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UK PoliGAF thread of tell me about the rabbits again, Dave.


A reduction in the headline corporation tax rate to 26% and a reduction in the repatriation tax rate to 3.5% (both are part of the same package really). I honestly can't think of anything else. In 2013/14 when the corporation tax rate hits 23% I think we will see big private sector growth as we will be extremely competitive tax rates, and with it will come new jobs in construction, manufacturing and services - the three major sectors of our economy. Until then I think the measures for big business have been limited.

The government should be cutting state spending faster and implementing tax cuts faster as well. Get jobs out of the public sector and into the private sector. Since 2010 there has been a net transfer of 300,000 from the public sector to the private sector. If the government are successful that figure should be more like 1.2m in 2015/16.

There are more. I have a friend who is a solicitor who every Monday goes to help people with employer issues. And his job was made quite a bit more difficult, when out of nowhere, it was decided that employment tribunals favoured the 'frivolous' employee lawsuits, so laws were passed for it to be harder for workers to sue and easier for companies to deal with these things. You'd have thought the government hired business advisers or something. :p

Anyway that's him, there are more, and it's beside the point.

The point being that we are being sold dreams *again*. Lower the corporation tax and companies will come flooding in, they say. It's stated as if it is a law and that no risk is involved and that we may lose money in this venture. Short term loss < long term gain.

Who benefits in the short term? big corporations who have to please stocks holders, *right now*. Who loses now? well tax-payers obviously. Who gains long term? big business. Who gains long term? erm, maybe us, but tbh, we're competing with other countries, and they could go lower, or offer similar deals; we're not doing magic here. And do we even have a real idea how to fight that off? What is the failsafe on this deal btw? its not like we can go back up - We'd lose business by going back up. so once we go down, we pretty much cant go back up?

Instead of tightening up corporation tax laws, we've lowered it. And are going to be lowering it further. And we haven't just lowered it to be competitive, we are going to be one of the lowest amongst the top economies. Not only can we afford it, when we can't afford to keep libraries open, but its good for us, and our future. :p

They get a better and better deal, and we get a poorer and poorer dream.


By 2015, academics had coined the phrase "urban neo-Victorian dystopia" to describe the dramatic social and spatial changes in the city they had begun to compare, with only a little exaggeration, with the London described by Charles Dickens 160 years earlier.

London the victorian dystopia

The Guardian is getting in the Christmas spirit.


The things i would do to Susanna Reid, the youtube panty-watch videos of her are really creepy though.


It's better than Daybreak, yes... but it melts my brain to watch still. When I wasn't commuting to work I could still look forward to News 24 service starting at 08:30. Now I'm out of the house before that.

It all went downhill when Frank Bough left.





Unconfirmed Member
I'm not keen on him at all, what he wants is big buisness and finance to be global and above political control, and the people stuck in their little national boxes.

I love him for his character and personality but I'm on the fence with UKIP views because I don't know what the best position for England to be in. Personally though, I would like for England to have more control and powers but still have the benefits of the the Europe market.


I love him for his character and personality but I'm on the fence with UKIP views because I don't know what the best position for England to be in. Personally though, I would like for England to have more control and powers but still have the benefits of the the Europe market.

And European politics doesn't really have to pander to the local political scene; so there is to some degree a little bit of political independence.


I love him for his character and personality but I'm on the fence with UKIP views because I don't know what the best position for England to be in. Personally though, I would like for England to have more control and powers but still have the benefits of the the Europe market.

For that to be remotely worthwhile we would need internal political reform (PR), otherwise its a choice of three very similar political parties. And if the Scots become independent then we may as well not bother voting, and just declare the country Conservitania.

That's if you mean the people having more control and not just the politicians.



I love that woman in the background who's blatantly on LSD looking at those balloons

As for UKIP: I like Farage, I'd love to sit down and have a couple of glasses of wine and talk about stuff with him, but I don't agree with his non-European policies (although I don't know much about them, they're a bit of a single issue party)...in fact I don't fully agree with his European policies either.



Deborah Meaden dropping truth bombs all up in that shit. Good QT so far (half way)

Oh, by the way, it's your national duty to watch QT every week.

And lol at the far right nutter at 26:01 saying "enough tax, give us our money back!!!!" and then like 2 people clapping him.

and a fucking total PIMP at 27:06

Oh, and Chuka Umunna is a cunt. God, just the way he speaks to Ken Clarke at 31:20ish is just fucking annoying "HOW MANY JSA CLAIMANTS DO YOU HAVE IN YOUR CONSTITUENCY, THE EXACT NUMBER?" It's like fuck off, he's the justice secretary he doesn't know the exact fucking number, and I'm sure you didn't until you read it 10 minutes before the show so that you had a gotcha question. Makes my piss boil, typical new Labour bollocks.

The exchange at 33:40 is amazing, Clarke absolutely OWNS THE SHIT out of Umunna. God-tier.


Unconfirmed Member
I got to love question time. It's like watching a national sport event but with politics as the rules. Watching now, thanks Meadows.


Wow, the Tories really have taken over this thread.


What do you chaps think of the government's latest scheme to give away "share" our once-confidential NHS medical records with private "life sciences" companies (read "Big Pharma") just to help them make even more undue profit?

Surely there's someone like me in this thread who has severe misgivings about this flagrant abuse of people's privacy for monetary gain? What next - selling off the National Genome?


Wow, the Tories really have taken over this thread.


What do you chaps think of the government's latest scheme to give away "share" our once-confidential NHS medical records with private "life sciences" companies (read "Big Pharma") just to help them make even more undue profit?

Surely there's someone like me in this thread who has severe misgivings about this flagrant abuse of people's privacy for monetary gain? What next - selling off the National Genome?

How have Tories taken over the thread? I think Zomg is the only one?

Anyway, that's a shocking idea, probably won't get through the Lords.


Unconfirmed Member
happened like 6 months ago. britgaf is strickly torygaf now. i heard meadows is trying to deport his own girlfriend, the jerk!

Chinner, how's that Pickles still trying to get you? Last time he was quite unsuccessful when he tried to get his local community to go into the pond and "rescue" the local ducks and deliver them to his house. Fat bastard was gonna eat you alive.


happened like 6 months ago. britgaf is strickly torygaf now. i heard meadows is trying to deport his own girlfriend, the jerk!

It'd mean a lot less nagging!

Most people ask the best way to end a relationship, for me, I just vote BNP and get rid of her!

for reference, I love my girlfriend very much and she never nags me
Wow, the Tories really have taken over this thread.


What do you chaps think of the government's latest scheme to give away "share" our once-confidential NHS medical records with private "life sciences" companies (read "Big Pharma") just to help them make even more undue profit?

Surely there's someone like me in this thread who has severe misgivings about this flagrant abuse of people's privacy for monetary gain? What next - selling off the National Genome?

There is a severe danger of setting precedents that could really bite us in the arse in future if these sorts of things happen. The holy grail of pharmacology is a giant list of populace genetic data that they can target their medicines at. Executives will try and defend these moves by saying they will be able to produce a much more 'personalised healthcare' for everyone but in reality they will be able to drive up the cost of their products by using demand as the catalyst.

The absolute worst case scenario would be data from the NHS Spine getting into the hands of insurance companies, some of which are closely associated with the big pharmaceutical companies such as Glaxo, Pfizer, and AstraZeneca already.
IMO, the real issue with the EU, which had been forgotten about in recent events, is the need to get rid of, or to reform the CAP. It takes up close to half the EU budget and benefits almost all the wrong people. Yet for some reason it's untouchable.

As a patriotic North British-er, I blame the French.


Watched that Nick Robinson thing before btw. It was really good, the winter fuel allowance is an absolute load of bollocks, but nobody can take it away because they'll lose votes. Only solution I can come up with is just to leave it at £200 until inflation makes that a less troublesome figure.

If you think about the allowance in a round about way, it's just subsidising gas companies like British Gas and Eon. Ridiculous.

My favourite thing about the programme was how open the politicians were, for example all of them saying the allowance was ridiculous but that if the other party mentioned getting rid of it, as a matter of politics they'd jump on them like a tonne of bricks.
Watched that Nick Robinson thing before btw. It was really good, the winter fuel allowance is an absolute load of bollocks, but nobody can take it away because they'll lose votes. Only solution I can come up with is just to leave it at £200 until inflation makes that a less troublesome figure.

If you think about the allowance in a round about way, it's just subsidising gas companies like British Gas and Eon. Ridiculous.

The other thing that could make that fucking massive cost more pallet-able would be the eventual driving down of the cost of energy. That'll take ages because we need the windfarms up and running and then a much larger investment in nuclear power.

2.3 Billion (I think) a year on old peoples fuel bills. Crazy.


The other thing that could make that fucking massive cost more pallet-able would be the eventual driving down of the cost of energy. That'll take ages because we need the windfarms up and running and then a much larger investment in nuclear power.

2.3 Billion (I think) a year on old peoples fuel bills. Crazy.

Yeah, that part that pissed me off even more was when Robinson said that we could have avoided raising tuition fees with that kind of money.

Respect to Robinson for dropping truthbombs all up in that biatch


Ah, but would you rather the olds freeze to death in their beds? No? Then keep payin' up. [/energycartel]

It really is an intractable mess, but unless we want a sudden epidemic of grandmas and grandpas dying of pneumonia, what else is there to do? The energy cartel have us by the balls, and not just on this matter either.


You know these really cold winters we've been having?

They're actually really good for the government because an extra 20,000 people (mainly elderly/disabled people who take a lot of social security) are dying because of it, mainly due to falling or freezing to death.

If all of, say even every person older than 90 in the country just died overnight, we'd see our deficit gone completely and we'd be in an amazing financial situation.
You know these really cold winters we've been having?

They're actually really good for the government because an extra 20,000 people (mainly elderly/disabled people who take a lot of social security) are dying because of it, mainly due to falling or freezing to death.

If all of, say even every person older than 90 in the country just died overnight, we'd see our deficit gone completely and we'd be in an amazing financial situation.

I'm a fiscal conservative, but even I don't think it's good to let people freeze to death so we can balance the books.
It really is disgusting how all of the politicians know that something is a mess but won't do anything about it because of the political suicide associated with it.

When it comes down to that, none of them are truly acting in the national interest. Its all a game of 'I want to stay in my job' instead of making a greater Britain.

Just to clear things up. . I'm not in favour of people freezing to death in their houses, but I do think that there were steps taken to get us into this mess and there are certainly things that can be done to get us out of it.

For example the talks of the energy companies simplifying their tariffs is a good start and the talk of making it easier to switch suppliers should increase competition.

If things continue the way they are, think of the mess we'll be in when all of the people without pensions or savings get old. Some of those people might not have even paid off their student debt in their lifetimes.



What do you want changed about fuel allowance? Except for killing them like Meadows wants.
Edit: You have kinda addressed that in your (stealth?) edit.


I'm a fiscal conservative, but even I don't think it's good to let people freeze to death so we can balance the books.

haha yeah I wasn't exactly saying we should kill all 90+ people, but people living increasingly longer is something that has to be solved, and the £200 a month given to OAPs is ridiculous beyond all belief. Fucking baby boomers covering themselves again at our expense.

I'm also sick of this rhetoric around us being the "lost generation" and how we need to change the school system because we're all useless apparently. It's like all of the teaching unions and politicians have just sacked us off as a learning process and said they'll get it better next time.

What do you want changed about fuel allowance? Except for killing them like Meadows wants.
Edit: You have kinda addressed that in your (stealth?) edit.

There's nothing any politician can do anymore, the damage is done, literally all that can be done is to never increase the allowance and inflate the problem away over time.
I'm a fiscal conservative, but even I don't think it's good to let people freeze to death so we can balance the books.

The issue is, at the moment it's automatic, and I'd imagine it was a good idea at a time when the majority of pensioners were struggling to get by, but now many pensioners are quite well off and I know some (my Nan included, bless her) that are a tad embarrassed about receiving it. Of course, figuring out some way to means test it would almost be as difficult, and perhaps just as costly.
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