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UK PoliGAF thread of tell me about the rabbits again, Dave.


what the hell, why did we do this?

The value of British bank loans to the euro-zone periphery looks small compared to the $680 billion owed to French banks, equivalent to almost a quarter of France’s GDP. But Britain’s bank exposure is still huge, and a shade larger as a share of GDP, at 14.7%, than Germany’s. And banks are so interconnected that measures of direct lending cannot capture the full risks. British banks have lent $210 billion to French and German banks, which in turn are lenders to Italy and the rest.

we're screwed if the eu collapses.


whats this about our credit rating being affected because of the eurozone crisis? and why are our banks on a danger watch if the eurozone collapses? i thought we had limited our exposure?

The Government has no ability to soften the impact of another recession through it's fiscal policy since there is no room for extra government spending. This isnt a case of Conservative policy. If Labour were in power the UK would be in a similar position of being unable to absorb another recession. During the last 10 years the UK government should have been building up a budget surplus such that when things did go bad, we could stimulate the economy but we entered the last recession with debt and we enter this one with debt. This puts UK GDP on the ice and our ability to repay our debts decreases, hence a potential fall in our credit rating.

The banks may be in a better position now than they were two years ago but they still rely on the flow of credit between the financial markets and if the EZ collapses then the credit flow will also dry up. Its all relative. If the EZ collapses, we go down too but just maybe not as far as other world economies.


Rehypothecation, which is madness and made infintely possible by the joke regulations in the UK has daisy-chained the risks of a Eurozone sovereign default to the extent that it will literally be the end of the entire financial system.

Edit: to paraphrase it will be peak times for EVERYONE. No exceptions.


The Government has no ability to soften the impact of another recession through it's fiscal policy since there is no room for extra government spending. This isnt a case of Conservative policy. If Labour were in power the UK would be in a similar position of being unable to absorb another recession. During the last 10 years the UK government should have been building up a budget surplus such that when things did go bad, we could stimulate the economy but we entered the last recession with debt and we enter this one with debt. This puts UK GDP on the ice and our ability to repay our debts decreases, hence a potential fall in our credit rating.

The banks may be in a better position now than they were two years ago but they still rely on the flow of credit between the financial markets and if the EZ collapses then the credit flow will also dry up. Its all relative. If the EZ collapses, we go down too but just maybe not as far as other world economies.


And that was when government tax revenue was a smaller percentage of GDP than it is now.


Herd behaviour at it's worst. Will post shadow banking liabilities against bank liabilities. It's illuminating. Financial sector is a middleman, Reagan/Thatcher unlocked Pandora's box and we reap the whirlwind they unleashed and successive governments exacerbated.


We are in a world at the moment where everyone is borrowing and no-one is lending. Its a mathematical impossibility, a zero-sum game. The governments borrowed, the banks and financial sector idiotically lent, the government bails out the banks because of their idiotic gambles and suddenly the governments are financial sector are effectively the same entities. A ponzi scheme where ultimately everyone loses.


NeoGAF's Chief Barrister
There's some Tory MP called Peter Bone who keeps asking Cameron/Clegg who would succeed Cameron if he was killed. He comes across as a bit of a nutter and is being petty as fuck, saying that Clegg shouldn't take control because he's in charge of a "party less popular than UKIP".

Clearly Clegg's not going to get in power if Cameron dies and then immediately scrap tuition fees, join the Euro and scrap Trident, he'd just call an election in a few months.

The best person is arguably Bercow IMO, he could preside over the position until an election could be called. If we followed the USA's model it would go something like this:

President/Prime Minister (Cameron)
Vice President/Deputy PM (Clegg)
Speaker of the House (Bercow)
Senate Speaker/Speaker of the Lords (Frances D'Souza)
Secretary of State/Foreign Minister (Hague)
Secretary of the Treasury/Chancellor (Osbourne)
Defence Secretary (Hammond)

It's all a bit of a pointless row, because it isn't in the Government's gift to nominate a future Prime Minister. And the 'Deputy PM' title has no constitutional significance.

I guess that if Cameron died then someone like Hague would take over with the consent of the House.


It's all a bit of a pointless row, because it isn't in the Government's gift to nominate a future Prime Minister. And the 'Deputy PM' title has no constitutional significance.

I guess that if Cameron died then someone like Hague would take over with the consent of the House.

Apologies, what I gave you isn't the order of succession but the order of command. If someone topped Cameron, then for the immediate few hours that would be the order of command.


NeoGAF's Chief Barrister
Apologies, what I gave you isn't the order of succession but the order of command. If someone topped Cameron, then for the immediate few hours that would be the order of command.

I suspect that immediate power would vest in the Privy Council. As Lord President, Clegg would clearly have significant influence, but that's not the same as saying he would be able to call the shots.
Ahh, the botox evita.

Did you know that the Unites states held the islands for as long as the argentinians back in the 1830's? that's the period where their claim stems from.

The thing is, she wants negotiations, but here's essentially how they would go:

Argentina: "We want the islands."

Britain: "The local population say no.... So no."

Talks won't change shit, when neither side wants compromise.


Is the economist website free or do I have to pay after a couple of articles (or something like that)? I never considered reading it, but it seems very interesting.

My usual sites for news are telegraph, guardian, nytimes, haaretz, spiegel (german) and welt (german).

it's five print edition articles for free a week iirc. annoying as they do excellent work, but it's still worth perusing the online print edition for the five articles that look most interesting. i also recommend some of the economist's online blogs too, which you can read without limits, bagehot for example is really excellent for uk politics and republishes his print columns on there too.


CHEEZMO™;33674658 said:
Tube drivers.

Boxing Day.


drivers want an extra day off for Christmas confirmed. Lazy bastards.

oh, sorry, read up more, they want TRIPLE PAY. cunts, my GF is working Christmas eve and not getting paid a penny extra. Self entitled bellends should be glad they have a fucking steady job in these times.


also, I realise I've been swearing too much in threads recently and will make a point of cutting down after new years. resolutions bruv.
drivers want an extra day off for Christmas confirmed. Lazy bastards.

oh, sorry, read up more, they want TRIPLE PAY. cunts, my GF is working Christmas eve and not getting paid a penny extra. Self entitled bellends should be glad they have a fucking steady job in these times.

They're making the most of having the Mayor and TFL over a barrel due to the olympics. If Bojo is still in power after them I can see the union getting crushed.


NeoGAF's Chief Barrister
Tube drivers always take the piss. Why they get paid more than the average teacher is beyond me.

Some of them do have a cracking good sense of humour though. A few years ago we were held up during morning rush hour (and for a while after) by a whole series of signal failures deep underground, which the driver had to excruciatingly to announce. When it was finally over and we got moving he said something like "Thank you for your patience. Now that was so much fun how about we do it again same time tomorrow?" - lightened the mood immediately and set the whole trainload off with a spring in their step.


BBC Breaking:

Duke of Edinburgh in hospital following chest pains

The Duke of Edinburgh has been taken to hospital in Cambridge after suffering chest pains, a Buckingham Palace spokesman said.

Prince Philip, who turned 90 in June, was taken from Sandringham to the cardiothoracic unit at Papworth Hospital for "precautionary tests", the spokeswoman said.


CHEEZMO™;33702889 said:
Came here to post that.

Hope he's okay. Doesn't seem too serious.

not if you believe some people on twitter



haha yeah, although I find Thatcher bashing to be sometimes...distasteful, it probably is suitable that she gets a private one.

i don't mind having a go based on her record so long as it isn't just invoking her name as if she's some kind of evil spirit responsible for everything you don't like, but it's certainly going to be really embarrassing to be on the left when she eventually dies and people start celebrating.


i don't mind having a go based on her record so long as it isn't just invoking her name as if she's some kind of evil spirit responsible for everything you don't like, but it's certainly going to be really embarrassing to be on the left when she eventually dies and people start celebrating.

yeah, ugh, I'm a centerist and while some amount of liberalisation is good she went overboard and did it too quickly (not to mention how badly she cocked up housing in the country). But yes, I think that some old wounds are going to open up when she passes.
i don't mind having a go based on her record so long as it isn't just invoking her name as if she's some kind of evil spirit responsible for everything you don't like, but it's certainly going to be really embarrassing to be on the left when she eventually dies and people start celebrating.

Why's it gonna be embarrassing? If you don't wanna join in the celebrations then don't, but leave the rest of us to party


Why's it gonna be embarrassing? If you don't wanna join in the celebrations then don't, but leave the rest of us to party

at the end of the day, she said what she was going to do (privatise) and was elected on that word, she wasn't a dictator and had democratic legitimacy for what she did.
yeah, ugh, I'm a centerist and while some amount of liberalisation is good she went overboard and did it too quickly (not to mention how badly she cocked up housing in the country). But yes, I think that some old wounds are going to open up when she passes.
The irony being that a lot of the people who will be celebrating her death will be the same people who looked down upon those who celebrated Bin Laden's death.


yeah bro the people who support her death are probably MUSLIMS jesus GET OUT OF MY COUNTRY or get a job you're always on teh dole but don't take our jobs jesus christ LIBERALS
The irony being that a lot of the people who will be celebrating her death will be the same people who looked down upon those who celebrated Bin Laden's death.

I might not have celebrated bin ladens death as I'm uneasy about how it happened I cant make up my mind if kill or capture would have been the best option and probably never will however I totally understand who some people chose to


BBC said:
Hart in Hampshire named as UK's most desirable place

The Hampshire district of Hart has been named as the UK's most desirable place to live for quality of life.

The annual study by the Halifax bank took into account factors such as jobs, housing, health and crime as well as weather, traffic and broadband access.

The survey found that 95% of people in the local authority area of Hart were in good health and they tended to have incomes 40% above the national average.

No places in northern England, Scotland or Wales were in the top 50 locations.

Listed buildings

Wokingham, East Cambridgeshire, Brentwood, St Albans, Maidstone, South Cambridgeshire and Epsom and Ewell were all among the top 10 in the 2011 Quality of Life Survey.

Of the top 50 places, 27 were southern England and 15 were in eastern England.

The district of Hart is in north-east Hampshire and includes the towns of Fleet and Yateley.

The River Hart flows through the rural area which has 1,000 buildings listed as being of special architectural or historical interest and more than 30 conservation areas.

House prices

Halifax economist Martin Ellis said: "Residents of Hart benefit from a combination of above-average weekly earnings, a low crime rate and good health amongst other factors.
"On the other hand, average house prices in the area are amongst the highest relative to local earnings, highlighting that a high standard of living often comes at a price."

Hart replaces Elmbridge in Surrey, which has been named as the top location for the past three years.

The only places outside the south and east of England in the top 50 were Wychavon in Worcestershire, Rushcliffe in Nottingham, Rutland, and North Kesteven in Lincolnshire.

In Scotland, the most desirable place to live was named in a Bank of Scotland survey as the Shetland Islands, ousting Aberdeenshire from top spot.


'Planned 49% limit' for NHS private patients in England

And the circus that is Tory health policy continues!

NHS hospitals in England will be free to use almost half their hospital beds and theatre time for private patients under government plans.

A recent revision to the ongoing health bill will allow foundation hospitals to raise 49% of funds through non-NHS work if the bill gets through Parliament.


The amendment to a clause of the Health and Social Care Bill was made shortly before Christmas by Health Minister Earl Howe.

Commenting on the move, Health Secretary Andrew Lansley said lifting the private income cap for foundation hospitals would directly benefit NHS patients.

"If these hospitals earn additional income from private work that means there will be more money available to invest in NHS services," he said in a statement.

"Furthermore services for NHS patients will be safeguarded because foundation hospitals' core legal duty will be to care for them."

How could it go wrong? Times like this make me happy I live in Scotland.
I still can't believe I know working class families who were fooled by Cameron's bullshit on the NHS. :(

Class doesn't even come into it, it's just a trainwreck of policy heading slowly but surely towards a sheer drop. It's the bastard child of the welfare state principals the NHS was founded on and some weird New Conservative thinking wrapped around "Big Society" banner.


Wait, what's the problem with this proposal?

Yeah, let's just introduce profit-motive to what are supposed to be universal health care providers. What could go wrong? Profit-motive works in America doesn't it, and their healthcare is *wonderful*.

Seriously? You don't see how deeply worrying this is? This won't benefit patients, but it will benefit those fuckers who want to turn medicine into a business.


Yeah, let's just introduce profit-motive to what are supposed to be universal health care providers. What could go wrong? Profit-motive works in America doesn't it, and their healthcare is *wonderful*.

Seriously? You don't see how deeply worrying this is? This won't benefit patients, but it will benefit those fuckers who want to turn medicine into a business.
What's the solution to NHS funding problems?
The idea of raising supporting income through private means is a nice idea in theory, but it creates a two tier system in the hospital or GPs or what have you... There needs to be a mechanism to ensure that these places don't start turning genuinely needy NHS patients I'm favour of the more financially rewarding work. I'm not worried about doctors or nurses thinking about profits, some invariably do that already - I know of one ultrasound tech who marks herself out as 'busy' in her calendar while she's actually off site doing private appointments! - I'm more worried about already scant resources being directed to help those who can pay rather than those who need it, and people being turned away or put on interminable waiting lists.

My dad has just went through his employers medical insurance scheme to get his hip replaced because waiting until the NHS could do it would take too long and leave him in pain. Instead of getting the operation free, as he should, he's had to pay.. his insurer has had to pay out. That's where we're headed for everyone if this goes unchecked!
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