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Truck plows into market in Berlin killing 12, injuring 48. Suspect shot dead in Italy

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Polish? That's a strange one. How did they die? Maybe kidnapped or?

Until we get the driver this is going to be a weird one.

Hearts go out to everyone who has suffered here, I hope the driver is caught. Answers are needed.

Driver was arrested apparently.

Police are also investigating a suspicious item right now somewhere else but I doubt it's anything, just them being cautious.


Polish? That's a strange one. How did they die? Maybe kidnapped or?

Until we get the driver this is going to be a weird one.

Hearts go out to everyone who has suffered here, I hope the driver is caught. Answers are needed.
German media(not confirmed by police) says the polish victim might be the person originally driving the truck.

Yeah that was my thought. I was expecting Syrian. Pakistan is more linked to the Taliban.

Isis have been doing these attacks over Europe for a while, but it never has been someone from Pakistan.

The kidnapped driver line seems to be growing more legs now.
Yeah that was my thought. I was expecting Syrian. Pakistan is more linked to the Taliban.

Isis have been doing these attacks over Europe for a while, but it never has been someone from Pakistan.

ISIS is all over the world, I want to say the ISIS group in Indonesia is one of the largest in the world.


Yeah that was my thought. I was expecting Syrian. Pakistan is more linked to the Taliban.

Isis have been doing these attacks over Europe for a while, but it never has been someone from Pakistan.

Could easily be a Pakistani national who was extrmised in europe where Isis clearly have a presnece.


I was on holiday in Berlin just a couple weeks ago. Went to this market on a few occasions.

Thoughts go out to those effected.
Yeah that was my thought. I was expecting Syrian. Pakistan is more linked to the Taliban.

Isis have been doing these attacks over Europe for a while, but it never has been someone from Pakistan.

The kidnapped driver line seems to be growing more legs now.

The guy in Nice wasn't Isis, he had just pledged allegiance. A significant difference.
yep remote access to the info of tachograph and beyond. I know it exists.

Now the valid question do they have such a system? I would guess they probably have to claim those things or at least a tachograph with remote capabilities
What's prompting you to question if a commercial transportation company has a common commercial transportation monitoring platform?


What's prompting you to question if a commercial transportation company has a common commercial transportation monitoring platform?

the trucking companies from my area, that usually don't invest on those babies. If they even have a remote tachograph it's a miracle. Usually you see the poor administrative going truck to truck to download the info of the latest trip
Sadly this will only CONFIRM people's biases. Next time an incident in Germany happens more people will instantly believe that it's Islamic terrorism, and so on.

It feels good to make guesses off of limited information and turn out right. Their biases just keep getting reinforced more and more.


not characteristic of ants at all
coordinated attack versus single perpetrator

They weren't dispatched by ISIS to do the attack.

If this is what the poster meant, I can easily agree with that.

I was under the impression that it was being implied that the two groups had different motivations.

Sadly this will only CONFIRM people's biases. Next time an incident in Germany happens more people will instantly believe that it's Islamic terrorism, and so on.

It feels good to make guesses off of limited information and turn out right. Their biases just keep getting reinforced more and more.

It's important to acknowledge the prevalence of Islamic terrorism and be realistic about its frequency throughout the world.


Sadly this will only CONFIRM people's biases. Next time an incident in Germany happens more people will instantly believe that it's Islamic terrorism, and so on.

It feels good to make guesses off of limited information and turn out right. Their biases just keep getting reinforced more and more.
You seem more concerned about the image of Islam vs the victims.
the trucking companies from my area, that usually don't invest on those babies. If they even have a remote tachograph it's a miracle. Usually you see the poor administrative going truck to truck to download the info of the latest trip
What is "my area" and how do you have such keen insight to their inner workings? I mean, if you're a truck dispatcher in Prague, that's one thing, but if your brother's best friend told him what he read about trucks in Peru, that's another.
Can you explain what the difference is?

He wasn't in contact with Isis, he wasn't receiving direct orders from them or funded by them. He was simply inspired by them. They called on people to carry out attacks like this and he did. It is giving them too much credit I suppose.

I don't know, maybe it's not for you, but it's a big difference for me. It's not like the Bataclan attackers, who were in Syria, trained by and funded by Isis.


Incredibly Naive
He wasn't in contact with Isis, he wasn't receiving direct orders from them or funded by them. He was simply inspired by them. They called on people to carry out attacks like this and he did. It is giving them too much credit I suppose.

I don't know, maybe it's not for you, but it's a big difference for me. It's not like the Bataclan attackers, who were in Syria, trained by and funded by Isis.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but couldn't that be seen as worse that he wasn't brought up on it?


Sadly this will only CONFIRM people's biases. Next time an incident in Germany happens more people will instantly believe that it's Islamic terrorism, and so on.

It feels good to make guesses off of limited information and turn out right. Their biases just keep getting reinforced more and more.

The fact that people can guess and reliably be right is the real problem.


What is "my area" and how do you have such keen insight to their inner workings? I mean, if you're a truck dispatcher in Prague, that's one thing, but if your brother's best friend told him what he read about trucks in Peru, that's another.

My area it's Portugal, I'm not exactly away from civilization. I befriend people on trucking companies and that did trucking. Even my grandfather was a trucker, he retired some 20 years ago, the tachographs were analog on those days, I know that.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but couldn't that be seen as worse that he wasn't brought up on it?

Worse in one way, and better in another.

I mean yeah, they have sent people to Europe, but they are very much on the back foot at the moment, and it shows other than a couple of attacks they aren't organised or capable enough to plan and carry out the number of attacks they want here. Worse because their cuntish ideology is enough to inspire random nutjobs to commit horrific acts of violence in their name.


CORRECTION: Truck (not dead passenger) in Berlin truck incident was Polish, nationality of suspected driver is unclear.

So we still don't know the nationalities of either the driver or the passenger.

Nach dem möglichen Anschlag auf einem Weihnachtsmarkt im Berliner Stadtzentrum sind etwa 20 Menschen in Krankenhäuser gebracht worden. Das sagte ein Sprecher der Feuerwehr, die in Berlin auch für Krankentransporte zuständig ist, am Montagabend. Die übrigen der insgesamt laut Polizei etwa 50 Verletzten seien „eher seelisch verletzt“, sagte der Sprecher weiter.

About 20 people have been transported to hospitals, according to a spokesperson for the Berlin Fire Department. The rest of the previously stated 50 injured are "more mentally injured."


not characteristic of ants at all
because I believe the image of Islam = bad perpetuates and increases the chances that there will be more terrorists and more future victims. It goes full circle for me.

There's a difference between generalizing Islam and recognizing its danger when radicalized.

To deny the dangers of radical Islam and it's potential for violence is wrong. We should be honest about this and it should be criticized. This stuff comes straight from the doctrine itself.


because I believe the image of Islam = bad perpetuates and increases the chances that there will be more terrorists and more future victims. It goes full circle for me.

What country has been more charitable to the Muslim people than Germany? You can't pin this on the German nation's perception of Islam. This seems to keep happening regardless of how generous Europe has been to the Muslim community.
So we should just put out heads in the sand and pretend this isn't a near weekly issue?

I don't think that is the right thing to do, but I do think acknowledging that spreading hate actually makes radical Islam more popular.

It's like a virus, sometimes the more you attack it directly, the stronger it gets. You need to combat a virus first by figuring out how and why it spreads.


I earned 100 Gamerscore™ for collecting 300 widgets and thereby created Trump's America
Another shit day in a year full of shit days. Got a feeling we've only scratched the surface, unfortunately. Hopefully those injured today recover quickly.


I don't think that is the right thing to do, but I do think acknowledging that spreading hate actually makes radical Islam more popular.

It's like a virus, sometimes the more you attack it directly, the stronger it gets. You need to combat a virus first by figuring out how and why it spreads.

I guess I just draw a distinction between hate and being honest about what seems to be a strong trend. People are individuals and need to be respected as such. But that doesn't mean we throw out systemic problems or ignore them.
This fucking year. Christmas in Berlin sounds lovely and my heart goes out to the victims.

Sadly this will only CONFIRM people's biases. Next time an incident in Germany happens more people will instantly believe that it's Islamic terrorism, and so on.

It feels good to make guesses off of limited information and turn out right. Their biases just keep getting reinforced more and more.

Yes. THAT is what is what's sad in all of this. Constantly reinforced Islamic biases is the real tragedy. Realize, the vast majority of people that can correctly "guess" a tragedy is the result of Islam hardly feel fucking good about it.
I guess I just draw a distinction between hate and being honest about what seems to be a strong trend. People are individuals and need to be respected as such. But that doesn't mean we throw out systemic problems or ignore them.

There are many people who speak against Islam in an intelligent manner which I respect.

The problem is the ignorant fools who preach hate against Muslims and use incidents like this to justify racist and/or bigoted agendas. There are ignorant fools on both ends of the spectrum, but on balance, I will always side with the ignorant fools who preach love not hate.

Chairman Yang

if he talks about books, you better damn well listen
I don't think that is the right thing to do, but I do think acknowledging that spreading hate actually makes radical Islam more popular.

It's like a virus, sometimes the more you attack it directly, the stronger it gets. You need to combat a virus first by figuring out how and why it spreads.
Actually, on the face of things, this doesn't seem to be the case. Countries that have suppressed Islam and Islamism in the 20th century, like Turkey, Indonesia, or the ex-Communist stans, have reduced the power of radical Islam in those countries. By contrast, nations which have taken a laissez-faire approach to the religion (or given it varying degrees of state sponsorship) like Saudi Arabia or Pakistan have become hotbeds of extremism.


As expected. Now lets hope those moved into hospitals do not have any life-threatening wounds and that the mental wounds will heal as well. Also hope there will be a thorough investigation to see if someone dropped the ball here.


There are many people who speak against Islam in an intelligent manner which I respect.

The problem is the ignorant fools who preach hate against Muslims and use incidents like this to justify racist and/or bigoted agendas. There are ignorant fools on both ends of the spectrum, but on balance, I will always side with the ignorant fools who preach love not hate.

As your username would suggest why not just side with the facts, evidence and reality and ignore all the ignorance? It does do damage on both sides, both to discriminate unfairly, and also to hand-wave the reality we live in. In a different time and a different place, hundreds of years ago, if not at least before our lifetimes, other dominant religions might have been the ones "in the headlines" more often for atrocities. When we study history we do not act ignorant do we? We deal with the facts, events, trends and situations carved in history. Well our current times will be the history for some to study tens if not hundreds of years after we are dead.


Sadly this will only CONFIRM people's biases. Next time an incident in Germany happens more people will instantly believe that it's Islamic terrorism, and so on.

It feels good to make guesses off of limited information and turn out right. Their biases just keep getting reinforced more and more.

People will believe it's Islamic terrorism because when something like this happens in Europe in recent times it has almost been certainly Islamic terrorism. The police/White House/media/fucking everyone are saying this is a terrorist attack too. German papers are saying the driver was Afghan or Pakistani.

A load of people are dead and a shit load more are injured and you're coming out with this nonsense. Get your priorities in order.
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