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UK PoliGAF thread of tell me about the rabbits again, Dave.

Farage is getting a grilling on BBC2 right now, just got home, watching it now. It's 4 vs 1, he's doing alright, but he doesn't have a lot of answers though, but then neither do the other 3 politicians tbh.


I've heard three tory politicians on the bbc talking about "taking the country back".
Just have a referendum now, I can't take all this bullshit for 3+ years.

You are gonna have to put up with it as there is no alternative.

To get a referendum, it has to go through the commons first. You can bet your life Labour & the Libs will shoot down that bill.

The only thing that can happen with the Cons putting forward a bill for a referendum now, is to tell the electorates who decamped to UKIP that they are serious on the EU subject. So it will be nothing more than a vote grab for the GE in two years time.
Perhaps I am being dense but is there anywhere where I can find the seat results. The big news sites only seem to show entire county councils but I'm interested in seeing how my vote actually contributed to that composition (if it even did...). It would be like if after the general elections you could find number of MPs per county but not who your MP actually is.
lol the toilet bit. Why do politicians have to embarass themselves like that.

Other than that good for UKIP.

Lol, I just watched it.

"He's been cleaning the public toilets to save the council a bit of money. It's either local politics at its best, or cover for a far more sinister agenda..." o_O What exactly are they saying?


Obsidian fan
Lol, I just watched it.

"He's been cleaning the public toilets to save the council a bit of money. It's either local politics at its best, or cover for a far more sinister agenda..." o_O What exactly are they saying?

UKIP are a bunch of fuckin crypto-fascists, that's what.


Unconfirmed Member
CHEEZMO™;56761956 said:
UKIP are a bunch of fuckin crypto-fascists, that's what.



CHEEZMO™;56762716 said:

If people want out of Europe and want to distance themselves from Europe and non of the major parties want to discuss it - then of course your going to get an increase in more right wing parties with the left wing media jumping on the right wing parties like a cat in Trafalgar Square.

After all this is Democracy.
Vote share results vs 2010 GE:

Lab -1%
Con -12%
UKIP +20%
LD -10%

Holy shit.

Labour are down on their 2010 low of 29%. Absolute shocker for Labour, Tories and LDs. A result like this would produce so many weird anomolies by UNS in 2015, I think it ends with a Lab minority or a Con minority depending on how many UKIP voters return to the Tory party and how many 2010 Lib Dems return to them.
Perhaps I am being dense but is there anywhere where I can find the seat results. The big news sites only seem to show entire county councils but I'm interested in seeing how my vote actually contributed to that composition (if it even did...). It would be like if after the general elections you could find number of MPs per county but not who your MP actually is.

it'll be on your council website.


CHEEZMO™;56761956 said:
UKIP are a bunch of fuckin crypto-fascists, that's what.

In what way?

They don't believe in the EU and mass immigration.

I mean why wouldn't you believe in an authority that will not reveal it's accounts and just makes up taxes and theft as it goes along.

I used to think the EU was a good thing, I now think that the lunatics have took over the asylum and are in the process of destroying all the great things it could have been and for what?

It's still a pain in the ass to sell and buy stuff out of the country into the EU with bucket loads of red tape depending on which country is doing their best to make it hard whilst being within the rules.

Its turned into a useless mess. I work in the chemical industry and I was speaking to an old timer in the industry and he said since we've joined the EU it's become exponentially harder to export across the channel as loads of subtle regulations keep getting released which means that the likes of Germany and France will always have a large competitive edge....


Vote share results vs 2010 GE:

Lab -1%
Con -12%
UKIP +20%
LD -10%

Holy shit.

Labour are down on their 2010 low of 29%. Absolute shocker for Labour, Tories and LDs. A result like this would produce so many weird anomolies by UNS in 2015, I think it ends with a Lab minority or a Con minority depending on how many UKIP voters return to the Tory party and how many 2010 Lib Dems return to them.

It's bad for the big three.
80% of the seats were in 'tory' areas so I don't think it will pan out like that at a GE.

4 Parties polling under 30% would test FPTP to destruction, 70% not voting for an MP is dangerous(on a wide scale).


I mean why wouldn't you believe in an authority that will not reveal it's accounts and just makes up taxes and theft as it goes along.

Ugh, you are so far off the fucking mark it's unbelievable. We have this discussion EVERY TIME you or someone else brings up the "accounts aren't signed off" schtick. The accounts are revealed. They are transparent. They are managed as well as if not better than those of the 'United' Kingdom.

149. Sir John Bourn, Comptroller and Auditor General at the UK’s National Audit Office told us that, were he required to issue a single Statement of Assurance on the UK Government’s accounts in the same way as the Court of Auditors does for Europe’s accounts, he, like the Court, would be unable to do so (Q 192). This is because last year he issued a qualified opinion on 13 of the 500 accounts of the British Government which he audits.


Is the reason people are saying that UKIP is homophobic that they're openly against gay marriage? I'm not saying that that's not enough to make a party homophobic, just wondering if that's specifically the reason, as opposed to something more prejudiced on a different level? They're openly in favour of civil partnerships, if that's worth anything.


Is the reason people are saying that UKIP is homophobic that they're openly against gay marriage? I'm not saying that that's not enough to make a party homophobic, just wondering if that's specifically the reason, as opposed to something more prejudiced on a different level? They're openly in favour of civil partnerships, if that's worth anything.

They are against uncontrolled immigration which in today's world means OMG racists
Ugh, you are so far off the fucking mark it's unbelievable. We have this discussion EVERY TIME you or someone else brings up the "accounts aren't signed off" schtick. The accounts are revealed. They are transparent. They are managed as well as if not better than those of the 'United' Kingdom.


I'll hold my hands up to that. Poorly worded statement.


They are against uncontrolled immigration which in today's world means OMG racists
That's not the reason.

They're sceptical of global warming which is dangerous. They're anti-gay marriage and a lot of their candidates keep saying a lot of homophobic things. Many of their candidates are openly sexist, some have denied the holocaust. We're not talking about very nice people here.

I'll hold my hands up to that. Poorly worded statement.
Thank you. It's appreciated.


Is the reason people are saying that UKIP is homophobic that they're openly against gay marriage? I'm not saying that that's not enough to make a party homophobic, just wondering if that's specifically the reason, as opposed to something more prejudiced on a different level? They're openly in favour of civil partnerships, if that's worth anything.

We all learnt long ago that's its a lesson in futility trying to defend anything around UKIP in fashion here on GAF, best to let the matter drop and let the anti-UKIP circle jerk continue for a few more pages until something else on the right develops that Guardian-GAF can focus on.


We all learnt long ago that's its a lesson in futility trying to defend anything around UKIP in fashion here on GAF, best to let the matter drop and let the anti-UKIP circle jerk continue for a few more pages until something else on the right develops that Guardian-GAF can focus on.

Lol, no point defending any politics further right than centre-left in here!


We all learnt long ago that's its a lesson in futility trying to defend anything around UKIP in fashion here on GAF, best to let the matter drop and let the anti-UKIP circle jerk continue for a few more pages until something else on the right develops that Guardian-GAF can focus on.

But that's exactly what lets our resident lefties go wild in here. It's up to us to provide balance.


Lol, no point defending any politics further right than centre-left in here!

Hasn't been for some time between cheezmo's pretty concerning obsessive hatred of UKIP etc. and fragula using each point as a thinly veiled argument for a separate Scotland, its become tiresome. The poligaf thread is the last place to discuss politics unless you want to join in the left in scoffing and criticising.


We all learnt long ago that's its a lesson in futility trying to defend anything around UKIP in fashion here on GAF, best to let the matter drop and let the anti-UKIP circle jerk continue for a few more pages until something else on the right develops that Guardian-GAF can focus on.

It's a party of homophobes, sexists and racists with a thin veneer of "respectability" plastered across it. We're not talking about nice people, we're talking about the kind of people who say things like:

"[Homophobia] simply does not exist... propaganda device designed to... stigmatise those holding conventional opinions." - Roger Helmer, MEP
"[A woman who is raped] surely shares a part of the responsibility." - Roger Helmer, MEP

"Only the Zionists could sacrifice their own in the gas chambers." -Anne-Marie Crampton
"It was thanks to [Jewish banksters] that six million Jews were murdered in [WWII] along with 26 million Russians." - A. Crampton

“As for the links between homosexuality and paedophilia, there is so much evidence.” - Dr Julia Gasper, former UKIP parliamentary candidate.

"If I'm completely honest mate, they [Africans] disgust me." - Alexander Wood

"To say to a child, "I am having you adopted by two men who kiss regularly but don't worry about it" - that is abuse." - Winston Mackenzie

"We very much have a don't ask, don't tell policy [on being members of National Front]" - G. Coleman, Tunbridge Wells


You know, UKIP describe themselves as "Libertarian and non-racist". Obviously you can pull up the "protest too much" thing about racism, but why aren't Libertarians in favour of free movement across borders? It seems very anti-Libertarian to want large state-control in the movement of people. Let people move where they want, the market will sort it all out.


You'll get bored of trying eventually.

Oh come off it.

Anyway, didn't you once vote for UKIP or at least intend to? That baffled me. I mean we disagree pretty heavily on most everything, but I don't think you're actually stupid. If memory serves your family are of Indian origin, and there you were wanting to vote for people who would hate you just for that.

I mean okay, you think Europe is holding back some utopia of unfettered casino banking and you don't want us tied to the kind of people who are in favour of freedom, bees and cheap phone bills... but were you really naïve enough to think that UKIP wasn't the friendly face of the BNP and national front?



EU voted to ban pesticides that a number of studies had shown were linked to the decline in bee numbers. The Westminster government opposed this, citing some flawed studies funded by Big Chem. Bees are unbelievably important economically, given their role in pollination.

EU voted to ban pesticides that a number of studies had shown were linked to the decline in bee numbers. The Westminster government opposed this, citing some flawed studies funded by Big Chem. Bees are unbelievably important economically, given their role in pollination.

I was just trying to get someone to post that Arrested Development gif, but I'm pleasantly surprised to get an actual explanation too!


UKIP are a hotchpotch of people, Farage is a Thatcherite libertarian, but when you go down the ranks it gets a bit messy.

When your leader is lauded for being rude to johnny foreigner, that is going to attract all sorts. Mqybe the party will start sorting itself out under scrutiny, the media need to stop treating them as entertaining oddballs for a start.
My opinion of UKIP can be summed up from the flyer through the door from the local candidate in the General Election.

The first bullet-point was something along the lines of "There's no such thing as global warming, it's just an excuse by the government to raise taxes." After a hearty laugh, it went in the bin.

When they develop some policies instead of simply being the "anti-everything/it's PC gone mad, innit" Party, I might not consider them such a joke.
The results are confirming that we need to get the fuck away from England and fast. God knows how further right the tories will go in reaction to UKIP.

Ohh i dunno mate, in the union you could atleast deflect home county gobshites outwards onto the wider world and johny foreigner. By leaving you're just making yourselves auld enemies again.


Pie and Beans

Look for me on the local news, I'll be the guy arrested for trying to burn down a Nintendo exec's house.
fucking UKIP, jesus christ. It pays to never underestimate how stupid the general populace is. This is why democracy just doesnt fucking work, because the majority of people aren't smart enough. 20%+!

Well done Clegg, you'll live to see your party die and be replaced by luke warm racists as the third power.


fucking UKIP, jesus christ. It pays to never underestimate how stupid the general populace is. This is why democracy just doesnt fucking work, because the majority of people aren't smart enough. 20%+!

Well done Clegg, you'll live to see your party die and be replaced by luke warm racists as the third power.

I think UKIP will die back somewhat under scrutiny, at the moment they are a given a free ride, but now they are polling in the 20% region the media have a duty to be tougher.

Farage is no longer entertainment.


Obsidian fan
We all learnt long ago that's its a lesson in futility trying to defend anything around UKIP in fashion here on GAF, best to let the matter drop and let the anti-UKIP circle jerk continue for a few more pages until something else on the right develops that Guardian-GAF can focus on.

Well it's not as if there's any Left for things to develop on ho ho

Also what is there to defend about UKIP?

The fact that they're fuckin full of racists, homophobes, sexists, xenophobes and nationalists?

And if you think my hatred of the anorak-wearing, corner-of-the-pub-loitering creeps that make up the national embarrassment that is UKIP is concerning then you haven't seen me talk about people who aren't so shady.


is there a list/tally of these immigrants uk hates the most? Polish?

The UK doesn't "hate" immigrants, and most here would welcome well educated people who fill our skills gaps and can at least speak the language, including UKIP I believe....

The idea that a load of skint, non English speaking Bulgarians and Romanians can just freely turn up and start claiming benefits after 3 months is scaring a lot to death...


fucking UKIP, jesus christ. It pays to never underestimate how stupid the general populace is. This is why democracy just doesnt fucking work, because the majority of people aren't smart enough. 20%+!

Well done Clegg, you'll live to see your party die and be replaced by luke warm racists as the third power.

Democracy doesn't work because people who don't agree with you get to vote don't you mean?

There's a lot here with this mindset and they all appear left minded.... Why is that?
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