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The US PSP Launch


Ok I found this pretty sweet 17 minute PSP video that goes over a ton of stuff. Ridge Raders, MP3s, photos, music, movies. Pretty hot:


The sex appeal of the PSP is off the chart.

Here are some UMD movie box photos:





Well it looks like the square button "problem" has been fixed for NA launch and all units made in 2005:


Rumor: Sony is making US PSPs with smaller screens and a smaller size.

Spin Control:* yeah sure. Sony has made one change to the PSP for the US market, a correction of a manufacturing error that caused some problems with the Square button. This change also applies to all PSP units made in 2005 and after. There is no size change planned for the unit or the screen.

And since we love this issue!

Rumor: PSP is region free.

Spin Control: Yes. And No. Sony says PSP has everything you need for completely region coding of games, music, and movies however they have chosen to allow games to be released as ‘region free’ meaning any game written for PSP in any territory will work with any PSP unit sold in any territory.* This is all well and good, though Sony cautions that games will only be tested for their home regions on the hardware approved for that region. So there is no guarantee that a JPN region game will work correctly on a NA region player.
The No portion of the answer comes in the form of music and movies. While gaming is currently region free, UMD Music discs and UMD video discs will both have region coding. So you wouldn’t be able to import a Japanese released UMD of Spider-man and have it play on your North American PSP. It wouldn’t work due to region coding.
Well it looks like the square button "problem" has been fixed for NA launch and all units made in 2005:

I don't see how it could be fixed completely, probably a little better, but the contact doesn't sit in line with the button...it's not going to be as good as the other buttons on the system.


works for Gamestop (lol)
Second PSP game goes gold! (Dynasty Warriors)

Burlingame, CA - March 3, 2005 - KOEI, recognized worldwide as a leading brand of strategy and action games, today announced that DYNASTY WARRIORS for the PSP (PlayStation Portable) handheld entertainment system has reached gold status. The game will be available at North American retailers on March 24th, the first day of the handheld system's North American launch. Consumers can still pre-order DYNASTY WARRIORS at gamestop.com and ebgames.com.

About Dynasty Warriors for PSP

For the first time on any handheld platform, DYNASTY WARRIORS transports players onto the virtual battlefields of Ancient China to experience the thrill of fighting legions of ruthless enemy soldiers. Gamers can choose up to 42 playable characters, each wielding powerful weapons and lethal fighting skills. The game introduces new features found exclusively on the PSP including:

* A Battlefield Area System that creates new strategic gameplay and also allows for shorter periods of play - ideal for a mobile environment.
* The "Second-in-command" Officer System features bodyguards with special skills that players control.
* With hundreds of bodyguards to discover, including a few surprise officers, gamers can collect and select which officers to take into battle. Players can also trade bodyguard officers using the Memory Stick Duo.

Developed by KOEI's award-winning team, Omega Force, DYNASTY WARRIORS is a 1-Player game, and is rated "T" (Teen- Violence) by the ESRB.


krypt0nian said:
Prediction: Wipeout Pure will be the best reviewed game of the launch.

Ridge Racers already has an 88% on Gamerankings out of like 12 reviews.

If Wipeout Pure gets a 90%+, hot damn...


is sharpening a shovel and digging a ditch
Waiting until the summer or so for this is gonna suck. When do they plan on shipping a bare bones unit, and what is the MSRP going to be for it?


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
Mooreberg said:
Waiting until the summer or so for this is gonna suck. When do they plan on shipping a bare bones unit, and what is the MSRP going to be for it?

No annoucements on a bare bones unit or price yet. I don't expect to hear of such a unit until after the launch, maybe not until E3... or later, though some of that will probably have to do with how well the Value Pack sells and if it keeps going, and going....


Who knows if a bare bones version will ever be made available?

Having a value pack allows three things:

1) A higher pricepoint

2) More profit

3) Packing in accessories that every customer needs

With the inclusion of the value pack Sony has addressed the biggest customer need - no need to buy a memory card. Now, a consumer can if they want more storage buth the 32MB card is more than plenty room for game save files and some mp3s. The only way I see the Value Pack fading out is if sales stagnate. Or perhaps when the system has been around for 3 or 4 years and Sony can sell the base unit for $99 with the Value Pack at $129.


Will Spiderman 2 be a packed in or free with purchase?

I wonder if Spiderman 2 will come its own case (it wouldn't exactly fit in the PSP box would it?) or in an ugly disc sleeve.


jiggle said:
Will Spiderman 2 be a packed in or free with purchase?

I wonder if Spiderman 2 will come its own case (it wouldn't exactly fit in the PSP box would it?) or in an ugly disc sleeve.

Heh, no one reads the first post :(

Spider-Man 2 UMD Movie will be packed in with the first million PSPs.
The standalone unit will probably be released once sales of the value pack start to slow (or possibly around Christmas) for the sole reason of convincing a few million rubes that there was just a $50 price cut.
I wonder if Spiderman 2 will come its own case (it wouldn't exactly fit in the PSP box would it?) or in an ugly disc sleeve.
I hope it's a disc sleeve, that way I can carry around an extra game in it without having to worry about it getting damaged.


Mrbob said:
Who knows if a bare bones version will ever be made available?

Having a value pack allows three things:

1) A higher pricepoint

2) More profit

3) Packing in accessories that every customer needs

4) Screws EB and Gamestop, which I appreciate.
If there was a standard pack retailers wouldn't be bundling (well, at least ones that usually don't bundle at launch like FutureShop). With the sales of accessories gone from the bundle, they have to include games and shit to make a good profit on these things. It's a double edged sword, good for Sony, not so good for retailers (so they have to screw customers as a result).


Tag of Excellence
krypt0nian said:
Do we know anything more on the tilt sensor status?
NOTHING at all right now.

At CES they were still working on it and the team "were planning" for the game to support the feature. Sadly however the publisher seems very reluctant to advertise this feature at all, even all their recent ads completely omits any mention of the tilt-sensor function. If curious Sony has revealed no plans for any games to use the tilt-sensor, to my knowledge, other than Mercury.

I made this unfortunate prediction earlier, pretty sad that it's looking to be accurate. I definitely think the gimmick would make the game more enjoyable to play, hopefully it'll pan out. :(


thanks whoever posted those vids of the guy playing the games, I've diceded darkstalkers isn't worth it unless they've cleaned up those load times, it took 10 seconds to load up the character select and another 9 seconds to load up EACH fight. Plus maybe its just me but I'd swear they cut some frames of animation out...


All I can say is that I work for EBgames and during a conference call that is what the manager was told. He had no details of how the bundle will be, just saying there will be one. He also hates bundles btw, so he's pretty lax about it. That's why every ebgames might be different with the bundles.

I remember during the holidays when the PStwo came out and we among other Ebgames would have to bundle them. All we had at the time was a $199.99 price. We usually said it had to be a Sony accessory and any $19.99 game or higher(you pay any differences). Sometimes people would ask if they could just get 2 games, and we always said "sure". As long as they were near that magic price of $199.99 it really didn't matter what they got.

I'm hoping its the same with the PSP bundles, just a dollar amount. We're all crossing our fingers that it's a $299.99 price. Right now EBgames is deciding bundles and the number of PSP's each store will be getting.

We'll probably get word closer to launch. Hopefully sooner though. The bundle will decide if I get a PSP or not, I was already on the fence at $250.


Well, the only question now (which I posed earlier) is why, with less than 3 weeks to go are customors not being informed of this?!? If they try to tell me on March 24th I have to buy some other things I will be supremely pissed.


Either the lower employees don't know about a bundle, or they just rather not say. Try explaining to a casual gamer that there is now going to be a bundle and we have no idea what it is. But I know we're saying it. We are atleast telling you there is going to be a bundle but the details of it are still unknown.


I'm working at EB in Toronto, Canada, and I'm hearing disturbing things from some managers about Gretzky Hockey (the Sony 1st party hockey game I believe) being a forced buy along with the Value Pack, putting the whole thing at $349.99 CDN. I've never really minded forcing game purchases along with a new system -- it's happened with every new system in the last five years besides the SP/DS) -- but not one *specific* game. That's just frustratingly stupid.


Tag of Excellence
Doom_Bringer said:
The games aren't the PSP highlights but you're saving money. It comes out to $325.091 USD.

Anyways that's not the important part. The cool thing is that they have UPDATED FROM THE FUTURE.

Futureshop.ca said:
04/02/05 Update: A special UMD video release of the feature film Spider-Man™ 2 from Sony Pictures Entertainment will be included with the Sony PlayStationPortable!


Scoobert said:
Either the lower employees don't know about a bundle, or they just rather not say. Try explaining to a casual gamer that there is now going to be a bundle and we have no idea what it is. But I know we're saying it. We are atleast telling you there is going to be a bundle but the details of it are still unknown.

I called the EB where mine is reserved and the manager himself point blank told me no bundle, so that is of concern to me obviously.

Also, do you think hiding this until the last minute is going to make people happier? Quite the opposite. Like most people I am on a tight budget and I set aside money to get the system and ONE game. If this is true (and I believe you) it is 100% bullshit and all I can say is fuck EB then. I want to know so I can cancel my order if necessary.


Yeah it does seem a little late in the game to force a bundle upon consumers.

EBgames is getting close to pulling a bait and switch tactic.


Fantastic stuff!

Whats the best place to import Memory stick duo pros to the UK? I have a camera that uses memory stick pro. Is there an adapter i can get for cheap too so i can use it on both whenever needed?


Miburou said:
Memory stick (pro) duos come with an adaptor for use in devices that use regular sized memory sticks.

I should have thought that. :) Any good import websites. The prices here in the UK are madness. Looking at 512 minimum.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
Anyways that's not the important part. The cool thing is that they have UPDATED FROM THE FUTURE.
That's a 4th February. How's that a future?

*edit* I see where the confusion lies - Canada adopts the European date writing. Day first, then month, then year.


Tag of Excellence
Marconelly said:
That's a 4th February. How's that a future?

*edit* I see where the confusion lies - Canada adopts the European date writing. Day first, then month, then year.
Arrrg you are using logic!

Yes I knew about the switched calender numbers and not to mention the Spiderman announcement happened around that date of time. I just wanted to poke some fun with a rather terrible link.


Just saw at EBgames that NBA Street got pushed back to March 11th. Both baseball titles also got pushed back. I have enough money on a gift card to get 3 games at launch so I'm struggling to pick the best 3. TM: head on is a given, Tony Hawk looks awesome, but the third title is a tossup. I would get wipeout, but one car combat title is all I need. NBA looks great, but I don't trust 989 with my money. Any suggestions? Is there an obvious title I'm leaving out?


Forgive my assholeness, I didn't mention that I have an import PSP with Lumines and RR. If I didn't already own it, I would definitely have Lumines in my top 3. Acid I'm not too sure about. Mercury may also turn out to be a breakout title like Lumines.


Lions Gate Entertainment plans to format movies for the PlayStation Portable, the company announced Friday, a move that makes it the first outside film studio to support Sony's new UMD media format.

A Lions Gate representative said that the studio planned to begin releasing movies in the Universal Media Disc format used by the PSP shortly after the portable game players are introduced in North America on March 24. Initial releases for the PSP will include recent thrillers such as "House of the Dead" and "Saw," and older action films such as "Total Recall" and "Step Into Liquid."



Deg said:
I should have thought that. :) Any good import websites. The prices here in the UK are madness. Looking at 512 minimum.

I don't know about any good import places (I bought my 512MB from across the street), but in any case you should wait until the SanDisk "game" sticks come out. Should be cheaper than the current offering.
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