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PoliGAF 2016 |OT4| Tyler New Chief Exit Pollster at CNN

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So the Bernie supporter narrative is now gonna be "But, but she doesn't have the 2,383 through pledged delegates", right? You know, moving the goal posts ignoring that Superdelegates are built into that number.


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Minority voters are almost single-handedly preventing a Trump/Sanders election. Never been so happy to live in a diverse country.

I think a Trump/Sanders election would be pretty great, except for the fact that it makes a Trump success so much more likely. An election polarized to that degree would raise interest in politics massively, and solidify Sanders' policy suggestions within the standard Democratic platform.

Legitimizing outsider voices is pretty vital for any substantial reform to come to our country, which is why I believe Trump going third party would be amazing for everyone involved. Not only would a Trump party split the Right beyond repair, but it would also open the door to other independent parties (such as the Greens or any of the various socialist parties in the US) gaining ground in legislative and local elections.

It would be wonderful if our two-party gridlock was replaced by some sort of coalition system, where non-standard factions could express themselves more freely.
How does anyone like jak and daxter without the help of nostalgia?
Run around boring dreary environments collecting a ton of collectibles with generic lifeless button mashing combat and a stale double jump that trivializes the fun of platforming. The game is boring to even watch, let alone play


I think Sanders is going to drop.

Maybe that's why he was unequivocally saying he would win NY on the news shows. Because he decided he would drop if he lost.

I'd still be surprised. I've felt for a while that he would ride it to the convention no matter what.


I think a Trump/Sanders election would be pretty great, except for the fact that it makes a Trump success so much more likely. An election polarized to that degree would raise interest in politics massively, and solidify Sanders' policy suggestions within the standard Democratic platform.

Legitimizing outsider voices is pretty vital for any substantial reform to come to our country, which is why I believe Trump going third party would be amazing for everyone involved. Not only would a Trump party split the Right beyond repair, but it would also open the door to other independent parties (such as the Greens or any of the various socialist parties in the US) gaining ground in legislative and local elections.

It would be wonderful if our two-party gridlock was replaced by some sort of coalition system, where non-standard factions could express themselves more freely.
It really, really, really wouldn't be.

They are both insurgent candidates with no internal party support and no history of political leadership who are running on dangerous protectionist economic plans while promising ludicrously undeliverable promises to the American people.

It's the type of thing that would make me consider visiting Canada and trying to make a go of an online poker career.


https://twitter.com/DannyEFreeman is tweeting that Sanders is flying back to Vermont and take a day off. Is he finally pulling out of the race?

If he is he may want to take some personal accountability for his campaign and tell Weaver to stop spouting nonsense on MSNBC if he wants to have any leverage with the Democratic caucus in the future. He's already proven himself to be a bitter old man clinging to relevancy, no need to make his future in Congress anymore difficult on himself.


Patton Oswalt ‏@pattonoswalt 56m56 minutes ago

Dear fellow Bernie supporters: if it's Hillary vs. Trump? Come November I'll vote for Hillary so hard it'll blow your hemp socks off.

Thank you, Patton.. little things like this lend street cred, bit by bit.


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He should stop because he's just taking money from people that are like giving up haircuts and shit to donate

At this point Sanders should stop asking for donations, but there's no reason for him to drop. If he transitions fully into a "message candidate", with more of a focus on local races, he'll still be able to make some kind of a lasting impact on American politics.

We might see a muted "tea party on the left" effect, as a handful of old guard Democrats are replaced by progressive opponents. In my home state of Florida, Debbie Wasserman Schultz is being challenged by Tim Canova, a further-left insurgent closely aligned with the Sanders camp. Recent emails from the national campaign have really focused on key primaries across the US.



Jeff Weaver video: http://www.snappytv.com/tc/1757302

Cross posting in case it hasn't gotten here.
If I could have any amendment I wanted, I'd leave the second amendment alone and implement a semi-parliamentary system (keep the POTUS, but let the Speaker of the House have some authority as the head of the parliament) with ranked voting. Is there a particularly strong argument for keeping the current FPTP system?


If he is he may want to take some personal accountability for his campaign and tell Weaver to stop spouting nonsense on MSNBC if he wants to have any leverage with the Democratic caucus in the future. He's already proven himself to be a bitter old man clinging to relevancy, no need to make his future in Congress anymore difficult on himself.

That's the thing, he doesn't actually want to govern anymore, he's happy being a figurehead of the left and I fully expect he will "denounce" the establishment and become and independent again after the election, if not before.

He started out by saying he just wanted to get his message out there. He did good on that front, but, it turned ugly when he started to think he could win.


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If I could have any amendment I wanted, I'd leave the second amendment alone and implement a semi-parliamentary system (keep the POTUS, but let the Speaker of the House have some authority as the head of the parliament) with ranked voting. Is there a particularly strong argument for keeping the current FPTP system?

It's meant to exclude radicals, but Trump's success shows that it doesn't even do that properly

I don't think you can get away from FPTP, but legislative reform is absolutely needed w/ the Senate.

Why can't we? Most nations have abandoned it.
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