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UK PoliGAF thread of tell me about the rabbits again, Dave.


Mr. Sam said:
Somebody had to come out and say it at some point but, um, who's going to move to the newly independent Scotland? I'm contemplating it.

Come on up, you're very welcome!

Nah, never going to happen. As the scottish parliament got more powers most people think that this separation from the uk government is enough. I don't think enough people would vote for full independence to make it possible.

But come up here anyway, we're quite friendly really.

EDIT: Thoroughly beaten. But still feel free to move here, the more the merrier.


Dark Machine said:
Why would it fail? I thought (at least from the rhetoric) that Scots wanted shut of the English.

Why would it succeed? Much like Quebec separatism there are many costs associated with all-out separation. It's questionable an independent Scotland would get as good a deal as it does now, especially if oil prices fell.


Iain Grey the leader of the labour party in scotland is on freeview81 just now. He just looks totally shellshocked.

Thanks Deck'ard!


Dark Machine said:

just noticed this switch. pickles is just as bad as warsi. can't the tories at least get ken clarke out or something, sheesh, it's ruining my evening.
Talking about the polls on BBC1(HD). Killer and Pootle were right, the Labour support collapsed because earlier the poll answers were really based on Westminister politics, this is a Scottish election. In the General election I'd expect to see SNP votes go to Labour.

Pootle was right, Gray really does look shellshocked.
Carl said:
Sod that, we need more trivia!

The 'top down' studio shot is faked.


The back and right side of Emily's wall are real, but the other side and the large (and slightly weirdly angled) monitor are CG'd in live.

And, no cameras in shot.


JonathanEx said:
The 'top down' studio shot is faked.


The back and right side of Emily's wall are real, but the other side and the large (and slightly weirdly angled) monitor are CG'd in live.

And, no cameras in shot.
Hmmm, the right side wall reminds me of something...oh, yeah:


In other news, Pickles looks like the Staypuft Marshmallow Man, doesn't he?


The Amiga Brotherhood
Lib Dem wipeout in Hartlepool, and down to 1 from 13 in Liverpool.

At this rate they are only going to have one man and his dog on the ground for the next General Election.

Edit: Christ, total wipeout in Manchester as well.


wow, looking at these results scotland and england really are different countries. All they have in common is how bad the libdems are getting humped tonight.

Seriously listen when the seat counts change! that's straight from a lego video game!
Lib Dems have been erased in Manchester according to sources. Lib Dem and ex-leader of Liverpool council, (Storey, he was a cunt) has been beaten (provisionally) by an 18 year old Labour candidate in Wavertree.


"Let's switch over to Liverpool, where--"

When you walk through a storm
Hold your head up high
And don't be afraid of the dark

At the end of the storm
Is a golden sky
And the sweet silver song of the lark

Walk on through the wind
Walk on through the rain
Though your dreams be tossed and blown

Walk on walk on with hope in your heart
And you'll never walk alone
You'll never walk alone

In other news, the Lib Dems are gonna lose every seat they have in Manchester too. Meltdown total.


JonathanEx said:
The 'top down' studio shot is faked.


The back and right side of Emily's wall are real, but the other side and the large (and slightly weirdly angled) monitor are CG'd in live.

And, no cameras in shot.


Interesting though :D


I get terribly put off when Jeremy moves behind a 'glass' effect; it calculates the pixel in front of him (with the view of the background) before compositing him in, meaning that you can see the background through him. I'm surprised they don't just strictly use a two-stage render, compositing him in before the foreground graphs.


The Amiga Brotherhood
What was that interview with Nick Clegg where he said he sometimes just goes home and cries to himself?

He better have a bucket handy tonight.



Dark Machine said:
They need to get some engineers from Fukushima over to Lib Dem HQ quick.

Too soon?

Yeah, send in TEPCO, and bring in Sony's network engineers while you're at it.

And the first Welsh seat - LDs below BNP WHAT

Carl said:
It's not looking too good for poor Nick. Feel a bit sorry for him actually.
I dont.

pootle said:
SNP just gained Clydesdale from labour too. Its a total massacre in scotland.

So what we're seeing so far:

Scotland: SNP Massacre Labour, Lib Dems/Tories nearly utterly erased.

England+Wales: Labour massacre Lib Dems, Tories lose big too. Lib Dems erased in their 'stronghold' cities in the North of England.

mclem said:
In Blaenau Gwent, LD below BNP.

Edit: Who was Hyndburn going from? It was black. Is that speaker?

'Others' I think. Or maybe Plaid? Someone confirm?
mclem said:
I would love to see that table first-hand. So much tech buried in it.
For the General Election studio, Dimbleby had around 10 monitors in that desk.

From a post on TV forum, my nerdy forum of choice, discussing what's on Dimbleby's general election studio montiors:
Front row is declaration info (l to r: ticker with newest confirmed result at top, state of parties scoreboard, handy info on a specific seat called up by a producer, big text of election tidbits/tips from corrs at counts etc). Middle row is monitoring output really (full frame current graphic output, next graphic, studio output, ticker of election tidbits/tips). Back row is the 'tips' screen which is essentially the basic running order, and 16 way OS monitor on right.

Mr. Sam

Carl said:
It's not looking too good for poor Nick. Feel a bit sorry for him actually.

I can only come to the conclusion that Clegg is politically incompetent, regardless of whether he's ethically right or wrong.


pootle said:
Iain Grey the leader of the labour party in scotland is on freeview81 just now. He just looks totally shellshocked.

The fact that you have to mention that he is the leader of the Scottish Labour Party is pretty damning in itself and a problem with the Scottish Labour Party in general, there's no obvious political talent there and no one with a large enough profile to put a face to the party.

I think they will do better in the next general election, but the party needs some big changes.

SNP really are tearing up shit at the moment, quite impressive.


Wow Lib Dems getting slaughtered in Liverpool and Manchester apparently, good shit.

I'm at Sheffield Uni and they're apparently going to be slaughtered here too, no surprise. I sure didn't vote for them.

Oh and Dark, it's never too soon as long as you throw in a Kuyt.gif


I've just twigged that the activity in Scotland is actually indicating what AV could do; SNP winning in part because people went from the lib dems to them; the previous LD's voters' second choices effectively putting SNP over Labour.

(Of course, that's reading the Scottish parliament votes as strict FPTP, which they're not. But it's a nice highlight of how it can make a difference.)


The Amiga Brotherhood
Mr. Sam said:
I can only come to the conclusion that Clegg is politically incompetent, regardless of whether he's ethically right or wrong.

Well it was a deal with the Devil, and they let the Tories drive the narrative and completely botched how they handled tuition fees. That sealed their fate. The Tories just sat back and let Clegg be the face of everything that is bad.

I voted Lib Dem today, but this was inevitable. Not much they could really do as junior partners of the coalition, but I expect we will see a lot more rocking of the boat from now on. Or they are heading for complete irrelevance at the next General Election.


Dark Machine said:
'Others' I think. Or maybe Plaid? Someone confirm?

I thought Plaid were dark green (and not *that* dark). And, for that matter, not active in Lancashire. I think Others is grey.

Edit: Ah! Hung.


Deathcraze said:
The fact that you have to mention that he is the leader of the Scottish Labour Party is pretty damning in itself and a problem with the Scottish Labour Party in general, there's no obvious political talent there and no one with a large enough profile to put a face to the party.

I think they will do better in the next general election, but the party needs some big changes.

SNP really are tearing up shit at the moment, quite impressive.
I agree with everything you say in this post. The results are largely due to the Lib Dem vote going on a mass exodus, but you'd expect Labour to pick up at least some of those votes. Doesn't look like it, does it?

EDIT: Especially since the AV system is used! :D


Dark Machine said:
Scotland: SNP Massacre Labour, Lib Dems/Tories nearly utterly erased.

Well, the latest rumour is that Edinburgh Central, which was thought to be a labour/lib dem fight, might have the snp leapfrogging both of them to win.

And if that happens all bets are off.

There will always be 20% tory but the lib dem vote was value based and they seem to have rejected the lib dems and labour and are turning to the other left of centre party, the SNP.

I wonder if in England people are voting for labour only because there's no other left/centrist choice?
pootle said:
Well, the latest rumour is that Edinburgh Central, which was thought to be a labour/lib dem fight, might have the snp leapfrogging both of them to win.

And if that happens all bets are off.

There will always be 20% tory but the lib dem vote was value based and they seem to have rejected the lib dems and labour and are turning to the other left of centre party, the SNP.

I wonder if in England people are voting for labour only because there's no other left/centrist choice?

This. I've said it before, but with the coalition, all the 3 main parties have abandoned the centre-left and gone to various degrees of right. I think the only slightly sizable party in England that is left is the Greens.


pootle said:
Well, the latest rumour is that Edinburgh Central, which was thought to be a labour/lib dem fight, might have the snp leapfrogging both of them to win.

And if that happens all bets are off.

There will always be 20% tory but the lib dem vote was value based and they seem to have rejected the lib dems and labour and are turning to the other left of centre party, the SNP.

I wonder if in England people are voting for labour only because there's no other left/centrist choice?
Emphasised for total correctness. The BNP don't count, for obvious reasons.


The Amiga Brotherhood
Dambrosi said:
I agree with everything you say in this post. The results are largely due to the Lib Dem vote going on a mass exodus, but you'd expect Labour to pick up at least some of those votes. Doesn't look like it, does it?

I don't think Labour have really recovered much at all in how people see them, and Ed especially is useless. So with a stronger alternative on the left people disgruntled Lib Dem voters will go for that.

Obviously in England they are the only alternative, so will gain.
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