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UK PoliGAF thread of tell me about the rabbits again, Dave.


anyone watching this Q+A there's some old crazy lady having a go at Cameron for his WWII comments. God people annoy me.
louis89 said:
Meh, I'm glad someone called him out on it.
Big deal, he made a mistake. Imagine if it was Gordon Brown: "I'm sorry you feel that way, what I said was taken out of context blah blah..." :lol At least Cameron owned up and apologised with sincerity - got to give him kudos for that.


blazinglord said:
Big deal, he made a mistake. Imagine if it was Gordon Brown: "I'm sorry you feel that way, what I said was taken out of context blah blah..." :lol At least Cameron owned up and apologised with sincerity - got to give him kudos for that.
Machines don't feel remorse.



"There are still children who get free milk, David. You know what must be done. Execute order 66."



The government expected opposition to the measure from the media, parents, nurseries, childminders and the dairy sector, she admitted, adding: "Abolition of the scheme is likely to be highly controversial, particularly as this will affect some children in low-income families."

But she said: "This should not prevent us from ending an ineffective universal measure - and this would clearly be the best time to do it, given the state of public finances and the need to make savings."

doesn't sound like it's coming back either. which is concerning, given that investing in children's health through pushing good food on them while in education early is cheaper than having the NHS spend on costly care later, and that childcare costs a fortune these days, so this just adds another cost for burdened parents.

edit: scrap that. i didn't read that downing street had rejected it, just the initial story. stupid me.


NeoGAF's Chief Barrister
Chinner said:
so how about dat double dip recession

If it happens it happens. No point getting worked up about it - even less point pretending it wouldn't have happened with some other lot in. We just work our way through it.


SmokyDave said:

Sounds good to me!

Seriously though, the world economy is fucked and there's nothing that anyone can do about it. Just sit back and enjoy the ride.

Isn't every economy thinking the same thing as well?

Seriously if everybody said life is good and fine it wouldn't be as bad, but the media is always pushing it. Seriously they started the run on Northern Rock leading to bailout, etc.



Am I the only one who is sick of BAA staff striking so often?

Unite is also calling for staff to receive a £450 bonus, which had been promised to them if the company had met a certain earnings target.

BAA, which is owned by Spain's Ferrovial, missed the target by 3%. However, Unite said staff deserve financial recognition for coming so close.
I'm sorry, what?


louis89 said:
However, Unite said staff deserve financial recognition for coming so close.
:lol :lol

If it was 0.1% or something like that I could see the 'coming close' but this... no. And no, you're not the only one sick of it. After the amount of striking they've been doing over the past year I really wouldn't even consider flying with them again.


David Cameron during the election campaign -


We would keep the winter fuel allowance, and let me take this opportunity to say to any pensioner who is watching this, or reading any of these reports: I know you are getting letters from the Labour Party which say the Conservatives would cut the winter fuel allowance.... Those statements by Labour are quite simply lies.

Coalition government deal -


Protect winter fuel allowance, free TV licences, free bus travel, free eye tests and free prescriptions for elderly.

David Cameron's government a few months in -

The Daily Telegraph has learnt that ministers have resolved to increase the qualifying age for the annual payment from 60 to at least 66. Talks are under way about an even bigger rise.
The basic winter fuel payment, made to more than 12 million people, will also be cut by £50 for new recipients and £100 for the oldest.



god tony blair is insufferable. i know everyone already knew this a million times over, but i thought we'd got rid of him forever, yet he crops up again to annoy me.


Subliminal said:

He's not gay! He is still with his wife, Ffion.


I saw the pic of him with his advisor in casual wear in the papers last weekend. The comment underneath was all elbow-nudging about suitability and the guy's age. I didn't understand wtf its point was until I saw this today coupled with the article about an unnamed minister denying rumours he was gay.
Zenith said:
I saw the pic of him with his advisor in casual wear in the papers last weekend. The comment underneath was all elbow-nudging about suitability and the guy's age. I didn't understand wtf its point was until I saw this today coupled with the article about an unnamed minister denying rumours he was gay.

Mr Hague said the story seemed to stem from the fact they "occasionally" shared hotel rooms during the election.


Man, Blair is such a scumbag.

The sheer narcissim or the failure to accept that he did anything wrong. He actually believes that Labour only lost because of Brown. Has nothing to do with the fact that they were already hemorrhaging votes so bad under Blair that people were calling for him to resign.

Even comes out against the MPs Expenses scandal.


i feel abit sorry for brown - he was an easy hate figure but he didn't deserve most of it. blair on the other hand is a complete cunt and it was him who left labour to die, not brown.

then again, blair isn't a leftie; he just used labour as a device to further himself and if he had actually respected his party he would of waited awhile before publishing his book.
Zenith said:
Man, Blair is such a scumbag.

The sheer narcissim or the failure to accept that he did anything wrong. He actually believes that Labour only lost because of Brown. Has nothing to do with the fact that they were already hemorrhaging votes so bad under Blair that people were calling for him to resign.

Even comes out against the MPs Expenses scandal.

Actually some of the snippets from his book that I've read suggests that he knows he's done some wrong, inflicted some damage on peoples lives, he's just adamant that he feels Iraq etc was the right thing to do in the long term -- which I patently disagree with, but history will be the real judge. This entire book release almost seems like Blair trying to appeal to the public to hear his perspective rather than just basing their memories on the post-war media narrative.

There was a good article in the Independent's Viewspaper supplement yesterday about Blair, which this quote is from:

That idea of deception is where the poison starts. I don't know why we rarely hear from the people who accept that Blair, Cabinet, Parliament and civil servants thought that they were acting in the national interest and miscalculated. But no, we get the most strident commentaries and Socialist Workers Party slogans about lies. From there the idea of deception spreads to contaminate the Labour left, who never forgave Blair for winning elections, and to the Daily Mail right, who never forgave Blair for winning elections. It feeds the conspiracy theories about David Kelly (who supported military action against Iraq but whose ghost has been co-opted by its opponents). Nothing Blair can say in his book today can stop the flow; the anger against him exists at a deeper level, impervious to reasoned argument, certainly from him.

I *am* sick of hearing about this book and its revelations though. I know our current crop of leading politicians are boring Blair-lites - but give it a rest media!

I also thought the Hague stuff was in pretty bad taste. And I don't blame blair / the book for that, I blame the media for seizing on it. The mass media news organisations in this country might look like angels compared to the US propagandist media houses like Fox, but they're still utter fucking cunts sometimes.

At least they're not following the Pakistani cricket team coach all around the country now.


Considering Blair has always said he and Gordon were good friends, he sure goes out of his way to list all the problems he had with him since he first started in politics.

He even claims it was his idea to let the Bank of England set interest rates and only let Gordon claim it was his to stop it from seeming like a one man show.

I don't know why we rarely hear from the people who accept that Blair, Cabinet, Parliament and civil servants thought that they were acting in the national interest and miscalculated.

Because they were a teeny minority? And that it's even less likely to be true than the most extreme of comments?


Subliminal said:
He's not gay! He is still with his wife, Ffion.


I will file your nonsensical disrespect for my language, and will resent you until an opportunity for scorching revenge arises.


Should probably not trust the 7-11 security cameras quite so much
Chinner said:
more notw phone hacking allegations are popping up :lol

I think we all know that the scale of the NOTW hacking was huge. There have been stories in Private Eye, etc, for years. I guess Murdoch has been paying the right people to keep quiet about them.
Well it seems perfectly reasonable to bring this thread back from the dead to discuss the results of the Labour leadership election and the new Leader of the Opposition.

Apparently the announcement is going to be made around 4.40 pm, although there is live coverage of the Labour conference on BBC news right now. There is a lot of speculation that Ed Miliband has narrowly beaten his brother for the leadership. And as a Tory, I'm hoping for a Red Ed win. :lol


Once And Future Member
Zenith said:
The Labour leadership doesn't really warrant all the attention it's getting now they're in opposition.
Don't think there's been any more coverage for this than there was of the 2 Daves contest.
Zenith said:
51 to 49, with unions being the deciding factor. Probably the worst type of result for them.
Especially when one of the unions have already been accused of breaking the rules by wrapping the postal ballot paper up in a leaflet endorsing Ed Miliband. And given the closeness of the result, I'd be surprised if it isn't exploited by the Tories that Red Ed was installed in by the unions.

I'm pleased with this result. Labour, it's time to go back to your constituencies and prepare for oblivion. :D
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