Hmmm, End the war on drugs and restart the HOTOL space programme. And BAN COCO POPS.
I guess all politicians need to have at least one crazy policy.
Hmmm, End the war on drugs and restart the HOTOL space programme. And BAN COCO POPS.
CHEEZMO™;37703307 said:Fuck off.
Anyone else think letting cameras into courtrooms is a bit tawdry? Sounds like a concession to the media companies so they'll have juicy footage to show.
You will be sent to Siberia, in Democratic People's Republic of Best Britain, decent cereal allows YOU.
As we all knew would happen. Hope Phisheep is right about this being a cast-iron judgement.
Theresa May got the dates wrong in Abu Qatada's extradition case, but the European Court of Human Rights refused to hear the appeal standing by it's previous judgement.
So there.
As we all knew would happen. Hope Phisheep is right about this being a cast-iron judgement.
Also, an interesting piece on Channel 4 News about a government U-turn on the Joint Strike Fighter planes for aircraft carriers. So now, after putting Labour on blast for ordering the jump-jet version of the plane, specifically to order the supposedly superior catapult-launched version in its place, they're going back to the jump-jet version after all, having wasted £250 million on the process of "thinking about it".
Do I get to say "Typical coalition" yet?
Ministers exercise rare right of veto to end 19-month campaign to let public see assessment of risks involved in NHS overhaul
The worst case scenarios must be end of the world level nastiness. It's a shame this flew under the radar yesterday.
...I didn't actually expect you to answer that. Thank you.
That said, why? Do you have a rational reason, or is it on of those life-long tribal loyalty things? Because, with things as they are, I can't think of a rational reason to keep the status quo.
Wow, the mind reels over what must be in that paper if they felt the need to do this.
It's definitely to do with patient care/more risk to patients through the changes, Increased wait times, private patients getting preference over others, more resources funneled into catering for private patients, etc.
Anyone else get caught out by reading only the top half of this morning's Metro?
I miss Metro and their sensationalist headlines. What was it this time?
A front-page ad spoofing the PM resigning over a scandal around Sacha Baron Cohen's new Dictator character's movie.
Below the fold you see a picture of the Dictator, but above the fold it really looks like a genuine story.
I know you can't see this because you're banned, but you have my gratitude for your honesty and respectful answer.I haven't been voting long enough to really have a *side*, election before last I voted labour as I thought the country was being successful not realising we were spending our way into shit.
The way I see it is voting for the lesser evil, The lib dems dont have enough backbone to lead and iam personally quite pro military and nuclear power putting me at odds with their policies. I dont see any strength at all in the current labour leadership and wouldn't trust 'ed' to not wet himself at a big summit leaving the UK vulnerable to international kerb stomping on the political stage.
cameron may be a douchebag who seems hell bent on destroying what I think is the finest idea of the last century (the NHS) but labour don't seem to have any real ideas about how to deal with the debt other then copying obamas taglines (the party for change lolololol) while the lib dems are self destructing and the greens are as pathetic as always.
UKIP feel far too focused on one set of policies and are very vague on things out side of that focus.
Iam no fan of the conservatives I just feel that they would have the best handle on dealing with the current issues out of the less then ideal candidates, if labour put someone with a spine in charge then I may go back there. If cameron dropped his attempts to start the precedent for selling the NHS to china then I will prob stick with con for next election without much issue.
I know you can't see this because you're banned, but you have my gratitude for your honesty and respectful answer.
I agree, Red Ed is a real issue for Labour, and he does have to be replaced. But who will fit the bill? David Milliband is the obvious choice, but only if you're okay with Blair 2.0, and having another Dave in power. Harman? Abbott? Chuckie Egg? BWAAAAHAHAHAHAHA.
Other than that, I just don't know too many others except Dennis Skinner, who'd be amusing in a Micheal Foot sort of way, or Tom Watson, who's supposed to be a cunt, but fuck it, I'd vote for him. Only if Louise Mensch is the Tory Leader as well, mind.
Anyone else in the frame to replace Ed?
Ah, yes, you make some good points here. But, while I'm a firm believer in the maxim "Good men are born, great men are made", I can still understand where dalin80 is coming from - right now, Ed feels too soft, too half-boiled, like he couldn't hold his own in a fight when it counts.Ed has issues he'll need to address before the next GE certainly, but after last week's results his position shouldn't be in any doubt at all. He did really well, and has been pushing the political agenda for quite a while now.
He knifed his brother in the back to win the Labour leadership. I would say that demonstrates a fair bit of backbone in that he put his ambition ahead of his family.I just dont think Ed has (or at least has shown) backbone, resolve to be a true leader. Half the time I struggle to think he has full support of his whole party (same happened to Brown).
I think the recent elections were people voting for the party, not the leader. And if Cameron nails down a message putting people off the person, rather than party in the next GE, Labour may struggle.
He knifed his brother in the back to win the Labour leadership. I would say that demonstrates a fair bit of backbone in that he put his ambition ahead of his family.
I think Ed Miliband is doing alright at the moment. There's room for improvement of course, but the contrast of him with David Cameron makes Ed Miliband look like a good alternative. David Cameron is really going to struggle to get a majority in the next election. Speaking as someone who voted for the Tories in the last election, while I don't regret ejecting the tired and purposeless Gordon Brown administration, I won't be voting for the Tories again while Cameron remains party leader.
Why on earth weren't the new carriers designed to be powered by nuclear generators? They were put forth by Labour in the 'good years', so surely money wasn't an issue there. Is there an operational aspect to it I'm missing?
"Defence officials said the MoD had already spent £40m-£50m to convert one of the carriers. They predicted the total cost of putting "cats and traps" on both of the new ships would total £5bn 10 times the amount estimated in 2005".
What goes on in the MoD, It doesn't matter who's in government they are just fucking awful. Cameron has added his own brand of fuckwittery to the mix this time, but the department is just like the Home Office, beyond repair.
BBC: Cameron sent commiserations to Brooks
Cameron just can't catch a break.
BAE would lose money if we had a catapult fitted carrier.
BAE is the company that sets the price of fitting the catapult.
Computer experts are puzzled how Rebekah Brooks's messages could have been deleted in the copying process, as she testified at the Leveson inquiry.
Rebekah Brooks's BlackBerry puzzled a number of experts on Friday. Specifically, they couldn't understand how a process that is carried out routinely creating a copy of all the files on the device, or "imaging" could have led to any loss of data. "Rubbish" was one of the printable reactions from computer forensics specialists consulted by the Guardian.
Asked by Robert Jay QC, counsel to the inquiry, whether there were any emails or texts from Cameron or George Osborne on the device when she left News International, she replied: "No. Although when we got the image back, there was one from Mr Cameron that was compressed, so [it was] in June, but there's no content in it."
"So it's a complete mystery what if anything it might contain?" asked Jay.
"Yes," replied Brooks.
But the mystery to computer forensics experts was what could possibly have gone wrong in "imaging" the device's files. That is a standard process used when computer equipment and now smartphones are seized in which an exact bit-for-bit copy is made of the contents of any storage on the device.
Our Prime Minister knows nothing about the Internet - confirmed.Cameron used to finish his texts to Rebekah Brooks with "LOL" thinking it meant "lots of love".
I don't even...
Yup. Catastrophic hard drive failures... possibly from sledgehammer impact.They 'lost' emails around the time the phone hacking scandal came to light.
Yup. Catastrophic hard drive failures... possibly from sledgehammer impact.