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Totoki: "We create infinite realities"; He wants to promote DEI, combat climate change; Sony's profit growth will be driven by PlayStation (margin of


Equity looks like communism in this picture, it wants to limit everyone on the same level. I don't know if current leaders of US wants equality or equity, with equality many people end up in much better positions than others (like it is now).
Equity and communism are not the same thing.

Equality is treating everyone the same, equity is giving everyone the same opportunities.


Equity and communism are not the same thing.

Equality is treating everyone the same, equity is giving everyone the same opportunities.

Isn't it more like this?


Person A on this picture will always say that it's unfair because person B and C got much more help to get to the same level.
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Isn't it more like this?


Person A on this picture will always say that it's unfair because person B and C got much more help to get to the same level.
Fk equity, when u are 5'2 guy no woman gives a damn why ur momma and daddy where short and why u are short by proxy aka ur genetics/something u cant change- she will treat u like u dont even exist anyways, tldr equity was never and will never be based on real world.

Most we could hope for is equality but even then its often not the case, being equal means not only same rights and privileges but at the same time same responsibilities, aka accountability.
Many ppl are highly averse to that, in other words equality is often treated like a buffet- aka i will chose only rights and privileges when it suits me, fk being responsible human being and fk being accountable for my actions :)
At least in a corporate sense, accessibility can be part of DEI. Making sure our company is inclusive for people who are colour blind or neurodivergent is as important as making sure we are inclusive for people who are gay or from an ethnic minority.
What does that even mean though? I don't get this world view. I come from the colorblind treat everyone with kindness how you want to be treated camp. Do that and everything is golden. Simple to the point and then get on with business.

What does making sure we are inclusive to someone who is gay? Does this mean axing Christmas since religious anything, holidays, scares some gay people (especially on reddit) for some reason? Then you will piss off the majority of people? Shit I was in a training meeting a few years back and the instructor started bad mouthing Christianity and capitalism in the middle of the training course you could tell he had been sipping the reddit kool-aid way too much. All I could think was damn dude, you don't care that many of us in here could be that religion, and you wouldn't have a job of your choosing without capitalism, what a pos. I didn't say anything of course (was new and making a scene would of probably been a bad idea and cost me my job) , but I imagine that inclusiveness would just be don't spout off about any group of people in a training course. Again this goes back to just be kind and treat people how you want to be treated. The end. No special treatment as if you do you leave people out and resentment brews. Just like it is now with people who aren't part of the "groups" feeling like special opportunities are being given to people based off skin color, sex, orientation, etc... Again a simple golden rule would encompass it all. "Be kind mofo.", "Don't be a dick"... Etc... Thing is woke people don't like that sentiment as they want to exclude as much as they include the groups they like. Hence their circle jerks on reddit.

All this shit does is give some pencil pusher (usually someone who goes on lavish trips and gets a big bucks corporate card, seen them do this in my company as I work in IT, I see all sorts of files and records I probably shouldn't. As they leave it up when im on their computers fixing stuff).

Inclusiveness and equality come down to two things, be kind to others and be colorblind with hiring. Don't treat others different because of x, y, z... (which is not want the woke want. They want to be put on a pedastal, with "equity" it's right there in the dei name.)

Now all that being said, how does that even relate to gaming?
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Isn't it more like this?


Person A on this picture will always say that it's unfair because person B and C got much more help to get to the same level.
Your picture can be somewhat misleading, because the metaphor indirectly implies that the source of the inequality between the three is always an immutable natural (genetic) factor, which of course to most people would seem "unfair" at a first glance. In reality though, you'll find many other instances where this inequality is based on differences in morals or proficiency, work ethics etc.


Isn't it more like this?


Person A on this picture will always say that it's unfair because person B and C got much more help to get to the same level.

"Equality means each individual or group of people is given the same resources or opportunities. Equity recognizes that each person has different circumstances and allocates the exact resources and opportunities needed to reach an equal outcome."

I'm not a fan of equality of outcome in most circumstances, therefore not a huge fan of equity most of the time.

And as mentioned already, enforcing equity can lead to resentment.
Equity and communism are not the same thing.

Equality is treating everyone the same, equity is giving everyone the same opportunities.
No.. You could at least look up the widely available corpo talk about the subject. If you didn't notice you typed the same definition worded differently. Equality means treating everyone the same and giving everyone the same opportunities. Equity means everyone must arrive at the exact same endpoint. And everyone means everyone who isn't white by the way.
Meaning equity means we need 50% of people being women in Stem. And 33% black women, and 20% disabled etc. And they'll just hire random people off the street if need be to fulfill those quotas and turn away overqualified white men.

And again, this is not some hidden conspiracy deep knowledge. This is exactly the open practices of anyone or any company that adhere to DEI, you can look at any of their presentation images etc.



If the games are great, who cares?
Don't like it? Go hug nintendo's nuts or go find another hobby because MS is consulted by SBI.
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That's not equity means at all.
As a guy who was born and lived his early childhood in communist country, we had plenty of "equity", including getting bonus points if u were child of blue colar worker instead of a teacher for example at ur college aplications.

Endresults of all that was destroyed economy, when most ppl, including highly educated ones- couldnt afford even pair of jeans a month, u still had super priviledged tiny %age of ppl- political police, higher ups at communist party and in the army, and that is kinda it :)

For example, to give u comparision how nasty/poor it was for most ppl- communism ended in my country in 1989, and only 6 years later my family(both parents full time workers, highly educated) could change tv to 21 inch sony trinitron, till that time, so year 1995- our tv was this baby, black and white 14 inch monster:


Jim Ryan Fanclub's #1 Member
Are these trio of idiots suggesting that they are going to harm the physical format of the video game industry? They can go to hell. In November I will go for an Asus rog ally x... Now to emulate the games that have been released.


That's not equity means at all.
You're wrong. Equity is used in a context to give everyone equality of outcome regardless of circumstances whereas equality is about ensuring everyone has the same opportunities available to them, but it is then incumbent on them to take advantage of the opportunities available.

The presentation itself is typical boilerplate corporate nonsense. I've seen this presentation 100 times at places I work. It's possible they believe it. It's also possible they just have it in there because they think they need to. It's all silliness though.


As a guy who was born and lived his early childhood in communist country, we had plenty of "equity", including getting bonus points if u were child of blue colar worker instead of a teacher for example at ur college aplications.

Endresults of all that was destroyed economy, when most ppl, including highly educated ones- couldnt afford even pair of jeans a month, u still had super priviledged tiny %age of ppl- political police, higher ups at communist party and in the army, and that is kinda it :)

For example, to give u comparision how nasty/poor it was for most ppl- communism ended in my country in 1989, and only 6 years later my family(both parents full time workers, highly educated) could change tv to 21 inch sony trinitron, till that time, so year 1995- our tv was this baby, black and white 14 inch monster:

Yep, equity was the name of the game in communist Poland.

But there were positives too, number of homeless people and people that were so poor that they didn't have anything to eat was very small. Most people had houses or flats (and they were able to afford them).

Capitalism brings it's own issues. The most successful people go to the top and fuck up lifes of everyone beneath them, this is what is happening in many capitalist countries (and Russia, Ukraine etc.)

The most successful countries (and best to live in) are usually a mix: social democracies.

Are these trio of idiots suggesting that they are going to harm the physical format of the video game industry? They can go to hell. In November I will go for an Asus rog ally x... Now to emulate the games that have been released.

He will probably say that physical media is a harm to ecosystem and that poor sea turtles eat Blu Ray discs.

While completely ignoring massive server farms that store digital games and consume massive amounts of electricity that usually comes from coal powered power stations (or wind farms that kill millions of birds).

Pure bullshit.
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"Infinite realities" reads like code for "GAAS/live services". Man, modern Sony really sounds distant from what they used to be.

PlayStation was Kutaragi's vision, period. Getting rid of Kutaragi without having another Kutaragi-level visionary to take his place was the beginning of the end of PlayStation.

Agencylife Bingo GIF by MX Player

This. They have undone or in the midst of undoing themselves. That white "PS" logo is looking like a hollowed out corporate symbol these days. Modern PS is getting further away from what they once stood for.
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What does that even mean though? I don't get this world view. I come from the colorblind treat everyone with kindness how you want to be treated camp. Do that and everything is golden. Simple to the point and then get on with business.

What does making sure we are inclusive to someone who is gay? Does this mean axing Christmas since religious anything, holidays, scares some gay people (especially on reddit) for some reason? Then you will piss off the majority of people? Shit I was in a training meeting a few years back and the instructor started bad mouthing Christianity and capitalism in the middle of the training course you could tell he had been sipping the reddit kool-aid way too much. All I could think was damn dude, you don't care that many of us in here could be that religion, and you wouldn't have a job of your choosing without capitalism, what a pos. I didn't say anything of course (was new and making a scene would of probably been a bad idea and cost me my job) , but I imagine that inclusiveness would just be don't spout off about any group of people in a training course. Again this goes back to just be kind and treat people how you want to be treated. The end. No special treatment as if you do you leave people out and resentment brews. Just like it is now with people who aren't part of the "groups" feeling like special opportunities are being given to people based off skin color, sex, orientation, etc... Again a simple golden rule would encompass it all. "Be kind mofo.", "Don't be a dick"... Etc... Thing is woke people don't like that sentiment as they want to exclude as much as they include the groups they like. Hence their circle jerks on reddit.

All this shit does is give some pencil pusher (usually someone who goes on lavish trips and gets a big bucks corporate card, seen them do this in my company as I work in IT, I see all sorts of files and records I probably shouldn't. As they leave it up when im on their computers fixing stuff).

Inclusiveness and equality come down to two things, be kind to others and be colorblind with hiring. Don't treat others different because of x, y, z... (which is not want the woke want. They want to be put on a pedastal, with "equity" it's right there in the dei name.)

Now all that being said, how does that even relate to gaming?
You can be inclusive by having a culture where people are comfortable being themselves. A LGBT person should be as comfortable talking about their partner at work as a straight person is.

The goal is for people to bring their authentic selves to the job, as we think that will help people do their best work.

We haven't banned Christmas and we don't bad mouth capitalism or Christianity.

Whether you're in my industry or the gaming industry. You want to have a culture where everyone feels welcome.

You're ignorant, do your research all over again
Here's how Webster defines it:

Equity refers to fairness or justice in the way people are treated, and especially freedom from bias or favoritism, as in “governed according to the principle of equity.” Equality refers to the quality or state of having the same rights and opportunities, as in “women’s struggle for equality.”

There's nothing in there about people who work less hard. I've never been involved in a DEI programme where the objectice was to help people who don't work hard.

No.. You could at least look up the widely available corpo talk about the subject. If you didn't notice you typed the same definition worded differently. Equality means treating everyone the same and giving everyone the same opportunities. Equity means everyone must arrive at the exact same endpoint.

And again, this is not some hidden conspiracy deep knowledge. This is exactly the open practices of anyone or any company that adhere to DEI, you can look at any of their presentation images etc.

Right, its about recognising that not everyone has the same needs or opportunities, and adapting the way you operate to ensure you're enabling everyone to succeed.

So for example, if I give everyone the exact same software on their laptop, that's equality. But in order to achieve equity, we need to ensure that people who are colourblind or neirodivergent have particular software that helps them do their jobs.

That image above doesn't mean you have different end points.

You still have different end points, because you still have people getting different levels of bonus based on their performance and you have some people getting promotions and others not. Equity doesn't mean you have to remove the company hierarchy.

And everyone means everyone who isn't white by the way.

Meaning equity means we need 50% of people being women in Stem. And 33% black women, and 20% disabled etc. And they'll just hire random people off the street if need be to fulfill those quotas and turn away overqualified white men.

We don't have any equity programmes that don't apply to people who are white (even in an all white group, there is a need for equity).

We hire/promote white men all the time. And we don't have any quotas to fill for black women, disabled people etc..


As a guy who was born and lived his early childhood in communist country, we had plenty of "equity", including getting bonus points if u were child of blue colar worker instead of a teacher for example at ur college aplications.

Endresults of all that was destroyed economy, when most ppl, including highly educated ones- couldnt afford even pair of jeans a month, u still had super priviledged tiny %age of ppl- political police, higher ups at communist party and in the army, and that is kinda it :)

For example, to give u comparision how nasty/poor it was for most ppl- communism ended in my country in 1989, and only 6 years later my family(both parents full time workers, highly educated) could change tv to 21 inch sony trinitron, till that time, so year 1995- our tv was this baby, black and white 14 inch monster:
It can mean that, but it's different from a corporate perspective.

When we hire people, we don't care if your parent was a teacher or a blue collar worker. That's irrelevant to us.


You're wrong. Equity is used in a context to give everyone equality of outcome regardless of circumstances whereas equality is about ensuring everyone has the same opportunities available to them, but it is then incumbent on them to take advantage of the opportunities available.

The presentation itself is typical boilerplate corporate nonsense. I've seen this presentation 100 times at places I work. It's possible they believe it. It's also possible they just have it in there because they think they need to. It's all silliness though.
What do you mean by "equality of outcome" in this case?


It can mean that, but it's different from a corporate perspective.

When we hire people, we don't care if your parent was a teacher or a blue collar worker. That's irrelevant to us.
Its actually far worse, u will skip on more qualified person in favour of less qualified one just on the basis of sex or/and skin colour, in other words, discrimination in bright daylight :messenger_weary:


Its actually far worse, u will skip on more qualified person in favour of less qualified one just on the basis of sex or/and skin colour, in other words, discrimination in bright daylight :messenger_weary:
We don't do that either. It would be bad for our business if we did that.

The person that gets the job is the person we think will do it best.


Its actually far worse, u will skip on more qualified person in favour of less qualified one just on the basis of sex or/and skin colour, in other words, discrimination in bright daylight :messenger_weary:

We are going full circle


Except it was racism and discrimination back then and now it isn't (according to some people).

MLK is spinning in his grave.
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As a 'member' (hardly signed up for it) of a very small minority:

Fuck DEI. Fuck anyone promoting it. Include people according to their skill, passion, and potential only.
Lol! I'm not sure how it's being implemented,but the point of any DEI is to get folks from a diverse background because their barrier aren't skills.

Also,that doesn't even make sense, businesses are about making money so what competent business person is going to jeopardize their profit for DEI if the objective isn't to make money? Some of y'all sound delusional.


Lol! I'm not sure how it's being implemented,but the point of any DEI is to get folks from a diverse background because their barrier aren't skills.

Also,that doesn't even make sense, businesses are about making money so what competent business person is going to jeopardize their profit for DEI if the objective isn't to make money? Some of y'all sound delusional.

I guess you haven't been following Ubisoft then. :messenger_tears_of_joy:


Sony have strong fanboy army (like Nintendo), they will fuck up all boycotts.

For some reason they weren't able to save concord :messenger_tears_of_joy:

Yes many Sony fanboys are still in denial how woke Sony is. They refuse to accept that the old PlayStation died in 2016. This new PlayStation is nothing like the old, this is an abomination

It's rare to get Concord result, that's total victory for gamers. Best we could hope for underperforming sales results, like SW Outlaws, that will still hurt them
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Sony have strong fanboy army (like Nintendo), they will fuck up all boycotts.

For some reason they weren't able to save concord :messenger_tears_of_joy:
Spot on. There is literally no way Sony will feel any pain from this. The boycotters are about to be clearly shown they don’t have as much power as they think. And not just that, they won’t do it any way - they are too entrenched in their pro Sony positions so when they’re not online posturing they’ll be unboxing their new $800 Pro in secret… Full steam ahead with the agendas within Sony.


Everyone here does know that Microsoft and even your mighty Nintendo have the same/very similar directives yeh? Just checking


Gold Member
Also,that doesn't even make sense, businesses are about making money so what competent business person is going to jeopardize their profit for DEI if the objective isn't to make money? Some of y'all sound delusional.
Aye, there's the rub. Up till a few years ago, EVERY "teamwork consultant" harped on unity, cohesion, shared work culture, and uniformity in behavior (as well as flexibility, delegation, all that stuff) as the KEY ELEMENTS of successful business. Then somewhere around 5-10 years ago we all the sudden saw this massive spike in "diversity is our strength" messaging which has ZERO data to support it and is the exact opposite of everything taught up till then. It's OBVIOUS that a team with radically different viewpoints, opinions on what 'teamwork' means to them, that every notion deserves equal consideration. and the leader is just giving 'suggestions' not orders is gonna be a dysfunctional as all get out team.

So why push this stuff? It's because there IS money in it, cheaper loans from Blackrock if your ESG score is higher. So you can "make money" by pushing DEI even if you earn less profit because your cash flow is cheaper.

It's insidious. If someone said "Blackrock will cover half your realtor fee if you use a disenfranchised minority realtor" then guess what, a bunch of people would use a less competent but qualifying realtor because they are saving money on the realtor even if the house they sell gets a little less due to the lower skill/network of said realtor. Sl

So as long as Blackrock pays for it, the DEI will continue. Rumors are those ESG loans are drying up, which is why I think you see companies abandoning DEI because they can't get those cheaper loans to compensate for the lower revenue.


Everyone here does know that Microsoft and even your mighty Nintendo have the same/very similar directives yeh? Just checking

MS is in deep shit for quite some time now. Nintendo? I doubt it, they are almost 100% Japanese and Japan at this point in time don't care about bullshit like that.

That's what surprised me with Sony, they have Japanese person in charge again and they are going full steam ahead in this clown train instead of going back to their roots.

Sony to MS:

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MS is in deep shit for quite some time now. Nintendo? I doubt it, they are almost 100% Japanese and Japan at this point in time don't care about bullshit like that.

That's what surprised me with Sony, they have Japanese person in charge again and they are going full steam ahead in this clown train instead of going back to their roots.

Sony to MS:


Pretty much every corporation out there will do this, party because they do believe in it (in itself it isn't an issue, they should be inclusive) but also, and I think this is the main thing, be seen to be doing it, especially to shareholders. It's like the whole 'we are going to be carbon neutral', its a good idea, but in practice it's fake, it's impossible to do but you should be seen to be doing something about it.
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hemo memo

Gold Member

Pretty much every corporation out there will do this, party because they do believe in it (in itself it isn't an issue, they should be inclusive) but also, and I think this is the main thing, be seen to be doing it, especially to shareholders. It's like the whole 'we are going to be carbon neutral', its a good idea, but in practice it's fake, it's impossible to do but you should be seen to be doing something about it.
It's not fair that someone should get a better chance at a job just because they dyed their hair blue, because the company is being "inclusive". Everyone should have an equal opportunity, regardless of their appearance.
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