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Truck plows into market in Berlin killing 12, injuring 48. Suspect shot dead in Italy

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That Facebook safety checker is great. Facebook as a company don't get enough credit for that. Got my notification through about my friend there.


one has the motive of other and one of yourself, in the end you target people with the same intent, destruction

Sure you can be super reductionist about it, but it is useful to differentiate.

War, Murder, Terrorist Attack, Mass Shooting.... Lets just use the word Smurf for all of it. Its all the same.


Other reasons than terrorism, may include drunk, tired, drugs, mental health, mechanical failure etc.
I was sort of expecting more carnage, and the 'attacker' to not run away.
That Facebook safety checker is great. Facebook as a company don't get enough credit for that. Got my notification through about my friend there.

Exactly, One of my best friends lives there and I was worried. Just got a notification that he's okay.

To think I was there a month ago, staying at his place.


Are you saying it's impossible to distinguish Eastern European from Western European people?

Huh what?

I'm Polish. You wouldn't be able to tell me apart from Western Europeans. I've been to Germany, I've been to Australia - never felt like I stood out.

Anyway, Bild is not the most trusted outlet, but they are usually accurate.

Bullshit. They specialize in sensationalized headlines catering to lowest possible instincts.


Again, you can not seriously blame anyone for having as first thought that it's likely an islamic terrorist attack, especcially given the other two incident we've already had today as well as the fact that Nice happened this year. Of course it could also be a polish terrorist attack, but what would the motive be? It doesn't make any sense. Still, it is best to wait for more police news and not form further conclusions at this stage."

What? Agenda much?

My comment was in regards to the people who seem to think it could only be labeled a terrorist attack if the perpetrator was a brown Muslim.

But feel free to tell us more about how when a mass attack with multiple deaths occurs you automatically assume it was an islamic terror attack. That seems both smart and fair.

Timothy McVeigh was referenced in the post you quoted... Geez man.

And like others are saying, usually the worst terrorists come from within.


RIP to all those that died, plus regarding the question of how you can tell who looks eastern European as someone who lives in Britain in a city with quite a lot of Eastern Europeans I find it very easy to tell them apart from Brits, please don't take this as an insult merely an observation, after a while you pick up on the differences.


Other reasons than terrorism, may include drunk, tired, drugs, mental health, mechanical failure etc.
I was sort of expecting more carnage, and the 'attacker' to not run away.

I have a hard time believing you just run a truck into a christmas market by accident and then run away.

What? Agenda much?

My comment was in regards to the people who seem to think it could only be a terrorist attack if the perpetrator was a brown Muslim.

But feel free to tell us more about how when a mass attack with multiple deaths occurs you automatically assume it was an islamic terror attack. That seems both smart and fair.

Timothy McVeigh was referenced in the post you quoted... Geez man.

And like others are saying, usually the worst terrorists come from within.

Are you being purposefully dense? It's not even half a year ago that an islamic terrorist ran a truck into people in Nice killing 86 people. So when not even half a year later today someone drives a truck into a christmas market and the police says it's likely an attack then of course most people will automatically be reminded of that and suspect it. Doesn't have anything to do with agenda or racism as you seem to apply but common sense, so keep these implications to yourself. And as I've said before all that has nothing to do with what's actually happened in regards to who the suspect is, we have to wait for more information to come out and not pass final judgement until then.

Pancake Mix

Copied someone else's pancake recipe
I'm Polish. You wouldn't be able to tell me apart from Western Europeans. I've been to Germany, I've been to Australia - never felt like I stood out.

Indeed, Germans and Polish people likely share a particularly close similarity in ancestry as well. I think that poster is getting thrown off by Polish being a Slavic language, which is quite a contrast to German, more than anything else.

Poland is literally right beside Germany and much of the population share the same branch of Christianity, people are overthinking what kind of differences are even there.


Polish TV now interviews head of company that owes the truck. Driver was his cousin, they had last contact with him around 3PM, guy was waiting in Berlin for truck unload tommorow morning.

Driver now can't be reached,his phone not responding.

Plot twist?

Did they say what happened to the co driver? Was there a shootout?

Sky are going with the implication that someone 'jacked the truck.


Sure you can be super reductionist about it, but it is useful to differentiate.

I'm not trying to be reductionist, but the background of both mass murders and terrorist is very similar, we are dealing with disenfranchised people, terrorist adhere to groups that fuel those antisocial behaviors, and mass murders just need themselves. Maybe I'm not getting my message clear, both made terroristic actions, I don't focus so much in motive but more on opportunity(the way a person can become so detach from humanity and do such a thing, something happen in their life that lead them that way)
I'm Polish. You wouldn't be able to tell me apart from Western Europeans. I've been to Germany, I've been to Australia - never felt like I stood out.

Bullshit. They specialize in sensationalized headlines catering to lowest possible instincts.

There are many eastern europeans that look different tho. They have a certain look to them


Maybe being drunk? Not to touch other cliches, but until we know what happened everything is possible.

If he was drunk enough to run into a Christmas market I think he wouldn't be able to get out of the car and run.

I really can't see how this can be an accident unless the person driving got a heart attack or fell asleep.

Pancake Mix

Copied someone else's pancake recipe
There are many eastern europeans that look different tho. They have a certain look to them

Yes, identifiable groups can have different looks, but Germany and Poland are extremely close and there's enormous overlap in appearance between the two peoples.


The fact that there were two people in the cabin is weird - delivery drivers here drive alone. At least I haven't seen anything else happening for the past few years, and my workplace gets daily truck deliveries.


German Interior Minister also not using the word "attack" in his first statement since there's no information available yet. According to Tagesschau Livestream, reading the statement.


You can't imagine a driver panicking after running over a large group of people and legging it?

No, obviously the focus of that sentence was not the running away part but the whole, especcially the "driving into a christmas market with a truck on accident" thing.


21.42 Uhr: Der Lastwagen fuhr nach Polizeiangaben auf einer Strecke von 50 bis 80 Metern über den Markt zwischen den Ständen durch und verletzte dabei auch Menschen. Der Sattelschlepper war vorne stark demoliert und nach dem Anschlag vor dem Hochhaus des Waldorf-Astoria-Hotels abgestellt, wie ein dpa-Fotograf berichtete.

focus.de newsticker

according to police the truck drove 50-80 meters over the market...
Most of the time if it's a terrorist attack, the terrorist wants you to know who he was and why he did it by leaving behind a note or a video or some sort of social media ramblings.

We'll find out soon enough.


If he was drunk enough to run into a Christmas market I think he wouldn't be able to get out of the car and run.

I really can't see how this can be an accident unless the person driving got a heart attack or fell asleep.

I don't mean to throw in anecdotes but just feel like clearing a misconception, my cousins wife nearly got killed along with her baby because of a drunk driver who thankfully was blocked from colliding into her because of a lamppost. The driver than ran out on foot before police arrived.

I'm not trying to suggest this is the case here but being drunk doesn't necessarily prevent you from fleeing a scene.


Most of the time if it's a terrorist attack, the terrorist wants you to know who he was and why he did it by leaving behind a note or a video or some sort of social media ramblings.

We'll find out soon enough.

or even confronting the authorities which usually ends with being shot on site.


SMH at some of the conclusions in here. Wait for more information people, it could just be a horrible accident.

My heart goes out to those that lost their lives. So close to Christmas, think I'm going to cry.


We all know what happened here and who did this.

It's OK to admit that.

Sorry mate, but you are a fear-mongering piece of shit. Do not dare to use these deaths to enforce and spread your fucked up views. I know people living there, I already heard from most of them thankfully, but not all. Don't do this.
SMH at some of the conclusions in here. Wait for more information people, it could just be a horrible accident.

My heart goes out to those that lost their lives. So close to Christmas, think I'm going to cry.

Police is treating this like it is an attack, I mean I get not saying these were muslim terrorists, But the police is calling this a deliberate act (or at the very least they were)

El Topo

We all know what happened here and who did this.

It's OK to admit that.

I would like to remind people that some at GAF said the very same thing when the events in Munich happened this year.
It is one thing to make assumptions, we all do that (and I will admit that I suspected an IS-related attack at first regarding Munich), but we should not prematurely to conclusions and treat them as fact.
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