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The UK votes to leave the European Union |OUT2| Mayday, Mayday, I've lost an ARM

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I mean, the EU was in a bit of trouble, but thanks to the Brexiteers and Donald Trump at least some people are starting to realise leaving the EU is not all that desirable.

The EU is still in trouble, even if the ground's not as shaky as it was 1-2 years ago. Poland's government being a bunch of bellends isn't doing anyone any favours - I'd hate to see Article 7 triggered. I've had enough intra-European conflict with Brexit already.

Phillips Hammond has announced that Britain will seek a transitional deal for up to three years after Britain's official exit in 2019, which will see continued freedom of movement, access to the single market, etc.

I find myself agreeing with the Maltese PM. Brexit won't happen.

I'm 100% certain the Brits are leaving the EU, but I'm also fairly certain they'll join the EEA.

Mr. Sam


What an absolute, flip-flopping, infighting, total shitshow the last couple of weeks have been. At least this is semi-confirmation, until maybe the Prime Minister herself says something different and it turns out even her own spokesperson has it in for her, that we're definitely, maybe, going for the worst option as soon as possible.

This wouldn't be half as excruciating if I didn't have to watch this pack of morons use it as a platform to backstab each other and engender false hope. You know the irony of Game of Thrones, that it doesn't matter who wins the Iron Throne and at what cost because the white walkers are going to kill them all anyway? Yeah, that.


I am genuinely struggling to put into words how angry I am. That the government can drop the baby on its head, then tease that it might not punt it down the stairs, then set a date for the stair-punting. That different government ministers give different assurances on different days until the prime minister sends word down from whatever fucking mountain she's climbing - as if having waited for every member of her cabinet to have given contradictory advice - that no, we're going for the worst option after all. If I weren't so sure of the government's absolute disarray, I'd accuse them of engineering each new story to drive the knife in deeper. It just seems to well timed. That I fear the day that the prime minister - who I would describe as malicious and incompetent - is overthrown by one of the members of her cabinet. That the only certainty of the future is the parade of bellends complaining about the media not highlighting the benefits of Brexit and focusing on trivial things like how the entire nation is now significantly poorer. Although, frankly, I expect all but the most prominent Brexiteers to distance themselves, so we'll end up in the middle of the ocean with everybody saying that they weren't the ones who said to throw away the oars.

Shower of bastards.





Pancake Mix

Copied someone else's pancake recipe

Aren't you from Wales?


Red is least developed, Blue is most developed, and Wales has both. Northern Ireland is arguably affected less by leaving (in this regard, not others) and losing those regional structural funds, and receives less (than West Wales and the Valleys).


So what do you have to say about 52.5 percent of Wales?

There's nothing special to say about the result. Badmouthing leave areas is really silly. Leave was a mistake, but it doesn't solve anything. It's been more than a year.

On the bright side, at least the EU can't enforce bending over backward for the Russian regime anymore. Their dependence on Russian energy is deeply concerning.
I like how 2900 people downvoted it after getting all the facts including sources.

"No! I'm not a hypocrite! This evidence does not matter!"

Stupid idiots.

The retort i have seen is 'yeah, and we didn't like it so voted against it'.

Which implies decades of engagement on this issue, at elections. Bullshit. What it belies is a total lack of engagement, which is damning of the political class and the EU, and a total lack of comprehension of the EU, and indeed implies it could hardly be as awful as presented, on the part of Brexiteers. Just another example of how this has always been a 'blame forrins and elites for your woes' snake oil game.


Aren't you from Wales?

So what do you have to say about 52.5 percent of Wales?

There's nothing special to say about the result. Badmouthing leave areas is really silly. Leave was a mistake, but it doesn't solve anything. It's been more than a year.

On the bright side, at least the EU can't enforce bending over backward for the Russian regime anymore. Their dependence on Russian energy is deeply concerning.

I'll laugh at you so hard once the UK crawls to Putin begging for a trade deal.

You really don't seem to get what's going on, do you.


Some more good news from the FT: Civil servants lament Theresa May's wasted year.

Senior officials involved in Britain’s withdrawal from the EU have accused Theresa May of wasting the past year, claiming that the prime minister’s “control freak” regime has stifled arguments over policy and alienated other EU countries

Current and former senior civil servants speak of extreme frustration within Whitehall at Mrs May’s handling of Brexit negotiations in the period between last year’s EU referendum and the UK general election in June.

“It has been a completely wasted year while the Tories negotiated with themselves,” said John Kerr, a crossbench peer and former head of the Foreign Office. “There has been a sort of policy paralysis where Number 10 imposed a control freak freeze.”

Nicholas Macpherson, a crossbench peer who was the top official at the Treasury until last year, said: “All too frequently in the last year the national interest has been subordinated to party interest.”

But some government insiders say Mrs May’s approach in the months after the Brexit vote meant that the UK was not even “starting from scratch”.

“It’s worse than that,” said one senior official working on Brexit.

“There has been a failure of diplomacy,” the official added. “We have had the prime minister talking about no deal being better than a bad deal and [foreign secretary] Boris Johnson suggesting we aren’t bothered about getting a deal. The mood on the other side of the Channel is awful.”


What problems do you face?
Well, I am in a position where either myself or my wife need to find a job before moving somewhere. We are pretty much open to everywhere, but focus mainly towards realistic targets such as Germany (Berlin mainly). The dream would be Spain or Portugual but we are both aware that it's just a dream :)

I keep reading about stories of people finding jobs etc in Berlin (or Germany) and yet here I am, trying to get something and failing miserably, even though I do have experience etc.

Well, I am in a position where either myself or my wife need to find a job before moving somewhere. We are pretty much open to everywhere, but focus mainly towards realistic targets such as Germany (Berlin mainly). The dream would be Spain or Portugual but we are both aware that it's just a dream :)

I keep reading about stories of people finding jobs etc in Berlin (or Germany) and yet here I am, trying to get something and failing miserably, even though I do have experience etc.

What experience do you and your wife have? What sort of positions would you be looking for?


Well, I am in a position where either myself or my wife need to find a job before moving somewhere. We are pretty much open to everywhere, but focus mainly towards realistic targets such as Germany (Berlin mainly). The dream would be Spain or Portugual but we are both aware that it's just a dream :)

I keep reading about stories of people finding jobs etc in Berlin (or Germany) and yet here I am, trying to get something and failing miserably, even though I do have experience etc.


Depends really in what kind of area you want to work.

For example in IT you find quite a lot of jobs which are also open to english speakers.

Also i wouldn't focus too much at Berlin. Also look at Hamburg(basically little britain with how shitty the weather often is), cologne or munich.

Deleted member 231381

Unconfirmed Member
Hamburg is the most boring place I've ever been to in my life. I would die of tedium if I had to live there.

Funky Papa

Frankfurt is what happens when you try to build a world class city by seducing all those highly paid executives and forget to bring the coke.

Frankfurt is to cities what strip malls are to commerce.

Deleted member 231381

Unconfirmed Member
Frankfurt is what happens when you try to build a world class city by seducing all those highly paid executives and forget to bring the coke.

Frankfurt is to cities what strip malls are to commerce.

Honestly, this describes most German cities I've been to, excepting Munich and maybe Cologne. It's like... everything seems to be done more or less right, but someone forgot to add the secret sauce at the end, and you just end up with these soulless metropoles.
Honestly, this describes most German cities I've been to, excepting Munich and maybe Cologne. It's like... everything seems to be done more or less right, but someone forgot to add the secret sauce at the end, and you just end up with these soulless metropoles.
I feel like you haven't really explored Hamburg, Berlin, Dresden etc.


Honestly, this describes most German cities I've been to, excepting Munich and maybe Cologne. It's like... everything seems to be done more or less right, but someone forgot to add the secret sauce at the end, and you just end up with these soulless metropoles.

I'm not sure what you're looking for in a city.

I've been to london probably 10 times last year and there doesn't seem to be much difference to Hamburg except that everything is bigger and you guys drive on the wrong side of the road.


How are we going to solve this then?

A status aparté (do I spell that correctly FrenchGaf?) for Northern Ireland, A bit like how some former colonial powers solved the issue with their colonies. Northern Ireland becomes it's own country with an open border to Ireland. Northern Irish citizens can pass the border to Britain with no check, but Irish citizens have to be checked.

That way Northern Ireland can stay in the UK, and Ireland in the EU. While NOrthern Ireland also benefits from an open Border with the EU.

That actually would be a good solution for this issue, I don't see the conservicheetos in Northern Ireland going for that though, they smell a return to old times, where they could beat up the Irish citizenry with little to no reason and a return to the Orange Marches everywhere. I doubt they'd be reasonable.

Deleted member 231381

Unconfirmed Member
I feel like you haven't really explored Hamburg, Berlin, Dresden etc.

Berlin has fun spots, but I've only been there fleetingly so may have missed things. I've not actually been to Dresden yet.

I'm regularly in Hamburg for business purposes and stand by every harsh comment I've ever made. My grandma was East German though, so this might just be deep-founded genetic resentment of West Germany.


Honestly, this describes most German cities I've been to, excepting Munich and maybe Cologne. It's like... everything seems to be done more or less right, but someone forgot to add the secret sauce at the end, and you just end up with these soulless metropoles.

I'm really flabbergasted by how you can describe Hamburg the way you do and then mention Munich of all cities as a positive exception.


I had a great time in Hamburg last year. Nice city. I was visiting English friends, both of whom moved over with no secure jobs but are doing fine now.


Honestly, this describes most German cities I've been to, excepting Munich and maybe Cologne. It's like... everything seems to be done more or less right, but someone forgot to add the secret sauce at the end, and you just end up with these soulless metropoles.



Honestly, this describes most German cities I've been to, excepting Munich and maybe Cologne. It's like... everything seems to be done more or less right, but someone forgot to add the secret sauce at the end, and you just end up with these soulless metropoles.

Berlin is ace, you did it wrong if you went there and still thought this



Does anyone really believe EBA is going anywhere else than Frankfurt?

EMA is gonna go to Milan and EBA is gonna go to Frankfurt are my bets


Honestly, this describes most German cities I've been to, excepting Munich and maybe Cologne. It's like... everything seems to be done more or less right, but someone forgot to add the secret sauce at the end, and you just end up with these soulless metropoles.

Cologne is definitely great, haven't been to many German cities, but went to Cologne for a few days back in April and we absolutely loved it.

Deleted member 231381

Unconfirmed Member
Cologne is definitely great, haven't been to many German cities, but went to Cologne for a few days back in April and we absolutely loved it.

It's a beautiful city, just really enjoyable to spend time in terms of vistas. Definitely one of the highlights of Germany for me.


Does anyone really believe EBA is going anywhere else than Frankfurt?

EMA is gonna go to Milan and EBA is gonna go to Frankfurt are my bets
I have no idea what I'm talking about, but this sounds like doubling down on the concentration of wealth/power in one or two European countries, which seems to be the source of a lot of anti-EU sentiment.

Couldn't the loss of the UK be an opportunity (and motivator!) to better distribute the EU agencies?
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