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The US PSP Launch


Wario64 said:
Uh oh, supposedly EBgames ended the trade in PSP promotion early. Apparantly they sent an email this morning saying to end the promotion. Crap, I still needed to trade 3 more games for Ridge Racer. Oh well, I got 3 PSP games for basically the price of 1 PSP game

Has it been confirmed yet that its ended? Fuck, I was going to EB in a hour... :(


Wario64 said:
Uh oh, supposedly EBgames ended the trade in PSP promotion early. Apparantly they sent an email this morning saying to end the promotion. Crap, I still needed to trade 3 more games for Ridge Racer. Oh well, I got 3 PSP games for basically the price of 1 PSP game

just called my eb and they said they are still doing it


Quick question: Can I use the same cable that is used to power my PS2 to plug into the AC-adapter? I live in Sweden, and the plug is different, and I'm importing a US PSP.

aoi tsuki

i guess someone at my store didn't read their email, because i called a couple hours ago myself. The employee said it ended sometime in April. It really sucks, because i've got work in half an hour, and planned on picking some games up to trade tomorrow.
Just received the new Time Magazine and they've got the requisite hype in the Your Time section.

The "Gotta Have It" Gadget

If you thought handheld gaming devices were just for kids, Sony's new PSP (short for Playstation Portable" could easily change your mind. With its slick, black-lacquer design, bright 4.3-in. display and ability to play movies and MP3s, the $250 PSP makes its main competitor, the Nintendo DS, look like a relic from the Ice Age. The PSP could be the hottest gizmo since the iPod. - Anita Hamilton

Blurbs from kids -

"This is so funky. The graphics are great... I love this thing!" - Nick (Rox?) Age 15

"This is perfect if you don't have a DVD player in your car." - William, Age 9 who is obviously concerned with pimping out his Hot Wheels.

"The Nintendo DS is easier to control than the PSP." - Ben, age 14 maybe olimario could pass for 14. . .

There's some brief info on games, pricing, and UMD movies.


The Take Out Bandit said:
Just received the new Time Magazine and they've got the requisite hype in the Your Time section.

Blurbs from kids -

"This is so funky. The graphics are great... I love this thing!" - Nick (Rox?) Age 15

"This is perfect if you don't have a DVD player in your car." - William, Age 9 who is obviously concerned with pimping out his Hot Wheels.

"The Nintendo DS is easier to control than the PSP." - Ben, age 14 maybe olimario could pass for 14. . .

There's some brief info on games, pricing, and UMD movies.

just read that in Time magazine, too bad they had no new info except retard children who dont even know how to spell UMD or PSP


DMczaf said:
Has it been confirmed yet that its ended? Fuck, I was going to EB in a hour... :(

Gamerush (the game store in Blaockbuster) is doing a deal where you can trade 2 games and get a preorder or new release for $29.99 - but you also can put the credit you get for those 2 trade-ins towards the preorder/new release. They also have a promotion that gives you an extra $5 per trade-in when you give them 3 or more games. If they let you combine the two you can walk away with some psp games for almost nothing.

I traded in 4 games - preordered Ridge Racers and Lumines in full (at $29 apiece), and still had $23 in credit left. One of the games was Tekken 5 tho - that got me $40 credit alone.
Just watched the Untold Legends videos over at the offical website. The game looks fun and the graphics are nice, but I'm wondering how much fun it will be to play single player. I seems like something made from the ground up for multi-player fun, but I don't have any friends who are planning on picking up the PSP at this point. Still waiting on the reviews, but my enthusiasm has waned a bit if it's not as fun single player.


robot said:
Gamerush (the game store in Blaockbuster) is doing a deal where you can trade 2 games and get a preorder or new release for $29.99 - but you also can put the credit you get for those 2 trade-ins towards the preorder/new release. They also have a promotion that gives you an extra $5 per trade-in when you give them 3 or more games. If they let you combine the two you can walk away with some psp games for almost nothing.

I traded in 4 games - preordered Ridge Racers and Lumines in full (at $29 apiece), and still had $23 in credit left. One of the games was Tekken 5 tho - that got me $40 credit alone.

GET IN ON THIS WHILE ITS HOT FOLKS its only gonna last two weeks. Good idea: get games and try and do the walmart shuffle saying you got them as easter gifts but you dont own the console. Easy way to turn 120 bucks into a nice fresh PSP.


works for Gamestop (lol)
Wario64 said:
Uh oh, supposedly EBgames ended the trade in PSP promotion early. Apparantly they sent an email this morning saying to end the promotion. Crap, I still needed to trade 3 more games for Ridge Racer. Oh well, I got 3 PSP games for basically the price of 1 PSP game

Ok, looks like some confusion. The guy on CAG posted that the other promotion is ending today (get $10 towards PSP game for each trade in). People are reporting the 3 for 1 deal still going on (1 person got denied though...). So I guess it's still going, my bad


Called Best Buy, they have a 2 year warranty for $39.99 and when I asked the guy how many units they have he replied with "a whole bunch, im not allowed to give exact numbers" fucking bs :lol

Wario: thanks man you had me scared, also does that extra $10 toward a PSP end today, as in i can do it today

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
Just picked up Metal Gear Ac!d and Ape Escape (which NO ONE has talked about; where are the reviews?), which is the system's first "PSone port." Not too much enhancement on the visuals from what I can tell, but it's been years since I played the original Ape Escape...I bet there isn't much difference from playing the game on a PS2 with smoothing turned on, however. Playing the game without dual analog control works pretty well, so I'm happy with it. Metal Gear Ac!d could have had some better English translation. :)

Also saw Ridge Racer on the shelf, but only ONE copy behind the counter. I wonder if the rumors of limited quanitites really are true? They had plenty of copies of every other title for sale.

Untold Legends is tomorrow. ARGH


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Also saw Ridge Racer on the shelf, but only ONE copy behind the counter. I wonder if the rumors of limited quanitites really are true? They had plenty of copies of every other title for sale.

Yikes, I just called about this as well. While I DO have it reserved, they only received two copies. A friend of mine is the manager of that store and my sibling also happens to work there, but I still might swing by tonight just to make certain that I don't miss it.

AZ Greg

Ok, I need some help.

I traded in six old Xbox games and got Twisted Metal and Gretzky for the PSP. Both are still unopened and I was wondering how I then trade them in for other PSP titles. What do I tell the EB people? Are they usually ok with switching games? Or does the worker just have to be a nice guy. I'm gonna keep TM, but want to switch Gretzky for Lumines or RR. Thanks.


Lyte, I'm really curious about Ape Escape. I dig the series, and I'd like a new portable platformer, you gonna post any impressions up...?


Picked up Ape Escape, Ridge Racer, Metal Gear, and NFL Street today. Same thing here, all copies of Ridge Racer are pre-orders, no extras. Untold Legends, Lumines, and Tiger are due in tomorrow.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Oh yeah, regarding Ape Escape, does the game run at 60 fps at least? I know it's one of the weaker looking titles at launch, but it would certainly feel a lot better at 60.


A couple of questions:

1) Can anyone confirm that CompUSAs got in Ridge Racer today, preferably in the Southern California area? If so, is it available for drop-in purchase, or are they restricting it to preorder only?

2) Is there anywhere to buy UMD hard cases to protect the discs while traveling? If so, where and how much should I expect to spend?
OMFG, I just called my gamestop and asked if they got Ridge Racer or Lumines in yet. "No, we aren't getting any PSP stuff in until April." That sucks since I have store credit there and no extra money to buy games with. At least my birthday is this week and I can ask my mom for a game.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Ratcage said:
OMFG, I just called my gamestop and asked if they got Ridge Racer or Lumines in yet. "No, we aren't getting any PSP stuff in until April." That sucks since I have store credit there and no extra money to buy games with. At least my birthday is this week and I can ask my mom for a game.

Where the hell do you live?

I don't believe that for a second. You should check back later this week...

Musashi Wins!

Damn the evil hype engine. I can't believe how many launch titles I'm getting.

I picked up RR off the shelf since all this "can't find it" talk was going on. Damn, these little cases are hawt. Thursday morning can't come fast enough.
dark10x said:
Where the hell do you live?

I don't believe that for a second. You should check back later this week...

I didn't either, this gamestop has always been good at getting stuff in. Apparently none in my area has gotten anything either. I live in the suburbs of NYC, about 10 miles away in the highest populated area in my state, which is why this makes no sense at all.
Got my US Psp today. Knew the guy at my store. He let me swap out two of the games in the pre-made bundle so I got it with: Darkstalkers / Lumines / Wipeout Pure.

Its...its a beautiful thing


-jinx- said:
2) Is there anywhere to buy UMD hard cases to protect the discs while traveling? If so, where and how much should I expect to spend?

There's these

Gamestop sells them too.


Don't seem too bad for $5


Running off of Custom Firmware
Ratcage said:
OMFG, I just called my gamestop and asked if they got Ridge Racer or Lumines in yet. "No, we aren't getting any PSP stuff in until April." That sucks since I have store credit there and no extra money to buy games with. At least my birthday is this week and I can ask my mom for a game.

I don't know if it means anything, but on my PSP EBGames.com preorder status tracking page, it lists the PSP as shipping on 3/23, but all 5 games I preordered with it as shipping on 4/06.

I contacted them today and they apologized for the confusion, insisting that all of the games in my bundle would ship together with the system tomorrow.

Still, that 4/06 date is rather curious, no?

Seth C

Okay, I think I got screwed on this 3 for 1 trade-in deal at EB. I traded in 12 games for 4 PSP games, but in addition to this I had to pay $20? Looking at the receipt, it appears that I only received the full $13.33 trade-in credit for 6 of the games. The other 6 were only bumped up to $10, so I had to make up the different. What gives? I tried arguing with it about the manager but he would only repeat, "You still owe $21."


works for Gamestop (lol)
Seth C said:
Okay, I think I got screwed on this 3 for 1 trade-in deal at EB. I traded in 12 games for 4 PSP games, but in addition to this I had to pay $20? Looking at the receipt, it appears that I only received the full $13.33 trade-in credit for 6 of the games. The other 6 were only bumped up to $10, so I had to make up the different. What gives? I tried arguing with it about the manager but he would only repeat, "You still owe $21."

In the promotion, all games are bumped up to $13.33 value per game. Check your receipts: do they list the same promo #? There's another promo where you get $10 per game, but that was suppose to end today...


Too lazy to check the entire thread. Anyway, has anyone confirmed whether or not you can play multiplayer with a JP copy of RR and a US copy of RR? I don't necessarily want to have to rebuy the game just to play with friends.

edit: eh, my bad, forgot about amir0xs wonderful first post when i posted this. ^^ question answered!

Seth C

Wario64 said:
Ok, looks like some confusion. The guy on CAG posted that the other promotion is ending today (get $10 towards PSP game for each trade in). People are reporting the 3 for 1 deal still going on (1 person got denied though...). So I guess it's still going, my bad

Ah, this explains it. Looks like their whole system is a bit...messed up. I apparently got two of my games on the "trade in 3 for 1" deal and the other two I only got the "$10 credit for each" deal. Lame.

Seth C

Wario64 said:
In the promotion, all games are bumped up to $13.33 value per game. Check your receipts: do they list the same promo #? There's another promo where you get $10 per game, but that was suppose to end today...

I have THREE promo codes listed. 3487 is the right one, but I also have 3456 and 3404. I only got $10 credit for each of those two codes. Bah.

evil ways

-jinx- said:
A couple of questions:

1) Can anyone confirm that CompUSAs got in Ridge Racer today, preferably in the Southern California area? If so, is it available for drop-in purchase, or are they restricting it to preorder only?

Not anywhere near California, but I can confirm that Ridge Racer was in stock at CompUSA. I picked up Darkstalkers today there. All the PSP games they had in stock were 10% of their price, but I think that deal lasts until the 26th. I'll see if I can go back on thursday after picking up my PSP to buy Metal Gear Ac!d and Lumines.


works for Gamestop (lol)
Seth C said:
Ah, this explains it. Looks like their whole system is a bit...messed up. I apparently got two of my games on the "trade in 3 for 1" deal and the other two I only got the "$10 credit for each" deal. Lame.

I don't get why the guy rang it up like that though. You should go back and raise hell. You specifically came for the 3 for 1 deal and that's what you should get

Unless you asked for 3rd party PSP games...then I can see he used the other promotion


The PSP is causing me a lot of anxiety. I'm worried I'm going to get a wonky psp with 3 or more dead pixels, and other assorted issues. I preordered at Gamestop and I dont know if I want to get it there, they only have a 1 year repacement warrenty for $25.

I'm thinking I'll go to Best Buy at 8 AM and try my luck there because they have a 2 year product replacement warrenty I think it cost $30 for it. Worst case scenario is if BB is sold out of PSP, I'll just go get some breakfast and pick it up at gamestop at 10 AM.

I cant wait for the launch I already bought, Metal Gear Acid, Twisted Metal: head on, Wipeout pure, Ridge Racer, and Darkstalkers. Also getting my most anticipated PSP game Lumines but no stores have it in yet.

Is anyone else worried that their PSP might be a dud with dead pixels?



Seth C said:
I have THREE promo codes listed. 3487 is the right one, but I also have 3456 and 3404. I only got $10 credit for each of those two codes. Bah.

magazine rack meets floor? go back and complain


Flying Llama said:
The PSP is causing me a lot of anxiety. I'm worried I'm going to get a wonky psp with 3 or more dead pixels, and other assorted issues. I preordered at Gamestop and I dont know if I want to get it there, they only have a 1 year repacement warrenty for $25.

I'm thinking I'll go to Best Buy at 8 AM and try my luck there because they have a 2 year product replacement warrenty I think it cost $30 for it. Worst case scenario is if BB is sold out of PSP, I'll just go get some breakfast and pick it up at gamestop at 10 AM.

I cant wait for the launch I already bought, Metal Gear Acid, Twisted Metal: head on, Wipeout pure, Ridge Racer, and Darkstalkers. Also getting my most anticipated PSP game Lumines but no stores have it in yet.

Is anyone else worried that their PSP might be a dud with dead pixels?
I'm more worried that my gamestop will sell my reserved unit to someone else before I get there.
What games does the 3-for-1 deal apply on? Is it just when you trade in GC/Xbox/PS2 games? Do DS games count? I've got Mr. Driller and Zoo Keeper (both were free, one for xmas the other to review) and I'd like to trade them in. I'm going to anyway to get Wipeout Pure, but if I can sacrifice one more to get it for free I will.
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