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Totoki: "We create infinite realities"; He wants to promote DEI, combat climate change; Sony's profit growth will be driven by PlayStation (margin of


Honestly, I am not opposed to all those grand goals, as long as they can do them while making exciting hardware and engaging games.

If you are chasing all those at the cost of offering quality products, sorry, but you can fuck off.
Thats the problem.. this things can't coexist.. its unnatural and counter produtive for any kind of business... or you hire based solely on merity and do your products with the only objective to sell the most to your target audience and make the most profit you can... or you build your company without thinking exclusive of merti, hiring by quotas knowing you wont be getting the best of the best in business and transform your products in works of personal art and vehicles of messages not worrying about core target audiences.

This utopia of DEI/woke/feminism and effectiveness is the same utopia people for for a century try to sell about communism.... capitalism, merit and profits has to work hand in hand .... anything outside this triad is pure pipe dream lala land utopia.


You guys are so sheltered you can't even tell what is a genuine commitment and what is corporate speak for "We want to qualify for tax incentives worldwide."
Sorry mate... their games has progressively shown thats not the case since the end of last gen .. the mentality is there.. for anyone to see, from past games , present and to future games.. even with past executives with rainbow flags on their profile are now talking shit to gamers and potential buyers.... anyone that dosent care about this subject is more than fine to just ignore it... and just enjoy their games.... but now we have official info connecting the final dots... only with major ultra pure copium can anyone say thats just ABC corporative empty talk.
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Thats the problem.. this things can't coexist.. its unnatural and counter produtive for any kind of business... or you hire based solely on merity and do your products with the only objective to sell the most to your target audience and make the most profit you can... or you build your company without thinking exclusive of merti, hiring by quotas knowing you wont be getting the best of the best in business and transform your products in works of personal art and vehicles of messages not worrying about core target audiences.

This utopia of DEI/woke/feminism and effectiveness is the same utopia people for for a century try to sell about communism.... capitalism, merit and profits has to work hand in hand .... anything outside this triad is pure pipe dream lala land utopia.
If u think about it, those super rich mofos at the top(not talking specifically about sony, all crazy rich multiple yacht owners etc) arent stupid, they suspect or rather know for sure us avg mortals get annoyed at them, so their idea is- create artificial divide between poor/normal/avg ppl so we forget and dont see real divide between normal ppl/laborers and actual super rich mofos.

That is why they push all that nastiness like femnism, dei, all kinds of woke agenda, and pretend(yes, pretend, their personal carbon footprint is multitudes higher from normal person's and they dont give a flying fuck about it, collection of rare supercars, private jets, traveling around the globe all the time, living in huge mansions/condos, crazy parties and w/e us normal ppl cant even think of) fighting global warming/climate change.

Take avg man/woman from around the world and we got nothing in common with those rich fucks, especially when it comes to ruthless mindset they all got, no matter if they are man or a woman nor colour of their skin.
Lets be real, that multimilionaire lady CEO Sarah Bond from microsoft has tons in common with sony's CEO Totoki despite sex and skin color difference, but got close to 0 in common from black woman that lives in the hood- and im talking here about things that actually matter- mindset, lifestyle, all kinds of possibilities etc.



The hit to their reputation has already taken place. Their games need to be a categorical flop, and outside fairgames and marathon; with their single player games this is basically impossible for that to happen.

I will die in the hill that TLoU2 underperformed by 5M and no one can deny the story decisions fractured the fanbase.

GoW Ragnarok had its own controversy as well as Spiderman 2. HFW while graphically impressive and with tight gameplay it's weakest link is story telling... budgets are out of control and GaaS fucked them up.

i think the realistic way Sony could finally understand that something is not working will be when they realize that despite having more devs (especially in narrative positions like writing) the efficency, productivity, and quality will not be reflected in the final product's overall reception and performance in the market.

There is a difference between successful and meeting expectations.... Ill die at this hill with you, TLOU2 did not meet full internal expectations thats why they did not released numbers as oftens as they should or did with other games... but it was by all accounts a successful game. Now... the third game will be another story, or maybe just the next Cuckman game, the ND fanbase was fractured and the whole social climate is rapidly changing... lets see if they will double down, my guess is yes.. they will. Hard.


There is a difference between successful and meeting expectations.... Ill die at this hill with you, TLOU2 did not meet full internal expectations thats why they did not released numbers as oftens as they should or did with other games... but it was by all accounts a successful game. Now... the third game will be another story, or maybe just the next Cuckman game, the ND fanbase was fractured and the whole social climate is rapidly changing... lets see if they will double down, my guess is yes.. they will. Hard.
Puts things into perspective last new(so not remake/remaster) game they made was TLOU2 for ps4, that launched in 2020 so over 4 fricken years ago, we got not even teaser trailer for anything new so likely earliest we gonna get something new launched will be 2026, 6 fricken wasted years from top1 sony studio.
Blackrock still a huge financial strain on them I see.
I don't know if it is definitely them but there are some people out there and they push their "DEI" or whatever agenda to these companies. This is certain right now.

Sony has always been diverse when it came to different studios around the world. Why are they putting these kind of statements in the front right now can only contribute that the issue is about financial strings behind the scenes. I think Sony and other groups pushed to do these kind of things. Don't get me wrong. Of course I support equality and diversity among people.

But in recent game industry this isn't about these noble goals. We can see in games that they're trying to push their ideology into our throats forcefully. They are always changing world lores, characters to serve their agenda. This is not a diversity or equality. This is butchering of those worlds we love.

So this is why I cannot accept this shitty "DEI" in gaming industry. It is not happening naturally. It is happening forcefully. And we all know that if something is happening forcefully they will eventually break and gone. But until that time it will ruin all of good things.


Moderated wildly
What has happened to these companies.

How did we end up losing Andrew House. Dedicated gamer to these clueless execs.

They're all mismanaged and failing upwards.

Good luck!

At least gaben collects knives and seems to wear his heart on his sleeve more than this corpo robots with no clue.


Gold Member
Right. So you don't hire based on things like race and gender. I agree that would be a bad way to do DEI.
There is no right way to do dei.

1000 people ask for the job, if eventually, after all the interviews etc., 10 white straight men are the best for the job, you hire those 10 white men and send everyone else at home, end of the story.

Not excluding any race or color and not being a racist goes without saying, it's not dei, it's called being a decent person.
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Now would be a good time to insist something along the lines of "Man people are so over reacting about Sony's recent games, the anti-Wokies are seeing Woke everywhere, its not like Sony the company is pro DEI from the top down, I can't believe how deluded people are getting..." Etc.

Damn, amazingly having eyes and ears triumphs over blind worship and cope again! Incredible how it happens every single time!


Gold Member
What people in this thread have failed to understand is that this DE&I prioritisation is unlike the approach Ubisoft and others are taking.

This seems geared towards making sure people aren't being treated like shit in their workplaces. There are laws in place at governmental level to reduce disenfranchisement at work.

How could anyone be against that is mind numbing.

It's got nothing to do with the content they're producing. Correct me if I'm wrong, but there is no insinuation in this document that their content will be affected.

The censorship & DE&I aspects of their content appears to be at the discretion of their Studio heads who feel like hiring consultancies like SBI immediately makes them an 'ally', and their soul, "free of white guilt."

I'm open to being proven wrong though. Just want the industry to get back to making great games and cut out all the BS from both sides.
After spiderman 2 and concord?



1000 people ask for the job, if eventually, after all the interviews etc., 10 white straight men are the best for the job, you hire those 10 white men and send everyone else at home, end of the story.
Yeah but we don’t do that here. In the west we strive to look good in the eyes of vocal minority groups on social media, so we hire people that can and want to push the agenda to overrepresent these minorities, then we don’t speak up when it goes too far because we’re afraid to be labelled a -ist or -phobe and don’t want any media attention. Then we cry when the majority walk away from us because they feel like we’re just targetting minorities now. It’s the Ubisoft way. And soon Sony too unless this is empty PR speech.


I am not opposed to all those grand grand goals at all... if he is the leader of an activitist group.
For a CEO of an entertainment company? LOL

His decision is going to provide to me more entertainment than the games from the company.
I had a great laugh with Concord, please carry on.
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It's nice I suppose that they just came out and said it.

I hope they choke on that DEI bone. It's a bit tiring, having to skip cool looking games due to this shit, but I refuse to compromise on this any longer. Luckily there's still some games that mostly don't want to force feed me this shit so I'll just focus my energy on them.

ghost of yoDEI, I hardly knew ya, but you can fuck off the to sun with the lead cunt "actress". Curious to see which of their IP is gonna get infested next.


The point i was making is this whole dei lgbtq mental illnes only exist in western society.

You wont see any of this in asian countries or eastern euripean or middle eastern countries. Or african countries.

So to me sony should force this crap first in japan and when they do that thats when i accept it.
Because the biggest problem in those regions is ethnicity and or religious background. I'm not sure about Asia or the Middle East,but the non-Africans in the various African countries have their own businesses and communities,so they don't need to worry about their own people finding work, it's marginalized Africans groups that do.

Boss Man

People have a negative impression of DEI, but I think as long as people are held accountable for their work, it's not a problem.

I think it's the lack of accountability that causes disasters like Concord.

How do you think “we all end up at the same place” interacts with accountability?



At what cost? I seen this shit at my company and I work at a metal foundry (doing IT). Don't know what they do with it but I don't like seeing it. Why do they need newsletters about women's history month?

The idea is to save costs. By expanding our recruitment pool, it makes it easier for us to hire and we don't have to use expensive agency staff.

There's no newsletter for women's history month.

So for example if I loose my job and try to get one at a company pushing this stuff they can say, "nah your white, straight and male, mid 40s ans have privledge, even though you are poor and out of a job. We know you are qualified and what we are looking for but we have to hire x lesbians, oh and your not poc (the derogatory us vs them term) , we already have white men and your bottom of the progressive stack. You already have your privledge, go sleep on the street... Next"... Fuck that bs. Dei is quotas, sbi, it's bullshit, is pro discrimination. And against the law.

I never said any of this. We don't have any quotas for people of colour or lesbians.
There is no right way to do dei.

1000 people ask for the job, if eventually, after all the interviews etc., 10 white straight men are the best for the job, you hire those 10 white men and send everyone else at home, end of the story.
What I've bolded is the right way to do DEI. Our DEI practices wouldn't stop us doing that.
Not excluding any race or color and not being a racist goes without saying, it's not dei, it's called being a decent person.
It should go without saying, but that's not always the case. Just last month I had a friend who was hiring a team, and the manager told them "hire people with European names".

It would be DEI's job to stop that kind of shit.
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Gold Member
The idea is to save costs. By expanding our recruitment pool, it makes it easier for us to hire and we don't have to use expensive agency staff.

There's no newsletter for women's history month.

I never said any of this. We don't have any quotas for people of colour or lesbians.

What I've bolded is the right way to do DEI. Our DEI practices wouldn't stop us doing that.

It should go without saying, but that's not always the case. Just last month I had a friend who was hiring a team, and the manager told them "hire people with European names".

It would be DEI's job to stop that kind of shit.
Sure, that would be wrong, i'm not against fucking up racists.


In other words: Fuck consumers, we will do whatever some insane group of people tell us to do.
This group of people owns companies and can easily replace management if it will not do what's told
Consumers only can do as much as not buying product, shareholders always have final say


Sure, that would be wrong, i'm not against fucking up racists.
Dealing with some racist/sexist attitudes is part of it, but mostly its just about process/cultural changes.

Like in the examples I mentioned earlier about women missing out on career opportunties by having families. It wasn't always because of sexist attitudes. A lot of it was well-meaning people thinking "she's focusing on family right now, she won't want me bothering her with work".


Go on, keep on concentrating on bullshit political agendas (engineered for divide and conquer) and produce more and more overpriced literal shit and I can keep more and more money instead of wasting on these. I have a backlog until the end of my life.
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