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The US PSP Launch


Ok I just watched the Wipeout Pure developer interview 2 here:

ood info. Strange that the game will support downloadable content and not wifi online though. Oh well. Anyway, the way the SCEA guy was rambling on in the interview he makes it sound like Wipeout Pure will have as many downloadable tracks as there are in the game! Kept quiet on if this will cost gamers anything, though! The game is going to have 16 tracks. If Wipeout Pure plans to have 16 downloadable tracks then my guess is that the tracks are already stored on the UMD and you download a key to unlock them. Which would be very lame.
Yeah I was left with the same ideas, Bob.

I'm Wipeout Pure's bitch, so I'll get it regardless, but it doesn't seem likely to me that we will be downloading tracks.

The music/skins maybe, but the cars/tracks are probably on the disc already.


"GAF's biggest wanker"
I'm not getting the leap in logic you guys are making that the downloadable tracks will actually already be on the disc, based on that interview...


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
My EBs DS section is a pretty nice size. The PSP section doesn't seem to be fully completed though since it's only like two shelves.


The pre-launch PSP section is already four times the size of the DS section at the EB where I shop. The DS section is only like 6 cases tall and 4 cases wide. It's also tucked right next to the counter where access is difficult. The PS2 section is literally three times the size of the entire Nintendo area (GC, GBA, and DS included).


dark10x said:

The pre-launch PSP section is already four times the size of the DS section at the EB where I shop. The DS section is only like 6 cases tall and 4 cases wide. It's also tucked right next to the counter where access is difficult. The PS2 section is literally three times the size of the entire Nintendo area (GC, GBA, and DS included).

I can barely find the DS section in every specialty store I go into, while this weekend at EB I noticed the PSP stuff reached the ceiling as well. Have retailers given up on Nintendo already or something?

Baron Aloha

A Shining Example
belgurdo said:
I can barely find the DS section in every specialty store I go into, while this weekend at EB I noticed the PSP stuff reached the ceiling as well. Have retailers given up on Nintendo already or something?

In a word. Yes. It's been like that at most specialty stores since 2002.

The specialty shops near me devote at least half of their space to PS2 games (which, given the current market conditions you cannot blame them) while Xbox gets 35-40% of the shelf space, and GBA/GCN/DS combined get 10-15% at best (and its always tucked away in a corner at the back of the store).


anyone else considering games for the psps you wouldn't buy on a console? i am seriously thinking of hot shot golf and nba street.

The End

Slayven said:
anyone else considering games for the psps you wouldn't buy on a console? i am seriously thinking of hot shot golf and nba street.

I haven't really enjoyed a Tony Hawk game since TH2 on Dreamcast, and yet i'm awfully tempted to get THUG2:Remix on the PSP.


Slayven said:
anyone else considering games for the psps you wouldn't buy on a console? i am seriously thinking of hot shot golf and nba street.

I'd get Hot Shots Golf on a console, but NBA Street is the type of a game that I'd probably never get for a console, but for some reason am interested in getting on the PSP...


belgurdo said:
I can barely find the DS section in every specialty store I go into, while this weekend at EB I noticed the PSP stuff reached the ceiling as well. Have retailers given up on Nintendo already or something?

Concerning EB specifically:
Whomever pays the most to them in a given month gets the most in-store advertising, shelf placement, and hard sells on the phone. The proteges of Warren Buffet that run a local EB here decided to leave a memo regarding the program out on the counter for all to see one day.

It's called Vendor of the Month (or something like that.) And yes, I'd imagine that right now, given that it's launching in just over two weeks, Sony's writing a lot of checks with a lot of zeroes to help push the PSP.
Man the wait is killing me. I can't believe i'm excited over portable gaming. I have seriously never cared about that lifestyle.

But movies, music, and gaming goodness on a nice screen... yes please.

It'll be interesting for me because I got so late into the game, i'm almost guaranteed to have to camp out opening night. I'm thinking Best Buy is my likely target.


maybe RR/FIFA if I have some cash to spare a few weeks later.
I can't wait for the PSP as well. I've had a GBA-SP in the past, recently traded in for the PSP, and while I enjoyed it, it wasn't something I played a lot nor bought that many games for. But with the PSP, the games are a lot closer to the current gen of home systems, which is much more what I'm looking for in a portable system. I think that's why I'm so excited for the PSP.


Guy LeDouche said:
Is it recommended to use the PSP battery until it is almost dead, then re-charge, or is it okay to charge it often and leave it plugged in often?

I don't want to kill the battery life down by cycling it incorrectly.

question 2: Is Gamecrazy or whatever the place is called inside Blockbuster going to have launch titles on launch day, or will they get them late? I have $50 in gift certificates I want to put toward Tiger Woods but I want it that Thursday because I have some boring night classes to sit through.

e: traded-in some old crap and now have $220 down on my PSP. w00t.

relax. And charge it often. Don't let it get run too down every cycle if possible. About once a month do a full discharge/recharge cycle on it.

BTW, I left my PSP in sleep mode, and this morning it was completely dead - only about two weeks in sleep. I had to reset the date and everything. I thought it didn't take any juice, but clearly it takes a little.
"Also, they say they expect Twisted Metal and several other launch titles on the 16th."

Will they sell the games once they get them? If so, I'd love to get TM a few days early.


Ok, my wife has given me the go-ahead on a PSP. I'm getting the $400 bundle from EB, but I need some help in getting the best gear to go alongside it. For anyone in the know - what's the best screen protector, carrying case, and what not to get?


Mistaken iRobbery!
Pedigree Chum said:
"Also, they say they expect Twisted Metal and several other launch titles on the 16th."

Will they sell the games once they get them? If so, I'd love to get TM a few days early.
I'm hoping they do. Retailers I remember sold certain PS2 games 1-3 days early before launch once they got them in back in Oct 2000.
Defensor said:
I'm hoping they do. Retailers I remember sold certain PS2 games 1-3 days early before launch once they got them in back in Oct 2000.

I also remember a lot of retailers selling DS software early, hopefully they'll do the same with PSP games.


Sony's only street-dated the PSP hardware - I'm not sure about other stores, but Gamestops have been told to sell the software as soon as they get it.
daegan said:
Sony's only street-dated the PSP hardware - I'm not sure about other stores, but Gamestops have been told to sell the software as soon as they get it.

Sweet. I'm going to make a thread in the online forum when TM:HO comes out, if anyone gets it early as well lets meet up and play online.


daegan said:
Sony's only street-dated the PSP hardware - I'm not sure about other stores, but Gamestops have been told to sell the software as soon as they get it.

This is true, I just called and was told the same thing. The issue is that although the website shows the ETA as being 3/15/05, the guy at the store said that they have not been given confirmation of any early release. He did say however, that if they were to receive games early they would sell them. I already pre-ordered my games at EB (which is not doing the early release) and since I already have my PSP, I'm probably going to pre-order at gamestop and cancel it at EB so I can play these games a week early.


Just checked my Inbox and got the email from ebgames.com asking me to select.

Choose four products from the following list:

1. Darkstalkers Chronicle: The Chaos Tower (Rated T) $39.99
2. Twisted Metal: Head On (Rated T) $39.99
3. Wipeout Pure (Rated E) $39.99
4. Untold Legends: Brotherhood of the Blade (Rated T) $49.99
5. Gretzky NHL (Rated E) $39.99
6. FIFA Soccer (Rated E) $49.99
7. World Tour Soccer (Rated E) $39.99
8. NBA (Rated E) $39.99
9. Ridge Racer (Rated E) $39.99
10. Tiger Woods PGA Tour (Rated E) $49.99
11. Tony Hawk’s Underground 2 Remix (Rating Pending) $49.99
12. Lumines (Rating Pending) $39.99
13. NFL Street 2 Unleashed (Rated E) $49.99
14. Spider-Man 2 (Rated T) $49.99
15. Dynasty Warriors (Rated T) $49.99
16. Ape Escape: On the Loose (Rated E) $39.99
17. Rengoku: The Tower of Purgatory (Rated M) $49.99
18. Metal Gear Acid (Rating Pending) $49.99
19. Need for Speed Underground Rivals (Rated E) $49.99
20. PSP Mobile Kit $39.99
21. Sandisk Memory Stick Pro Duo 128MB $39.99
22. Sandisk Memory Stick Pro Due 256MB $54.99
23. PSP Charger Case $59.99
24. Pro Gamer’s Case $29.99
25. Sound Stage for PSP $49.99

I can't wait!!


daegan said:
Sony's only street-dated the PSP hardware - I'm not sure about other stores, but Gamestops have been told to sell the software as soon as they get it.
Yup. And supposedly Twisted Metal will be in stores around the 16th, at least, that's what Gamestop told me last week. Sadly, they weren't expecting WipeOut till the 24th :(
Pedigree Chum said:
Sweet. I'm going to make a thread in the online forum when TM:HO comes out, if anyone gets it early as well lets meet up and play online.
I'm down.


This poster pulses with an appeal so broad the typical restraints of our societies fall by the wayside.
Just a heads up for anyone who's still looking for a place to order; it looks like Gamestop has acknowledged the fact that more PSPs will be available at launch. They changed the status on their site from "Now taking orders for second shipment" to "All orders filled first come, first serve" and put it right on the main page. Their bundle is $390 with three games, but they don't let you choose which ones.


Pedigree Chum said:
16th? even better...I can't wait for TM:HO.

BTW, doesn anyone know when HSG is supposed to come out? I wish it were a luanch title :(
Hey hey, according to Gamestop.com, both Twisted Metal and Wipeout are slated to ship on the 15th. Score!
newsguy said:
The issue is that although the website shows the ETA as being 3/15/05, the guy at the store said that they have not been given confirmation of any early release.
Well, if they site lists the 15th as a ship date, that means they'll ship from the warehouses to stores and online buyers at that date. No way around that.
ManaByte said:
So I went to pre-order Twisted Metal and Wipeout today and got this:

"I want to pre-order Wipeout Pure for the PSP."

"White belt?"


"I don't see a Wide Out in the computer"

Finally picked up the display box to show them the game.
oh snap!

i had to write down 'darkstalkers' on a piece of paper because the clerk couldn't find it in the computer... then after she tried again, she said "it wasn't there a minute ago!"


Scoobert said:
All I can say is that I work for EBgames and during a conference call that is what the manager was told. He had no details of how the bundle will be, just saying there will be one. He also hates bundles btw, so he's pretty lax about it. That's why every ebgames might be different with the bundles.

I remember during the holidays when the PStwo came out and we among other Ebgames would have to bundle them. All we had at the time was a $199.99 price. We usually said it had to be a Sony accessory and any $19.99 game or higher(you pay any differences). Sometimes people would ask if they could just get 2 games, and we always said "sure". As long as they were near that magic price of $199.99 it really didn't matter what they got.

I'm hoping its the same with the PSP bundles, just a dollar amount. We're all crossing our fingers that it's a $299.99 price. Right now EBgames is deciding bundles and the number of PSP's each store will be getting.

We'll probably get word closer to launch. Hopefully sooner though. The bundle will decide if I get a PSP or not, I was already on the fence at $250.
Any more word on the bundle situation? People have been posting about the forced bundle, but I thought that was for the online store only...
I talked with my SoCal Gamestop this weekend while putting some more money down on my PSP and the manager said he hasn't heard from corporate yet regarding bundles, but that at most it'd be one game, and if the customer was the slightest bit vocal about having a problem, he'd just let it go and sell the value pack as is.

Are most launch titles expected to be in stores around the 15th?


Guy LeDouche said:
I talked with my SoCal Gamestop this weekend while putting some more money down on my PSP and the manager said he hasn't heard from corporate yet regarding bundles, but that at most it'd be one game, and if the customer was the slightest bit vocal about having a problem, he'd just let it go and sell the value pack as is.

Are most launch titles expected to be in stores around the 15th?

Are there really people who want the value pack and that's it? I understand if the bundle is 2 or more games and/or you don't have a choice of game, but come on people are going to throw fits over having to buy a game with their hardware? I guess bundle is a dirty word in the new age.
tralfazz said:
Are there really people who want the value pack and that's it? I understand if the bundle is 2 or more games and/or you don't have a choice of game, but come on people are going to throw fits over having to buy a game with their hardware? I guess bundle is a dirty word in the new age.
Actually, it sounds totally reasonable and I agree with you, but I have one of those rare cases (though I won't be throwing a fit). I got $50 in Blockbuster gift certificates for a Xmas gifts and I haven't rented anything in years, so I planned to buy a game from Blockbuster (or gamecrazy or whatever its called) and get my PSP at Gamestop. If I can't get a game at BB, I'll be happy to just get Tiger Woods at Gamestop, but I'd like to just use those stupid gift certificates.


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
Got my ebgames.com bundle email...

Got myself Lumines,Ridge Racer,Wipeout Pure and Tiger Woods...Ill buy myself a bigger memory card,those two listed are worthless in the list :(


Bristow said:
Why is nobody getting Metal Gear Acid? Is there something I don't know about?

I generally don't like MG proper, but I wanted to hear more about this title before dropping 50 on it


Bristow said:
Why is nobody getting Metal Gear Acid? Is there something I don't know about?

I was very tempted but I want to see a little more before I accept. I chose Lumines, Tiger, Fifa, and NFSU. I will pickup Darkstalkers, Wipeout and probably MGS in a couple of weeks.


Defensor said:
I've never heard of this. Is this new?
Mine is stuck. I have to remove it with tweezers. I admit I may have bent it slightly while taking out of the lame packaging, but nothing the eye can detect.


This poster pulses with an appeal so broad the typical restraints of our societies fall by the wayside.
Mrbob said:
Hmmm ebgames is charging more for games than gamestop on some titles.
They were charging $50 for Lumines up until last week, but they dropped it to meet Gamestop's price. They'll probably drop the prices of the other games soon..I can't imagine they could get away with it otherwise.


Mrbob said:
Hmmm ebgames is charging more for games than gamestop on some titles.
Their in-store prices are different. The display boxes they have in their stores all have $39.99 on them.


Ironclad_Ninja said:
Their in-store prices are different. The display boxes they have in their stores all have $39.99 on them.

That's not right anyway because there are many titles that are 49.99.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
Mine is stuck. I have to remove it with tweezers. I admit I may have bent it slightly while taking out of the lame packaging, but nothing the eye can detect.
Wow, really? Has anyone else experienced this?


Tag of Excellence

The Bundles deal is apparently nothing to do with a corporate wide policy but rather a contest that Sony or the companies themselves are holding. Apparently the manager of the store that sells the most (didn't specify but I suspect within the region) wins an HDTV. This contest is being held at both EB and GameStop.

The local GameStop manager explained this to me the other day in a bit of a rush so I didn't get all the fine details.

For the Miami crew; the GameStop by The Falls has plenty of preorders left for first day release. No bundles will be forced whatsoever and the employees are all a bunch of great, hassle-free guys.
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