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UK PoliGAF thread of tell me about the rabbits again, Dave.


Scary Euro Man
Any backlash against the Lib Dems on this one is based on a misunderstanding of what a coalition government is. Holding the Lib Dems as a junior coalition partner to the promises they made for if they ever became the governing party just doesn't work.
iapetus said:
Any backlash against the Lib Dems on this one is based on a misunderstanding of what a coalition government is. Holding the Lib Dems as a junior coalition partner to the promises they made for if they ever became the governing party just doesn't work.

Get out of here with your reasonable talk.


Scary Euro Man
J Tourettes said:
Get out of here with your reasonable talk.

Hey, don't get me started on actually looking at the contents of the bill and its impact on real people rather than making a knee-jerk "bu...bu...bu... tuition fees" reaction. Not that I've done that yet either, but that's one of the reasons I haven't commented on it. :D
I will be glad when the tuition fees debacle is over and done with today. This ill-informed debate has been so boringly tedious and the protests have been completely juvenile.

The Lib Dems should be more explicit to students about the available options - abolish tuition fees/keep the status quo but substantially reduce the number of university places, or go along with the proposed plans and keep the target of 50% available university places. Personally, I favour the former option, but I bet the idiots protesting in London today would probably prefer the latter.

iapetus said:
Any backlash against the Lib Dems on this one is based on a misunderstanding of what a coalition government is. Holding the Lib Dems as a junior coalition partner to the promises they made for if they ever became the governing party just doesn't work.
They brought it on themselves. They should have just abstained, which the coalition agreement allows. Now they have just made themselves look divided idiots and will probably cancel each other out anyway. From a Tory perspective though, I am rather enjoying the free ride the Tories are getting. Makes winning 2015 outright a whole lot more conceivable.


Yeah the conservatives have done a good job of shifting all the blame for one of their less popular policies onto the libdems. Why they didn't just agree to abstain in the coalition agreement is a mystery to me.


venison crêpe
Cameron and Clegg have walked out of the chamber after Cable's initial statement. So they wont listen to debate or the opposition's posiotn


RedShift said:
Yeah the conservatives have done a good job of shifting all the blame for one of their less popular policies onto the libdems. Why they didn't just agree to abstain in the coalition agreement is a mystery to me.

they did agree to abstain in the coalition document. it's just that they decided to get hands on to try and improve it by integrating more progressive elements, and as a result couldn't not vote for it given how much they had personally put into it. doing that made the bill better, but it came at a heavy political cost.

Mr. Sam

RedShift said:
Yeah the conservatives have done a good job of shifting all the blame for one of their less popular policies onto the libdems. Why they didn't just agree to abstain in the coalition agreement is a mystery to me.

I can only guess that Clegg is a double agent, placed in order to destroy the Lib Dems.


The Amiga Brotherhood
From the coverage at the moment, get the impression this could go a bit nasty later.

The whole issue seems a clusterfuck really, but goes back to Labour's determination to shovel literally everyone through University as much as the state of the economy. Whether University was appropriate or beneficial for them or not.

The Lib Dems have handled it all terribly though, they should at the very least have stayed out of the whole issue. Vince Cable being the one to have to sell it has just fuelled things, and stopped any rational debate about it all. Same goes for Nick Clegg wading into it all. Meanwhile the Tories just sit back and watch, although while the Lib Dems are in the firing line at the moment this all sets the tone for things to come with other cuts.

What a mess, and all the parties have played their part.


I've been trying to work out the maths on the vote, how many LDs [and Tories] need to vote against or abstain for it to be defeated...


Sir Fragula said:
I've been trying to work out the maths on the vote, how many LDs [and Tories] need to vote against or abstain for it to be defeated...
42 votes against it from within the Coalition if everybody from other parties votes against it. In this context, 10 abstains would be an effective 5 votes towards that 42.

It'll probably pass.


Meadows said:
Some protestor going sick on BBC News, oh he's off now

EDIT: Btw, does this have any chance of not going through?

BBC's Micheal Crick: "Senior Lib Dem source tells me he reckons 20 of their MPs will vote against #tuitionfees, 'but we think we can peel one or two of them off'"

They need nearly every Lib Dem to rebel for it not to pass, so it's going through.

Mr. Sam

Linkified said:
Why aren't all these students at both university and school, you know actually being taught stuff?

Shhh! I'm using the day to write an essay. I'm going to start doing it any minute now. Any minute now.


I fucking hate student politics. Every person I've met that is involved in these protests is either:

1) Utterly ignorant to what is actually involved
2) Just going to shout things and for an excuse to say they were there
3) Overly idealistic liberals that think the government should pay for everything, but also not cut everything and not increase tax
4) Rahs


Meadows said:
I fucking hate student politics. Every person I've met that is involved in these protests is either:

1) Utterly ignorant to what is actually involved
2) Just going to shout things and for an excuse to say they were there
3) Overly idealistic liberals that think the government should pay for everything, but also not cut everything and not increase tax
4) Rahs

I'll add the whole point of university education is a privilege not a right. University isn't the place for vocational training courses, its a role for the 6th form to provide that.

Yes I have done a Masters in computer science, I had to get a student loan and had to get help to pay it through the LEA. Its not like future students aren't going to be able to get help, all that will happen is the youth will have to decide whether university is right for them.


Quite a big fire that.

Time to roll out the water canon, it can sort out both it and the idiots who lit it.

Edit- Defacing Nelson's Column & Churchill's statue is a fucking joke.


kharma45 said:
Quite a big fire that.

Time to roll out the water canon, it can sort out both it and the idiots who lit it.

Edit- Defacing Nelson's Column & Churchill's statue is a fucking joke.

people are doing that at the protests? gross.


venison crêpe
Meadows said:
BBC News is showing some idiots breaking bricks. Neanderthals.

That was hilarious. If anything it showed why education is such a big deal. Look what our uneducated will turn into!


m0ngo said:
What? They are really doing this? These kids really don't have a fucking clue do they...
To be fair, Churchill was a bastard... but then I doubt they're protesting his racist predilection toward gassing "savages".

EDIT: Hope the coalition does crack.


venison crêpe
In related news, have you seen this idiot calling himself "coldblood" as a member of anon? He's doing the media rounds about the DDoS-ing. What the hell is he thinking :lol
I think the disrespect shown to Churchill's statue is disgraceful. He is one of the greatest men our country has ever produced, and he was all about protecting the interests of the people.


Coalition won't crack, all they will do is find replacements that won't crack unlike these weaker MPs who are resigning from government, to be fair.
I'm all against these proposals but to be honest I can't say I'm pro the protesters, especially when so many half truths are being spread.
As a student, I would say a fair number of my friends feel the same.

And the Conservatives should be getting the brunt of the hate here. The Lib Dems are most definitely the junior partners, and can't go with every single proposal they promised as a majority government.


Linkified said:
Coalition won't crack, all they will do is find replacements that won't crack unlike these weaker MPs who are resigning from government, to be fair.

Looking at the BBc live feed, it seems like half the resigning mps are conservatives anyway, which i wasn't really expecting, figured they'd all be for it.

Wes said:
In related news, have you seen this idiot calling himself "coldblood" as a member of anon? He's doing the media rounds about the DDoS-ing. What the hell is he thinking

I assumed he was looking to guarantee himself a place in the eventual wikileaks movie.

EDIT: Passed with a majority of 21
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