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Twin Peaks Season 3 OT |25 Years Later...It Is Happening Again

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So yeah. Totally getting up at 4AM on the day of the finale and rewatching the whole series beforehand with my wife. My visiting parents think we're mad, but my wife is totally on board with it, which is awesome.

This is going to be super fun :)
So yeah. Totally getting up at 4AM on the day of the finale and rewatching the whole series beforehand with my wife. My visiting parents think we're mad, but my wife is totally on board with it, which is awesome.

This is going to be super fun :)

It's a once in a lifetime experience, I'd go for it too! Unfortunately doing the same thing in my neck of the woods would mean a 5am bedtime on the monday so that ain't happenin'.


So yeah. Totally getting up at 4AM on the day of the finale and rewatching the whole series beforehand with my wife. My visiting parents think we're mad, but my wife is totally on board with it, which is awesome.

This is going to be super fun :)

Hmm. I’m off the next day so I think I’m going to do the same.


To each their own. There's no way in hell I'd marathon the previous 16 episodes before the finale. I'd be WAY too mentally fried and tired after that, and it'd lessen my enjoyment of watching the finale for the first time.


I will never understand this.

I don't even watch trailers for shows I know I'm going to be watching.
A friend of mine says he looks up spoilers because "you never know when your time's up".

I didn't even know what to say to that as it kinda made sense, but was also a really weird way to justify it.


A friend of mine says he looks up spoilers because "you never know when your time's up".

I didn't even know what to say to that as it kinda made sense, but was also a really weird way to justify it.

That seems like a perfectly Twin Peaks way to justify it, tbh
When's the last time we saw Dougie alone? I think he snapped out of it episodes ago and he's just pretending so he can have sex with Naomi Watts. Think about it.


Not Wario
Are they finally gonna reveal what is going on with the Great Northern humming next week, feels like we've been missing out on that.

While I'm assuming this isn't the case as Joan Chen hasn't been approached for this season to my knowledge, I'm still hoping it's Jody rambling around the walls of the lodge lol.


You know, if it all ends up being some elaborate dream sequence, I'll go fucking mad. It'll be the worst cop-out ever. Really hoping its not the case.


Not Wario
You know, if it all ends up being some elaborate dream sequence, I'll go fucking mad. It'll be the worst cop-out ever. Really hoping its not the case.

If it's literally a character waking up from a dream and saying something to the effect of, "I had the strangest dream...", sure, but if this is a more Lovecraftian take on it- with reality being fundamentally defined by the dreamings of greater, more powerful beings- I'd be fine with it.


If it's literally a character waking up from a dream and saying something to the effect of, "I had the strangest dream...", sure, but if this is a more Lovecraftian take on it- with reality being fundamentally defined by the dreamings of greater, more powerful beings- I'd be fine with it.

Yeah, the first scenario is going to piss me off to eternity. Will mean NOTHING ever mattered and all our favourite characters never existed. I would absolutely hate it.


You know, if it all ends up being some elaborate dream sequence, I'll go fucking mad. It'll be the worst cop-out ever. Really hoping its not the case.
What you linked looks like more "Reddit thinks too much" bullshit. They get stuff right sometimes like Mr. Robot Season 2 and Westworld, but the success seems to get to their heads.
You know, if it all ends up being some elaborate dream sequence, I'll go fucking mad. It'll be the worst cop-out ever. Really hoping its not the case.

Dreaming is a fine concept to explore as a meta-narrative layer that may or may not exist on top of the Twin Peaks universe.

The concept only becomes rote, trite, and cliche if it becomes central to the current plot. We must never know who is dreaming or why. It must never become a focal point, and only remain a fun thought exercise.

If the season ends with the reveal that it's all been Audrey's coma nightmare, then yes. Rage away. That's dumb AF. But if the concept of dreaming remains a motif, that's fine to me.


I was thinking about the Monica Bellucci dream and had a theory that's probably wrong.

At the start we see Coop standing off to the side, but Cole can only see him from the neck down. I think this is supposed to convey that this is Coop's dream, since perspective-wise he would be able to see the rest of his own body, but not his own face.

Then we see Monica ask "but who is the dreamer?" and looking behind Cole, which prompts him to turn and switch perspective to his own dream, a flashback to the scene from FWWM.

Basically, I think this is a big knot of dreams.

At the start, Coop is the dreamer, dreaming of Cole and Monica in Paris.

Afterwards, Cole is the dreamer, dreaming of Coop and Phillip Jeffries in the Philadelphia field office.

The dream that Coop came to tell Cole about in the field office was Cole's Monica Bellucci dream he would have 25 years later.

When Phillip Jeffries says "we live inside a dream," he's talking about this whole dream-knot these events are happening within, which is why they all forget about it, just like we forget most dreams.

Deleted member 80556

Unconfirmed Member
On that dream, you know, Cole says "I saw myself! I saw myself!" sounds very similar to the FWWM song I Got a Real Indication.


Can someone explain to me the nuances of what I just saw?

What was that girl talking about with her friend about Billy in the bar?

What the hell was that old woman who took off her face? Who even is she? I only know her from the market scene.

The asian woman in the woods?

British Doomfist?

Did I miss more questions?

Chitown B

Can someone explain to me the nuances of what I just saw?

What was that girl talking about with her friend about Billy in the bar?

What the hell was that old woman who took off her face? Who even is she? I only know her from the market scene.

The asian woman in the woods?

British Doomfist?

Did I miss more questions?

what? did you not watch the original series?


What the hell was that old woman who took off her face? Who even is she? I only know her from the market scene.

Eh, you don't recognize her? that's Sarah Palmer, Laura Palmer's mother. You will never be able to follow if you haven't seen s1 and 2 and FFWM though.
Is it Sunday yet?

The community has done a decent job, with the exceptions of episode 14, of keeping spoilers to a minimum. Hopefully they stay out of this thread. I already accidently highlighted a huge one pages back. It's become a habit of mine to click those black bars without thinking.

Pls stop.
That would be horrible.

For you maybe, for me the wait between episodes had been close to torture.
-What was that girl talking about with her friend about Billy in the bar?

We're still finding out. There's been multiple conversations about Billy's whereabouts and we don't have a reference who most of these people are or what their role is for the show.

-What the hell was that old woman who took off her face? Who even is she? I only know her from the market scene.

Laura's Mommy. The Mrs. Palmer.

-The asian woman in the woods?

Naido. She was in episode 3 with Coop in the purple place.

-British Doomfist?

James coworker. He was with James at the Roadhouse during the end of episode 2. I'm guessing he's been sent by the fireman to knock the hell out of evil or something.

So yeah. Totally getting up at 4AM on the day of the finale and rewatching the whole series beforehand with my wife. My visiting parents think we're mad, but my wife is totally on board with it, which is awesome.

This is going to be super fun :)

I don't think I could do eighteen straight hours. I'm excited about being able to watch the episodes back to back though. It's only been six months since my last viewing of the series, but I'd really like to watch all of Twin Peaks again once the season ends.


If you don't remember you really need to see it again, otherwise don't be surprised you won't be able to piece everything together.
I'm not going to rewatch an entire series. If you guys don't want to answer then don't. And I guarantee none of you have shit pieced together anyways and you probably won't at the end of the series
I'm not going to rewatch an entire series. If you guys don't want to answer then don't. And I guarantee none of you have shit pieced together anyways and you probably won't at the end of the series

There's videos on YouTube that give a summary of the show. I recommend those to help you fill in the gaps.

This one's good for just being an hour in length and includes Fire Walk With Me.

I haven't seen them since the new season started, but which ones were they?

To be honest, I'm drawing a blank lol. I remember watching at one point and thinking "I don't know about that", but I can't for the life of me remember what it was. Maybe something regarding possible Lodge influences and meaning.

Whatever it was, for being such a long video series, I agree with the majority of his interpretations. It's overall a damn fine analysis of the show and movie. I hope he continues and does season 3 once it's finished airing.


Not Wario
Episode 13 was just the prelude....

The fate of the multiverse will be decided by an armwrestling contest between Dopplecoop and Doombrit


To be honest, I'm drawing a blank lol. I remember watching at one point and thinking "I don't know about that", but I can't for the life of me remember what it was. Maybe something regarding possible Lodge influences and meaning.

Whatever it was, for being such a long video series, I agree with the majority of his interpretations. It's overall a damn fine analysis of the show and movie. I hope he continues and does season 3 once it's finished airing.

It was probably this one.


I'm not sure whether he'll do videos for S3, but he's writing reviews on his blog.

was the HOW MANY TIMES HAVE I TOLD YOUUU scene looped or something when he hits the desk? Ive watched it several times now, and when hes hitting his hand on the desk it looks really weird. Almost robotic.


was the HOW MANY TIMES HAVE I TOLD YOUUU scene looped or something when he hits the desk? Ive watched it several times now, and when hes hitting his hand on the desk it looks really weird. Almost robotic.
Yeah I noticed that too and I am 90% certain it's reversed once and played back again when he hits the desk the first time.


I am too lazy to go back through this thread (and apologise) but did anyone notice that there was a scene where Tammy walked into a room (I think to interview Matt Lillard) but then the door knob kind of flickered?

Has stuff like that popped up previously in other episodes that I maybe missed? I find it a bizarre thing to include accident or not.
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