Of course they did a lot. Expanded the police and surveillance state, started wars, further fucked up the Middle East eventually resulting in an immigration clusterfuck that popularized and normalized the far-right lunatics across Europe, seamlessly continued the neoliberal economic policies of the tories and so on.
You know what, fuck vague, low grade political GCSE level discourse and cultured 1984 smug nods. Swallow facts:
-Introduced the minimum wage.
-Doubled funding per pupil for education, renovated thousands of schools.
-Funded thousands more police officers, nurses, doctors.
-Elevated millions out of poverty.
-Made breast cancer screening free for women.
-Winter fuel payments, bus passes for elderly.
-Banned fox hunting, testing on animals.
-Prescriptions free for Cancer patients.
and just, you know, in general improved people of this country's lives. Yes, we went to another shit war because we're buddies with America or whatever. It happens. Mistakes were made abroad, but not at home.
You level your rudderless hatred at a party that did more for you and those around you than you will ever admit because... I dunno... actually even having to contemplate running a country scares the shit out of you. Better to skulk in the shadows and pretend things can change perfectly 100% than actually put in the hard work, compromise, and do what it takes to run a country for multiple terms.
The platform Jeremy Corbyn stands on is that his opinion is all that matters, and fuck actually getting into power and curbing the Tories destructive rule quickly or even reversing their terrible damage toot sweet. It's about getting in the way of other ministers actually trying to improve things like those that genuinely wanted to stay in the EU or those trying to launch shadow policy only to find their whole day fucked.
But yeah, Tony Blair and co are all Tory Lites anyway. So the best thing to do is make sure Full Fat Tories have un-contested rule for another 10 grim years by going full unelectable protest party. That seems like the mature adult approach to take and in no way involves bath water flying out from a tub, infant and all.