Salazar said:The protesters seem to have been seen and heard quite a bit :lol
But you still bitch.
He's right though. Protest and civil disobedience aren't anything of the sort if it is tightly controlled. And although I blame fringe elements for the violence yesterday, I do question whether the police strategy is sound... box them in for hours with no facilities and rush them with horses and batons when they get pissed off about it? Keep them away from the buildings and stop them from running riot, sure, but don't keep them prisoner and agitate them...
I mean, I honestly don't know why the Churchill monument wasn't safely boxed off considering its been targetted before, I don't know why they were allowed so close to buildings, I don't know how they mobilised such a strongly armed force so quickly if they were expecting it to go peacefully... I don't think they did expect it to, actually. The tactics just seem like they might be wrong to me. I acknowledge plenty of people at the protest were being twats, but considering who has the power and the weaponry in this situation, I still find these pictures kind of unsettling:

And I don't know if this has been posted yet, but its quite chilling if true:
Schoolboy warned by police over picket plan at David Cameron's office
Nicky Wishart, 12, told he faced arrest if public disorder ensued and armed officers would be present
Speaking to the Guardian, Nicky Wishart said: "In my lesson, [a school secretary] came and said my head of year wanted to talk to me. She was in her office with a police officer who wanted to talk to me about the protest. He said, 'if a riot breaks out we will arrest people and if anything happens you will get arrested because you are the organiser'.
"He said even if I didn't turn up I would be arrested and he also said that if David Cameron was in, his armed officers will be there 'so if anything out of line happens ...' and then he stopped."