The warm weather brought them out.
The cold weather is what made them like that.
The warm weather brought them out.
Just bought a six pack from a friends recommendation. It tastes pretty much like root beer, but there's a smokey aftertaste I'm not a huge fan of. For someone who isn't a fan of that beery taste it's great.
Reminder: meetup is in a week. As one once said: be there or be shamed. We can discuss possible pre-meetup locations (probably a nearby Tims)
Let it all go and have fun? I was kind of in that position a while ago since the Miku concert was the first concert I've been to. It's all a matter of how much you just leave everything else behind and enjoy yourself (while being respectful to everyone else). You can probably strike up conversations in the meantime (I was chatting with one guy and his friend and when I brought up Anamanaguchi being the opening act, the conversation went well).
I dunno what's worthwhile in Danforth, so can't help you there lol
Anyone here try Dusty Boots Hard Root Beer?
Anyone here try Dusty Boots Hard Root Beer? Seem fairly new and saying it's Canada's Adult Root Beer. About to buy a 6 pack and find out
Anyone here try Dusty Boots Hard Root Beer? Seem fairly new and saying it's Canada's Adult Root Beer. About to buy a 6 pack and find out
Any one put it in a float?Globe and Mail said:One brand, in particular, is coveted: Not Your Fathers Root Beer, from Small Town Brewery in Wauconda, Ill. The brew earned an enviable rating of 94 out of 100 on Beer Advocate...
Small Town brewed its first batch of root beer in 2013...
And if you cant find Not Your Fathers, relax; your local craft operation is probably fine-tuning a root beer recipe right now. Chicagos Berghoff Brewery announced a new brew called Rowdy Root Beer in June. Meanwhile, Boston Beer, the maker of Sam Adams, is reportedly working on its own version, although the company did not return requests for comment.
If you find some, put some ice cream in it
Protip: Just buy a single bottle if you are unsure of a product
Tried it a few weeks ago, it's pretty damn good. Tastes exactly like A&W/Barq/Mug, you barely notice the alcohol.
one good game after 6 blowouts doesn't a good series makeThat was some game yesterday... way better than the NHL playoffs.
The most Canadian crime ever:
Wouldn't think a pizza place would have that kind of cash, although the article does mention that.
This was the most northern ontario crime ever. Was actually the beer store I went to all the time.
I blame you for this filthy letter I got today. Damn you to hell.Got my letter today informing me I had 30 days to get a new photo health card.
End of an era. RIP ol' red & white. ;_;7
Edit: to be honest, it's nice out right now with this breeze. It was freezing inside my office building with the AC on full blast.
Edit: to be honest, it's nice out right now with this breeze. It was freezing inside my office building with the AC on full blast.
I fear for what today did to my electric bill
Today is my birthday, but with the sun and work...barely made it today.
I'm taking over this Saturday's Meetup as my Birthday and no one can stop me!
Also, All of the Mighty No. 9 Reviews and salty tears are the best B-day gifts ever.
Happy birthday, you survived! Until this Saturday.
I was about to say thank goodness I never backed that, but then I remembered that I backed Project Phoenix. Ugh. Gotta have one poorly-run Kickstarter under our belts.
I was at my convocation at York today and they gave this guy an honorary degree:
haha, never change York!
Im 30 years old. Would it be creepy if I showed up at the meetup?
Im 30 years old. Would it be creepy if I showed up at the meetup?
Im 30 years old. Would it be creepy if I showed up at the meetup?
Yes.Im 30 years old. Would it be creepy if I showed up at the meetup?
Git offa mah laaaaaaawn!It's just a matter of how young you feel.
Here's a picture of Kuro and I at a recent GAF meetup.
Enjoy it while it lasts!This weather!
Sipping on some bubble tea right now, feels great man.
Nah.Im 30 years old. Would it be creepy if I showed up at the meetup?
When is the meetup again?
I'm too lazy to look it up.