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Totoki: "We create infinite realities"; He wants to promote DEI, combat climate change; Sony's profit growth will be driven by PlayStation (margin of


Tell me with a straight face that this team has a lot of different backgrounds.

They even wear the same clothes, like fucking stormtrooper clones.


The hypocrisy in the diversity discourse is nauseating.

That's got to be an AI generated image. Or a staged picture of just female devs. I don't believe the entire damned dev team for Shadows is just chicks :messenger_tears_of_joy:
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Tell me with a straight face that this team has a lot of different backgrounds.

They even wear the same clothes, like fucking stormtrooper clones.


The hypocrisy in the diversity discourse is nauseating.
Yes, outside the fact most of the women are white. They seem different with regards to age.

What does that have to do with anything? John Carmack and Tim Sweeney dress similar,that doesn't mean they had the same lived experience.


I think you’re going to be disappointed, but we’ll see. I’m not at all convinced the “protests” on either side have done a thing. Concord didn’t sell because it was shit, not because of some woke boycott. Hogwarts sold well because it was a good game/popular IP - any hope the ‘other side’ had of bringing it down because of JK Rowling was pie in the sky.

Sony will keep on trucking, and they know it - you see how much they care? Not exactly trying to hide it here…
The point i was making is this whole dei lgbtq mental illnes only exist in western society.

You wont see any of this in asian countries or eastern euripean or middle eastern countries. Or african countries.

So to me sony should force this crap first in japan and when they do that thats when i accept it.
Where did this guy come from? What happened to Kaz Hurai did he leave? It's times like this I miss Ken kutaragi, Jack tretton, Shuhei Yoshida... You know people that focused on games and not politics.

Seriously this sounds like a globalist builderburg/wmf/council on forieng relations /UN governmental shit. (sorry not trying to bring politics here but my god this is crazy!)

The problem is Microsoft is just as bad. How long until Nintendo folds too? I swear it feels like the world went insane and places like reddit are indoctrinated into it. I'm guessing much (not all) of Gen z got raised with this and are on board. As a 40 something dude this bothers the hell out of me. Being watching multiple companies and games that I used to like go down the tubes(wotc, d&d/mtg, Sony, Ubisoft, Ms, Bethesda, Bioware, etc...). When does it end.

I thought concord would be a lesson... Problem is they have millions of woke disciples on reddit and elsewhere that preach for this shit.


Gold Member


the fact that people outside the culture wars acknowledge antibusiness decisions from these companies tells me the tipping point is closer than ever. We need several more big flops for these companies to finally realize how retarded they have been...and Sony needs massive rejection from their audience....too bad Xbox is dead and their next games are equally pushing this stuff.

the fact that people outside the culture wars acknowledge antibusiness decisions from these companies tells me the tipping point is closer than ever. We need several more big flops for these companies to finally realize how retarded they have been...and Sony needs massive rejection from their audience....too bad Xbox is dead and their next games are equally pushing this stuff.

For Sony, the reckoning will come in 3-4 years. Things will get really ugly when the Bungie Bomb bursts. That will dwarf the Concord fiasco. Flagship studios like ND and SM have to show their new IPs. Sony's reputation will get a massive hit if those fail too. Bend is pretty much a walking dead, just like Haven.

I only have faith in the small ones: Asobi, Housemarque.


the fact that people outside the culture wars acknowledge antibusiness decisions from these companies tells me the tipping point is closer than ever. We need several more big flops for these companies to finally realize how retarded they have been...and Sony needs massive rejection from their audience....too bad Xbox is dead and their next games are equally pushing this stuff.

I wholeheartedly agree with this and of course that new KTJL character looks like a rejected Concord character or something they pulled out from any other Western game.
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The point i was making is this whole dei lgbtq mental illnes only exist in western society.

You wont see any of this in asian countries or eastern euripean or middle eastern countries. Or african countries.

So to me sony should force this crap first in japan and when they do that thats when i accept it.
It says in the DEI description they're going to push it in the office, with a focus on eliminating the gender gap in Japan

Good luck getting Japanese otaku to accept it when their favorite characters look like crap. Won't fly at all there
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someone and investors will question him about the $400 million investment in the next sony AGM meeting , i am gonna see how he is gonna answer when certain games failed to earn profit after heavy investment
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I'm a big Sony fan but this i cannot defend. I miss the old Sony, the thr Sony that used to make edgy games or take more risks and the main focus was the narrative not this dei nonsense.

crushed noo GIF
Yeah I miss the old Sony as well and I’m sure we’re not the only ones. They are not the same company anymore unfortunately. They need to move their headquarters back to Japan. Moving to California was the beginning of this unfortunate direction for Sony imo.
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I hope their DEI initiatives cause them to lose record amounts of money. People have been clear for a while now: nobody wants it.
I will enjoy seeing this idiot being shown the door when he loses them even more billions.
Unfortunately corporate investors do want it, it makes them look "good" and "responsible" (Blackrock one of the biggest DEI supporters), so it will stay. Mostly in name only because primary targets are financial ones and not political ones.
And this "focus" on corporate presentations for years already, didn't really affect Sony much.


Gold Member
For Sony, the reckoning will come in 3-4 years. Things will get really ugly when the Bungie Bomb bursts. That will dwarf the Concord fiasco. Flagship studios like ND and SM have to show their new IPs. Sony's reputation will get a massive hit if those fail too. Bend is pretty much a walking dead, just like Haven.

I only have faith in the small ones: Asobi, Housemarque.

The hit to their reputation has already taken place. Their games need to be a categorical flop, and outside fairgames and marathon; with their single player games this is basically impossible for that to happen.

I will die in the hill that TLoU2 underperformed by 5M and no one can deny the story decisions fractured the fanbase.

GoW Ragnarok had its own controversy as well as Spiderman 2. HFW while graphically impressive and with tight gameplay it's weakest link is story telling... budgets are out of control and GaaS fucked them up.

i think the realistic way Sony could finally understand that something is not working will be when they realize that despite having more devs (especially in narrative positions like writing) the efficency, productivity, and quality will not be reflected in the final product's overall reception and performance in the market.

Dirk Benedict

Gold Member
I watched some random youtube video on why these companies are going all in on DEI and while it might all be bullshit, it seems the biggest investors in these companies decide to invest based on ESG scores and DEI initiatives.

Again, might just be conspiracy theorist youtube bullshit, but it made sense. it's not that the corporations are woke, it's all about the money.
It's not. Larry Fink, himself is pushing for this shit. The Snake's head = Blackrock


Neo Member
Well, if the goal is to lose money and bring down an entire company, they have my full support. Who am I to criticize these moves by people who are experts at losing money and the trust of their customers?
It's not about the US law. Our accessibility programmes are in all regions and are about doing more than what we are required to by law. We want to go beyond that.

Likewise it's not just about high paying jobs. We have a DEI projects on increasing gender diversity in our factory workforce as well.
At what cost? I seen this shit at my company and I work at a metal foundry (doing IT). Don't know what they do with it but I don't like seeing it. Why do they need newsletters about women's history month?

So for example if I loose my job and try to get one at a company pushing this stuff they can say, "nah your white, straight and male, mid 40s ans have privledge, even though you are poor and out of a job. We know you are qualified and what we are looking for but we have to hire x lesbians, oh and your not poc (the derogatory us vs them term) , we already have white men and your bottom of the progressive stack. You already have your privledge, go sleep on the street... Next"... Fuck that bs. Dei is quotas, sbi, it's bullshit, is pro discrimination. And against the law.
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Why? Why the need to have people from different backgrounds? I'd say talent and passion are much more important than race and background, specially when it comes to software development.
But most of those people are actually good at what they do, yeah I'm sure some might be recruited for some check list but not most imo.


At what cost? I seen this shit at my company and I work at a metal foundry (doing IT). Don't know what they do with it but I don't like seeing it. Why do they need newsletters about women's history month?

So for example if I loose my job and try to get one at a company pushing this stuff they can say, "nah your white, straight and male, mid 40s ans have privledge, even though you are poor and out of a job. We know you are qualified and what we are looking for but we have to hire x lesbians, oh and your not poc (the derogatory us vs them term) , we already have white men and your bottom of the progressive stack. You already have your privledge, go sleep on the street... Next"... Fuck that bs. Dei is quotas, sbi, it's bullshit, is pro discrimination. And against the law.
I'm white, straight and male. My LinkedIn is constantly notifying me.

You're applying to the wrong companies, it's simples and yes that's discrimination.


Neo Member
Yeah I miss the old Sony as well and I’m sure we’re not the only ones. They are not the same company anymore unfortunately. Moving to California was the beginning of this unfortunate direction imo.
PlayStation was Kutaragi's vision, period. Getting rid of Kutaragi without having another Kutaragi-level visionary to take his place was the beginning of the end of PlayStation.
It's no different than Apple without Steve Jobs.

Part of the problem likely stems from the move to California.
Back when PS was Japanese we got top tier branding that defined PlayStation. Now we get a soft spoken American guy telling us technical things and it doesn't work the same.

It's a ppt prepared for shareholders. Would be suprised if things like "workspace diversity, dei, etc" aren't mentioned. You can go to any mid size and up corp and odds are one of your training would be about DEI. It is a buzzpoint companies add while representing themselves. MS does this( would be suprised if Nintendo doesn't do this), Google does this, etc. Won't look too much into this.
Yeah you're absolutely right as nothing of consequence has ever come out of this. Just a couple funny words on a slideshow.


Anything i would respond to this would ban me from gaf for eternity.

Therefore all i will say is once japan start this dei crap in their own backyard thats when i would accept it.

But i just came from there and talk about racism holy shit.

Not to mention those japs think they can just treat white women like a vagina on 2 legs, i almost beat up this one fucker who started molesting my wife on the train.
That's got to be an AI generated image. Or a staged picture of just female devs. I don't believe the entire damned dev team for Shadows is just chicks :messenger_tears_of_joy:
Oh no, I'm pretty sure these diversity hires are just the front of this operation. You needs lots more people to develop a big game like that. And these people are underpaid male juniors with a contract of 12 months or so working out of countries like Poland to keep production costs low. Programming stuff. creating assets etc. The people on the picture just take the credit for it all and, you know, make the really important "creative" decisions.


I Dont Believe You Will Ferrell GIF

But this strategy could push them into a bad spot. Aim for a minority and you miss a majority. People are finally starting to talk about this and speak out against having an agenda pushed too hard. Some things needs to evolve naturally, slowly, doesn’t matter what it’s about, push it too far and it’ll do more harm than good.


You guys are so sheltered you can't even tell what is a genuine commitment and what is corporate speak for "We want to qualify for tax incentives worldwide."
It's hard to tell them apart when everything in this industry has become a parody and shit like Sweet Baby Inc not only exist in it but have contaminated half the industry at this point so excuse me for not giving these shithead executives the benefit of a doubt when all this industry has shown me this entire generation is how much they want to indoctrinate me with their political talk and nickle and dime me for every product they offer.
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