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Twin Peaks Season 3 OT |25 Years Later...It Is Happening Again

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You're talking about the man who wanted to donate sperm because he likes whales.

That worked for 90/91 Andy. The same quirkiness doesn't work when the actors are 25 years older, and their characters somehow haven't changed in that time.

Though I do think it worked for Jerry. But that seemed like an extension of his character, not a regression.


Death Prophet
I think the only thing I'm actively disliking is Andy and Lucy.

Anyone else feel like they're being written as incredibly dumb? It's so awkward and cringeworthy 99% of the time (e.g., Lucy not understanding cellphones). It's just not working for me, at all. I don't think it's complete character assassination, but it's getting there.

Lucy is especially egregious. That cellphone gag was bad. Andy does lay it on real thick too.
Who fuckin knows
Lucy is especially egregious. That cellphone gag was bad. Andy does lay it on real thick too.

I feel like this might be intentional, the way Lucy acts in particular makes it seem as though she's in a trance state or something, especially with her body language in the scene with the guy coming into the station looking for Truman. Her eyes seem to be focusing on things that aren't there almost, seems atypical to how I remember the show's Lucy. My guess is this has something to do once again with the off-kilter feeling of most interactions. Something is not right with the world.

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
Yeah I don't get how Boop would know at that moment that real Dougie would be real Coop. Of course he knew he was going to be called back to the Black Lodge but how would he know at that moment?

Episode 3 Spoilers:
I think Mr. C knew, the Giant in episode 1 at the very start mentions a few things to remember, and one of them is the number 253. When Cooper goes to the real world again, the watch on the girl's wrist reads 2:53, and while Mr. C is losing consciousness he keeps glancing at the dashboard (I think both for the time and to make sure cooper isn't coming out of the machinery in his car or something). He only gets relieved when 2:53 passes on to 2:54 and he's still there.

And as he created Dougie, it could easily be he hired those guys to kill Cooper, because he knows either him or Cooper has to die to be able to exist in this world.
Maybe Bob and
Bizarro Coop
having the same goal of
not returning to the Black Lodge
made them work in complete synergy.

Also, question :
Did coffee snapped Cooper back to reality a little bit ? He said "Hi". He just repeats words/phrases he hears, we followed Cooper very close after his return and nobody said the word "Hi" to him.

Maybe, although
he was talking pretty normally when he was in the car and said "two rights Jade."

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
best scene so far.

but is lynch sleeping with the lady who plays tamara? how did she get cast?

She's musician Chrysta Bell, and I guess has a history with Transcendental Meditation through David Lynch's foundation.

Yeah what's the deal with her? Her acting is distractingly bad.

I get the feeling something is up with her.

Her acting is super unnatural. She sashays around juuuuust obviously enough to make it feel intentional. Likewise, her goofy facial expressions make her seem distractingly arch. The camera lingers on her like no other character - notice how the camera focuses on her body more than Tracy in her sex scene, Darya, or even the nude escort Dougie was with - all of them were shot very flatly and matter-of-fact, but Tammy is treated to lots of camera focus on her hips when she walks, etc etc etc. Gordon even has his defense planned when Denise calls him out on choosing Tammy.

Gordon asked her to wear a wire, so I'm assuming there's something going on we just haven't seen yet. Also, given how much this series draws from The Secret History of Twin Peaks, she would seem to have at least some cursory knowledge of Lodge/paranormal activity.

I personally thing (episode 3 & 4 spoilers)
that Tamara is a doppleganger or was in the Black Lodge. I think several characters might be. IE, when Mr. C shoots the woman who was heating on her husband in the eye he mentions she's gotten good at acting within human nature, which I think the implication is she's from the Black Lodge and had to 'learn' how to fit in like Cooper is right now doing after being in the Black Lodge for 25 years. And I think Tamara is the same way... Notice she BARELY ever speaks. I think she is coming back from the Black Lodge too, which is why her humanism is really weird right now. And I think the 'bad acting' is subtly hinting towards this, as even the characters seem to sense there's something wrong with her.

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
can you imagine reading spoilers that

This is actually something that's stuck out with me about the season so far, there's really no simple way to spoil the series because of its weirdness and how many plot threads exist and just the odd direction things go. Before the premiere there was a talk about trolls maybe trying to spoil big events because of the secrecy, and while you may be able to spoil some small snippet about the new season easily enough, IE like a screencap of Mr. C with the words "COOP'S DOPPELGANGER FROM THE LODGE!!", there's not really any single thing so far that would spoil most of it to try to troll someone.

Which I'm insanely glad about. Maybe later, but safe for now (given I'm watching these the moment they air anyway, so yeah).


Death Prophet
Episode 3 Spoilers:
I think Mr. C knew, the Giant in episode 1 at the very start mentions a few things to remember, and one of them is the number 253. When Cooper goes to the real world again, the watch on the girl's wrist reads 2:53, and while Mr. C is losing consciousness he keeps glancing at the dashboard (I think both for the time and to make sure cooper isn't coming out of the machinery in his car or something). He only gets relieved when 2:53 passes on to 2:54 and he's still there.

And as he created Dougie, it could easily be he hired those guys to kill Cooper, because he knows either him or Cooper has to die to be able to exist in this world.

The giant says to remember 430.

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
Regarding the box room:
so the "mom" is what gets the two horn balls in NY, right? Since Boop winds up there somehow, I'm guessing both places are connected. Maybe she finally got through the door and ended up there while following his tracks, etc.

Also, what are the chances that we'll find out what happened to the guard? There's been a bit of jumping around time-wise, so I doubt we've seen all there is to see regarding that specific place in time.

The episodes are a bit of a blur, so I spoilered everything just in case so as to not spoil anything that might have happened during 3 or 4.

That's what I took the beginning of episode 3 to mean.
The thing in the Box is the 'Mother' from that realm, the thing in the box starts banging on the glass like the banging on the door (but the glass breaks easily), the box becomes pitch black before it appears and the blind woman turns on the light when the banging begins to happen I think for a reason (and why she was sticking close to a fireplace anyways), and as the Mom scene happened after Cooper was in the Box I think the Mom tried to follow the 'tear' Cooper made and ended up in the box.

I do think the thing in the box at this point is "mother" from the opening of Episode 3.

The giant says to remember 430.

He says a few things to remember, some names and two numbers, 430, kill two birds.
But the number 253 is in the room before the scene happens and the number changes to 3, right I remember where 253 comes from it's on the clock device. I did misrember a bit but it did pop up right before the transition and Dopple coop is noted as watching the clock when it happens and after he crahses (but is not sucked in) the camera focuses on the clock going from 2:53 to 2:54.
Is Showtime showing both 3 and 4 next weekend?

I'm trying to figure out whether I want to watch them as they air or if I should binge all of them now as soon as they come out.
Been dragged away by the awful terrorist attack on my former city of residence.

But Chrysta Bell got confirmed as a guest at the Twin Peaks Fest this year, so that's kind of exciting.
Ok, gave in and watched episodes 3 and 4. They really should have just aired all 4 hours over two nights.
I really liked
that Robert Forster wasn't playing Harry as it was initially thought. Did I miss something or did we not realize who he was playing until the Cera scene? I know Lucy had talked about "two Sheriff Trumans" but when he appeared I initially assumed he was Harry and the other was a son or something.
I can buy a lot of things but I don't believe
a schmuck like Dougie would both marry Naomi Watts and have the fucking balls to cheat on her.

I also will never get over Lynch's boner for Chrysta Bell, to the point where even other characters point it out.


I personally thing (episode 3 & 4 spoilers)
that Tamara is a doppleganger or was in the Black Lodge. I think several characters might be. IE, when Mr. C shoots the woman who was heating on her husband in the eye he mentions she's gotten good at acting within human nature, which I think the implication is she's from the Black Lodge and had to 'learn' how to fit in like Cooper is right now doing after being in the Black Lodge for 25 years. And I think Tamara is the same way... Notice she BARELY ever speaks. I think she is coming back from the Black Lodge too, which is why her humanism is really weird right now. And I think the 'bad acting' is subtly hinting towards this, as even the characters seem to sense there's something wrong with her.

Reminds me of Kojima and his "reasons" for Quiet.

Inb4 the sole reason is "they like to look at Tamara's ass". Done.


Ep.3/4 spoilers tagged

Only thing I didn't like about any of the four episodes was
the Michael Cera cameo. Took me right out of it. It was just Michael Cera doing (bad) shtick to me.

Anyway...so, uh, what's the deal with
Dougie? He was created? (By Bob, I assume?) And real Cooper was tricked? Were the mother, blind lady, and/or MFAP doppelganger tricking Cooper into escaping the lodge via Dougie, with the intention that Dougie/Cooper would've been killed by the hitmen, so Bob could stay in the real world? Although it seemed to me the guys looking to kill Dougie were hired by whoever wanted Bob/Doppel-Coop dead, and mistook Dougie for Bob.

Also, I feel like that animation of Dougie turning into a floating black disk, that turns sideways into cylinder has been seen somewhere before in this show. Am I imagining that?
I'd bet there's a huge drop by week 2 or 3. I just don't know how the masses (or even more casual Twin Peaks fans) will react to episode 3. I thought it was amazing, but Lynch is going nuts.

Yup, plus a lot of people (myself included) currently on free trials. Not sure if they include those in their numbers though. Should be interesting to see what our own OT looks like turnout-wise closer to part 18 :p

A 1440p wallpaper I made of one of the prettiest frames so far (imo)

Thanks for this, probably one of my favorite shots as well. Also love the one
looking at the fireplace after he comes back from being outside the space cube.


that's the evolution of the station intercom jokes from the original series.

They've always been the dumb innocent characters.
it's a direct callback to the intercom scene from The Missing Pieces.

I can buy a lot of things but I don't believe
a schmuck like Dougie would both marry Naomi Watts and have the fucking balls to cheat on her.

I also will never get over Lynch's boner for Chrysta Bell, to the point where even other characters point it out.
Well, Dougie WAS manufactured (whatever that means).

The whole Chrysta Bell obsession is a bit of a bummer. She's so much less interesting than his former "muses," but I guess when this kind of boner starts, it is very hard to put out.
Man, this sounds like Bad Coop isn't just an evil spirit with Coop's face but some part of the *actual* Coop that was spun-off into its own entity. A distillation of whatever negative energies were hidden inside him. That's very disturbing.

That was all I needed. The first episode felt like a middle finger in the face from Lynch to the more "mainstream" Twin Peaks fans (of which I count myself). I'm content to put up with his heroin weirdness if he'll throw me a bone like the end of Episode 2 every once in a while through this season.

Yeah, don't get me wrong, I'm eager to see the new cast as much as the old guys, but seeing them, it was just, magic.


Death Prophet
it's a direct callback to the intercom scene from The Missing Pieces.

The one where they scare each other? I forgot that was in The Missing Pieces.

Oh haven't seen that I guess. My bigger problem though is that
I don't know... I expect them to be a little smarter than this in their 50's. I don't like when revivals keep their characters frozen in time which is what I feel like they did with those two. The characters could have some sort of progression in the flavor of their past characteristics.
God I'm glad
the cringe soap opera garbage
has been axed. While some of the gags drag on too long, the balance of drama and comedy is hitting my buttons way more than 80% of the original series.

A part of me is still miffed that the show didn't end with the original finale, since it was absolute perfection, but I'm really digging what we've gotten so far.

edit: I will say, though, that the
discombobulated Coop
thread needs to kick into high gear soon.

Oh haven't seen that I guess. My bigger problem though is that
I don't know... I expect them to be a little smarter than this in their 50's. I don't like when revivals keep their characters frozen in time which is what I feel like they did with those two. The characters could have some sort of progression in the flavor of their past characteristics.

It's all a ruse for when
Andy is revealed to be the latest incarnation of BOB, and the true villain of the new series.


Watched up to episode 3, loved it so far. All the "predictions and speculations" in this thread is too much for me. I won't let you folks ruin this show like you ruined Westworld. See you on the other side...


Junior Member
Not sure if this has been covered off as I'm struggling to keep up with the discussion.

is there any reason why the supposed good coop has lost his fbi pin when he returns to the world outside of the lodge? It's quite prevalent when he's in the lodge.
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