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Too Human Official Thread of Hack-n-Loot


goldenpp72 said:
Ok what is elite armor? I thought it was orange armor, and it also says 7 pieces, im so fucking confused :/

It is. Orange= Elite, and Red=Epic. Red is the rarest

I do wish there was a overall guide website for the game. Way too much stuff that isn't explained. Maybe I should go out and get the guide, not a big fan of paying for guides though.


Zaraki_Kenpachi said:
"They really need to shorten the death\revive scene =["

They really can't... They're hiding loading by doing that.

Thats some real long ass loading.

(and it freaking sucks) Im in the Ice Forest and ive seen it 10 times now :(
I got the KLOBB earlier, and I was so happy. Now I have a rifle that's better than the KLOBB and I'm bummed. :(

Also, add me to the list plzkthnx (FreakmanJ).


Steroid Distributor
The achievement is for an elite armour set? Dang I've been selling armour once I don't need it and I had three pieces for a set of elite/orange.

I'm thinking it's 7 pieces because each shoulder is considered a piece. A pair of shoulder pieces.


xxjuicesxx said:
Me n Fin just played through Ice Forest and I was going for no death achievement I didn't get it but don't remember dieing. Only thing I can think of is failing a secret room and it took us out, could be considered a death? O well.

that was probably it. my bad we can try again sometime i wanna start some more classes.


Truelize said:
The achievement is for an elite armour set? Dang I've been selling armour once I don't need it and I had three pieces for a set of elite/orange.

I'm thinking it's 7 pieces because each shoulder is considered a piece. A pair of shoulder pieces.
There's an achievement for obtaining a set? Trick that!
I JUST (Just made the gauntlets to complete) put together a set of 7 Orange pieces (Elite) and didn't get the achievement.

I guess it has to be a set of 7 Red pieces?

Perhaps it all has to be the same level, cause all my level 50 orange stuff starts with the word Dark? Some of my orange stuff is like 30-40 level.
ok, just jumping into this one....there seems to be quite a few camera options. What seems to be the consensus on the best one? I've been hopping around trying different ones and haven't really stuck with one just yet....


fin said:
yeah that was fucking epic. The trolls were insane!

Haha, Sevenchaos and I just did the same and it took us 5 hours. Both hit level 40, constantly stopping to trade gear. 27 hours in. Sogood.gif


Jtyettis said:
Haha, Sevenchaos and I just did the same and it took us 5 hours. Both hit level 40, constantly stopping to trade gear. 27 hours in. Sogood.gif
27 hours? Good god man! I'm only 16 hours in, but then again, I haven't given online co-op a go yet. I'm sure once I jump in on that they'll reach crazy heights. It's addictive enough doing solo :p
"27 hours? Good god man! I'm only 16 hours in, but then again, I haven't given online co-op a go yet. I'm sure once I jump in on that they'll reach crazy heights. It's addictive enough doing solo :p"

Heh, only 27?
Hey, does anyone know how to tell when it's safe to save and quit without losing too much progress into a level? I saved far into level 2 earlier today and just went back to play it and I'm like 20+ minutes behind the spot I saved at then quit =\


Grecco said:
Thats some real long ass loading.

(and it freaking sucks) Im in the Ice Forest and ive seen it 10 times now :(

Honestly it has never bothered me. It's about 10 seconds and its a good time to stretch the hands before you get back into the mix. I think i've died well over 100 times.

Maybe playing Shadow of the Beast as a kid prepared me for this game.


Philthy said:
It's about 10 seconds and its a good time to stretch the hands before you get back into the mix. I think i've died well over 100 times.
Oh, you'll know when you've hit 100. :p


Philthy said:
Honestly it has never bothered me. It's about 10 seconds and its a good time to stretch the hands before you get back into the mix. I think i've died well over 100 times.

Maybe playing Shadow of the Beast as a kid prepared me for this game.

Its close 30 seccond actually. If you die 100 times, its almost 50 minutes of wasted unskipable time. I guess it pads that "ending time" for gameplay.
Grecco said:
Its close 30 seccond actually. If you die 100 times, its almost 50 minutes of wasted unskipable time. I guess it pads that "ending time" for gameplay.

Many other games take just as long... in something like Ninja Gaiden you just have to go through a load screen, or something like Diablo or World of Warcraft where you have to trek back through now empty areas to return to where you were, and often it's a long walk.


DarkAngelYuna said:
Hey, does anyone know how to tell when it's safe to save and quit without losing too much progress into a level? I saved far into level 2 earlier today and just went back to play it and I'm like 20+ minutes behind the spot I saved at then quit =\

Right after receiving a token is the safest time I've found to save.


you guys shouldnt be complaining about LOADING on too human.
it handles the loading stuff extremely well.

if the death sequence bothers you so much, play better! ;p


Many other games take just as long... in something like Ninja Gaiden you just have to go through a load screen, or something like Diablo or World of Warcraft where you have to trek back through now empty areas to return to where you were, and often it's a long walk

Err both of those games have alot more ways to regain your health as well. Be it orbs in NG or Pots, Bandages, Heals in Wow.

This wouldnt be an issue if the cinema was simply skipable.

if the death sequence bothers you so much, play better!

Yes if something is bad in the game it MUST be the players fault!
Grecco said:
Err both of those games have alot more ways to regain your health as well. Be it orbs in NG or Pots, Bandages, Heals in Wow.

This wouldnt be an issue if the cinema was simply skipable.

Yes if something is bad in the game it MUST be the players fault!

Healing didn't make those games any easier though.

As a player your job is to learn how to survive with the tools they've given you. They just don't choose to give you easy healing as one of those tools. Don't get hit. Use dodge, use air combos to minimize ground time, take out missile units first, use ruiners against swarms of weak enemies to get them to drop health orbs... keep some unbroken containers near your fight so you can retreat and check them for health, etc.

Sometimes I wonder if any of the reviewers who played this game just plowed directly into the enemy and held the stick down, accepting deaths as they came. This game is not that fun when played like that.

This game is at it's most fun when you are doing everything you can to avoid death, and succeeding.


p3tran said:
you guys shouldnt be complaining about LOADING on too human.
it handles the loading stuff extremely well.

if the death sequence bothers you so much, play better! ;p

I agree. Waiting a few minutes is the only penalty for death and its not so bad. In PSO if you were solo and you died you had to walk all the way back which could take much longer.

Yes if something is bad in the game it MUST be the players fault!

If it was up to me death would take 1/8 of the XP you have toward advancing to the next level. Besides, dying is supposed to be a bad thing right?

EDIT: I agree with Wayward Archer. I think people are so used to playing games like Diablo where you can just hack & heal through the game. SK didn't just forget to give you the ability to heal, they wanted player to play it more like and action game where you had to plan things out a little more.

The only problem I have is with the effects that last way too long. I went through my health twice(kept getting healing drops) before it finished.


Grecco said:
Yes if something is bad in the game it MUST be the players fault!
I cannot agree that loading is bad on too human, no.
the opposite, yes!

also the way it handles your player's death is good!
no restart level/checkpoint/backtracking, no menus, no loading screens, just the death sequence and back where you were.
I've enjoyed games that handled this stuff in a lot less convinient way for the player than TH.


Can someone explain the charms to me? I'm kind of confused. I get that each one has an objective that you have to complete a certain amount of times... but then you insert runes into it? I completed one of them but I'm lost as to what doing that actually did
Mairu said:
Can someone explain the charms to me? I'm kind of confused. I get that each one has an objective that you have to complete a certain amount of times... but then you insert runes into it? I completed one of them but I'm lost as to what doing that actually did

Just select the charm and push X to insert, look for runes that are highlighted, these are the ones you need for the charm. Select one of those and push A. Keep pushing X, selecting a rune, then pushing A until all the runes in the charm's stats change color or until you run out of runes that it needs in which case wait until you've gathered some more. When it's finally activated and equipped you get whatever effect it has listed.

Most of the ones you get early on are adding some kind of effect to your weapon (freeze, sleep, stun, charm, etc).
Lebron said:
27 hours? Good god man! I'm only 16 hours in, but then again, I haven't given online co-op a go yet. I'm sure once I jump in on that they'll reach crazy heights. It's addictive enough doing solo :p
Yeah we just finished about 20 minutes ago. Decided to get through area three and that took about two hours. Gonna massacre area four tomorrow. We're both 43 now. Sadly we didn't find any epic pieces.

After 25 plus hours logged I can confidently say this game is my new PSO. I fucking love this game. :D


Does anyone know what the Mastery Runes do? They are orange, but don't give any indication of their effects. It just says something like "Mastery - A Will to Survive +1". Are bosses or named characters immune to some of the more interesting Charm effects (eg - "Causes your target to attack other enemies")?

Another thing that was asked earlier but not answered -- does the Damage rating on Dual Wield items mean damage per weapon, or total damage between the two? It's really difficult finding dual wield stuff that's as good as comparable 2-handers.....but if the damage is x2, then that makes sense.


OK, Im done. I clocked 14 hours with 29 levels and 71 deaths. I enjoyed it for its faults it has. I wont going back to it after today is done though. It was worth the rental.

DEV TIP: Never make a death sequence like that, EVAR again. If you have to do the whole thing with the angel thing picking you up, please make it go faster or dont do it at all. A simple game over would have worked for me or a screen that blacks out then drops you off to the nearest checkpoint(which I thought was very well done, very forgiving).


SK, I'm loving the game but don't you ever
do a Hod type boss fight again.
Please don't, it was horrible.

I got my first orange blueprint....Too bad it's a hammer and shield. I was thinking about holding it and giving it to any Defender around Level 19.
AgentOtaku said:
why'd you prefer SP?
There's just nothing that grabs me about multiplayer, at the moment. Especially since the four-player mode was taken out.

VaLiancY said:
SK, I'm loving the game but don't you ever
do a Hod type boss fight again.
Please don't, it was horrible.
All the boss fights in this game suck.
Yeah, when I mean experience level I mean the %.

Like the part that says "EXP __ %"

That's what keeps resetting back to 0% when I die.

Is that supposed to happen?
AgentOtaku said:
I've only done the first one as a defender thus far before restarting as a Champion, and yeah, I wasn't impressed =/
Yeah. Silicon Knights needs to take some notes for the sequels. I DO NOT want to have to fight bosses like this in the next games.


Official GAF Bottom Feeder
AgentOtaku said:
I've only done the first one as a defender thus far before restarting as a Champion, and yeah, I wasn't impressed =/

They get worse.

Definitely among the worst bosses I've encountered in any game ever. They aren't hard. Just bloody boring as shit to fight.


All the boss fights are awful, and they tend to stem from the rather poor design decision to make 1-sided encounters. The condition of "This guy is only vulnerable to ballistics at this time" would be a prime example. That's great, but if I don't have a Commando then I'm fucked. 4 of the 5 classes are melee-oriented, yet almost all of the bosses have a phase that requires ranged attacks. The demon-dog thing (Garm?) in Helheim is almost exclusively requires ranged weapons, and he'll murder the fuck out of you if you get close.

To top it off, all of the encounters before bosses tend to be increasingly unfair (missile dudes that spawn half a mile away, multi-Troll pulls where annoying freezes/stuns are unavoidable), so by the time you get to a boss all your gear is fucking broken and your attacks are that much less effective.

How any of this shit made it through playtesting, I don't know. I think a lot of the big fights were tuned with the assumption that there would be 4-player co-op, and when the game got scaled back they never bothered to re-adjust the encounters.

Also, what's with stat-caps in this game? I tried to stack a lot of Strength for damage, but at some point it tells you you are capped. I thought the whole point of these dungeon hacks was min-maxing to the extremes. With such low caps it seems like they are forcing you towards making a balanced character. Did Diablo and Titan Quest have caps? WoW has unwritten caps on certain stats, but you can't reach them unless you are maximum level and sporting some insane gear. Too Human is at least nice enough to tell you its caps, but I started hitting caps before I even finished my first playthrough.


On the third world and I died...and it put me back about a 5 minute walk, unfortunately one of the elevators decided to NOT work since I had used it once, and now I have to save/restart -- which puts me back 15 minutes and I had to fight everything over again.

What's up with that?
Beat the third world. Seemed shorted than 2, and I enjoyed it slightly less, although that fake out at the beginning was pretty fucking trippy. I kind of am still increasingly enjoying the story, even though the execution still lacks in many ways.

BIG NEWS though is I'm like three pieces into an epic set, lvl 22. It looks like fucking Serpentor or some shit? Pretty fucking bad ass. 83 armor pretty much across the board with insane stat bonuses up and down the thing.

QUESTION: If/when I skip to Aesir in the middle of a level, how do I get back and where does it leave me?


Some people won't be happy until the penalty for death is an instant refill of your health bar and resumption of the action.

Fun game.


For those who own the Prima guide, are you finding it useful at all? I'm thinking of picking one up for my nephew because he's a research freak when it comes to his games, especially rpg/action rpgs. He's the only kid (9 years old) I know that actually takes the time to read the manuals and guide books prior to playing a game. Is there enough info in there that he'd actually learn some good things from it? Plus it's selling for $13.59 on Amazon and I'm a Prime member. Seems like a pretty good price.


Got a question based on some co-op last night. Two of the secret rooms on the second level I had already completed, but in co-op I could not access them with a friend nor could he? Are some of these rooms with treasure at the end not available once you have completed them by yourself? That would be a bit of a shame since you have some nice chances at loot with some of them having like up to 5 to loot at the end.

Also suggestion for SK, implement a stats page at the end of each co-op round where you could see a wrap up of deaths, time played, damage output, healing, ect. That would only add to the experience and it would be even more so if you could track some of these stats over the life of the character.


mm04 said:
For those who own the Prima guide, are you finding it useful at all? I'm thinking of picking one up for my nephew because he's a research freak when it comes to his games, especially rpg/action rpgs. He's the only kid (9 years old) I know that actually takes the time to read the manuals and guide books prior to playing a game. Is there enough info in there that he'd actually learn some good things from it? Plus it's selling for $13.59 on Amazon and I'm a Prime member. Seems like a pretty good price.

It's pretty decent actually.
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