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UK/R.O.I GAF - Thread of geopolitical confusion

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Jill Sandwich

the turds of Optimus Prime
Chill out bro I was drunk posting!

No worries, I was PMSing. Wetherspoons is fine when you're after a McPub, good value drinks and food. Hey we're talking about Wetherspoons again!

What does everyone think of Bros?



If you're eating at Weatherspoons for anything other than raw, animal hunger and necessity then you're doing it wrong.

Like that guy earlier who said Manchester was miserable and rainy...while he ate at Weatherspoons.


will gently cradle you as time slowly ticks away.
If you're eating at Weatherspoons for anything other than raw, animal hunger and necessity then you're doing it wrong.

I hate to play the "elitist" card... so I won't.

Personally I prefer cooking everything myself. According to my girlfriend I eat too quickly to appreciate "posh" food anyways. And I'd rather die than pay top dollar for the portions you get in Taipei. Unless it's Bravo Burger. Those mofos know what "Meiguo Size" means.


Prodigal Son
I like a burger and pepsi at Wetherspoon's. Staff are always nice to me and it's decently priced.

By the way, I'll be going on another manc-venture. Got a call today for a Monday job interview. wtf short notice


I hate to play the "elitist" card... so I won't.

Personally I prefer cooking everything myself. According to my girlfriend I eat too quickly to appreciate "posh" food anyways. And I'd rather die than pay top dollar for the portions you get in Taipei. Unless it's Bravo Burger. Those mofos know what "Meiguo Size" means.

Top dollar? Are you shitting me?

A good sized Bien Dung (bento, I don't know the pinyin) costs 75NT (£1.50). If two of those don't fill you (£3) then there's something medically wrong with you.


will gently cradle you as time slowly ticks away.
Top dollar? Are you shitting me?

A good sized Bien Dung (bento, I don't know the pinyin) costs 75NT (£1.50). If two of those don't fill you (£3) then there's something medically wrong with you.

I mean the shit that costs over $400 for a single person. Like the stuff in Taipei city centre. Yeah I know, bitching about paying £10 for a meal, but it's all proportional to what I can buy here. My argument is actually agreeing with you here. Why go to a fancy place and spend $400 when you could buy 2-3 McDonalds meals or over 7 Jipais for the same price?

Since my girlfriend's flat doesn't have a cooker I tend to just buy beef/pork fried rice for $80. It's usually enough. I snack on bananas during the day because they're cheap as fuck.
Is it banned as a news source? Can you still post obviously ridiculous things there (e.g. would we be able to discuss Samantha Brick if her articles only went online now?)


When keepin it real goes wrong. Very, very wrong.
wetherspoons food?? oh man, what a joke.

There burgers are godly. There new brunch burger has a fried egg with becon on it. I managed one down today when I had the worse hangover.

My mission tonigh is to get a pizza from a kabab place and get drunk. Our weed is low so I won't be getting baked but fuck Iv spent most of this trip baked and it's been incredible. Im looking proper sharp tonight despite a visible sharing cut on my lip that is intact ruining my otherwise perfect face.

Anyway guys rock on that's our platoon heading out

Open ended kabab shops blasting out dance tunes this reminds me of benidorm mixed with las Vegas mixed with 80s ness and tackyness so good

German bars FTw I was drinking a big ass stiene ? Can't spell it but it's like a big ass beer glass for the win. Had to leave the place after one drink due to the big concert style speakers they had (stuff of hearing damage) fuck it il find another place with loud yet not to loud music.


CHEEZMO™;37377999 said:
One of these does not belong.

you're absolutely right. I apologise. Bill O Reilly is a very credible political commentator.
lol. I kid

So I went for my usual weekend walk today and I stopped at a crossing to allow traffic to pass and this cyclist was turning into a side road and - from what I saw - he turned the corner too quickly and fell off his bike and scrapped himself across the concrete. looked pretty painful. I walked completely past him since - as a driver - I have no sympathy for cyclists on roads. He seemed fine though because I turned round and saw him quickly got up, left his bike on the middle of the road (some random dude had to drag it to the pavement) and took off his helmet and started yelling at the car that was in front of him (who wasn't anywhere near him if you ask me). Eventually the car stopped and the driver came out and they both had some form of verbal conflict.

apart from that, went to a Turkish restaurant and had the most amazing meal I have ever had in a long time. oh, and I picked this up:



Hot drinks that don't involve milk are for child murderers
My local actually-good cocktail bar/club mixes me a bourbon, lemon, cinnamon syrup and ginger cocktail, served hot, whenever I have a cold I need shifting. There is no milk in it. It is one of the most delicious drinks ever.

Thus, you are factually wrong.
My local actually-good cocktail bar/club mixes me a bourbon, lemon, cinnamon syrup and ginger cocktail, served hot, whenever I have a cold I need shifting. There is no milk in it. It is one of the most delicious drinks ever.

Thus, you are factually wrong.

Exception to the rule! Also that sounds weird as shit in a good way.


Rainymood+Blade Runner soundtrack is the best combo.

Anyway I'm going to bed because I'm well tired. Just watched Captain America. It was cheesy fun. Next to the first Iron Man, the only film out of this new Marvel stable worth watching.


Vied for a tag related to cocks, so here it is.
You come to Newcastle or Huddersfield depending on the time of year and I will get pissed with you/any of you.

Maaaan I had an awesome night out, not SUPER pissed but drunk enough to enjoy mesen and be "sober" enough to be good for football in the morning.
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