Sorry mate, i think we should just plod along really, cut a bit here, cut a bit there.
HS2 will ready about 2089, i dont see what the fucking rush is.
3 Policy decisions to turn this country around.
1-close down Sky 90% of the money leaves the UK
2- Babestation to become Hardcore and Lolly Badcock to become PM
3- Fuck it, i'm happy with that.
I'd actually love a PM that didn't take any shit from anyone.
Prime Ministers questions:
Labour Leader: 'This Prime Minister has blah blah blah'
PM: 'Sit down. Shut up. You raise a fair point, however what is your alternative? You've had all week/evening to come up with a counter argument with statistics to lean on. What is your alternative? Look into the camera and tell us all now. If you can't, sit there with your hands in your lap you negative nancy'.
CHEEZMO;37375410 said:Lolly has a nasty snatch. Nothanx
NHS: Mandatory, thorough, NHS health-checks every 6 months.
Blood pressure, urine samples, stool samples, finger up the arse, pap smears, breast cancer checks, lung capacity tests, blood tests, vaccinations.
Don't like blood tests? You'd prefer cancer. Yeah I thought not, sit down and shut up.
Too expensive? Try telling me that when our healthcare costs plummet because everyone is healthy as fuck and getting shit treated before they're too ill. Healthy people don't take time off work and fuck up the economy.
People will have to be euthanized at 75, people will hang about forever if your policy was enacted.
Equal maternity and paternity leave. Why? Because it's fucking 2012.
CHEEZMO;37375651 said:This all sounds very socialist.
You can call it socialist, I can call it common sense.
You'd get my vote if:
- Equal retirement age for men and women in the same job.
- Put the minimum sentence for most crimes up and build more prisons. Make them basic to stay in but high security.
CHEEZMO™;37375738 said:Is this the backswing from that weird Tory-lite phase you just went through?
I much prefer socialist Meadows to bootstrap-salesman Meadows.
Edit: I should clarify - I am a socialist. Wasn't dissin, blud.
- rehabilitation for everyone
- therapy between victims and criminals
- give fuckers skills
- no drugs, come on why the fuck are there drugs in prisons
- make them like Norway's
- make anyone that says "5 YEARS ISN'T ENOUGH FOR SHOPLIFTING" live in a prison for 5 years so they can see how long of a time that is
- give anyone the legal right to slap someone who says "bring back the death penalty"
I've wanted a higher minimum sentence for murder for years. Parole should not be given ever. You killed someone you bellend. Finding Jesus does not absolve you of your crimes.
I'm a big fan of rehabilitation, I just think that if Prisoners were given the bare minimum of everything, it would be more of a deterrent. No prisons should have snooker tables, PlayStations, TV's etc. I know those are rare, but damn, what the flying fuck?
You should get:
A bed.
Access to a toilet.
Access to a Library.
Exercise time.
Rehabilitation courses as you come close to the end of your sentence.
What does Norway's Justice Minister propose then?
What does Norway's Justice Minister propose then?
People live an enjoyable life while in prison, yet they have one of the lowest rates of re offending. Their prisons actually focus on trying to change the people instead of trying to punish them, because...punishment doesn't actually do anything.
I like where this thread has gone, like to think I gave Meadows the push he needed...
Exactly, politics is fucking piss easy.
If Labour criticise me I'd openly tell them to fuck off. Yeah, I'd say fuck, I'm a human. Come at me.
Unparliamentary language? First thing I'm going to legislate to get rid of.
not in my UK:
I will vote for you if you provide a larger version of this picture.
CHEEZMO;37385725 said:I was gonna go "got a thing for men in turbans, eh?" but then I noticed what you were getting at.
Yeah 'cause that works so well for the dental industry.NHS: Mandatory, thorough, NHS health-checks every 6 months.
I'd like to think Meadows was drunk when he made today's posts. Unfortunately I know he wasn't, how embarrassing for him.
some weak ass guardian reading, UAF protesting hippy
"oh but human rights blah blah blah"
worlds changing bro, we're too poor for that bullshit, stop the neo-conservatism, we can't change shit, let's to some fucking business.
"oh it won't work we need more than China"
no we don't you cunt. we've got the advantage of looking prestigious, something important in Chinese culture. China also has 1.6 billion people, enough for the UK economy to survive on if we focus on it
"we're far away"
I don't give a shit, we have fucking planes you cunt. Heathrow, 3rd runway, get it built. Manchester airport, attract the shit out of carriers and get people going from there in a real way.
Tell me this won't work. I fucking dare you. Go on. Say it.
Your posts are a lot less funny than you think.
probably for his post above yours. right after coming back too lol
He chose to fry himself in this case, if that's what got him gone.Feel a little like Homer Simpson to his Grimes.
Meadows was banned for this post