Joe Shlabotnik
RubxQub said:...and cropped (something I can do with Photobucket) for infinite requotability.
Aaaand saved. Good work everyone, take five.
RubxQub said:...and cropped (something I can do with Photobucket) for infinite requotability.
Neuromancer said:I don't think there's anything, anyone can do to make the prequels watchable.
Furret said:QFT.
Although I do find it odd how much Lord of the Rings is mentioned in this thread, given that almost all the characters fail the test at the end of the first part of that 70 minute prequel review everyone's going on about.
Really? I could easily describe many of the lotr characters and their motivations. Sam, gollum, frodo, gandalf, aragorn, boromir, etc.Furret said:QFT.
Although I do find it odd how much Lord of the Rings is mentioned in this thread, given that almost all the characters fail the test at the end of the first part of that 70 minute prequel review everyone's going on about.
The only characters in the LotR movies who might fail that would be Legolas and to a lesser extent Gimli.elrechazao said:Really? I could easily describe many of the lotr characters and their motivations. Sam, gollum, frodo, gandalf, aragorn, boromir, etc.
is that jay and silent bob joke or is that a real internet person spinoff? i've been thinking of the 'greedo shot first' line from some kevin smith movie ever since i came into the thread :lolOozer3993 said:Last I heard MAGNOLIAFAN was doing edits of the original trilogy. Which is horrifying. His edits of Episodes I and II are awful.
elrechazao said:Really? I could easily describe many of the lotr characters and their motivations. Sam, gollum, frodo, gandalf, aragorn, boromir, etc.
fps fanatic said:*edit* Added one shot I was talking about.
Darklord said:I still could never understand how they could fuck up Lukes lightsaber colour. It boggles my mind.
Wait...shouldn't Luke's lightsaber be blue in A New Hope?Darklord said:I still could never understand how they could fuck up Lukes lightsaber colour. It boggles my mind.
gerg said:It amazes me how people are incapable of accepting a film as it was made by the director, warts and all. Some of the edits reach new heights of banality.
mrkgoo said:This is true. As much as some of the changes never bothered me, such as the CGI in A new Hope, Greedo shooting first, Hayden in RotJ, changing up the songs on RotJ and so on, it truly boggled my mind that they messed up the light sabre for an entire sequence.
Out of all the changes that one bugged me the most (followed by Luke's scream after letting go and falling after facing vader).
I don't think you watched the video. Describing their motivations was exactly what he did require his friends to do. What they couldn't do was describe their name, title, costume, or what they look like. I could easily do that with the characters I mentioned.Furret said:The character question forbids any mention of what their motivations or roles are, which was my point.
As characters they're entirely one note.
This isn't a criticism of LOTR (well, maybe it is of the films but not the book) but an example of how comparing it to original Star Wars is silly, since they have a very different appeal.
I agree, the elves are quite a bit like the jedi in the movies, these stoic boring uninteresting characters, but most characters had motivation and story arc and real character. Eowyn, faramir, boromir, denethor, theoden, I could go on and on. Whereas I'd be hard pressed to mention one in the prequels of SW that had any kind of good character.Sir Fragula said:The only characters in the LotR movies who might fail that would be Legolas and to a lesser extent Gimli.
I should be doing hw said:I've always also wondered why everyone cares about this.
:lolWhimsical Phil said:
Jocchan said:I can get edits that aim to correct shoddy visual effects (like lasers and glares that are mysteriously missing or applied to the wrong spots) or inconsistencies in setting (like two scenes one right after the other but evidently shot in completely different locations or different times of the day), but adding stuff that wasn't supposed to be there for fanwank (like the Alderaan explosion, or flipping back stuff that was flipped for a reason, or making Greedo smolder with generic rage) shows little respect for the source material.
If someone did a fan edit composed entirely of shit like this, I'd watch.Whimsical Phil said:
You can't use the "you're changing the director's artwork" because directors' movies get edited all the time. Movie making is a collaborative process. Maybe these fan edits aren't done by professionals or done with official/legal consent of those making the movie, but it's still nothing new.....someone taking a director's work and making it (arguably) better in through editing. And respect be damned......if that pile of shit TPM is actually better with the fan edit, maybe it's worth it.Epcott said:I think any change by a fan shows little respect for source material. Even if the movie completely sucks, even if it makes absolutely no sense whatsoever. This movie is, in a way, someones artwork (or art form), so (this might be stretching it) to me, it's like taking someones painting and painting over it... all because you don't like it. It's like someone disliking Monna Lisa's boring smile, then photoshoping a cheesy grin on it to make the smile more pronounced.
Sure, I'd love a Phantom Menace without Jar Jar, but the original vision had him/it/whatever in it.
Now let's say you (not Jocchan but any average Joe poster) created a movie, had it harshly criticized, and then re-edited by someone else? Egads, you'd probably be pissed. Being critiqued is one thing, having someone put their hands in your work and changing things is another.
And when you edit a movie in such a way, the question must be asked, do you work in cinema, or are you yourself a producer? If so, why not make your own movie, instead of using time and resources to tweak someone else's work?
:lol I don't mean to drag this out, I was curious to see TPM without Jar Jar, or an AOTC with a less whiny Aniken, but it also feels so wrong.
Who gives a shit if the movie is edited. Making an edited version of a movie in no way or form takes anything away from the original (no pun intended). It's not like everyone who buys the movie from now on is getting some version that was edited by some random internet fan.Epcott said:I think any change by a fan shows little respect for source material. Even if the movie completely sucks, even if it makes absolutely no sense whatsoever. This movie is, in a way, someones artwork (or art form), so (this might be stretching it) to me, it's like taking someones painting and painting over it... all because you don't like it. It's like someone disliking Monna Lisa's boring smile, then photoshoping a cheesy grin on it to make the smile more pronounced.
Sure, I'd love a Phantom Menace without Jar Jar, but the original vision had him/it/whatever in it.
Now let's say you (not Jocchan but any average Joe poster) created a movie, had it harshly criticized, and then re-edited by someone else? Egads, you'd probably be pissed. Being critiqued is one thing, having someone put their hands in your work and changing things is another.
And when you edit a movie in such a way, the question must be asked, do you work in cinema, or are you yourself a producer? If so, why not make your own movie, instead of using time and resources to tweak someone else's work?
:lol I don't mean to drag this out, I was curious to see TPM without Jar Jar, or an AOTC with a less whiny Aniken, but it also feels so wrong.
Thai said:oookay...come on, now
gerg said:I guess it all comes down to where we draw the line where "useful" ends and "unnecessary" begins. Up to a point I can enjoy a lot of the quirks of the film because they simply represent the time in which the film was made. I think it might be said that they add a lot of physicality to the film.
As much as I agree that some of the elements that Lucas may have made to the original films are questionable, I'd always side with him as an authority because it is, after all, his film.
Our frame of reference might be the 1977 versions, but how can we tell that that was the real "source" material that Lucas has always wanted? Is the 2004 version not the source material?
Ultimately, I think it somewhat arrogant for fans to claim that they know what Lucas' vision should be, and that they are the ones who are truly able to reclaim the brilliance of Star Wars.
I don't know if it was time constraints or what, but sometimes it confused me how so much got improved like a busier Mos Eisly (if felt more like a bustling space port in the special edition) cgi shots of the Millenium Falcon, X-Wings, TIE Fighters, etc. But some stuff felt completely untouched.BattleMonkey said:The lightsaber effects as a whole in ep.4 were pretty bad, and even after to revisits in special editions and dvd release, they never did fix the effects. They always looked wobbly and were not really touched up, all they did was add more glow to the sabers.
But they got rid of that scream for the 2004 release, that was the one good thing they didmrkgoo said:Out of all the changes that one bugged me the most (followed by Luke's scream after letting go and falling after facing vader).
Zabka said:Some nice changes, fixing up some wonky effects. I thought the animation added to the practical puppets/mask was particularly well done.
Some of the additions to the dog fight were obvious and unnecessary though. It's one thing to fix up a lightsaber, but once they started fucking with the editing (or replacing shots completely) they were working beyond their skills.
Wah? I don't remember this...BattleMonkey said:I didn't mind the redoing of the death star battle in Ep4 because really, it was pretty bad and some of the worst effects in the series. Parts were fine but it did have lot of corny effects. I was fine with them redoing.
What I didn't like of the special editions was adding in stupid shit like the Jedi rock in Jabbas palace. When did we need a corny musical number? wtf? Enhancing the effects are fine.
Of course changing vaders ghost at end of rotj was also awful.
:lolVoltron64 said:
BattleMonkey said:What I didn't like of the special editions was adding in stupid shit like the Jedi rock in Jabbas palace. When did we need a corny musical number? wtf? Enhancing the effects are fine.
I should be doing hw said:Wah? I don't remember this...
GillianSeed79 said:He's talking about the shitty CGI number lucas added in 2004 with alien with the big lips that was horrible. I believe it's right before the twilek gets dropped in the rancor pit. Originally there was that blue elephant puppet. It was like replacing the cantina theme with a Jamaraqui song.
Zen said:I found that the Phantom Edit actually falls apart for the finale when it comes to interspersing the battles going on. Not that said sequence is easy to edit, mind you.
This and the 70 minute SW review have urged me to try my own edit. Go go project that will never be completed! That and Episode II will probably be both my attempts. I'm looking forward to trying out EPII, more so due to having only seen it once and never seen any re edits.
Oohhh that, fuck I remember both now. Gah, I want to go back and watch the original trilogy again but not the shitty special edition. Is this possible?GillianSeed79 said:He's talking about the shitty CGI number lucas added in 2004 with alien with the big lips that was horrible. I believe it's right before the twilek gets dropped in the rancor pit. Originally there was that blue elephant puppet. It was like replacing the cantina theme with a Jamaraqui song.
Now all we need is a fan-edit of this fan-edit, removing all the obnoxious bullshit this guy has added. I find that "New Officer" in that image more hilarious than adding himself and Lucas though. Why the fuck is that even relevant to a sane human being, what purpose does that new officer serve? I can get the rest of the crap he added was for fan wank and ego purposes, but I cannot fathom the inclusion of this "New Officer".Voltron64 said:
Zabka said:I'm not talking about the DVD Special Edition changes. I'm talking about the fan edit with new CG shots.
I should be doing hw said:Oohhh that, fuck I remember both now. Gah, I want to go back and watch the original trilogy again but not the shitty special edition. Is this possible?
elrechazao said:you both need to read the other star wars thread and watch that review on why lightsaber duels were better in the original movies.
Shit looking cool is why these movies sucked on all 4 cylinders.
Nopejaxword said:Just to be clear, you're cool with Lucas' changes, like random fat alien singing numbers, or Hayden Christensen appearing at the end?
I don't think they even watched ROTJ.This is true. As much as some of the changes never bothered me, such as the CGI in A new Hope, Greedo shooting first, Hayden in RotJ, changing up the songs on RotJ and so on, it truly boggled my mind that they messed up the light sabre for an entire sequence.
Anyway, one of the things they specialize in is film restoration. They'd done a lot of Disney's restoration work, and it came time to do a new set of projects for them. But Lowry was interested in the business as well. So apparently, Disney sits Lowry and Pixel Magic down at the table and has them fight it out for a bit, since each of them has different philosophies: Pixel Magic believes in doing the restoration by hand, with people, frame at a time, and Lowry was advocating his automated algorithm approach. So Disney gives them each the chance to do a scene using their respective methods, for comparison.
Now the word is that Lowry's process was much faster, and had a hell of a sharpening algorithm, but it also did things like eat all the glints out of people's eyes and chew up highlights thinking it was noise.
Certainly the total obliteration of things like the laser bolt glows in the opening shot of Star Wars seem to indicate that this cleanup process can be as destructive as it is useful, and I have a suspicion that the new CG starfields in the opening shots are casualties of the process as well.