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Truck plows into market in Berlin killing 12, injuring 48. Suspect shot dead in Italy

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Did you know Halo invented the FPS?
Be careful if you go to any Christmas markets this week in Europe...Sky News professor said that this is an attack on Christians
How does someone look "eastern european" (as opposed to central european), did he wear a tracksuit? Really obscure statement.

I am just stating what they're saying. But if they really caught the driver alive we're about to find out. Man, I really hope the German police takes more care than last time...


Guys calm down, yeah of course a polish can be terrorist, but usually we call them mass murders, do you ever considered that? why differentiate two things that in his essence are similar



Terrorism existed long before it became associated with Islam. Some of you are coming off pretty foolish.

Reminds me of:

Timothy McVeigh wasn't a terrorist! He was white! And American!

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
Ugh this 2016 nonsense is messing with my brain. I want to begggg people to stop using a year as if it is a person. i just can't wrap my head around it. No trying to offend anyone here. I just don't understand.
Yeah, I'm with you. It's really fucking stupid. As if bad things will stop happening once the year ends. If anything it will only get worse
once the president-elect actually comes into power

Not all of us speak German... Can you offer a translation?



Terrorism existed long before it became associated with Islam. Some of you are coming off pretty foolish.

Reminds me of:

Timothy McVeigh wasn't a terrorist! He was white! And American!

Again, you can not seriously blame anyone for having as first thought that it's likely an islamic terrorist attack, especcially given the other two incident we've already had today as well as the fact that Nice happened this year. Of course it could also be a polish terrorist attack, but what would the motive be? It doesn't make any sense. Still, it is best to wait for more police news and not form further conclusions at this stage.

Not all of us speak German... Can you offer a translation?

"background and motivations/causes completely unclear"


Translation: Ariel Żurawski, owner of the transportation company to whom the truck belongs, told TVN24 that he had last contact with the driver around noon. "According to me, they did something to the driver, hijacked the truck and they did what they did. This wasn't my driver. I vouch for him, he was my cousin" - he added. Original text: "Ariel Żurawski, właściciel firmy, do której należała ciężarówka, powiedział w TVN24, że ostatni raz kontaktował się z kierowcą około południa. - Mój scenariusz jest taki, że kierowcy coś zrobili, porwali samochód i zrobili co zrobili. To nie był mój kierowca. Ręczę za niego, to był mój kuzyn - dodał." Source: http://wiadomosci.onet.pl/tylko-w-onecie/ciezarowka-wjechala-w-tlum-w-berlinie-sa-zabici-i-ranni-relacja/8bqhv99
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