Aint a soul alive that actually enjoys taking busses.
Coming soon to the Edinburgh Festival, my one man show about why taking busses are the worse, from taking them about three times and going NOPE
Aint a soul alive that actually enjoys taking busses.
I am inclined to be charitable to Corbyn (even if I'd vote Smith if they'd let me) but that doesn't look like a pop, just a statement of fact.
I'm sure corbyn supporters will find some new way to justify this
Milne really ought to get the sack, that's two spin sessions that have backfired now at least (the other one I'm thinking of was that Vice film).
I, for one, find it utterly disgraceful that someone who was publicly slandered and threatened with the sack by a leading politician would attempt to defend himself by using simple facts and photographic proof.
The sheer nerve of the man.
The tragedy is that overcrowding is a real problem, and Corbyn's fake stunt makes it look like the whole problem is being faked.
No-one really trusts Branson, let alone the other faceless train companies, and everyone must've had some terrible rail experiences. Asking for nationalisation should be an easy sell.
Yet somehow, Branson comes out of it as the simple straight talking guy just doing his job in a hostile environment and Corbyn is the devious two-faced spin-doctor trying to justify a takeover of public services.
Just throwing out there, that here in the US the term is jam-packed, never read it as ram-packed. It won't even come up in a search. I find language differences between two english speaking countries interesting.
Agreed entirely.That's what I don't understand about Corbyn. He's saying the rights things (to me anyway) but he's doing a lot of really dumb shit.
Like, instead of pulling the stunt he did. Why didn't he just board a train during peak-times and witness - first hand - the overcrowded and just film that followed by - maybe - interviewing folk about the lack of seats. It's not that difficult really and we've all experienced and seen it first hand. The fact that people sometimes sit on the floor during crowded train journeys is not an over-exaggeration.
But alas, he decides to pull this opportunistic Gandhi stunt and be "one with the people" and it just backfires badly. I don't blame Branson for getting involved quite frankly. He simply pointed out the bullshit.
He said: "The bigger story here... it is quite astonishing that a tax exile of more than 10 years decides to lay into and make a political intervention which is essentially what this is on social media in a very public way."
Owen Smith says he will try to stop Theresa May formally triggering Brexit unless she promises a referendum on the final deal or calls a general election to approve it.
The Labour leadership challenger said his party should not give the Tories a "blank cheque" on negotiations.
But rival Jeremy Corbyn said Parliament had to "work with" the result of the referendum.
Tax dodging aside, you made a political intervention on his company, of course he's going to respond. How can Corbyn believe the shit he's spouting? "Astonishing" my ass.
That would make 2 of 3 major political parties opposed to implementing Brexit if he wins.
Hes more or less admited it now;
What absolute tits. Its clear I think that one of his team saw him on the ground and saw an opportunity. Trains are crowded, train companies do make money off tax payer subsidies. The two don't actually link into one another. Not only that, but his point has been torn down
A good transport system is not if you can get 2 seats together.
Also if its that important, instead or making your wife stand (or sit?) fucking ask someone "Excuse me would you mind taking that seat there so me and my wife can sit together".
Clear a good worker (and an observant one) saw Corbo on the floor and moved to correct the situation. He did so. Corbo criticised the conductor and the company for doing their best on that train.
They just shouldn't have shot that video but Corbo is too dim to realise what is or is not a good idea.
Tax dodging aside, you made a political intervention on his company, of course he's going to respond. How can Corbyn believe the shit he's spouting? "Astonishing" my ass.
Owen Smith says he will try to stop Theresa May formally triggering Brexit unless she promises a referendum on the final deal or calls a general election to approve it.
The Labour leadership challenger said his party should not give the Tories a "blank cheque" on negotiations.
But rival Jeremy Corbyn said Parliament had to "work with" the result of the referendum.
That would make 2 of 3 major political parties opposed to implementing Brexit if he wins.
That's what I don't understand about Corbyn. He's saying the rights things (to me anyway) but he's doing a lot of really dumb shit.
Like, instead of pulling the stunt he did. Why didn't he just board a train during peak-times and witness - first hand - the overcrowded and just film that followed by - maybe - interviewing folk about the lack of seats. It's not that difficult really and we've all experienced and seen it first hand. The fact that people sometimes sit on the floor during crowded train journeys is not an over-exaggeration.
But alas, he decides to pull this opportunistic Gandhi stunt and be "one with the people" and it just backfires badly. I don't blame Branson for getting involved quite frankly. He simply pointed out the bullshit.
Tax dodging aside, you made a political intervention on his company, of course he's going to respond. How can Corbyn believe the shit he's spouting? "Astonishing" my ass.
Isn't this, like, confirmation that Jezza isn't altogether that disappointed with the outcome of the EU referendum?
Isn't this, like, confirmation that Jezza isn't altogether that disappointed with the outcome of the EU referendum?
Tax dodging aside, you made a political intervention on his company, of course he's going to respond. How can Corbyn believe the shit he's spouting? "Astonishing" my ass.
That would make 2 of 3 major political parties opposed to implementing Brexit if he wins.
Making jam. That has got to be fit into an OT thread title of something.
It's to a point where I'm no longer surprised to hear things like that.
Coming soon to the Edinburgh Festival, my one man show about why taking busses are the worse, from taking them about three times and going NOPE
I'm not sure how the Smith idea will work. I was under the impression that once Article 50 was invoked Britain can't stop it and we can't have a referendum on the final deal until after Article 50 has been invoked and the negotiating has finished.
Corbyn has been anti-EU for decades and has made no secret of that. He 'supported' remain because he was forced to, then was calling for the immediate invoking of Article 50 on live TV the morning after the referendum before it was even 9am.Isn't this, like, confirmation that Jezza isn't altogether that disappointed with the outcome of the EU referendum?
Britains main opposition Labour party may have to cancel its annual flagship conference next month because it cannot find a company to provide security. G4S, the firm which has secured the gathering for 20 years, was dropped by Labour under its Israel-criticizing leader Jeremy Corbyn two months ago because of its links to Israel. This week, Labour went back to G4S with a plea for help, British news outlets reported Thursday, but was rebuffed.
With no security firm to handle the conference, the UK Home Office and police could shut down the conference altogether, a dramatic move that would strike a significant blow to the party, as the annual conference is a centerpiece of the political calendar and is used to garner support for new policies and initiatives.
Labour dropped the British-Danish G4S multinational security firm over its relationship with Israel following a controversial vote last year by members of its National Executive Committee. It then sought to find a replacement for the September 25 event, in vain.
Unable to find an alternative security firm, the left-wing party went back to G4S earlier this week, only to be turned down.
Quite apart from any bitter feelings left over from the Israel-related boycott, the company told the Telegraph newspaper it refused to work with UK Labour in light a number of incidents in which members of the party cursed at and spat on G4S employees.
Update on the party conference being in jeopardy: UK Labour parley at risk as Israel-linked security firm it spurned rejects plea for help
Seems a bit off that the govt can basically cancel the opposition's conference, doesn't it? Shouldn't the police provide security if no alternative can be found?
A private security company refuses business because they hate working with Labour that much?
A private security company refuses business because they hate working with Labour that much?
I also don't get why the leader can't be announced if the conference doesn't take place?
Haven't been following this recently; I'm guessing that Corbyn has absolutely zero chance of winning the leadership contest?
Haven't been following this recently; I'm guessing that Corbyn has absolutely zero chance of winning the leadership contest?
The G4S thing initially came from Corbyn, so that's another ridiculous gaffe to chalk up to him, though the NEC should really have done their job and thought it through a bit more.
I think the police will do it, but they'll charge much, much more than the private companies would (obviously, as G4S and it's ilk pay their staff peanuts).
I'm not sure the police can. Companies are required to pay the police for additional security for ticketed, pay to enter events as part of their temporary event license. But that security and payment is only for the policing of the public space outside the venue. And it requires the event to have paid entry - if it's a free event, the police can't charge.
I've never known the police to provide security for private, indoor events on private property -- that falls way outside their remit of protecting the public space.
I'm not sure the police can. Companies are required to pay the police for additional security for ticketed, pay to enter events as part of their temporary event license. But that security and payment is only for the policing of the public space outside the venue. And it requires the event to have paid entry - if it's a free event, the police can't charge.
I've never known the police to provide security for private, indoor events on private property -- that falls way outside their remit of protecting the public space.
So, will the conference be cancelled? There is another option. The party could ask the police for extra security. However, this would cost them as where security workers for Showsec cost around £9 per hour, a PC comes to £59.65 an hour.
I thought these conferences would fall into a different category. So you're saying its basically like a football match or something? Do those use G4S for internal security?
Seems a bit off that the govt can basically cancel the opposition's conference, doesn't it? Shouldn't the police provide security if no alternative can be found?
I thought these conferences would fall into a different category. So you're saying its basically like a football match or something? Do those use G4S for internal security?