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UK PoliGAF thread of tell me about the rabbits again, Dave.

nib95 said:
Fuck this coalition. And fuck Lib Dems and their heinous betrayal. More people should have voted Labour like I did. This increased tuition fee's malarkey is outrageous!! Heck I paid £1350 a year and even then I thought it was too much. Many uni's you're paying for shit all.

The rise to £3k was just about acceptable, but this £9k bollocks is insanity and will have droves of poor being stuck in debt up to their eye balls. If they even decide to go anymore that is.

So what's the debt work out to then?

£9k x3 plus Student loan for living at another £7.5k a year? £49.5k? And that's not even considering retakes or courses that require a fourth year. It really is astounding that they put this through. No wonder the reaction has been excessive and often violent.

£9,000 is only for exceptional circumstances and everything past £7,000 will be levied. The debt repayment starts at £21,000 pa instead of £15,000 pa. Degrees that are worthless will fall have low fees, degrees like Maths at good universities will probably command the higher end of the cap. Labour have no grounds to complain on considering they introduced tuition fees when they said they wouldn't, commissioned the Browne review and the only plan they have come up with in opposition is Vince Cable's graduate tax.

Subsidising English students tuitions fees is unsustainable considering how good our universities are.


NeoGAF's Chief Barrister
Zenith said:

But that's not what the survey said.

Extensive polling of 2,000 people who voted for Nick Clegg's party in May suggests just 54 per cent will back the Lib Dems in five years' time. Some 22 per cent of Lib Dem voters say they will chose Labour.

That doesn't mean that Lib Dem support has dropped, only that it has dropped for people who voted Lib Dem last time.

There are probably plenty (like me for example) who didn't vote Lib Dem last time who are now more likely to, now that the party has shown some credibility in government, and the survey didn't even ask us.

So Lib Dem support might just as easily have gone up.
anonnumber6 said:
£9,000 is only for exceptional circumstances and everything past £7,000 will be levied. The debt repayment starts at £21,000 pa instead of £15,000 pa. Degrees that are worthless will fall have low fees, degrees like Maths at good universities will probably command the higher end of the cap. Labour have no grounds to complain on considering they introduced tuition fees when they said they wouldn't, commissioned the Browne review and the only plan they have come up with in opposition is Vince Cable's graduate tax.

Subsidising British students tuitions fees is unsustainable consdering how good our universities are.

You'll find it's just English students.


phisheep said:
But that's not what the survey said.

That doesn't mean that Lib Dem support has dropped, only that it has dropped for people who voted Lib Dem last time.

There are probably plenty (like me for example) who didn't vote Lib Dem last time who are now more likely to, now that the party has shown some credibility in government, and the survey didn't even ask us.

So Lib Dem support might just as easily have gone up.
Jesus titty-fucking christ, really?? I mean you're more likely to vote for a party which broke a key manifesto pledge, one at the core of their electoral success? Seriously?

I mean you can agree with the stupid tuition fee fiasco or not, but the idea that you're more amiable to the party which said it wouldn't vote for it and then did is madness. You're rewarding duplicity.

We need an English National Party. The Scots have pretty good governance with the SNP and it'd be nice to have an anti-Unionist, left-wing party to vote for.


NeoGAF's Chief Barrister
Sir Fragula said:
Jesus titty-fucking christ, really?? I mean you're more likely to vote for a party which broke a key manifesto pledge, one at the core of their electoral success? Seriously?

I mean you can agree with the stupid tuition fee fiasco or not, but the idea that you're more amiable to the party which said it wouldn't vote for it and then did is madness. You're rewarding duplicity.

We need an English National Party. The Scots have pretty good governance with the SNP and it'd be nice to have an anti-Unionist, left-wing party to vote for.

Not at all. I've been tempted to vote Liberal/Libdem for many years (and indeed did so once - in 1979). Tuition fee thing is neither here nor there. You can promise what the hell you like in opposition, and there's no way the LibDems epected to be anywhere else at the time. It's a different game in government.

Pretty well every government breaks its promises first (or at latest third) day in office. So what? All of a sudden I'm meant to believe the other guy? Bollocks.


Great move by the government:

Nine electric cars will be eligible for subsidies (BBC):

I've seen a plug in point at my new local Waitrose. I really really want this country to stop listening to morons (as entertaining as they may be) like Jeremy Clarkson and embrace alternative power sources for cars (hydrogen and electric mainly).

On another subject, on the whole, I'm delighted with the Liberal Democrat's contribution to this government, and would gladly back another LIB-CON coalition in the future. Cameron has shown himself to be clever and restrained, and Clegg has shown himself to be professional and credible. I am also of the belief that while the current university plan pushed through parliament isn't perfect, it is a necessary evil.

I wrote a letter to my local MP (Julian Sturdy) asking him to back a graduate tax, and he said, in a very measured and well written personal reply to my letter, that it would be the year 2042/3 that a graduate tax in 2011 would cover the University budget black-hole.

Also, Labour have shown themselves, again, to be an immature party of people more worried about public opinion than policy. Ed Miliband does nothing for me, and comments of "ginger rodent" towards Danny Alexander put me even more off the party's front bench.

I am a liberal, and have policy disagreements with the Conservatives, and feel that it would betray my personal, pragmatic views on society to vote Conservative. But while the Labour party is what it is, I would much, much prefer the Conservatives in office, despite my difference in ideology.

Mr. Sam

Thought you guys might like to read this excerpt from an e-mail I received from my university library following its "occupation" by students:

The library will reopen on Monday at 9am, and hours will then return to normal.

The current reduced hours are genuinely necessary. Parts of the library were on
Thursday in a foul condition, needing serious cleaning before they could be brought
back into use. Cleaning staff reported finding many used condoms in the library.
These are not conditions that we can tolerate.

Can't believe I missed out on it.


Napoleonthechimp said:
So I hear the SNP are considering raising tuition fee for non-Scottish students. I hope they'll consider using lube the next time they shaft us.

England charges double for foreign students.


Napoleonthechimp said:
So I hear the SNP are considering raising tuition fee for non-Scottish students. I hope they'll consider using lube the next time they shaft us.

I was watching the BBC News the other day and they said they'll only be able to charge students from Northern Ireland, England and Wales fees. All Scottish and EU member students will get it free under some ruling which I can't remember the specifics about.
Zenith said:
England charges double for foreign students.
From non-EU countries.

kharma45 said:
I was watching the BBC News the other day and they said they'll only be able to charge students from Northern Ireland, England and Wales fees. All Scottish and EU member students will get it free under some ruling which I can't remember the specifics about.
I'm not sure how this is any different from what I've just said.
kharma45 said:
I was watching the BBC News the other day and they said they'll only be able to charge students from Northern Ireland, England and Wales fees. All Scottish and EU member students will get it free under some ruling which I can't remember the specifics about.

Wait you charge other UK students but EU students get in free?


Napoleonthechimp said:
So I hear the SNP are considering raising tuition fee for non-Scottish students. I hope they'll consider using lube the next time they shaft us.
They're trying to prevent tuition fee-tourism.


iapetus said:
They're trying to get fucked over by some European court. :)
Dunno, there was already precedent for this wasn't there?

Not sure how the EU courts work with regard dealings between sub-state nations.
It's funny what SNP are looking to do

At the moment English pay about £1500 for fees in a Scottish uni, Scottish go for free. What they plan is Scottish still go for free, EU go for free, and the English pay around £6k

How in the hell will this work?! I add this is only in response to the English uni's raises their prices
Mecha_Infantry said:
At the moment English pay about £1500 for fees in a Scottish uni, Scottish go for free. What they plan is Scottish still go for free, EU go for free, and the English pay around £6k

How in the hell will this work?! I add this is only in response to the English uni's raises their prices
Scotland has the 80% cut to teachering budget as well (via Barnett Formula). The Scottish Government have chosen to bridge the gap rather than passing the debt onto local students. They've just chosen not to pass that generosity onto students of the rest of the UK, probably becuase they don't want to be cheaper which would lead to being overrun with applications from non-Scottish students which if they don't give offers fiarly to I understand they could face discriminaiton allegations but at the same time it would be a tradegdy if one couldn't go to a local university (I know University is part of growing up etc but in this age of austerity it only makes sense to stay local) becuase someone who is shopping around for a good deal decided to get a place you might have got.


Once And Future Member
Mecha_Infantry said:
It's funny what SNP are looking to do

At the moment English pay about £1500 for fees in a Scottish uni, Scottish go for free. What they plan is Scottish still go for free, EU go for free, and the English pay around £6k

How in the hell will this work?! I add this is only in response to the English uni's raises their prices
Because it would be an extremely bad thing for Scottish universities if they began to receive applicants only there to get a degree on the cheap. The same reason any decent English uni will be charging the full 9k, to protect prestige and reputation.

It's the only logical response to the English rise in fees.
Sage00 said:
Because it would be an extremely bad thing for Scottish universities if they began to receive applicants only there to get a degree on the cheap. The same reason any decent English uni will be charging the full 9k, to protect prestige and reputation.

It's the only logical response to the English rise in fees.

This. I agree that it's unfair, but it's something that has to be done


Wake up Sheeple, your boring insistence that Obama is not a lizardman from Atlantis is wearing on my patience 💤
Xun said:
Not sure whether or not I should've made a new thread.

Porn to be opt-in in the UK


Things really haven't changed in this pathetic country.

Where do I opt in?

Can I also request WikiLeaks as well?

The face behind the plan, Claire Perry, Conservative MP. What a fucking idiot this bitch is. I haven't seen a good Internet-related idea come from an MP on any side of the house for as long as the Internet has existed. They should stay the fuck out of it.


will gently cradle you as time slowly ticks away.
radioheadrule83 said:

The face behind the plan, Claire Perry, Conservative MP. What a fucking idiot this bitch is. I haven't seen a good Internet-related idea come from an MP on any side of the house for as long as the Internet has existed. They should stay the fuck out of it.

I would go on record as saying that the majority of folks over the age of 30 have little-to-no understanding of how the internet and computer technologies work. The older you get past that the higher the gap gets.

The only thing that parliament should be doing regarding the internet is ensuring that everyone can use it at the fastest possible speed. It's a global infrastructure that shutting yourself off from will just have adverse consequences for everyone involved.

But I guess it's easier to petition government to ban/block shit than to be responsible parents.
industrian said:
I would go on record as saying that the majority of folks over the age of 30 have little-to-no understanding of how the internet and computer technologies work. The older you get past that the higher the gap gets.

The only thing that parliament should be doing regarding the internet is ensuring that everyone can use it at the fastest possible speed.
It's a global infrastructure that shutting yourself off from will just have adverse consequences for everyone involved.

But I guess it's easier to petition government to ban/block shit than to be responsible parents.

Agreed, improving access to high speed broadband should be the only concern. Parents should learn how to use a computer before letting their kids loose on the internet.


radioheadrule83 said:

The face behind the plan, Claire Perry, Conservative MP. What a fucking idiot this bitch is. I haven't seen a good Internet-related idea come from an MP on any side of the house for as long as the Internet has existed. They should stay the fuck out of it.
so its a private members bill? this wont pass at all lol.
I'm from Liverpool, and I'm not too fond of dickheads making us look bad -- but this article caught my eye and made me laugh. The end of it is also kind of sad... still funny, but sad. It deserves a Pulitzer or something. Or a Perrier:


Sunday Sport said:
"Bad Santa's back - flouting the ban he was given for terrorising Xmas shoppers last year. Incorrigible pisshead Mickey Fairfield embarked on a booze-fuelled rampage of anti-social behaviour in Liverpool City Center last Noel. But the homeless incontinent was up to his tricks again last weekend and once again he traumatised hundreds of Santa-loving kiddies.

Acting on a tip off, Sunday Sport - who exposed Fairfield last year - captured these horrifying images, which we have now passed to Merseyside Police. Last night a cop source said they were "actively" looking for Fairfield and were "confident of a conviction" thanks to our intervention.

The stinking scumbag, 40, was barred from Scouseland last year after he dressed as Father Christmas and tried to force parents to pay him £1 for the dubious privilege of letting children sit on his knee. Tragically he misspelt knee "nee" on the pathetic cardboard sign he put around his neck to advertise his "business".

Unsurprisingly, given his penchant for FARTING, FOUL MOUTHED ABUSE, PUBLIC URINATION and BOOZE-FUELLED BLASPHEMY, the only thing he earned was the contempt of shoppers.

But this year, Bad Santa - named after the Billy Bob Thornton character in the 2003 movie of the same name - was even WORSE. And the festive thug has even put up his prices to £1.50 per youngster forced to endure his piss-stained leg!

Bad Santa was so pissed he had no idea that our snappa was stalking his every move. During yesterday's six hour bender he:

  • SNIFFED mind-bending glue
  • ACCUSED a gran of being a "tight fisted old cunt"
  • Spent 20 minutes removing VOMIT CHUNKS from his fake beard
  • SPEWED four times and passed out twice!
  • Asked a nine-year old boy scout if he had a light and threatened to KILL him when the lad explained he didn't smoke
  • And after finally scraping together a few quid from intimidated shoppers, blew it all on a PORN MAG which he read openly in the street.

Our man confronted Bad Santa and asked him what he was playing at. He replied:"Oh fuck, fuck, fucking fuck, fuck, fuck off"

Once Bad Santa finished a violent coughing fit, he agreed to explain himself in return for a single roll up cigarette. He whined: "Thing's is tough, this is the only way I can make a living. No one's ever loved me. No one, not even me ma. But I don't want your pity. Merry fuck Christmas. Now give us a quid or I'll stab you in the fuckin' guts."

Our man left the reprobate, who burst into tears after his outburst, nursing his bottle of whisky and mumbling the words to Wham's 1984 hit Last Christmas."


Good to be back, I don't think I've been to NeoGAF for around a year. Hope my fellow UKgaffers are fine and haven't been too badly affected by the Radical Thatcherite Liberalism of the Glorious Coalition ;)

Also... that plan for ISPs to block porn is utterly ridiculous and authoritarian. I'm sure it'll be dropped.
jas0nuk said:
Good to be back, I don't think I've been to NeoGAF for around a year. Hope my fellow UKgaffers are fine and haven't been too badly affected by the Radical Thatcherite Liberalism of the Glorious Coalition ;)

Also... that plan for ISPs to block porn is utterly ridiculous and authoritarian. I'm sure it'll be dropped.

Was you in a dream all this time?


Sorry, I'm talking nonsense. I joined a year ago, stopped posting for a while and then posted around the time of the election in May/June. So I've been gone for like 6 months.


NeoGAF's Chief Barrister
Xun said:
Not sure whether or not I should've made a new thread.

Porn to be opt-in in the UK


Things really haven't changed in this pathetic country.

It isn't going to happen. No way, no how. Just politicians cuddling up to the 'moral majority' and trying to bully the industry.

It isn't going to work because the subscriber to the service isn't (always) the person receiving the services. So what are they going to do to comply with this supposed 'govrenment legislation' huh? They'll call the mother (subscriber) and ask her if she wants to opt in to porn, they'll perhaps let slip during the conversation that some sites classified as porn have been accessed - source of family disruptions etc etc..

Got human rights law problems written all over it.

Besides, there's an easy way out for porn channels - just need a bit of straight business on the side, like selling pencil sharpeners.

Load of bollocks not worthy of a headline, except possibly in Wiltshire.
Ronok said:
For 30 mins off the already short journey to Birmingham I'm not sure it's really worth it. :lol

Yeah but it's a first step, and can be upgraded up the West Coast in stages. It would all add up eventually.


will gently cradle you as time slowly ticks away.
killer_clank said:
Fuck all of these NIMBY's. High Speed Rail is something that simply has to happen. Every other big economy in Europe has it.


The Taiwan and Tokyo high speed railways are awesome. I'd like to see a Glasgow-to-London High-Speed rail link built eventually. But I have no hope for that happening.

Since living in East Asia I've given up on the UK ever reaching the infrastructure development of Korea - a country that most British people would think is beneath the UK in every way. High speed rail links, 1Gb broadband connections within the next few years, high technology, large-scale purchasing of home-grown products (both premium and cheap items of every variety) and an economy that hasn't crashed and burned so fucking badly to the extent they'll lose a decade because of.

Whereas in the UK we have a pathetic "if it's not broke..." mentality combined with our own arrogance at believing we're still No. 2 in the world and layers of bureaucratic nonsense so thick that you can insulate your house with them. In the time it'll take us to construct the Edinburgh Tram System and rebuild the Waverley Line between Edinburgh and Galashiels, most East Asian countries will have constructed entire cities in the same time.
industrian said:
The Taiwan and Tokyo high speed railways are awesome. I'd like to see a Glasgow-to-London High-Speed rail link built eventually. But I have no hope for that happening.

Since living in East Asia I've given up on the UK ever reaching the infrastructure development of Korea - a country that most British people would think is beneath the UK in every way. High speed rail links, 1Gb broadband connections within the next few years, high technology, large-scale purchasing of home-grown products (both premium and cheap items of every variety) and an economy that hasn't crashed and burned so fucking badly to the extent they'll lose a decade because of.

Whereas in the UK we have a pathetic "if it's not broke..." mentality combined with our own arrogance at believing we're still No. 2 in the world and layers of bureaucratic nonsense so thick that you can insulate your house with them. In the time it'll take us to construct the Edinburgh Tram System and rebuild the Waverley Line between Edinburgh and Galashiels, most East Asian countries will have constructed entire cities in the same time.
Where did you get that nonsense from? People might think North Korea is backward, which it is. But I have never heard anyone tell me that South Korea is backward. It is on par with Japan as the most technologically impressive countries in the world.

As for the high speed rail proposals, I think the money should go towards updating existing lines across the country which would be used by more people than a train from London to Birmingham. Is cutting travelling time by 30 minutes really worth £12 billion? In my view, it isn't.
industrian, have you ever read a UK newspaper? There are constant articles every day of how another country has something better/cheaper transport, health care, education,police than the UK.
I wish they'd improve the Bristol to Birmingham and Birmingham to Liverpool journeys while they're at it. Glad that Birmingham New Street will be getting a renovation at least! Waiting for a train there is depressing as fuck.


Isn't industrian that guy who has left the UK purposefully for X amount of years just so he could avoid paying tuition fees or do I have faulty information?


will gently cradle you as time slowly ticks away.
blazinglord said:
Where did you get that nonsense from? People might think North Korea is backward, which it is. But I have never heard anyone tell me that South Korea is backward. It is on par with Japan as the most technologically impressive countries in the world.

You're not thinking from a majority point of view. You're thinking from your own personal view and/or your close friends/community's POV. I know enough about the British public to know that the majority of us are a bunch of holier-than-thou sheep with a seige mentality and unwillingness to embrace culture outside of our own.

broadwayrock said:
industrian, have you ever read a UK newspaper? There are constant articles every day of how another country has something better/cheaper transport, health care, education,police than the UK.

Maybe it's the Dutch flag and/or my constant references to being in East Asia, but I'm a 26 year old Scot who spent 24 years of his life living in Galashiels and Glasgow. That and I delivered newspapers for 4 years. ;)

I know with sincerity that if I were to talk to the average British person in the UK about being treated in Korean and Taiwanese hospitals their first instinct would be to marvel at the fact I'm alive and be stunned when I tell them that they're on par with the UK's healthcare system.

Chinner said:
Isn't industrian that guy who has left the UK purposefully for X amount of years just so he could avoid paying tuition fees or do I have faulty information?

Partial credit.

If I don't earn £15k a year (either inside or outside the UK) until 2013 I don't have to repay my student loan. I'm not doing it intentionally. The only reason why I'm not in the UK right now is because I couldn't find a job there and because I didn't want to risk coming home this summer because of my DVT.
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