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The US PSP Launch


Flying Llama said:
Is anyone else worried that their PSP might be a dud with dead pixels?

I am. Mostly the part of trying to return/exchange it for a new one. That always cause alot of anxiety.


acklame said:
I'm more worried that my gamestop will sell my reserved unit to someone else before I get there.

I was worried to so I called them about 15 minutes ago, they assured me I was garanteed to get one. I told them I wasn't going to the midnight launch and he said dont worry about it we hold it for 48 hours starting from thursday.

My biggest concern is that in the event I get a PSP with dead pixels at gamestop they wont exchange it saying dead pixels are normal. Even if they do exchange it chances are they will be sold out and I have to wait a month for the replacement PSP.


StrikerObi said:
What games does the 3-for-1 deal apply on? Is it just when you trade in GC/Xbox/PS2 games? Do DS games count? I've got Mr. Driller and Zoo Keeper (both were free, one for xmas the other to review) and I'd like to trade them in. I'm going to anyway to get Wipeout Pure, but if I can sacrifice one more to get it for free I will.

I'm pretty sure DS games aren't accepted, only GC/Xbox/PS2 games. I asked about DS games at my EB and the guy said no, but he wasn't 100% sure.


jiggle said:
I am. Mostly the part of trying to return/exchange it for a new one. That always cause alot of anxiety.

Exactly, my biggest concern is that in the event I get a PSP with dead pixels at gamestop they wont exchange it saying dead pixels are normal. Even if they do exchange it chances are they will be sold out and I have to wait a month for the replacement PSP. Which is the reason why I rather buy it at Best Buy.

evil ways

Flying Llama said:
I was worried to so I called them about 15 minutes ago, they assured me I was garanteed to get one. I told them I wasn't going to the midnight launch and he said dont worry about it we hold it for 48 hours starting from thursday.

My biggest concern is that in the event I get a PSP with dead pixels at gamestop they wont exchange it saying dead pixels are normal. Even if they do exchange it chances are they will be sold out and I have to wait a month for the replacement PSP.

I pre-ordered today at EB and I was assured that they had more than enough units even to cover in-store purchases that day, so I'm just gonna bring Darkstalkers with me and boot up my PSP before I leave the mall to see if there's an excessive amount of dead pixels. If there's anything wrong I'll walk right back to EB and exchange it.


Picked up Metal Gear Ac!d. Graphics may just be the best I've seen yet on PSP, despite the dithering.

Sure enough, it stays true to its Metal Gear roots - I fell asleep during the intro.


Mejilan said:
If your PSP doesn't come with dead pixels from day 1, it most likely won't get them.

I know, but a year + later you might get stupid issues like DRE, laser skipping problems, analog nub falling off, busted square button. :lol

I have had bad luck with playstations. I have had 3 ps1 2 grey, and one small white, and 2 PS2's.

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
Alex said:
Lyte, I'm really curious about Ape Escape. I dig the series, and I'd like a new portable platformer, you gonna post any impressions up...?

If I get the chance I will. I always say I'm going to write something up and never do though. Need to stop doing that. :)

Right now I'd say if you're okay with playing through the exact same game again, buy without hesitation, but there doesn't seem to be anything new other than the added mini games (or were those in the original as well? It's been too long)


BuddyC said:
Picked up Metal Gear Ac!d. Graphics may just be the best I've seen yet on PSP, despite the dithering.

Sure enough, it stays true to its Metal Gear roots - I fell asleep during the intro.
:lol :lol
How is the gameplay working out for you?

AZ Greg

Just called EB and they said I couldn't exchange the first party sony game I got as part of their 3 for 1 promotion. How did you guys go about getting a non sony made game?


AZYUMA86 said:
Just called EB and they said I couldn't exchange the first party sony game I got as part of their 3 for 1 promotion. How did you guys go about getting a non sony made game?
Just tell them you want to switch your preorder over to a different game. Don't mention the 3 for 1 deal or show them the receipt. Try not to do this with the one who handled your trade in the first place.

If worse comes to worse, pick up the Sony titles and return later in the day on Thursday, saying you want to swap.

evil ways

BuddyC said:
Just tell them you want to switch your preorder over to a different game. Don't mention the 3 for 1 deal or show them the receipt. Try not to do this with the one who handled your trade in the first place.

If worse comes to worse, pick up the Sony titles and return later in the day on Thursday, saying you want to swap.

Yeah, take them home and when you go back to return it tell the person that your brother/girlfriend/parent had already bought the game at another store and opened it to read the instruction booklet. I'm sure they'll understand and will be nice enough to let you exchange the game as long as it's sealed.
Manick Joe said:
Planning on buying a PSP at Circuit City? Well I hope you're a Twisted Metal fan because we're selling it bundle only with Head On for $289.99. I asked my manager if a customer wanted a different game could it be swapped and she suprisingly said no. I have a feeling she was just being stubborn so hopefully the higher-ups at your local store may be more sensible. The store will open early at 8 AM and at Circuit City the warranty is 2 years for $49.99 and it's straight replacement (call a phone number to ship PSP out for free, get gift card for cost of system and remaining coverage). Also SanDisk 256 MB Pro Duo's are on sale for $45 with an additional $10 mail-in rebate bringing it down to $35.

Quick question, would you as a customer be annoyed if the dead pixel and sticky square button issues were brought up as justification for getting the warranty? I unlike most in my store don't care that much about my service numbers and am trying to gauge the best way to bring it up without being a greedy dick.
Well now it makes sense why CC picked Twisted Metal to be bundled with the PSP. The Sony Rep stopped by today and mentioned that the restocking of PSP's is based on how well that store attached first party titles to their sales.

Oh and no thoughts on sales pitch?


just picked up metal gear acid.

my local gamestop apparently has 190 units in backroom right now, and 7 spots left on reservation list. (It was actually 8 spots when I walked into the store)


-jinx- said:
1) Can anyone confirm that CompUSAs got in Ridge Racer today, preferably in the Southern California area? If so, is it available for drop-in purchase, or are they restricting it to preorder only?

Don't know about CompUSA, but some EBs in SoCal have RR in stock - I got a call from them earlier today to let me know that my pre-order was available for pickup.


Mistaken iRobbery!
Here is what the updated Exim PSP screenprotecters will look like soon. I just got an email from 2 sellers on ebay regarding this issue. The current one shows a PDA but with text saying its for the PSP:



Kung Fu Jedi said:
Did they have the EA games at EB already? Tiger Woods and NFL Street are on my "May Purchase" list.

Eb had NFL street tonight, i didnt pick it up but i did get THPS and Tony Hawk for 6 trade ins and $10, also I had three more games ready to trade for Wipeout Pure and the guy said since he didnt have it i couldnt get it at all and I had to come back in later when he had it to stock, I asked If I could just preorder it and he said no, fucking bullshit, also he said he had 50 PSP preorders, I find that hard to believe because this EB just opened up.

evil ways

Defensor said:
Here is what the updated Exim PSP screenprotecters will look like soon. I just got an email from 2 sellers on ebay regarding this issue. The current one shows a PDA but with text saying its for the PSP:


How do they work, do they just stick to the PSP's screen via some adhesive?


Defensor said:
Here is what the updated Exim PSP screenprotecters will look like soon. I just got an email from 2 sellers on ebay regarding this issue. The current one shows a PDA but with text saying its for the PSP:

The one I bought from eBay just came in today. It has a PDA on the cover, and in white letters it says For PDA, but above that, it says Compatible Models: Sony PSP.

The exim screen protector is glue-free silicone coated so it doesn't leave any residue when you take it off.
Anyone slapped on the Exim yet? I have one back home (i'm at school now) but no PSP untill thursday and my break starts friday. I basically got it based on the fact that I can get it off with no problem if I dont like the idea of a screen protecter and put it back on if I change my mind. I'm like that sometimes. Anyway, is it decent? Like clear and stuff?


Ironclad_Ninja said:
To the extent of my knowledge, ebay is the only way to get it. The prices are reasonable as sellers have large quantities.
That doesn't make much sense. Where the hell are the ebay people getting it?

Brandon F

Well congratulations! You got yourself caught!
Oh and I recieved my Martin Fields screen protector today, looks like it will do the job just fine.


iron_clad and brandon f. are there any hairline scratches on the sceen protector itself? My Exim one has dosens upon dosens scratches.. ridiculous how many they are. I contacted the exim manufcaturor and they beleive it's pirated.. I think they just say that not to refund me. I'll see what happens next.


they call me "Man Gravy".
does anyone know the current Exim protector that is compatible with the PSP? I'm interested in picking one up, but I want to know which is the correct one.

Edit: I'm referring to which PDA-model Exim protector is compatible with the PSP


Shompola said:
iron_clad and brandon f. are there any hairline scratches on the sceen protector itself? My Exim one has dosens upon dosens scratches.. ridiculous how many they are. I contacted the exim manufcaturor and they beleive it's pirated.. I think they just say that not to refund me. I'll see what happens next.
No scratches here. That sounds odd though. I really can't see that happening when you take it out of the packaging because it is made out of durable material. Have you tried wiping the scratches off with a cloth?


yep i have cleaned it. do you think its ok to remove the film protection even though i dont have the psp yet?

edit/ it actually looks like its the film protection sticker thing that has the scratches because they are more visible when I look at that side of the screen protector. Wish I had the camera I had lend the other day.


Hi everyone, I caved in and bought one of those Brando.com.hk PSP specific covers. Despite what I've read earlier about these screens being blurry, they are perfectly clear. This was good news because I was expecting them to be crummy.

The thing I like about this is the fact that it comes with 2 pieces, one that's the size of your LCD screen, and the second one that's the shape of your PSP sans the buttons and controls.


If you look carefully, you can see the slight outline of this cover. Its almost as clear as the LCD monitor behind it.


Here's another shot taken at an angle.

If anyone's wondering, yes there this light gummy residue behind this stuff, but it's really similiar to the glue at the back of those Post-It Notes so they won't leave any residue on your unit.

PS: Thanks Ironclad_Ninja, BuddyC, Alex, Brandon F for being guests in my captures. :lol


This poster pulses with an appeal so broad the typical restraints of our societies fall by the wayside.
Flying Llama said:
The PSP is causing me a lot of anxiety.
Same here. My EB still hasn't called me confirming that I can pick mine up on Thursday. I hear they've called a lot of people so far, as early as a week ago. And my EB is actually pretty good about calling when they get pre-orders in. If they haven't called by tomorrow afternoon I'll have to get in contact with them myself.

After this, I don't think I'm going to be pre-ordering any hardware with EB again. I just don't like the way they do things. Gamestop just seems more solid. I actually like the automated phone call. And, in the PSP's case, it seems like they're getting a LOT more units than EB as a whole. The website is still taking orders for launch, and pretty much every store has moved people from second and maybe even third shipment up to first. I've already read stories from a few people online who won't be getting a PSP at launch because EB took too many first shipment pre-orders, but I haven't heard anything like that from Gamestop customers.
BuddyC said:

I thought it was a neat touch.

Very nice, it's making my decision to skip it that much harder. Bah, I don't like turn based card games, why did Konami have to make the decision so hard! Love for Metal Gear vs. Card Battle Mechanics.


Since CompUSA this week has 10% off all PSP games, I went to my local CompUSA about 2 hours ago to see if they had MGA in. I asked if they had any PSP games for sale yet and the guy said that they were only getting 15 systems in, not even enough to cover preorders and I should go to Gamestop or EB instead if I want a system (heh, that's the last places I'd go if I wanted a system without preordering). I repeated I wanted games, specifically Metal Gear Acid. He said none of the games were in and he thought that was dumb, considering it comes out in 2 days. He suggested I check other stores and I mentioned the 10% off was the reason I went there. He looked confused and so I showed him the ad sitting in front of him and he was amazed about that (the 10% off). He suggested calling Thursday morning to see if they have it in or not.

I figure $35.99 at CompUSA if they have it in or $34.99 at Best Buy if it doesn't sell out... or just screw it and get it for $39.99 anywhere else.


krypt0nian said:
IGN crapped all over it. Some new guy and he's not a fan of card/strategy games so...

Take it for what its worth: 6.5

I'm going with Che on this one.

The fact that the guy has to call it a card/board/puzzle game simply shows how little he knows about strategy games at all. The very idea that it is turn based seems to be an offense to him and he clearly states over and over that thinking != fun as far as he's concerned. So as far as I'm concerned I'm just going to let him get back to practicing his fireball motions on the PSP. :D
SO what is the deal with charging the PSP up anyways? I never know what is the recomended approach for these kinds of devices. I assume the unit will come with some kind of charge out of the box. Should I play off that charge untill it is entirely depleated and then give it a full charge? Or do I not even turn it on first and go for the full charge?

Or does it not really matter?
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