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UK PoliGAF thread of tell me about the rabbits again, Dave.


Who says there is no need for cuts...


Look for your own council in the list.

Some of these are incredible, Liverpool, Newham and Glasgow are particularly bad.

It's been like this since Capital of Culture year. So many bottom feeders in our council as well as money wasted on stupid shit; whoever designed the new road layout for Park Road and Lime Street needs to be shot, they look like they were designed by someone with a phobia of straight lines. It's not all that surprising that for a while, Liverpool had the highest council tax rates in the UK outside London.



You are pretty fired up over this :)

I partially agree with you, but i think there has been too much taken for granted by economists and politicians. Maybe the ONS might finally elicit some action out of Osborne, because scraping along with zero growth isn't going to sort out the debt, but it doesn't seem to worry the government like the word Recession does.
Who says there is no need for cuts...


Look for your own council in the list.

Some of these are incredible, Liverpool, Newham and Glasgow are particularly bad.

I don't understand what you are trying to prove?

We know there's overpayment for senior positions within councils, but it's not like the Conservative government is going to go after those guys, they are being paid based on the free market value of their services.

Do you really think there's going to be a cull on the upper management roles in the councils of the Home Counties while Cameron is in power?


sputum-flecked apoplexy
I don't understand what you are trying to prove?

We know there's overpayment for senior positions within councils, but it's not like the Conservative government is going to go after those guys, they are being paid based on the free market value of their services.

Do you really think there's going to be a cull on the upper management roles in the councils of the Home Counties while Cameron is in power?

Ding ding.

This is a complete strawman. Nobody suggested that there's no wasteful spending by governments in the first place.


I understood the logic of not paying somebody in a council more than the PM, but this is really about cutting wages at all levels, because the next complaint will be that those lower down are getting too much compared to the top. Or in other words it's the Tax payers alliance.


I hate the taxpayer's alliance. They claim to represent ordinary taxpayers but they're little more than a low tax small state lobbying group.

They are a Libertarian conservative mouthpiece, that has links to the Tea party, Nothing wrong with it, but like you say the name is misleading and gives off the idea that they represent the majority. I think one of the leaders has NEVER paid tax in the UK.
They are a Libertarian conservative mouthpiece, that has links to the Tea party, Nothing wrong with it, but like you say the name is misleading and gives off the idea that they represent the majority.

Exactly, they act as if taxpayers are a hivemind who agree with everything they say.


It's not just the Markit surveys that disagree with them, it's their own fucking Indices! That's my problem, their own fucking data disagrees with their GDP release growth in production is apparently down QoQ removing 0.2% from GDP, but using their index, Jan was basically flat and Feb had a huge rise while the March figure is not even ready. How can it be that with a flat Jan and a big rise in Feb that production is actually down QoQ it makes absolutely no sense, one of the data points is wrong, and the Index is usually very, very accurate so the team calculating GDP have fucked it up.

Can you go into a bit more detail Zomg? The indices I'm looking at have industrial production having a -0.1 pp impact on QonQ growth and -0.2 year on year growth.

The production bulletin for Feb industrial production has Jan at 90.0 (down a revised 0.6 on the index from Dec which is not 'basically flat') and Feb at 90.4 whereas the Q4 2011 is 90.4. The prelim GDP estimate is for a quater of 90.0. That would suggest a March 0f somewhere around 89.6. Is it possible that they have more data for Jan and Feb now, considering its been 3 weeks, prompting downward revisions to those months.


It's been like this since Capital of Culture year. So many bottom feeders in our council as well as money wasted on stupid shit; whoever designed the new road layout for Park Road and Lime Street needs to be shot, they look like they were designed by someone with a phobia of straight lines. It's not all that surprising that for a while, Liverpool had the highest council tax rates in the UK outside London.

tbf there's still a lot going on in Liverpool, the regeneration of the Central Station area (including the junction near the old Lewis' store) is a project as huge as Paradise Street (Liverpool One) was, you want good people involved in the planning phase.

I'm not familiar with what they've done at Park Rd, what's up with Lime Street? That area looks miles better since Concourse Tower was demolished, the roads haven't really changed much there... all inner city centre roads are chocka and horrible to be on, it's not just Liverpool's.

Unless somebody digs up better proof, that is going to be standard behaviour on the issue. Cameron is closing this down, it involves him, and Hunt is going to stay.

The rules make it clear that the adviser on the code cannot initiate an investigation, and must await a reference by the prime minister

Ministers' adherence to the ministerial code of conduct cannot be investigated without the Prime Minsiter's say so? What kind of shitty bullshit is that?


Ministers' adherence to the ministerial code of conduct cannot be investigated without the Prime Minsiter's say so? What kind of shitty bullshit is that?

David Cameron being David Cameron? Now with a legal excuse.

He really is turning out to be a massive twunt. Twunt. Love that word. :)


Thought this was quite a interesting read from Krugman

Cameron's Remarkable Achievement


At a state and local level, the US already has.

But the US does face SERIOUS issues with its unfunded liabilities in the future.

The federal budget?, i know they were negotiating but that seems to have gone quiet. Anyway the UK/EU should've been working with the US not against, were fucked now.


The federal budget?, i know they were negotiating but that seems to have gone quiet. Anyway the UK/EU should've been working with the US not against, were fucked now.

In regard to the Federal budget, because there was no agreement, there are automatic cuts that are scheduled to come into effect in 2013. These cuts include:

- 11% to Defense
- 7.8% to domestic programs
- 2% to Medicare

Whether or not that actually happens remains to be seen.


In regard to the Federal budget, because there was no agreement, there are automatic cuts that are scheduled to come into effect in 2013. These cuts include:

- 11% to Defense
- 7.8% to domestic programs

- 2% to Medicare

Whether or not that actually happens remains to be seen.

Holy Shit, i remember now.
Yeah i think something might be agreed by then, if not, well i got another year before i hit the soupkitchens.

"Four billion dollars of the five billion dollars in budget cuts mandated by the Congress in the 2013 budget where achieved by declaring that nearly 65 thousand troops were now temporary and no longer part of the permanent forces and so their costs were shifted to the Afghanistan war budget" Yep


50% Ken Livingstone
30% Brian Paddick
10% Boris Johnson
10% Jenny Jones

woot? Guess I agree with many of Ken's policies, but the guy's got no credibility. My preferred candidate was Boris Johnson lol.
Will making it easier to fire people on the spot kick start the economy? what say you, poligaf...


"Talk to small businesses and they will tell you that they are afraid to take on workers because if they try to fire anyone, even if the employee is unsuitable for the job, they are likely to find themselves in an industrial tribunal, with their lawyers recommending settlement."

o_O Find it very hard to believe that this happens in a regular basis, hell, why would you even hire someone who isn't suitable for the job...isn't that what the application and interview process is there for...to determine who will be most suitable for the job?

Crazy shit abound. There's apparently also talk of more cuts, that's definitely going to kick start the economy.

UK is looking more and more fucked with each passing day.





Ring that doom bell, that will help surely!

And yes, frankly employment law is fucking mental now, my friend runs a publishing company and has had to settle 3 times now for advertising sales people he had to let go as they couldn't sell crack in Baltimore. You can't find that out in an interview and sales staff are the lifeblood of most companies.

Tribunal will 9/10 times rule in favour of the employee unless you have a team of lawyers draft your contracts.

I know there are plenty of occasions where the shoe is on the other foot, but I thought I would drop some "fair and balanced" in here.
Ring that doom bell, that will help surely!

And yes, frankly employment law is fucking mental now, my friend runs a publishing company and has had to settle 3 times now for advertising sales people he had to let go as they couldn't sell crack in Baltimore. You can't find that out in an interview and sales staff are the lifeblood of most companies.

Tribunal will 9/10 times rule in favour of the employee unless you have a team of lawyers draft your contracts.

I know there are plenty of occasions where the shoe is on the other foot, but I thought I would drop some "fair and balanced" in here.

Don't they have probationary periods? Where I work it's six months probation and either side can give 4 weeks notice at any time.


Don't they have probationary periods? Where I work it's six months probation and either side can give 4 weeks notice at any time.

Usually it's 3, and 3 months for selling double glazing is enough but ad sales to high end corporates takes about 6-12.

As I say, it's not clear cut either way but the fact that almost no company wins a tribunal ever says the law might be too far skewed.
Ring that doom bell, that will help surely!

And yes, frankly employment law is fucking mental now, my friend runs a publishing company and has had to settle 3 times now for advertising sales people he had to let go as they couldn't sell crack in Baltimore. You can't find that out in an interview and sales staff are the lifeblood of most companies.

Tribunal will 9/10 times rule in favour of the employee unless you have a team of lawyers draft your contracts.

I know there are plenty of occasions where the shoe is on the other foot, but I thought I would drop some "fair and balanced" in here.

lol, time to ring the doom bell has passed but how quaint that you're still trying to downplay the absolute shit spiral the UK economy is in.

Your friend is a moron, why would he hire people who were so bad as their jobs that they couldn't sell crack in Baltimore?

Hell, the moron deserved to have his arse taken to tribunal, he could have put them on 6 month probationary contracts to see how they performed or he could have been more thorough during the interview process. I feel no pity for him, he got everything he deserved for having a poor application and interview process.


Right, so Poligaf is now a negative circle jerk and any counter opinion is moronic? I don't see any constructive opinions from you.

I guess I should unsub it then.
Right, so Poligaf is now a negative circle jerk and any counter opinion is moronic? I don't see any constructive opinions from you.

I guess I should unsub it then.


Is poligaf a place where people stick their heads in the ground/live in the clouds and any negative talk shouldn't be allowed lest we ring the bells of doom?

No-one said a counter opinion was moronic. What was said, by me, is that your friend was moronic for hiring people that weren't good at their jobs. His and other employers stupidity shouldn't be used a reason to take rights away from employees.

You should unsub though, the next few months is going to full of people ringing the bells of doom.


Is poligaf a place where people stick their heads in the ground/live in the clouds and any negative talk shouldn't be allowed lest we ring the bells of doom?

So suggest something constructive.


Your friend is a moron, why would he hire people who were so bad as their jobs that they couldn't sell crack in Baltimore?

Even the worst salesman can sell themselves in an interview, he has someone else doing sales recruitment for him now though, it wasn't his finest skill I agree.


Right, so Poligaf is now a negative circle jerk and any counter opinion is moronic? I don't see any constructive opinions from you.

I guess I should unsub it then.

Spain recently passed laws to make it easier to sack people, the result, they started sacking people to save money. Making it harder for people to use the tribunal system is about as far as i want it to go. That would lower the number of wasteful claims while protecting workers.
As for negative talk, the way this government behaved did the damage, running around pretending we were on the verge of collapse/running out of money and the endless talk of cuts.


As for negative talk, the way this government behaved did the damage, running around pretending we were on the verge of collapse/running out of money and the endless talk of cuts.

Couldn't agree more.

That's the issue in this thread, the minute you say "well the sky isn't falling" you are defending the Tory scum or something. I am not partisan like some.


Couldn't agree more.

That's the issue in this thread, the minute you say "well the sky isn't falling" you are defending the Tory scum or something. I am not partisan like some.

Well in the end we all have to hope that they pull their fingers out, It was a global crisis that is going to require a global solution and partnerships to resolve. That is the ONE and only thing i miss about Gordon Brown, he could get stuff done at an international level.


Well in the end we all have to hope that they pull their fingers out, It was a global crisis that is going to require a global solution and partnerships to resolve. That is the ONE and only thing i miss about Gordon Brown, he could get stuff done at an international level.

He, for all his detractors, was at least respected among his peers, fact is he was considered for the IMF job before the Tory spin doctors got whiff and shitcanned his chances.

I think the austerity approach is broken, but in some small way the UK economy is one of the few who can push through it, I think we will see recovery in spite of the govt and not because of (although they will take the credit).

I run a corporate finance company (small ticket asset / factoring / trade finance) and I have been working in this sector since 2000, you get a good feel for how things are in terms of:

How many applications for funding are you getting, in what sectors?

How many funders are actively seeking business (these are private funders not high st banks)?

How many arrears cases are going around?

The worst market conditions I saw was late 2008 / early 2009, oh and early 2001 was pretty shit as well. 2010/11 and 12 so far have been pretty solid, growth can return if sentiment is good enough, that's how small business owners get the balls to take the plunge and they are the real job creators.
So suggest something constructive.

A middle ground. If you believe that someone is falsely or exaggerating claims of doom, debate and prove they are either wrong or exaggerating their claims.

Even the worst salesman can sell themselves in an interview, he has someone else doing sales recruitment for him now though, it wasn't his finest skill I agree.

True, but why didn't heplace them on a probationary period? It makes no sense to me, If you hire someone, you typically put them on a probationary period where they can be let go/fired with no recourse.


A middle ground. If you believe that someone is falsely or exaggerating claims of doom, debate and prove they are either wrong or exaggerating their claims. .

I meant in regard to the economy, how it can be fixed / what might help (and stuff that can actually happen, not "burn le Torys!").


I meant in regard to the economy, how it can be fixed / what might help (and stuff that can actually happen, not "burn le Torys!").

Cameron and Osbourne should play up to their strengths.

Something that they are EXCELLENT at is sending fucking plane loads of people to China/Japan/Indonesia etc and forcing some deals to go down (large scale export deals are proven to work, wherever Cameron goes exports to there increase 30%).

Lets do more of that, I don't even care that it's "not the work of the PM", fuck it, it's what he does best, get another one to China just after the olympics, ease the visa restrictions on Chinese people, set up some kind of cultural partnership, create some (HM Treasury owned) bureaus in other places around the UK than London (Brum, Cardiff, Manc, Leeds, Glasgow, Edinburgh) which provide services for businesses that want to export to China.

Business as usual isn't going to work for the UK, we can't rely on the Eurozone for shit anymore (apart from Germany to an extent, especially in Manchester for example, where the majority of investment from outside the UK still comes from there), let's get exporting to China and the SE Asia in a fucking serious way. That's where the power is going to and we're missing out.

No more token bullshit, stop teaching French in schools as a default, start teaching Mandarin/Arabic/German as a default - get the teachers in from China/Taiwan and pay them well. Fuck traditions lets get a fucking skilled workforce going, even if it only gives people some basic Chinese to leave school with then we'd be the best in the west for Chinese language. You say we can't afford to? I say we can't afford not to.

Capital investment projects that the markets THINK WE NEED. If we're borrowing to fund it, the bond markets need to be educated on why it would add value and make the UK more competitive and a good place to buy bonds in. Get Crossrail done, bring forward HS2, get the Northern Hub built quicker, get Silicon Valley in Edinburgh going again, get better shipping to the far east by creating more superports near Hull/Portsmouth/Cardiff.

Vote Meadows 2015 - I speak Chinese (I'll be fluent by then) and I'll make the UK rich as fuck. Come at me.


some weak ass guardian reading, UAF protesting hippy

"oh but human rights blah blah blah"

worlds changing bro, we're too poor for that bullshit, stop the neo-conservatism, we can't change shit, let's to some fucking business.

"oh it won't work we need more than China"

no we don't you cunt. we've got the advantage of looking prestigious, something important in Chinese culture. China also has 1.6 billion people, enough for the UK economy to survive on if we focus on it

"we're far away"

I don't give a shit, we have fucking planes you cunt. Heathrow, 3rd runway, get it built. Manchester airport, attract the shit out of carriers and get people going from there in a real way.

Tell me this won't work. I fucking dare you. Go on. Say it.


sputum-flecked apoplexy
Cameron and Osbourne should play up to their strengths.

Something that they are EXCELLENT at is sending fucking plane loads of people to China/Japan/Indonesia etc and forcing some deals to go down (large scale export deals are proven to work, wherever Cameron goes exports to there increase 30%).

Lets do more of that, I don't even care that it's "not the work of the PM", fuck it, it's what he does best, get another one to China just after the olympics, ease the visa restrictions on Chinese people, set up some kind of cultural partnership, create some (HM Treasury owned) bureaus in other places around the UK than London (Brum, Cardiff, Manc, Leeds, Glasgow, Edinburgh) which provide services for businesses that want to export to China.

Business as usual isn't going to work for the UK, we can't rely on the Eurozone for shit anymore (apart from Germany to an extent, especially in Manchester for example, where the majority of investment from outside the UK still comes from there), let's get exporting to China and the SE Asia in a fucking serious way. That's where the power is going to and we're missing out.

No more token bullshit, stop teaching French in schools as a default, start teaching Mandarin/Arabic/German as a default - get the teachers in from China/Taiwan and pay them well. Fuck traditions lets get a fucking skilled workforce going, even if it only gives people some basic Chinese to leave school with then we'd be the best in the west for Chinese language. You say we can't afford to? I say we can't afford not to.

Capital investment projects that the markets THINK WE NEED. If we're borrowing to fund it, the bond markets need to be educated on why it would add value and make the UK more competitive and a good place to buy bonds in. Get Crossrail done, bring forward HS2, get the Northern Hub built quicker, get Silicon Valley in Edinburgh going again, get better shipping to the far east by creating more superports near Hull/Portsmouth/Cardiff.

Vote Meadows 2015

This, and also Spanish and Portuguese (for South America).


You're all looking at your computers right now, probably fucking clapping how good of a fucking PM I'd be.

I'm fucking 20. Say something.

Global Democrats - Political party I just fucking made, gonna win the 2020 elections. Say something.

Fuck wing politics, I get shit done. I'm centerist because I don't give a shit. Gay Marriage - why the fuck not you fucking dinosaurs. Schools - invest in them you fucking cunts, what the fuck are you doing. Growth - I'll give you more fucking growth than you get looking at that Abi Titmuss sex tape. Council Houses - build a fuck load of them, in Singapore like 80% of houses are council houses and they're rich as fuck, get that guy on C4 who talks about buildings all the time, the Swiss one with the french name, he knows some good shit about housing - he's my fucking housing minister. WHAT? YEAH TECHNOCRATIC I DON'T GIVE A FUCK, COME AT ME.
Capital investment projects that the markets THINK WE NEED. If we're borrowing to fund it, the bond markets need to be educated on why it would add value and make the UK more competitive and a good place to buy bonds in. Get Crossrail done, bring forward HS2, get the Northern Hub built quicker, get Silicon Valley in Edinburgh going again, get better shipping to the far east by creating more superports near Hull/Portsmouth/Cardiff.

Vote Meadows 2015

I think the issue is, the government and much of the population is afraid of large scale public-led projects in this day and age. But if you look at the 1930s-1970s in the US, and the post-war period here in Britain, large scale reconstruction and projects built the foundations of our societies today. In places like China today, I believe there is a good deal of big projects in areas like transportation.

The idea of massive (mostly) public projects being some sort of dirty word is holding us back. The NHS wasn't built on overpriced PFI schemes to built a couple of aesthetically pleasing clinics.

The Labour Government of 1945 were big scary socialists, maybe. But they were handed a broke, rubble-filled island, and got shit done.


You're all as fucking optimistic as fuck now. If I was PM I'd shit optimism. Fucking tweet me policy ideas, I don't give a shit.

I'm gonna print screen this page. That's my manifesto.

Nuclear energy - let's build some thorium reactors. Don't want them near your house. File a complaint to:

Number 64


You're all looking at your computers right now, probably fucking clapping how good of a fucking PM I'd be.

I'm fucking 20. Say something.

Global Democrats - Political party I just fucking made, gonna win the 2020 elections. Say something.

Fuck wing politics, I get shit done. I'm centerist because I don't give a shit. Gay Marriage - why the fuck not you fucking dinosaurs. Schools - invest in them you fucking cunts, what the fuck are you doing. Growth - I'll give you more fucking growth than you get looking at that Abi Titmuss sex tape. Council Houses - build a fuck load of them, in Singapore like 80% of houses are council houses and they're rich as fuck, get that guy on C4 who talks about buildings all the time, the Swiss one with the french name, he knows some good shit about housing - he's my fucking housing minister. WHAT? YEAH TECHNOCRATIC I DON'T GIVE A FUCK, COME AT ME.

Sorry mate, i think we should just plod along really, cut a bit here, cut a bit there.
HS2 will ready about 2089, i dont see what the fucking rush is.

3 Policy decisions to turn this country around.
1-close down Sky 90% of the money leaves the UK
2- Babestation to become Hardcore and Lolly Badcock to become PM
3- Fuck it, i'm happy with that.


Windmills? Windmills are for the dutch farms you cunt.

Hook up with some African country via the EU, build a massive EU solar farm. Share energy throughout the EU, cut emissions within a decade.
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