extremely well, but after that it was a blur. I'm really excited about going into Sly 3. I remember enjoying it back when it was released, but I'm curious how it'll hold up to Sly 2 now as I'm playing through them all in a rather short timespan.

Also, is it just me, or is Sly 2 surprisingly similar to Assassin's Creed series? Focus on navigating city hub without alerting guards, having to escape from guards when being detected, random objects you can use for hiding, smoke bombs and other stuff. I think AC could learn a few things from Sly 2, although it would be difficult without making it abstract and seem out of place. For instance, I think running treasures to safehouse is much more fun than opening a billion treasure chests in AC2, but I can't see how they could implement that into AC while having it seem even remotely realistic. And I definitely vastly prefer the platforming system in Sly compared to AC. AC is just too automatic.


Man this game is really really improved by HD visuals. Can't believe how well it holds up at this rate.

Still some retarded bosses (simon says boss fuck me) and lame vehicle/misc levels the fill in Sly 1 remain complaints, but otherwise still great today.


I finished Sly 1 yesterday. I finished it without collecting the bottles so i went back to some levels to collect those afterwards. Little did i know that you actually earn game changing powerups when unlocking the vaults. Damn... I wish i had known.

Anyway, glad i played it. Lovely, charming and fun platform game. It felt slightly repetetive at times but i'm sure that would have been a different story if i had actually collected the powerups. Graphics still look very nice. My favourite world was China with the snow. Looked very atmospheric.

Looking forward to playing the next one, Sly 2.

I wasn't too sure how i would feel about these HD classics but i'm pleasantly surprised at how fresh these games still are. Can't wait for the ICO collection and hopefully Jak & Dexter since i never played any of these games.


wow, i never played sly on my ps2, so this was a big surprise on how great this game is.
I love it, the artstyle, the responsive controller, the great story etc. im so hooked to this game =)
graphics looks really nice, too bad they didnt redo the resolution on textures (or did they?)
Pretty much playing this game for the first time. Rather enjoying it bar a few niggles here and there souring the experience a little but it stands up pretty well I think. Graphically it's also pleasing to the eye.

Trophies are dead easy and I'm ploughing through the original. Just got to China now.

Some of the mini games leave somwehat to be desired, the camera isn't as fully controllable as it should be/bit naff views sometimes, unskippable cut scenes (grrrrr), only one "heart", but the games not too hard anyways. Sly's voice is just... boring. Bt overall it's great
Simon fucking says excluded.


Just started playing Sly 2 (currently at episode 2) and i can understand the divided feelings people have for it. Presentation, graphics and music are great. Visually, it looks surprisingly good 6 years after release. The atmopshere is great. Love it.

However, the hub system is killing the fun for me so far. I just don't like this as much as Sly 1 (which i loved). Half of the time is spend travelling from home to the different locations. It removes the flow out of the game. Which is a pity because i hoped i would enjoy Sly 2 and 3 at least as much as Sly 1. Does it get better? Should i persevere? Is Sly 3 built around the same system?

Also, inFamous is Sly 4 in a different world. It's remarkable how much from these games is in inFamous, even down to some missions being virtually identical. Also, in inFamous you also had the problem of the "hub" or the home (the place you had to return to after missions).
Now playing Sly 2 after Platinuming Sly. What's really nice is the change in struture of the game. It feels different enough from the original. The hub world I'm enjoying exploring and this being the first time I've played it, you can see so much inFamous here. Which is cool.

But I'm missing one blasted bottle somewhere :(


make sure the pudding isn't too soggy but that just ruins everything
Katana_Strikes said:
Now playing Sly 2 after Platinuming Sly. What's really nice is the change in struture of the game. It feels different enough from the original. The hub world I'm enjoying exploring and this being the first time I've played it, you can see so much inFamous here. Which is cool.

But I'm missing one blasted bottle somewhere :(

"listen" for it...


I'm still working on Sly 3. Got kind of burned out playing them through so fast. Kind of chipping away at it here and there.
wouwie said:
However, the hub system is killing the fun for me so far. I just don't like this as much as Sly 1 (which i loved). Half of the time is spend travelling from home to the different locations. It removes the flow out of the game. Which is a pity because i hoped i would enjoy Sly 2 and 3 at least as much as Sly 1...

quit sly 2 (for now), &, besides not really enjoying the bentley & murray missions, this was the other big reason - returning home, then going back out, got old fast. even just auto-returning after a mission complete would've been fine, &, other than just stretching the game out, i don't see why they opted to do it the way it's done...


wouwie said:
Just started playing Sly 2 (currently at episode 2) and i can understand the divided feelings people have for it. Presentation, graphics and music are great. Visually, it looks surprisingly good 6 years after release. The atmopshere is great. Love it.

However, the hub system is killing the fun for me so far. I just don't like this as much as Sly 1 (which i loved). Half of the time is spend travelling from home to the different locations. It removes the flow out of the game. Which is a pity because i hoped i would enjoy Sly 2 and 3 at least as much as Sly 1. Does it get better? Should i persevere? Is Sly 3 built around the same system?

The second half of Sly 2 is better IMO.


Well, i enjoyed episode 3 from Sly 2 a lot so hopefully it will stay as much fun from now on. Just started episode 4.

In general, i'd say i enjoy the Sly missions the most.


I'm afraid to start playing Sly 3. I think I'll hate it because I hated every moment of Sly 2 when I wasn't playing as Sly.


krae_man said:
I'm afraid to start playing Sly 3. I think I'll hate it because I hated every moment of Sly 2 when I wasn't playing as Sly.

Yes, you will.

Sly 3 is the WORST !!

No clue bottles, 7 or 8 boring playable characters. But it is very short.
10 pages? Nobody play this? :lol

Got this today so started it. 90 mins or so in and I'm really liking it.

It looks so good. I expected it to look nice, but not this nice. Really great work considering it's a PS2 game. Sly 4 is going to look incredible.

Combat is slightly wonky, but the platforming is really solid and I'm loving finding the bottles. It doesn't feel like a collect-a-thon as there's just the right amount in each level.


make sure the pudding isn't too soggy but that just ruins everything
V_Ben said:
According to Sucker Punch's twitter, we should look at the PlayStation blog on the 27th... :)

Awesome. :D

I took a break on Voodoo Simon Says... maybe I'll finish up Sly 1 tonight. Have so many games, but I'm absolutely loving going through these again. Some of my favorite games ever.


An blind dancing ho
Paznos said:
Just finished Sly 2 this morning, very awesome! I think I'll hold off on starting Sly 3 for a little while.

this, always , always do not play a series/similar games back to back , just don't do it , I knew many people made this mistake with GOW collection and destroyed their enjoyment for GOW3, I did this mistake with Ratchet and Clank games on PS2 , played them all back to back and and burned myself on UYA and thought it's boring, but when I played it a year or so later it was way better experience.
I went back and played Sly 1 on my PS2 and I was right.

The Simon Says part in the PS2 version does sync to the music. In Sly Collection, it does not. That alone makes it way harder than it should be.


ShockingAlberto said:
I went back and played Sly 1 on my PS2 and I was right.

The Simon Says part in the PS2 version does sync to the music. In Sly Collection, it does not. That alone makes it way harder than it should be.
You can just button-mash that part.
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