Wii said:Really now? But Greedo's frown is neccesary?
Speevy said:If the 70 minute review taught us anything, it's that there's no gem buried underneath all the crap.
Sir Hamish said:the guy who is responsible for the New Hope revisited edit, adywan, is also doing an impressive edit of The empire strikes back. trailers on youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DPtwBQpDl08&feature=related
i like the wee CGI touches to the puppets and stop motion stuff
I thought that looked cool and then lost it when Jar Jar appeared. :lol :lol :lolWii said:Oh my... this is far worse than anything Lucas did with the Special Edition :lol
:lol :lol :lol
Wii said:Oh my... this is far worse than anything Lucas did with the Special Edition :lol
:lol :lol :lol
chubigans said:I thought that looked cool and then lost it when Jar Jar appeared. :lol :lol :lol
edit: I know that's not actually Jar Jar but still... :lol
SpacLock said:Maybe it really is Jar Jar. That would be a great thing for the fans.
Anyway, after watching some more clips of Revisited on Youtube, it seems like he fucked up on some of the extra CG scenes. The added scenes in the Death Star battle seem to be running at least 30fps or more. They look smooth, which is wrong. Does he not know that the actual film is running at 24fps? It's very noticeable and it pulls you away from the film.
Wii said:Oh my... this is far worse than anything Lucas did with the Special Edition :lol
:lol :lol :lol
I agree (better fights, villain, etc), but to be honest all three were pretty terrible.mrkgoo said:Half of the little stupid things that show up in the original trilogy are awesome, like the Stormtrooper hitting his head or Han solo grabbing Leia's boob.
To edit them out is kind of taking out the original spirit of the films (this includes lucas).
Also, we get it - you think Jar Jar wasn't cool. Personally, I had no problem with him and thought Phantom Menace was great fun overall. Flaws in some of the plot points for me, but meh, I still enjoyed it. I thought it was the best movie of the prequel trilogy.
WTF? It looks like a Roland Emmerich film. The SE explosion was fine (the original looked like crap).Wii said:Oh my... this is far worse than anything Lucas did with the Special Edition :lol
:lol :lol :lol
elrechazao said:you both need to read the other star wars thread and watch that review on why lightsaber duels were better in the original movies.
Shit looking cool is why these movies sucked on all 4 cylinders.
Motorcycle accident IIRCI should be doing hw said:I have a question that always bugged me. Why does Mark Hamil become really ugly in the sequels? He was goodish looking in A New Hope, he kind of looks drug abused in the next ones. More so in Return of the Jedi.
But seriously, is there an explanation as to why he looks like he has aged 20 alcohol abusive years?
RedShift said:I remember once someone made an edit where they cut the three prequels down into one film, does anyone know what it was called?
I should be doing hw said:I have a question that always bugged me. Why does Mark Hamil become really ugly in the sequels? He was goodish looking in A New Hope, he kind of looks drug abused in the next ones. More so in Return of the Jedi.
But seriously, is there an explanation as to why he looks like he has aged 20 alcohol abusive years?
On January 11, 1977, a day before he was set to shoot one of the final scenes needed for Star Wars, Hamill was in a car accident in which he fractured his nose and left cheekbone.[4] According to Star Wars producer Gary Kurtz, Hamill was in surgery from 9 AM until 4 PM. As a result of the accident, a double was used for the landspeeder pickup shots.
Wow, I never knew that. That's bugged me for probably over 13 years.Wii said:Motorcycle accident IIRC
It probably bugged Mark Hamill more.I should be doing hw said:Wow, I never knew that. That's bugged me for probably over 13 years.
Wii said:Oh my... this is far worse than anything Lucas did with the Special Edition :lol
:lol :lol :lol
jaxword said:I thought that was pretty neat and fun to watch, especially the death of Jar Jar.
If people think that's unjust, realize Lucas gave Jar Jar the final line in the ROTJ special edition JUST to spite fans. Listen for him, he's there...
So it goes both ways.
I prefer the SE song, but yub nub is funDarthWufei said:Here's something I've always wondered. How do people feel about the ending song for ROTJ? Do you prefer the Yun Nub Ewok song, or the SE celebration theme?
I am a Yub Nub fan personally.
I'm sure he was fine with it.Whimsical Phil said:It probably bugged Mark Hamill more.
I'm in the Yub Nub camp.DarthWufei said:Here's something I've always wondered. How do people feel about the ending song for ROTJ? Do you prefer the Yun Nub Ewok song, or the SE celebration theme?
I am a Yub Nub fan personally.
Whimsical Phil said:I'm in the Yub Nub camp.
Somewhere in my parents' house, I still have my old Ewok Celebration LP. I played that thing countless times when I was a kid.
I need to dig it up when I visit sometime...toss it in an LP frame.
Cue drunken, leg-humping Ewok GIFs.Spire said:An ewok holding a wine glass. :lol
Ewoks rock. How can the same guy that made Ewoks and motherfucking Wookies make shit like Jar Jar. I loved the aliens and gross mutants of the old Star Wars movies, the ones from the prequels were pretty lame and boring imo.fizzelopeguss said:Yub nub rules, ewoks fucking rule, fuck the haters.
Star Wars Episode I.I The Phantom Edit is a fan edit of the movie Star Wars Episode I The Phantom Menace, removing elements of the original thought by some to be unsuccessful by critics and adult fans.
viciouskillersquirrel said:The Spence edit cuts out the Yoda/Palpatine fight >:-(
I know it was redundant, but it was FREAKING YODA FIGHTING THE EMPEROR.
I've always also wondered why everyone cares about this.demon said:![]()
Haha, nice.