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UK PoliGAF thread of tell me about the rabbits again, Dave.

SNP just gained a couple more seats. Edinburgh Pentlands from Tories. And the Tories just lost another one to Labour...Tories, seem to be getting destroyed in Scotland too...

Projected National Share is up!


killer_clank said:
Salmond might just be the happiest man alive.

not for long, don't know where he's going to find all the money to ringfence all the stuff he's said he will. Still, he's an amicable politician and, I believe, good for Scotland.


Once And Future Member
I should feel embarrassed by my comment about Labour going to walk it earlier in the thread, but as an SNP voter I couldn't be happier. History in the making indeed.


Sage00 said:
I should feel embarrassed by my comment about Labour going to walk it earlier in the thread, but as an SNP voter I couldn't be happier. History in the making indeed.
As a fan of "history in the making", I couldn't be happier! Let's celebrate!


We need an English National Party. And no, the English Democrats for all their positive anti-UK noise are still too close to the BNP and UKIP to be taken seriously.


Sir Fragula said:
We need an English National Party. And no, the English Democrats for all their positive anti-UK noise are still too close to the BNP and UKIP to be taken seriously.
The BNP largely melted down after the last election. You'll find a lot of ex-BNP in the ED.

I'd love to see a sensible English National Party. My vote would be assured.
Sir Fragula said:
We need an English National Party. And no, the English Democrats for all their positive anti-UK noise are still too close to the BNP and UKIP to be taken seriously.

Err, did you seriously put UKIP in the same lot as the BNP? I'm not even UKIP, but I find it pretty offensive.

It's people like you who tar UKIP with the 'racist' brush that will never allow England to have its own political identity.
I think if SNP get their majority and get Scottish independence it will be a massive blow for Labour. I mean huge. Without Scots MPs Labour will be very uncompetitive in Parliament, they will lose 42 out of 252MPs while the Tories will only lose 1 MP out of 307. Cons have a massive English majority and even with Wales and NI they have a majority of around 20, it is only once you count Scotland that they lose it.

The consequences of SLAB failing so hard could be very big indeed...
electricshake said:
Can't believe how yellow Glasgow is now...my seat has gone to SNP even though Labour increased their share of the vote! Madness.

Fun fact I read - all of the Glasgow subway is inside SNP seats now. I bet Glasgow City Council are joyous there was no council elections yesterday, Labour losing their majority there would just be embarrassing on an insane scale.
zomgbbqftw said:
I think if SNP get their majority and get Scottish independence it will be a massive blow for Labour. I mean huge. Without Scots MPs Labour will be very uncompetitive in Parliament, they will lose 42 out of 252MPs while the Tories will only lose 1 MP out of 307. Cons have a massive English majority and even with Wales and NI they have a majority of around 20, it is only once you count Scotland that they lose it.

The consequences of SLAB failing so hard could be very big indeed...

If they get a majority, they'll get their referendum. That doesn't mean people who voted for SNP would vote yes to independence. This election is still a major blow for Labour though, and hopefully it makes them realise how much they've neglected us. And can we seriously get someone decent to be Scottish Labour leader?! All the best Scottish Labour folk are in Westminster, sakes.
electricshake said:
If they get a majority, they'll get their referendum. That doesn't mean people who voted for SNP would vote yes to independence. This election is still a major blow for Labour though, and hopefully it makes them realise how much they've neglected us. And can we seriously get someone decent to be Scottish Labour leader?! All the best Scottish Labour folk are in Westminster, sakes.

We will know at noon according to the BBC, so only a couple of hours, but the swing is there and it is looking very likely. I think a referendum on independence is anything but a guaranteed win for the SNP, but looking at their results today I wouldn't bet against Salmond pulling it off.

On SLAB leaders, yes, Iain Gray is an unmitigated disaster. That he nearly lost his own seat (only 150 vote maj) shows just how awful he is.


zomgbbqftw said:
I think if SNP get their majority and get Scottish independence it will be a massive blow for Labour. I mean huge. Without Scots MPs Labour will be very uncompetitive in Parliament, they will lose 42 out of 252MPs while the Tories will only lose 1 MP out of 307. Cons have a massive English majority and even with Wales and NI they have a majority of around 20, it is only once you count Scotland that they lose it.

The consequences of SLAB failing so hard could be very big indeed...
Labour would indeed be damaged in England for the first couple of elections, yes... but there are other factors to consider. People still get sick of parties in government, and 1997 would have been a Labour victory even without Scotland.


The Amiga Brotherhood
Word from the counts and tally samples looks to be pointing to 2-1 against AV, much in line with the polls.

From 50-50 at best to 5-1 against at worst in a Tory stronghold.


The Amiga Brotherhood
zomgbbqftw said:
Err, did you seriously put UKIP in the same lot as the BNP? I'm not even UKIP, but I find it pretty offensive.

It's people like you who tar UKIP with the 'racist' brush that will never allow England to have its own political identity.

Not racist, but UKIP is seen as xenophobic definitely.

There was too much banging on about leaving the EU and other things when they launched, they came across as a bunch of Little Englanders at best and nutters at worst. Never really recovered from that no matter how much they've tried to moderate their image.

It's more a lack of viable parties to vote for, than people not wanting England to have its own political identity.


If we end up with an English political party, I'd rather they didn't reference 'Britain' or 'UK' in their title. English Democrats would've been a decent name if it hadn't been taken already.


Scary Euro Man
killer_clank said:
Liberal Democrat fail. Looking like they'll be stuck on the island seats.

Yay. Big step back for British politics - stuck with a broken voting system, and blaming the Lib Dems for a situation that the two big parties are just as responsible for.


The Amiga Brotherhood
The only 2 parties who can be happy are the SNP obviously, and the Tories.

Lib Dem annihilation, and no endorsement of a new Labour party and Ed Milliband (surely the worst possible choice of leader?). Labour's gains in England are just by default because of the collapse of the Lib Dem vote and no alternative like in Scotland. They've taken nothing away from the Tories at all.

With the defeat of AV as well, Cameron is going to be a smug bastard today.
The Lib Dems still have the nuclear option, which would be to collapse the government, which I assume would result in an election, but chances are they'd lose tons of seats and what little power they have. But if they stay in this coalition any longer, it will probably destroy them.

It'll be interesting to see what happens in the next year or so.


The Amiga Brotherhood
Guerrillas in the Mist said:
The Lib Dems still have the nuclear option, which would be to collapse the government, which I assume would result in an election, but chances are they'd lose tons of seats and what little power they have. But if they stay in this coalition any longer, it will probably destroy them.

It'll be interesting to see what happens in the next year or so.

Bringing down the Government in this climate would wipe the Lib Dems out completely, I don't think they'll do that. Don't think Clegg will be going anywhere either, despite the predictable calls for him to quit.

What I do think the Lib Dems will do is make a conscious effort to distance themselves from the Tories, until now they've just let the Tories sit back and use them as the scapegoat for anything and everything. After the AV fiasco they will take their revenge by sticking to the coalition agreement to the letter and oppose anything that is outside it to restate their principles.

So things like the NHS reforms are likely to be opposed by them and fail to get through.


iapetus said:
Yay. Big step back for British politics - stuck with a broken voting system, and blaming the Lib Dems for a situation that the two big parties are just as responsible for.

But even then if the 'yes' vote won the referendum, its not legally binding. Cameron knew people wouldn't vote for it so allowed the referendum to take place. The only time when a political party did a referendum and it backfired big time was Labour and Rgional Assemblies though.
Wes said:
I predict a Scottish referendum on secession just before the Olympics for maximum clusterfuck.

They were saying on BBC Scotland 2014 when we have the Commonwealth Games and the Ryder Cup. (Also, 700 years since Bannockburn - this is the SNP)


Once And Future Member
Labour didn't have their best MSPs on the top up lists (since they expected to win all their FPTP constituency seats comfortably), so now pretty much the entire Labour front bench is gone. If the westminster Labour team was the A-List, and the Scottish Shadow Cabinet was the B-List, then what they've been left with is the C and D lists. Not even hardcore Labour supporters know who these people are who've got in on the list, they're completely screwed.
iapetus said:
Yay. Big step back for British politics - stuck with a broken voting system, and blaming the Lib Dems for a situation that the two big parties are just as responsible for.

The two main parties forced the Libs towards the right?


Once And Future Member
SNP need 4 more seats for an overall majority, with 4 constituencies and 3 regions left to declare!


NeoGAF's Chief Barrister
Guerrillas in the Mist said:
The Lib Dems still have the nuclear option, which would be to collapse the government, which I assume would result in an election, but chances are they'd lose tons of seats and what little power they have. But if they stay in this coalition any longer, it will probably destroy them.

It'll be interesting to see what happens in the next year or so.

For a party that took a principled and honourable stand at the general election, pressed for fixed-term parliaments and has acheived a strong practical government presence that would be a really bad move.

I think best move for the LibDems is to hold firm in coalition so that when things get better (and they will) they get at least some of the credit and possibly more than they actually deserve. That's going to take some guts and some of the opposite of short-termism. But if they pull through that, they'll pull in a whole new tranche of voters come the next general election. Me for one, probably.

Why on earth would they force an election at a time when their polls are so low? It doesn't make sense.

Meadows said:
bad day for Plaid :(

Yeah. I'm disappointed at that, being as they're the only party I've ever actually been a member of many years ago - resigned when they went too overtly 'broad left' as Labour poodles. Would vote for them now except I live in England.

Pleased for SNP though.
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