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Too Human Official Thread of Hack-n-Loot


Spruchy said:
Slayr05 I believe was his gamertag, neither of us really talked except when he was chewing me out for not doing the most optimized way of killing.

:Equip a new 1h orange sword:


(I'm a level 30 bersker btw)



He sword slides into an explodey guy as im shooting it


"Would'nt it have had the same outcome?"

"No those are special enemies that dont explode unless you shoot it moron!"


I don't know why I stayed -_-.

Were you playing with Denis? :lol

jk ;)


slasher_thrasher21 said:
Shit my bad. I'm at work so can't remember. I remember the colors and then off, I thought there was a auto salvage setting. Hmmmm.... Damn... work has made me forget!

It's cool. The settings are: smart, everything, off, the rest of the settings are colors.
I'm pretty sure it applies to armor to but I think it only auto-salvages when you pick something up and not when buying something. I know it definately doesn't for runes/charms.
Zaraki_Kenpachi said:
I'm pretty sure it applies to armor to but I think it only auto-salvages when you pick something up and not when buying something. I know it definately doesn't for runes/charms.

Doesn't it only auto salavage when your inventory is full also? So that only when your full does it start removing the lowest level stuff? If not, how does it determine what to salavage or not.
"Doesn't it only auto salavage when your inventory is full also? So that only when your full does it start removing the lowest level stuff? If not, how does it determine what to salavage or not."

Ya, gets rid of lowest item if full for smart.


Ok I just beat level 2 and saw a cutscene with the psycho lookin lady after entering the weapon shop, but now I dont know where to go and the map doesn't tell me shit..

Any help?
"Ok I just beat level 2 and saw a cutscene with the psycho lookin lady after entering the weapon shop, but now I dont know where to go and the map doesn't tell me shit..

Any help?"

Look around where the map tells you to.... Don't over think it.


Seems like the game is selling well here or they under shipped to several stores in the Denver area. I went to GS first, all they had left were two gutted copies so I walked away. I tried Wal-Mart, Target and Best Buy with no luck. Finally found a copy at Circuit City. They had a deal with a free 10 dollar gift card and I had no idea of the deal, until the lady gave it to me :lol
Christ. I bought the game an hour ago and I'm kind of scared to open it. Won't be playing until at least 10 pm so I guess I have some time to mull it over.


oh ok my game glitched, the scene I saw replayed once I quit and re entered, I went to another old level after it so I guess its a bug or a stupid design.


whatdidyousay said:
Christ. I bought the game an hour ago and I'm kind of scared to open it. Won't be playing until at least 10 pm so I guess I have some time to mull it over.

Why? seems like a lot of people here enjoyed it.


Alright, I know I am a little late to this thread but I just picked up the game. I am a defender class and it is asking me to pick between cybernetic path and human path. Any suggestions?
Screw the haters. This game is really fun. I am amazed that people have been bitching about stuff that is just is not true over the past few months;

-Camera - Never a problem for me, and there are a ton of options to fit your play style.
-Graphics - This game looks really good. There is nothing worth complaining about here. The environments look really cool and I like the futuristic/mid-evil vibe the game's visuals have.
-Cutscenes - They get the job done, and are nowhere near as bad as everyone is saying.
-Story - So far the story is better than most video game stories I have played in the past few years. Also this is an action game

People really hopped on the bandwagon with the hate for this game.
Can someone explain the Sentient Power to me? I just added a point to it and it says to click both stick to activate it but nothing happens.


Right below where it says AMMO on your HUD is an icon for the power. You click both sticks and you'll hear a growling and see your weapon fly out in front of you and go nuts attacking everything, plus your combo meter will max out. You can't use it again until the icon reappears, but I don't know what that relies on - time, damage, attacks, etc...


sevenchaos said:
Can someone explain the Sentient Power to me? I just added a point to it and it says to click both stick to activate it but nothing happens.

There should be a tiny wolf head on your HUD if it's ready to go. Click both sticks and a weapon goes flying around the room taking out bad guys Jedi style.

I couldn't get it to work right away either. Maybe it needs a few points first?


Mifune said:
There should be a tiny wolf head on your HUD if it's ready to go. Click both sticks and a weapon goes flying around the room taking out bad guys Jedi style.

I couldn't get it to work right away either. Maybe it needs a few points first?

I've only had mine at 1 the whole time, so I don't think that's it. You don't see it recharging like you do the spiders, and it takes several minutes for it to recharge, so it may just be recharging or something?

Also me and my friend just spent like 30 minutes buying full sets of colored runes and fucking with our armor colors :lol . The colors are kinda misleading though and never quite look how you think they will; I wish there was a full preview of what it would look like.
Not sure if anyone sat around the title screen long enough but it gives good verbal backstory to the game. Mentioning Odin and whatnot. :D


I'm having a lot of fun but the ranged combat is all kinds of bullshit. Walk into a room and have an entire screen full of purple arrows flying at you with no way to dodge or get swarmed by them in the middle of a battle. Ridiculous shit. Other than that, great gaem.


Comics, serious business!
kpop100 said:
Wow I came into here thinking this would be a bash fest, but some positive opnions. I may pick this one up yet.

Yup, watch out, these guys do a good job of selling it. I picked it up after seeing the positive impressions. I haven't had time to play tho...


im trying to do a no death run in level 2 and beyond, im level 36 and cant find a stable decent level player without them quitting or sucking, anyone up for it?


Finished the campaign about an hour ago. While the story never really took off for me, I was much happier when some explanations started coming out in the last thirty minutes. The setup is definitely there for a sequel, but I really wish that last bit would have happened at the halfway point for this game, rather than holding everything back for the 'whenever' sequel.

The last shot of Loki meeting the Giant was pretty great though.

My Berserker is at level 30, but I'm considering just leveling up a Defender now when I start playing co-op; I'm fucking over getting knocked down.


Please toss me on the list, gamertag BigAT4.

Just picked up the game today, having fun with it so far. Also, I'm sure this had to have been mentioned before, but I just found plans for a gun called "The KLOBB." Great Goldeneye reference.


If you guys got sick of the Ice Forest -- wait 'till you see it the second time through when you are 30+. :lol I don't think they gave much thought to encounter design in this game, because some of the groups are just ridiculous. I'm not even sure how they expected you to take down 3 trolls with ranged immunity, other than just dying again and again....

Ice Forest is actually kind of a fun challenge in co-op.

I'll be jumping on my 36 Berserker shortly, if anyone wants to play (doesn't have to be Ice Forest of course :D) GT: border1979
What's the point of the experience level dropping to zero every time you die? Can someone explain to a newb like me what that does or doesn't mean? Gracias.
"What's the point of the experience level dropping to zero every time you die?"

It's one of the penalties of dying among others. You're not supposed to die.


Steroid Distributor
CartridgeBlower said:
What's the point of the experience level dropping to zero every time you die? Can someone explain to a newb like me what that does or doesn't mean? Gracias.

Experience level? You mean the experience multiplier that is associated with your combo meter right? When you die you lose your store combo meter therefore you lose your experience multiplier.

* I could be wrong about this of course. But I thought that they were connected.*

I just finished the game. Pretty freakin cool. This game is so undeserving of the horrible reviews. I don't know what people were expecting at all because I never stopped having fun. I got really good with ranged combat near the end and rarely died (Champion) at all. I never had any serious glitches. Dialog was fine. Baulder is kinda cool. I've played a lot of garbage in my days and I think this game sits in the pile of must have games on the 360. Probably in my top 10 on the system.

I've got two pieces to an epic set of armour now. I guess I've got to keep rolling with my Champion to see if I can get the rest.
I'm excited to try out the other classes though.


border said:
I'm not even sure how they expected you to take down 3 trolls with ranged immunity, other than just dying again and again....

Spirit of Fenrir = three dead trolls, plus whatever else that psycho fucking weapon can find.


question, to get the charm quest achievement do you have to insert the ruins into them as well? Or just their stat thing..



Junior Member
Truelize said:
Experience level? You mean the experience multiplier that is associated with your combo meter right? When you die you lose your store combo meter therefore you lose your experience multiplier.

* I could be wrong about this of course. But I thought that they were connected.*

I just finished the game. Pretty freakin cool. This game is so undeserving of the horrible reviews. I don't know what people were expecting at all because I never stopped having fun. I got really good with ranged combat near the end and rarely died (Champion) at all. I never had any serious glitches. Dialog was fine. Baulder is kinda cool. I've played a lot of garbage in my days and I think this game sits in the pile of must have games on the 360. Probably in my top 10 on the system.

I've got two pieces to an epic set of armour now. I guess I've got to keep rolling with my Champion to see if I can get the rest.
I'm excited to try out the other classes though.

Yeah it boggles my mind aswell. Just goes to show how hype (or anti-hype in this case) can affect review scores. And to think we would have all missed out on a pretty awesome game if it weren't for the demo.
"Spirit of Fenrir = three dead trolls, plus whatever else that psycho fucking weapon can find."

It doesn't do that much damage on the trolls and usually doesn't even kill one.


Steroid Distributor
PSGames said:
Yeah it boggles my mind aswell. Just goes to show how hype (or anti-hype in this case) can affect review scores. And to think we would have all missed out on a pretty awesome game if it weren't for the demo.

Yeah that demo sold me on the game too. At first I wasn't really getting it. Was pretty worried actually cause I've been kinda feeling sorry for this game. It's been dragged through the fire for so long and even if Denis brings a lot of that crap he gets on himself, it's still hard to see happen. But anyways I was worried it would be a stinker going into it. And after playing the demo for over an hour I was sold. I pre-ordered the next day.
I'm sure more people will play this as prices drop and they will see that they should have tried it out sooner.


Zaraki_Kenpachi said:
Holy fuck after probably close to 3 hours me and fin finally beat the second level. What a nightmare :| I did get to level 43 though! :D

yeah that was fucking epic. The trolls were insane!
Me n Fin just played through Ice Forest and I was going for no death achievement I didn't get it but don't remember dieing. Only thing I can think of is failing a secret room and it took us out, could be considered a death? O well.


finally got a red epic drop, lvl 30 helm(I'm lvl 33)

man this game is addictive. I've been late to work already because of it. Just called in and said I was stuck in traffic:lol
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