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UK PoliGAF thread of tell me about the rabbits again, Dave.

...hm. I'm still awake and the election show is done until noon. Whoops me.

At least I got to see Dimbleby say the word "bastards".


In an interview on the BBC just now the Lib-Dem rep (Sarah somethingorother) called Dianne Abbott a "bitch" after she was condescended to as only Abbott can. Warsi was there too, but she didn't say anything about the BNP or Zomg, just toed the line.

I hope Sarah whatshername doesn't get into trouble for that. I'd hate to see her sitting with Lembit Opik in the naughty corner.
I voted Paddick 1 Ken 2 and Green for the PR vote, purely for the cycling. Kept flipping between BoJo and Ken for 2nd pref but in the end plumped for Ken.


You don't question Dimbleby.

Are there any Dimblets who might follow in their father's footsteps? After the Greater and Lesser Dimblebys sprang from the loin of Dimbleby Prime, it'd be encouraging if the dynasty were to continue.

(Also: Holy shit, he's 73)


Are there any Dimblets who might follow in their father's footsteps? After the Greater and Lesser Dimblebys sprang from the loin of Dimbleby Prime, it'd be encouraging if the dynasty were to continue.

(Also: Holy shit, he's 73)

I know he has children, but no idea if any of them are like their Dad.
In other news, at the count for my local council, a Lib Dem ex council leader got pissy when he lost his seat, and punched a Labour Candidate.
Labour have took even more seats here, several Lib Dem ones, and one of the handful of Tory seats.

Next door in Knowsley, it's no surprise that Labour now have every single council seat, taking the final few which belonged to the LD.

Good thing Boris is all but confirmed as remaining Mayor of London. No surprise with Labours performance. And then one Tory says the reason they've done so poorly is because they aren't conservative enough! Bloody hell.


All of the Tories problems stem from poor communication. If the coalition is in trouble and they need someone to defend the governments position who do they send? Baroness Warsi.


Bojo in the lead it seems. :(

Oh well, not like I ever go to London.

EDIT: Interesting that UKIP are being beaten by Residents Association.


Bojo in the lead it seems. :(

Oh well, not like I ever go to London.

EDIT: Interesting that UKIP are being beaten by Residents Association.

Cameron wanted a 'Boris in every city', and they told him to fuck off.
UKIP have had a close but no cigar night, it's still worrying for the conservatives.


UKIP aren't a party that will ever do well in local elections. I can see them having a breakthrough moment at the next GE and they will still do well in the Euro elections.

Mr. Sam

Farage is a very persuasive speaker, I'll give him that much. I've seen him around, too - he lives down the road from me in Keston, I believe.


Hunt is refered to Leveson, and lo and behold the government sticks its nose in.
Ministers will have all their excuses sorted out now.


British politics needs a bloody great shake up.
Labour became Tory'lite' and now the Tories are TorynewLabour'lite.I don't think it's healthy for democracy.

Ain't that the bloody truth. Need to get more left in there and quick.

Anyway, get the feeling Borris is going to win this which sucks balls, but Ken really dropped the reputational ball with all that tax stuff. Not sure he can recover.

All in all Labour seemed to have done well.
Ain't that the bloody truth. Need to get more left in there and quick.

Anyway, get the feeling Borris is going to win this which sucks balls, but Ken really dropped the reputational ball with all that tax stuff. Not sure he can recover.

All in all Labour seemed to have done well.

The jew and gay jibes probably didn't help much either.
The jew and gay jibes probably didn't help much either.

Yes, I have yet to see a candidate win in London by gay and Jew baiting. It's a shame that it was too late for Respect to get a candidate into the race because that would have destroyed Ken's core Muslim voter base that he alienated so many people to win.

Also, Sheffield votes No to an elected mayor.


Yes, I have yet to see a candidate win in London by gay and Jew baiting. It's a shame that it was too late for Respect to get a candidate into the race because that would have destroyed Ken's core Muslim voter base that he alienated so many people to win.

Also, Sheffield votes No to an elected mayor.

Clegg should be very worried by what is happening in Sheffield, One of his biggest supporters lost his seat. And Clegg would too in a GE.

How the fuck did the UKIP candidate for London mayor become listed as the fresh choice party?

"BBC political correspondent Carole Walker says UKIP leader Nigel Farage is furious that his party's candidate for mayor of London, Lawrence Webb, was listed on the ballot paper as Fresh Choice for London. He says it was a cockup which undoubtedly cost Ukip votes and could have helped Boris Johnson's bid for four more years at City Hall".

And how did he not notice 'til now?


Not taken Glasgow though, both themselves and the media hyped themselves up on that FAR too much. Good results for both Lab and SNP in Scotland overall. Definitely shows the coalition has been rejected.

The Lib Dems will have to work hard to win back votes from the SNP.
The Lib Dems will have to work hard to win back votes from the SNP.

I'm not sure they ever can. Scotland is becoming more and more of a two party state, with the big 2 pushing everyone out of the way.

At least there's some comfort for the Tories in that they're relatively static.


I'm not sure they ever can. Scotland is becoming more and more of a two party state, with the big 2 pushing everyone out of the way.

At least there's some comfort for the Tories in that they're relatively static.

Time will tell, but it's no coincidence that the Lib Dem vote in Scotland has collapsed - like elsewhere in the UK - ever since the coalition formed.
Ooft, rumours that the London Mayor race is very, very close. That would be utterly dire for Dave if Boris lost - he was relying on that for spin.

Early days yet though.
It amazes me that they've been spinning that all day. Hardly anyone votes for the London mayor because of what party they represent.


Ooft, rumours that the London Mayor race is very, very close. That would be utterly dire for Dave if Boris lost - he was relying on that for spin.

Early days yet though.

Or maybe not?

"Winning second term as London Mayor would not preclude standing in the next general election".

The Tories will have their own David Milliband, which will undermine Cammo even if Boris isn't trying to.


Sky news saying Ken has pulled back into the race, he won one seat by 60,000. and is leading in another 3. Why is the official ticker so far behind?
Boulton saying they are up to 11 results in. Is he taking the piss?


^ It's Boulton, of course he's taking the piss.

Just saw the Red Ed egging. Wondering why they even bothered wasting food like that.


^ It's Boulton, of course he's taking the piss.

Just saw the Red Ed egging. Wondering why they even bothered wasting food like that.

I understand when they do it to people like Mandleson or Micheal Howard, but egging people like Milliband is just pointless.
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