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UK PoliGAF thread of tell me about the rabbits again, Dave.


They will panic, they have been on alert ever since they never got an outright majority. Don't know why, I'd put money on them still being in govt come 2015.

Well most of these councils are in tory areas, a lurch to the right based on these results would be a mistake imo. It's the marginals that count in Westminster.
If they want to be like the Republican party appealing to loons and the nasty, I don't see a long term future.


Well most of these councils are in tory areas, a lurch to the right based on these results would be a mistake imo. It's the marginals that count in Westminster.

I agree it would be a mistake but the feelings towards Cameron by the base have him on the defensive and he must be seen to be doing something about UKIP.


Licorice-flavoured booze?
I'd put money on them still being in govt come 2015.

I prey to God your wrong, as a 'working class' individual every time the Conservatives get into power my life becomes considerably harder, the Universal Credit that is being currently rolled out is scaring the hell out of me.


I prey to God your wrong, as a 'working class' individual every time the Conservatives get into power my life becomes considerably harder, the Universal Credit that is being currently rolled out is scaring the hell out of me.

So do I but the UK is a blue country and there will be a feeling of we've already started so we might as well let them finish.


lol@refrencing Michael Foot. Anyway, Michael Foot is one of the best PMs this country never had, alongside John Smith.


lol@refrencing Michael Foot. Anyway, Michael Foot is one of the best PMs this country never had, alongside John Smith.

Tom Watson sorted him out, it was a pre baked argument with no real content.

Everybody under 30% should make the GE absolute chaos.
Nice to see ukip doing well.

Nigel farage is one of the most inspirational people right now in european politics.

All old parties and the whole european political establishment needs to fuck off and die. Its the same all over europe. The political class is completely inbred and corrupt. Living completely separate from everyone else.


It's sad that Europe is going to be the focus of the next election. Not the failing economic policy or the absolute disgusting treatmenet of the poor and ill. But bloody europe, which the Tories only hate because they can't destroy employment rights and the social safety net even further.
Regarding the Scottish currency thing, I think using sterling in the short to medium term makes sense. Obviously over time it'd make sense to move to an independent currency, and I think that's what would happen.

Also, ugh, UKIP :(


Nice to see ukip doing well.

Nigel farage is one of the most inspirational people right now in european politics.

All old parties and the whole european political establishment needs to fuck off and die. Its the same all over europe. The political class is completely inbred and corrupt. Living completely separate from everyone else.

Is this for real


So Cameron alludes to more destruction of welfare as the message of the election. Making results fit your world view, he is quite a masterful cunt.


So Cameron alludes to more destruction of welfare as the message of the election. Making results fit your world view, he is quite a masterful cunt.

He had a career selling tv shows made by Carlton, if anybody is capable of twisting reality, it's him.


sputum-flecked apoplexy
Who knew that the anti-European party was actually just a thinly veiled hard-right nationalist party????



"Mess we inhertied" Repeat for infinity - Tory election strategy.

"Tax cuts for millionaires!" - Labours only line. Shhhhh, nobody mention the average of higher rate tax for the entire time they was in government was 40.2%, whereas its at around 46% for the coalition.


Obsidian fan
*criticism of the Tories*


"b-b-b-b-b-but LABOUR!!!!"

I could set my fuckin watch.
"Tax cuts for millionaires!" - Labours only line. Shhhhh, nobody mention the average of higher rate tax for the entire time they was in government was 40.2%, whereas its at around 46% for the coalition.

100% on everything over 300k


Ok, its a bit soft, but I will go along with that on one proviso.

If they threaten to emigrate, sieze their property and make them swim to where they were going.

That'll be a long swim unless they want to say hello to Mr Hollandes seizure room.


Obsidian fan
AAAAAAARRRGHHHH I can't even get away from UKIP and Farage's gurning inbred chihuahua face on Al Jazeera NOWHERE IS SAFE! PJV3 come rescue me


CHEEZMO™;56753542 said:
AAAAAAARRRGHHHH I can't even get away from UKIP and Farage's gurning inbred chihuahua face on Al Jazeera NOWHERE IS SAFE! PJV3 come rescue me


I'm sticking to Cbeebies, I don't think he will be with iggle-piggle in the night garden.
It's a happy place.


I don't know whether Labour or the Conservatives will be in power next election, but I'm starting to feel that the Lib Dems probably will be.


I still laugh whenever a Lib Dem says "Party of Government" if they mean as coalition doormats they are quite correct. Sad thing is, its the best they can hope for. They'd be walked all over by whoever was their partner.


CHEEZMO™;56754902 said:

fake edit: unless you mean in coalition

Haha yeah in coalition, something apocalyptic would have to happen for them to get a majority. But I don't see Labour or the Conservatives getting one either.
Aaaah I see you chaps share the political class's disdain for the will of the people!

Pretty interesting result. Labour have got to be disappointed by their own result, but delighted at the huge split on the right. Lib Dems absolutely leaking support will make them a bit manic at the next election, clearly, which means they'll probably be willing to deal with basically anyone. The Tories were worried about worse losses than this, I think - this will renew attempts by backbenchers to lance the EU boil vis-a-vis a legislative "solution" to a referendum. It's all a bit wishy washy, what with parliamentary sovereignty and all that, but I guess it sends a message to the electorate that they're serious on Europe, and in light of the council elections, messages to the electorate on the EU are going to be important if the Tories want even the chance to form another coalition, let alone a majority.


The media love the UKIP narrative, but they (and the BBC in particular) have a duty not to get caught up in it, and move it forward themselves. I'm not too concerned about the future prospects of UKIP - I doubt they can really progress much, and even if they do, it only splits the right.


I've heard three tory politicians on the bbc talking about "taking the country back".
Just have a referendum now, I can't take all this bullshit for 3+ years.


Aaaah I see you chaps share the political class's disdain for the will of the people!

Pretty interesting result. Labour have got to be disappointed by their own result, but delighted at the huge split on the right. Lib Dems absolutely leaking support will make them a bit manic at the next election, clearly, which means they'll probably be willing to deal with basically anyone. The Tories were worried about worse losses than this, I think - this will renew attempts by backbenchers to lance the EU boil vis-a-vis a legislative "solution" to a referendum. It's all a bit wishy washy, what with parliamentary sovereignty and all that, but I guess it sends a message to the electorate that they're serious on Europe, and in light of the council elections, messages to the electorate on the EU are going to be important if the Tories want even the chance to form another coalition, let alone a majority.

Thats a good assesment.


sputum-flecked apoplexy
"Tax cuts for millionaires!" - Labours only line. Shhhhh, nobody mention the average of higher rate tax for the entire time they was in government was 40.2%, whereas its at around 46% for the coalition.
I don't think anybody on the left will forget Mandy's 'we don't care if people get filthy rich' line, actually, but at least they were upfront about their blasé attitude toward income inequality.
I don't think anybody on the left will forget Mandy's 'we don't care if people get filthy rich' line, actually, but at least they were upfront about their blasé attitude toward income inequality.

I don't think they really were. Brown used to routinely get out his graphs showing how many children he'd taken out of poverty, when the reality was that their families had received a small bump to their child tax credit which had taken their household income over the magical 60% median threshold and - as if by magic! - they were suddenly not in poverty. It was a move designed purely for the statistics (ie 2 million less children in poverty!) rather than the practical help it gave.


The Amiga Brotherhood
The media love the UKIP narrative, but they (and the BBC in particular) have a duty not to get caught up in it, and move it forward themselves. I'm not too concerned about the future prospects of UKIP - I doubt they can really progress much, and even if they do, it only splits the right.

There was a study where UKIP hurting the right peaked at 16%, above that it starts hurting all 3 main parties which seems to be the case with the around 26% they got yesterday.

I think the problem is the party of 'opposition' is seen as the anti-establishment party, like UKIP, rather than Labour who just seem to be drifting along and not changed or really addressed if they should change since the election defeat. A pox on all their houses, not just the Tories and Lib Dems.

UKIP just increases the chances of another coalition next time round, I don't think Labour can be sure of victory next time round at all. They need to be doing a lot better than they are at this point.


Except for we know from surveys that there won;t be hoards of Romanians pouring across europe to invade us. As per usual it's a load of right wing bollocks.

You mean the left wing surveys that show the opposite of the right wing ones? Chances are that the reality will be somewhere in the middle.
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