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UK PoliGAF thread of tell me about the rabbits again, Dave.

blazinglord said:
Er, what part of 'I strongly support closing the loopholes in the tax system' are you not understanding? I am not going against the coalition's stance at all. I was merely saying that the anger ought to be directed at previous Labour and Tory governments who have allowed these loopholes to remain rather than at people who employ accountants to reduce tax liabilities.

When you order something over £18 from the United States and it slips through the customs without a charge, do you phone up HM Revenue and Customs and demand to be allowed to pay the charge, or do you count yourself lucky you've gotten out of paying an additional tax? This example is actually tax evasion, not reducing tax liabilities, but I am demonstrating that not everything is black and white. It is in human nature to use circumstances to one's own advantage and nobody wants to see less money in their wallet than they can. Therefore, I stand by my main point that any anger you might have should be directed at the loopholes left unclosed for years by the government, not viewing people who reduce their tax liabilities as committing a grave sin against society.

It's not human nature, it's a theory, a mathematical theory developed by a paranoid schizophrenic.

I think we have had this conversation before: I believe that people are genuinely kind and willing to help, something that the Conservative's are also alluding to with the "big society". You believe everyone is a selfish individualist, "game theory" and all that neo-conservative (and new labour) bullshit.


DECK'ARD said:
Yeah it's a gamble, and the proof will be in the pudding. But overall I think Osborne did well today, and it all seemed much more well-considered than just a general hack and slash. It's balanced out with some much needed changes, and it's definitely reassuring to see some actual action on things after Brown's endless "Everything will be fine, trust me".

It definitely seemed far less Tory today than I'd expected anyway.

My main issue is the complete lack of the real changes that should be made. Like how by cutting child support the government will save £2.5b while Vodafone have just been let off with avoiding £6b in taxes.

As other people have said as long as companies can use and abuse the system to avoid paying tax they will. Of course they will, in the same way that MPs will claim money for cleaning their moats and building duck houses and unemployable layabouts will live in a free house and claim every penny they can. But chasing after the scum, while good for headlines (and the right thing to do), won't save the kind of money that companies owe us.

I was under the impression that Vince Cable was going to look at having companies pay what they should but apparently not.
pootle said:
My main issue is the complete lack of the real changes that should be made. Like how by cutting child support the government will save £2.5b while Vodafone have just been let off with avoiding £6b in taxes.

As other people have said as long as companies can use and abuse the system to avoid paying tax they will. Of course they will, in the same way that MPs will claim money for cleaning their moats and building duck houses and unemployable layabouts will live in a free house and claim every penny they can. But chasing after the scum, while good for headlines (and the right thing to do), won't save the kind of money that companies owe us.

I was under the impression that Vince Cable was going to look at having companies pay what they should but apparently not.

People need to see that it does not matter which party is in power as they all offer the same bankrupt capitalist model you see today. Labour, tories, lib dems etc champion capitalism which is a model that safeguards vested business interests ensuring is is them who benefit in times of boom while the majority of people do not! Then when you see a recession come along is the the majority of the population who pay the price for capitalism’s failures and not big business.


Racially intolerant government
Ridiculous leader
Populous unwilling to accept any kind of pension scaling
Sexy teenage protesters

wait what


industrian said:
Yes, but as the Argentinians showed us in 1982 we have to have the means to protect our people who live all over the world and not just in Europe. The only way to do that is to have an operational navy and air force. I would have got rid of our nuclear deterrance and kept a big navy, because if a country starts shit with us again what are we going to do? Post an empty threat to nuke them that will see us become an international pariah laughing stock? Nukes are fucking useless, a navy is a requirement of every developed non-landlocked state. Especially island nations such as ourselves.

If we tried to fight a conventional war against an enemy with a few quid they would sink our ships from the comfort of their armchairs. The Argies probably wouldn't pose too many problems even if they did try again, we were skint as a nation in 1982 as well if I remember correctly.

The nuclear deterrent us just that, it can be fired from anywhere and that alone will stop bigger countries fucking with us. It will never be fired in anger ( we must hope.) but is an effective deterrent non the less.

The battlefield and enemy has changed. The enemy no longer wears a uniform, but instead tries to hide amongst civilians, whilst having no morals or rules. There's fuck all ships and jets can do about that.


Meadows said:
Racially intolerant government
Ridiculous leader
Populous unwilling to accept any kind of pension scaling
Sexy teenage protesters

wait what
Not to start a tangent, but the Gypsies aren't a race and the efforts against them are a result of their lifestyle which is incompatible with 21st Century European culture.

And to Sarkozy's far easier to take seriously than the Cameroid.


Girl got arse pubes.
kitch9 said:
If we tried to fight a conventional war against an enemy with a few quid they would sink our ships from the comfort of their armchairs. The Argies probably wouldn't pose too many problems even if they did try again, we were skint as a nation in 1982 as well if I remember correctly.

The nuclear deterrent us just that, it can be fired from anywhere and that alone will stop bigger countries fucking with us. It will never be fired in anger ( we must hope.) but is an effective deterrent non the less.

You do know that Thatcher was considering nuking argentina if the British task force failed right?

She gave an ultimatum to the french president at the time, give us the excocet codes, or we may have to use nuclear weapons

A deterrent isn't a deterrent if you don't have the resolve to actually use it.

if Argentina defeated the task force, or if we had gotten rid of our amphibious capability and the small carriers we had left, leaving us unable to mount a retaking of the islands, I have no doubt that first Thatcher would of threatened escalation, then if the Argentinians didn't capitulate, she would of nuked them.

Although I imagine the international community would of stepped in somewhere between all that.

kitch9 said:
The battlefield and enemy has changed. The enemy no longer wears a uniform, but instead tries to hide amongst civilians, whilst having no morals or rules. There's fuck all ships and jets can do about that.

The current insurgency/terrorism is a drop in the bucket compared to what a full scale war would look like.

It would be irresponsible to assume that from now until forever more, we will be fighting terrorists, The UK is part of the European Union and NATO, to be a sovereign country you have to be able to defend your own and to some extent your allies, airspace, waters and territories, the UK must give it's international and domestic defence responsibilities precedence, because the ability to kill Untrained AK wielding maniacs is going to come in very fucking handy if ours or an allies territories are threatened.

Using the Americans as an example, if they where to re-factor their armed forces towards fighting tribes people and terrorists, and got rid of all their hardware, Carriers, fighters, bombers etc, the huge power vacuum would destabilise the world.

There would be a massive arms race across Asia, as Japan and South Korea, struggle to acquire the ability to counter the Chinese's new found military influence, either meaning a heavily armed (possibly nuclear) South Korea and Japan, or a South Korea and Japan who must capitulate and give preference to Chinese influence

Why do you think China is developing the ability to destroy Carriers with ballistic missiles?

It's not for fun, I'll tell you that.

It's because they want to exert more influence on that region of the world, and deny the Americans (and us) the ability to operate in that part of the world, thus giving themselves more influence over the region.

To a large extent military power == international influence, the weapons themselves may never be used, but their mere existence exerts pressure on our economic/political rivals, and reassures our allies, thus ultimately giving you economic leverage.

Apologies for being incoherent/ranty.
Umm guys?

I don't know if it's been mentioned in this thread already (reading on an iPhone). But the government are looking to reinstate the Big Brother law of storing emails, texts, website history and phone calls

I'm actually dumb struck here. Completely and utterly. Just what the fuck is going on with Britain and these fucking politicians lying to us.

Jesus guys I'm actually emotional here. What can we honestly do? The lib-dems and cons opposed this during the elections and now they are all for this?

Fuck im pissed right now


Mecha_Infantry said:
Jesus guys I'm actually emotional here. What can we honestly do? The lindens and cons opposed this during the elections and now they are all for this?

Fuck m pissed right now

Nick Clegg wants you to know that he feels wretched.

That is all.


Mecha_Infantry said:
Thanks for that response.

I don't mean to be glib. It is likely not a million miles from what Nick actually would offer.

Nick Clegg, the deputy prime minister, held a teleconference with hundreds of Lib Dem parliamentary candidates and faced tough questions on why he had reneged on the Lib Dem pledge not to raise university tuition fees. He told the callers that he felt wretched about signing the pledge and then reneging on it.


The poor ol' Lib Dems really have committed political suicide by engaging in all this.

Still, it was the right choice for the country at the time, but they're certainly going to be the party most damaged by this.
Salazar said:
I don't mean to be glib. It is likely not a million miles from what Nick actually would offer.


Thing is I'm an IT worker and studying Information Security and we've proclaimed Cam & Cleggs decision to previously outlaw this, and this is what made some people certify their votes to the respective parties including me. This has left a very bitter taste in my mouth.

For the first time I might get my arse out on the streets and join my fellow protesters. This is bare faced lying to the Great British public.

"I'm probably more likely bomb the houses of Parliament before I ever vote for anyone inside of it"- Quote from a guy on the train this morning


dogmaan said:
You do know that Thatcher was considering nuking argentina if the British task force failed right?

She gave an ultimatum to the french president at the time, give us the excocet codes, or we may have to use nuclear weapons

A deterrent isn't a deterrent if you don't have the resolve to actually use it.

if Argentina defeated the task force, or if we had gotten rid of our amphibious capability and the small carriers we had left, leaving us unable to mount a retaking of the islands, I have no doubt that first Thatcher would of threatened escalation, then if the Argentinians didn't capitulate, she would of nuked them.

Although I imagine the international community would of stepped in somewhere between all that.

The current insurgency/terrorism is a drop in the bucket compared to what a full scale war would look like.

It would be irresponsible to assume that from now until forever more, we will be fighting terrorists, The UK is part of the European Union and NATO, to be a sovereign country you have to be able to defend your own and to some extent your allies, airspace, waters and territories, the UK must give it's international and domestic defence responsibilities precedence, because the ability to kill Untrained AK wielding maniacs is going to come in very fucking handy if ours or an allies territories are threatened.

Using the Americans as an example, if they where to re-factor their armed forces towards fighting tribes people and terrorists, and got rid of all their hardware, Carriers, fighters, bombers etc, the huge power vacuum would destabilise the world.

There would be a massive arms race across Asia, as Japan and South Korea, struggle to acquire the ability to counter the Chinese's new found military influence, either meaning a heavily armed (possibly nuclear) South Korea and Japan, or a South Korea and Japan who must capitulate and give preference to Chinese influence

Why do you think China is developing the ability to destroy Carriers with ballistic missiles?

It's not for fun, I'll tell you that.

It's because they want to exert more influence on that region of the world, and deny the Americans (and us) the ability to operate in that part of the world, thus giving themselves more influence over the region.

To a large extent military power == international influence, the weapons themselves may never be used, but their mere existence exerts pressure on our economic/political rivals, and reassures our allies, thus ultimately giving you economic leverage.

Apologies for being incoherent/ranty.

This was my point, ships are no good against a proper nation with decent capability, only nukes stop them invading, they are much more effective deterrent that ships and planes alone...

Most of the wars fought in the world going forward will be the the Yanks, backed up by multi-national task forces fighting terrorist impoverished states using guerilla tactics.

The days of turning up at the shores of Japan with an invasion force are long gone.

Nuking Argentina was sabre rattling rhetoric, the world community would not have stood for it. The Argies did not have nukes so they couldn't have sabre rattled back....


Sir Fragula said:
Not to start a tangent, but the Gypsies aren't a race and the efforts against them are a result of their lifestyle which is incompatible with 21st Century European culture.

And to Sarkozy's far easier to take seriously than the Cameroid.

This was referring to the burka ban rather than the roma expulsion


SmokyDave said:
I'd rather live in France. Better beer, cheese & nicer scenery.

Again, not a racial issue.

I'd argue the french govt is scapegoating to cover itself but I have too much respect for your posting on GAF to argue about it, so we'll agree to disagree here.


Meadows said:
I'd argue the french govt is scapegoating to cover itself but I have too much respect for your posting on GAF to argue about it, so we'll agree to disagree here.
Understood. I get where you're coming from as well, I'm possibly being pedantic because we both know that non-'brown' muslims make up about 0.000001% of the muslim population in France. I just don't like allowing religion to hide behind a 'racism' shield so I typed that reflexively more than anything.


When keepin it real goes wrong. Very, very wrong.
all i'm reading in news papers are CUTS CUTS CUTS CUTS

then i'm reading we will need to work longer and harder for the next 4 years from a rich moterfucker (osborne)

fuck this shit

i miss labour


Zenith said:
EU disagrees with you, on both Burka bans and Roma.
Fair enough. Just means I'm right and they're wrong (except that Roma are a race but in this topic, the subject mentioned was Gypsies, not Roma). Having said that, we appear to have widened the definitions of 'racism' to the point where it no longer carries any kind of meaning so maybe they are racial issues.

Gypsies = Not A Race.
Roma = A Race.

Islam = Not A Race.
Arab = A Race.

That is how I understand things.

Chinner said:
hey smokey i dare you to become a muslim for a whole month. and not one of those pussy 30 day months.
Give up Bacon & Beer for a month?

Fuck that.


Kentpaul said:
then i'm reading we will need to work longer and harder for the next 4 years from a rich moterfucker (osborne)

What is this 'we' you speak of ?

Bellum omnium contra omnes, Kentpaul. Smite your fellow man to make a livin'.


SmokyDave said:
Fair enough. Just means I'm right and they're wrong (except that Roma are a race but in this topic, the subject mentioned was Gypsies, not Roma). Having said that, we appear to have widened the definitions of 'racism' to the point where it no longer carries any kind of meaning so maybe they are racial issues.

Gypsies = Not A Race.
Roma = A Race.

Islam = Not A Race.
Arab = A Race.

That is how I understand things.

Give up Bacon & Beer for a month?

Fuck that.

your avatar wouldn't be the same


oh well, might be goood that smokey isn't going to be a muslim; he knows that as english our economy and general well being depends on Greggs and if anything was going to happen to Greggs we would be doomed.


operon said:
your avatar wouldn't be the same
I could be waving the severed head of an infidel. I'm not exactly a moderate guy so if I was a muslim, I'm guessing I'd be the type to cut the heads off cartoonists.

Chinner said:
oh well, might be goood that smokey isn't going to be a muslim; he knows that as english our economy and general well being depends on Greggs and if anything was going to happen to Greggs we would be doomed.
Too late. I'm attached to the idea now. DEATH TO THE BACON & BEAN SLICE!

Do they do a Bacon & Bean slice? If not, they should.


venison crêpe
I would scrap Trident. Build the 10 best schools in the world. In 30 years time we'll have so many geniuses runing around we'll be by far the world leader in railguns, lasers and weaponising conifers.


Massive fail with the spending review.

The upcoming years are going to suck bollocks.

Triple hike in university fees? Well, this is definitely going to put a bit of a dent in my wallet especially considering my post-graduate plans.


Is the money the government is saving really going to help the UK economy? About a million jobs (private and public) will be lost in the country.

People are losing money and jobs, yet everything is increasing in price. Fantastic. How does that even work?


-viper- said:
Triple hike in university fees? Well, this is definitely going to put a bit of a dent in my wallet especially considering my post-graduate plans.

Never mind the (bollocks) fees. Humanities departments are going to lose what slight grip on funding they had. A government led by folks whose qualifications to do so have their roots in humanistic education and research are going to squash it.


-viper- said:
Triple hike in university fees? Well, this is definitely going to put a bit of a dent in my wallet especially considering my post-graduate plans.
Why would you have any less money when you're a new post-graduate than under the old scheme?


Well as someone who works for a public body, the waste in staff is mind boggling.. The organisation I work for, for example. 340 staff. 14 HR staff. More managers and co-ordinators than you can shake a stick at. We've already made voluntary savings (we arn't required to cut thus far) of 10% across the business. If we were asked to cut 25% of the workforce, that would all be from retirements - asked a few people today their views (over 50's) and they said they would all be happy to take an early retirement / voluntary redundancy if it came up.


God, it can be hard moving to University from my beloved Sixth Form where nearly everyone has the same political views. One of my flatmates described Thatcher as the best Prime Minister of the last 50 years and then complained about the Times being 'too left wing'.


RedShift said:
God, it can be hard moving to University from my beloved Sixth Form where nearly everyone has the same political views. One of my flatmates described Thatcher as the best Prime Minister of the last 50 years and then complained about the Times being 'too left wing'.
one of my flatmates was in the EDL.


Murdoch also used his speech to attack "traditional elites" and complain about the restrictions placed on his business interests.

"When the upstart is too successful, somehow the old interests surface, and restrictions on growth are proposed or imposed," he said. "That's an issue for my company."

Fuck off, Rupert. You're no spring chicken, you son of a bitch, and you and your pals are as traditional as elites get.
RedShift said:
God, it can be hard moving to University from my beloved Sixth Form where nearly everyone has the same political views. One of my flatmates described Thatcher as the best Prime Minister of the last 50 years and then complained about the Times being 'too left wing'.
All sharing the same view? How incredibly interesting your conversations must have been.


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