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UK PoliGAF thread of tell me about the rabbits again, Dave.


JP: You cut the income tax rate for high earners to 40%. Are you a party for the rich?

M: Yeah, to an extent, rich people already pay fuckloads of tax to be fair, I'm cracking down on all tax havens so income tax receipts will actually increase overall.

JP: But are you advocating extreme wealth?

M: If some fucker worked hard enough they should be allowed an island or a helicopter, or a hottub full of models. Most people who are rich deserve it. Reality mang.

I read stuff like this and I just see pure greed, and complete ignorance. I'm going to be rich, hell I AM rich. But you know what, most of it isn't necessarily just because of me. And you're fucking fooling yourself if you think it's all self made. Rich people are generally in better positions from the off set. In terms of schooling, life style, education, opportunity et all. From every step of the way the elite are privileged in some form or another, and the rags to riches style examples are extremely rare and few and far between. Add to that, money makes money. Capital in business or with ventures is often key.

There was a point in my life where we went bankrupt and lost everything, were moved in to a council estate, and you know what, yes I fucking ran with that crowd and picked up on a lot of the stuff the vast majority of the kids in those sticks actually did. Fortunately, when my dad was wealthy, he'd helped out so many people, they were happy to bail him out when he needed it, so several years later we were able to climb back to the top. But very few people are so fortunate.

The irony is, whenever we've been poor, we've had to work infinitely harder than when we've been rich. I'd imagine most poor, low income workers probably work far harder than the majority of "rich" people.

Meadows really does not have a clue about these things.

Pie and Beans

Look for me on the local news, I'll be the guy arrested for trying to burn down a Nintendo exec's house.
I thought there had been some riproaring drama or intrigue none of the news sites had been reporting on, not solid 100 posts per page thread-shitting. Isn't that what the UK community topic or whatever was for? Christ.


I read stuff like this and I just see pure greed, and complete ignorance. I'm going to be rich, hell I AM rich. But you know what, most of it isn't necessarily just because of me. And you're fucking fooling yourself if you think it's all self made. Rich people are generally in better positions from the off set. In terms of schooling, life style, education, opportunity et all. From every step of the way the elite are privileged in some form or another, and the rags top riches style examples are extremely rare and few and far between.

I think it would be a lot easier to defend that kind of policy if we had better methods of preventing wealth and power accumulating in already wealthy and powerful families.

I thought there had been some riproaring drama or intrigue none of the news sites had been reporting on, not solid 100 posts per page thread-shitting. Isn't that what the UK community topic or whatever was for? Christ.
Three weeks of shitty weather and ten days more forecast is souring the typically cheery English demeanour...


I think it would be a lot easier to defend that kind of policy if we had better methods of preventing wealth and power accumulating in already wealthy and powerful families.

The wealthy will always be wealthier and vice versa. The system is rigged.

Person A drops £60k on a mortgage deposit with a 70% LTV and has low ass interest to pay with low monthly mortgage costs.

Person B, someone less fortunate has to settle for a £10k-£20k deposit (which in this economic climate is hard enough to save) on a 90% LTV with ridiculous interest to pay and huge monthly outgoings just to afford the property (the alternative is rent which is also pissing away money and very expensive in the current market, or buying outside the city which means huge travel costs).

That's provided person B can even get a mortgage (not likely).

Person A, the already richer person, gets richer and believe it or not, has LESS pissed away to the banks outgoings than person B, who's already poorer as it is and will be in a much more difficult position because of the higher interest tagged mortgage.

Yes it's life, but the reality is, it generally is easier for already affluent or wealthy people to become more wealthy. Same for their children et all.

I'm not saying people from lower classes can't be hugely successful, but it's a different life they're going to have to contend with and as such, much harder for them to reach the same goals.


NeoGAF's Chief Barrister
I read stuff like this and I just see pure greed, and complete ignorance. I'm going to be rich, hell I AM rich. But you know what, most of it isn't necessarily just because of me. And you're fucking fooling yourself if you think it's all self made. Rich people are generally in better positions from the off set. In terms of schooling, life style, education, opportunity et all. From every step of the way the elite are privileged in some form or another, and the rags to riches style examples are extremely rare and few and far between. Add to that, money makes money. Capital in business or with ventures is often key.

There was a point in my life where we went bankrupt and lost everything, were moved in to a council estate, and you know what, yes I fucking ran with that crowd and picked up on a lot of the stuff the vast majority of the kids in those sticks actually did. Fortunately, when my dad was wealthy, he'd helped out so many people, they were happy to bail him out when he needed it, so several years later we were able to climb back to the top. But very few people are so fortunate.

The irony is, whenever we've been poor, we've had to work infinitely harder than when we've been rich. I'd imagine most poor, low income workers probably work far harder than the majority of "rich" people.

Nice post. Just want to expand on the bolded bit somewhat. It's true of course that the rags-to-riches stuff is pretty rare in a single lifetime, but it isn't all that unusual over a couple of generations (which is why what you do for your children may turn out a load more influential than what you do for yourself).

I wouldn't be where I am now if it weren't for the big workers' education movement of the early 20th century and a bunch of dedicated grandparents and parents, none of whom went to college but several of whom ended up as local councillors of both flavours over the years. Three generations from Yorkshire labourers to Oxford-educated physicist-cum-everything-else.

According to the forms you have to fill in these days I was privileged to start with (since my Dad went to university) but they are dead wrong, because there's no place to fill in that he went to university years after I did (after he retired).

If social mobility were measured over three generations rather than single lifetimes we might get a better idea of what it is 'really' like.

Three weeks of shitty weather and ten days more forecast is souring the typically cheery English demeanour...

Certainly souring the pleasure of golf.

- make anyone that says "5 YEARS ISN'T ENOUGH FOR SHOPLIFTING" live in a prison for 5 years so they can see how long of a time that is.

Yeah, I'll second that. Too many rags railing against sentences, but when you talk to people about it they realise that an n-year sentence is a heck of a long time to be doing roughly the equivalent of staying in your house with your leg in plaster, no job, no deliveries, few visits and extremely annoying neighbours.


For every couple jobs created, it seems dozens are shed:

Clydesdale and Yorkshire banks to axe 1,400 jobs

Aye, things are looking rather gloomy.

On a brighter note, a former Goldman Sachs man is being tipped to head the Bank of England.

Boris Johnson dropping F-bombs all over the BBC news, said the NI scandal(his involvment)was a load of fucking bollocks live into the camera.
He gets really odd when people challenge him.


On a brighter note, a former Goldman Sachs man is being tipped to head the Bank of England.


^ This is my face right now at that news.


4.04pm: Labour's Dennis Skinner asks why Hunt has got better employment rights than other workers in Britain.

Cameron says Skinner should retire and take his pension.
Damn... Surprised this hasn't caused more outrage yet.


Damn... Surprised this hasn't caused more outrage yet.

Cameron's entire performance was a bunch of non-answers and juvenile name-calling. "Wait For Leveson" and "If In Doubt, Blame Labour Again" ought to be his new family motto.

Also, did you see how flustered he was at the dispatch box? Nearly dropping his notebook and everything. Not very competent-looking, Cam.


So, the Select Committee report on the NOW phone hacking scandal just came out to the public.

It's FAR worse for the Murdochs and NI than we previously thought it would be, basically accusing everyone in the NOW of "corporately misleading" Parliament and saying that Rupert is "not fit to exercise stewardship of a major international company [presumably aimed at the OFCOM inquiry into NI's stake in BSkyB]".

They're going to table a motion in the House of Commons about it. More pain for Cam and Hunt, who both presumably just want this whole thing over with.

So, the Select Committee report on the NOW phone hacking scandal just came out to the public.

It's FAR worse for the Murdochs and NI than we previously thought it would be, basically accusing everyone in the NOW of "corporately misleading" Parliament and saying that Rupert is "not fit to exercise stewardship of his company [presumably aimed at the OFCOM inquiry into NI's stake in BSkyB]".

They're going to table a motion in the House of Commons about it. More pain for Cam and Hunt, who both presumably just want this whole thing over with.


That's more damning than we were led to believe. The fact that the comments are only in there because all the Labour MPs and the sole Lib Dem voted together against the five tories shows how fucked up the tory party is st the moment.


The fact 3 Tory members wanted ZERO criticism of James Murdoch is incredible.
This is the same party that complains about incompetent Teachers/nurses etc at every single opportunity.


The Tories are in an almighty mess right now, over this and a swathe of other issues of late. Can you remember New Labour ever being this panicked and flustered during their time in government? I can't.

The Conservatives just weren't ready for power, that much is now patently obvious to anyone with brains. The question now is, when will the Lib Dems decide to pull the plug?
I was thinking "well surely it'd be better to maybe ease up on some of the Rupert wording so it'd pass with higher agreement, stronger report, taking more seriously"

But effectively making it so the tories have to go "yeah, Rupert's fit and proper!" and making them look like allies... that could be hugely damaging politically.



I was thinking "well surely it'd be better to maybe ease up on some of the Rupert wording so it'd pass with higher agreement, stronger report, taking more seriously"

But effectively making it so the tories have to go "yeah, Rupert's fit and proper!" and making them look like allies... that could be hugely damaging politically.


I don't see why they worry about Murdoch, he's finished really.
Unless he has dirt on Cameron or the Tory party i don't see the value in worrying about him.
If Leveson produces a wishy-washy report they might get away with it, otherwise it's a major tactical error.


He UNDOUBTEDLY has dirt on EVERY major politician currently in power in the UK. Why do you think this mess exploded in the way it did in the first place?

If Cam continues to go "Wait for Leveson" for too long, though, the public are eventually going to twig on that something's up. That's Labour's plan at the moment, I reckon.


There's dirt and there's DIRT.
I just think the Tory leadership is useless, i grew up with the ruthless, unstoppable political machine, i can't accept this new reality.


THIS shit is IMPORTANT, yo. Hence CAPS. Would you prefer HIGHLIGHTED CAPS?

In other news, Louise Mensch just sexily suggested that there should be a Contempt Of Parliament offense, like the Contempt Of Court one. A sudden breeze then blew through her golden blonde strands, and, as she leaned back slightly, lips slightly parted in surprise, a hint of cleavage could perhaps be seen.

Oh, wait, all that was just a typo. What I meant to type was the Committee Chairman said that they could spend hours debating such a matter, and quickly moved on.



THIS shit is IMPORTANT, yo. Hence CAPS. Would you prefer HIGHLIGHTED CAPS?

In other news, Louise Mensch just sexily suggested that there should be a Contempt Of Parliament offense, like the Contempt Of Court one. A sudden breeze then blew through her golden blonde strands, and, as she leaned back slightly, lips slightly parted in surprise, a hint of cleavage could perhaps be seen.

Oh, wait, all that was just a typo. What I meant to type was the Committee Chairman said that they could spend hours debating such a matter, and quickly moved on.


Mensch,lol. you are one twisted sod.
She's all leather and horse riding trousers.


Interesting point made by Charles Clarke on the Daily Politics just now saying that the phrase "is not a fit person to exercise the stewardship of a major international company" actually weakens the influence of the report and that of the of the select committee in making a judgement about the News International case. It sounds like there was 99 per cent agreement across both benches on the report but the 1 per cent disagreement came down to that sentence above. The result is that a report which contains a huge amount of importance is invalidated and diluted. This enables Labour to spin the Tories as disagreeing with the report and reinforces the image that they are in bed with News International. The price we pay is that the report will not be recommended at all to parliament (as far as I understand it anyway) and all the good stuff in there is lost.


Interesting point made by Charles Clarke on the Daily Politics just now saying that the phrase "is not a fit person to exercise the stewardship of a major international company" actually weakens the influence of the report and that of the of the select committee in making a judgement about the News International case. It sounds like there was 99 per cent agreement across both benches on the report but the 1 per cent disagreement came down to that sentence above. The result is that a report which contains a huge amount of importance is invalidated and diluted. This enables Labour to spin the Tories as disagreeing with the report and reinforces the image that they are in bed with News International. The price we pay is that the report will not be recommended at all to parliament (as far as I understand it anyway) and all the good stuff in there is lost.

I think the Tory MP's should've agreed to the wording. Corrupted police/politicians. criminal activity and fucking amnesia.

Pie and Beans

Look for me on the local news, I'll be the guy arrested for trying to burn down a Nintendo exec's house.
The price we pay is that the report will not be recommended at all to parliament (as far as I understand it anyway) and all the good stuff in there is lost.

You havent understood it then. The report will go forward and be debated in the commons on what steps should now be taken for those, to coin Mensch's phrase, to be found 'in contempt of parliament'. If the entire conservative party want to duck their heads in the sand over the entire report and even the unanimously agreed parts due to not wanting to swallow the Murdoch remark put in, then thats their perogative and a fantastic way to further embellish their current public standing as "cunts out only for themselves and the other spheres of affluence".

Tom Watson wanted the Murdoch dig in there because due to a culture of wilful blindness and thus no evidence to tie them to knowing about anything whatsoever, the Murdochs are likely to just slip out of this vice crushing everyone else with no consequences. With the remark in, Murdoch and co will instead be greatly pressured by investors and whatever to cut their reign short and finally end his era.


The price we pay is that the report will not be recommended at all to parliament (as far as I understand it anyway) and all the good stuff in there is lost.
Wrong. The general conclusions of the report will be recommended to the House, just not that particular passage.

That said, it does open the report up to charges of partisanship, but the damage, as it were, has already been done. The headlines will state as much tomorrow morning, just in time for the local elections. Funny timing, that.


Good to see Clegg giving his backing to the Murdoch report.
It's a tactful endorsement and hopefully it will calm down the Tories and bolster LibDem backing.

I thought this thread was being killed off for a shiny new one.
It has been two years, maybe we should start afresh?

Regardless, I look forward to the Tories and Lib Dems doing terribly tomorrow, though I think Boris will make it.


It has been two years, maybe we should start afresh?

Regardless, I look forward to the Tories and Lib Dems doing terribly tomorrow, though I think Boris will make it.

It's a shame because i can't stand his "ealing comedy" act, then again i'm not too keen on Livingstone and his big mouth either. Political carnage is always entertaining.


I wonder what will happen if UKIP manages to beat the Lib Dems.

If it is down to UKIP taking tory votes and squeezing out tory councilors, then i give the coalition 6-12 months. The tories are expecting another coalition with the weakened Libs in 2015, UKIP could deny them and they will probably swing rightwards to gain those voters back.
As much as the Lib Dems annoy me, UKIP replacing them would be pretty terrible. As for their polling, they do well in EU elections but fail pretty hard at every other election. I wouldn't put too much stock in their "We're becoming the 3rd party hype".
UKIP won't beat the Lib Dems. They aren't fielding enough candidates.

Boris should win and both coalition parties will take a hammering at the locals.


UK construction PMIs offer recovery hope

The strength of the reading may offer some encouragement to hopes for the recovery but continues to fly in the face of official data. The purchasing managers index (PMI) for construction came in at 55.8, well above the 50 level that separates expansion from contraction, and followed a robust PMI reading for the first quarter.

However, the Office for National Statistics (ONS) last month reported that output in the sector shrank by 3pc in the first quarter and drove the economy back into recession – despite the solid PMIs.


I don't even care anymore.
UKIP won't beat the Lib Dems. They aren't fielding enough candidates.

Boris should win and both coalition parties will take a hammering at the locals.

Also UKIP, even more than the Tories, are pretty much an England only party. They do stand some candidates up here, but they have no councillors at all, and I hugely doubt they'll get any tomorrow.


UKIP won't beat the Lib Dems. They aren't fielding enough candidates.

Boris should win and both coalition parties will take a hammering at the locals.

UKIP's effect on the Tory vote is more interesting, there is a lot of bad blood out there in Tory land. If they poll strong numbers i see trousers filling in Number10.

Also Zomg,http://www.guardian.co.uk/business/economics-blog/2012/may/02/banks-busineses-credit-drought-lending

Sort it out, walk down the corridor and tell 'em to pull their fingers out.

Also these people can piss off, Lords recommend water price rises Thames water alone has sold off about 15 resevoirs to cash in on property prices. i'm not seeing why we should pay more


Also UKIP, even more than the Tories, are pretty much an England only party. They do stand some candidates up here, but they have no councillors at all, and I hugely doubt they'll get any tomorrow.

The English Democrats are hoping to overtake the BNP as well - will be interesting to see if the ED siphon votes from UKIP as well.
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