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UK/R.O.I GAF - Thread of geopolitical confusion

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no angel

I'm away for one weekend and now the place is awash with Brit-on-Brit violence :(

I feel fucking rancid today. Was drunk for almost the entirety of the weekend. Proposed to the missus on Saturday night. She didn't see it coming because she didn't know I'd been to see her dad. It was nice. She said yes, the champagne started flowing and didn't stop until late last night.

I need to leave work, go home & go to bed. Head is banging.

Congratulations mate, have you set a date yet? I'm getting married in august, take my advice and plan that shit way in advance. We only decided on the date in January so the last three months have been very hectic (and expensive)!


Vied for a tag related to cocks, so here it is.
Man everyone needs to chill out, less Brit on Brit violence y'all!

Kent don't go anywhere, and 'grats Smoky, i think asking the dad is an honourable thing to do and makes you look great to their family.


Cheers all!

Asking her dad went over really well and I'd definitely advise other prospective engagees do the same thing. Yeah, it's a little old fashioned but that doesn't always have to be a bad thing.

Congratulations mate, have you set a date yet? I'm getting married in august, take my advice and plan that shit way in advance. We only decided on the date in January so the last three months have been very hectic (and expensive)!

It's gonna be next year, probably over the summer. Depends on availability, savings and all sorts of shite. I'm sure I'll see enough bridal magazines over the next few months to last me a lifetime!

I'm debating whether to buy an engagement iPad 3 for myself. Seems like the right thing to do.

so smokey you gonna have kids then
Yup. Not yet, but sometime in the next 18 months / 2 years, I'd imagine. Quite looking forward to it, I'll be able to buy way more LEGO when there's a kid in the house.


What happened to the fucking weather. I went out with a tshirt, shirt and jacket because it was windy and supposed to rain, then I get into town and I'm bloody overheating.


Cheers all!

Asking her dad went over really well and I'd definitely advise other prospective engagees do the same thing. Yeah, it's a little old fashioned but that doesn't always have to be a bad thing.
I have no issue with other people doing it, but I wouldn't myself. I wouldn't be able to ignore the fact that it is a practice that is in principle more than a little bit sexist.

Also, it seems a tad unfair for the girl's parents to know before the girl herself!

But if it works for people, it works. Glad it went well for you.

It's gonna be next year, probably over the summer. Depends on availability, savings and all sorts of shite. I'm sure I'll see enough bridal magazines over the next few months to last me a lifetime!
Pffsht. Long engagement that shit. Stretch it out. You know you're counting down to the day the sex starts to dry up.

Yup. Not yet, but sometime in the next 18 months / 2 years, I'd imagine. Quite looking forward to it, I'll be able to buy way more LEGO when there's a kid in the house.
You'll have to wait until they're 8 years old before you can justify buying the cool stuff.


Does your fiancé know your a neogaf legend ?

*leaves the thread again*
She's my fiancée! Two e's. She has boobs and everything.

She knows I GAF a lot, she has an account here too. I'm not sure I qualify as a 'legend' though, so I haven't mentioned that. Hell, I'm not even a 'real' GAFfer:
Closing on 17,000 posts but I've never been banned.

I have no issue with other people doing it, but I wouldn't myself. I wouldn't be able to ignore the fact that it is a practice that is in principle more than a little bit sexist.

Also, it seems a tad unfair for the girl's parents to know before the girl herself!

But if it works for people, it works. Glad it went well for you.
We're both really happy with traditional gender roles. I think we'd blow the minds of 'enlightened GAF' with how smoothly and easily everything works, even though we fly in the face of 'progressive' relationships. I open the doors, pull out chairs, carry the shopping bags etc.. and she cooks, cleans and irons. We kinda love it. Only break from the norm is the fact that she earns a lot more than me.

Pffsht. Long engagement that shit. Stretch it out. You know you're counting down to the day the sex starts to dry up.
Handing over a diamond ring has had a staggering effect on our sex life. I'm looking forward to handing over another!

You'll have to wait until they're 8 years old before you can justify buying the cool stuff.
Nah, I'm all about early development :)


We're both really happy with traditional gender roles. I think we'd blow the minds of 'enlightened GAF' with how smoothly and easily everything works, even though we fly in the face of 'progressive' relationships. I open the doors, pull out chairs, carry the shopping bags etc.. and she cooks, cleans and irons. We kinda love it. Only break from the norm is the fact that she earns a lot more than me.
That's cool. Like I said, what works for a couple works for a couple.

Handing over a diamond ring has had a staggering effect on our sex life. I'm looking forward to handing over another!
To quote Ally McBeal:
"If a couple puts a bean in a jar everytime they have sex during the first year of marriage, then every time after the first year takes a bean out of the jar, the jar never gets empty."

no angel

Pffsht. Long engagement that shit. Stretch it out. You know you're counting down to the day the sex starts to dry up.

Hah, we've been engaged for 5 years! to be fair we kept spending our wedding fund on buying houses (although I think secretly that was her plan to put it off as long as possible).

I've also come to the conclusion that I've entered the wrong business and should have gone into the wedding trade. I'm sure they multiply all costs by at least 5 just because it's a wedding. Bastards.


She's my fiancée! Two e's. She has boobs and everything.

She knows I GAF a lot, she has an account here too. I'm not sure I qualify as a 'legend' though, so I haven't mentioned that. Hell, I'm not even a 'real' GAFfer:
Closing on 17,000 posts but I've never been banned.

We're both really happy with traditional gender roles. I think we'd blow the minds of 'enlightened GAF' with how smoothly and easily everything works, even though we fly in the face of 'progressive' relationships. I open the doors, pull out chairs, carry the shopping bags etc.. and she cooks, cleans and irons. We kinda love it. Only break from the norm is the fact that she earns a lot more than me.

Fucking hell, you lucky bugger.
Fucking hell, you lucky bugger.

For the longest time I've wanted to be a househusband. Has been my dream for years but my gf doesn't earn enough to keep us both.

I wasn't happy when she said that she'd like to be a housewife the other month, she knows that's my ambition (househusband, that is).
Where's the :lol smiley when you need it?

Anyone here work from home?

Seeing as I'm doing freelance work for a company, I'm supposed to work from home but this crowd is nice enough that they have some free office space and let me work there. I like working from the office but I'm sick of commuting in and out every day especially when the weather is bad.

The only problem is that if I start working from home, I'm afraid I'll end up doing nothing and wallow in my own filth for days on end.

no angel

For the longest time I've wanted to be a househusband. Has been my dream for years but my gf doesn't earn enough to keep us both.

I wasn't happy when she said that she'd like to be a housewife the other month, she knows that's my ambition (househusband, that is).
Cosigned. Unfortunately My fiancée hates her job so much she told me that she wants a baby just for the time off. I told her that if she gets pregnant I'll throw it in the sea.

I don't want kids yet!


hes living the dream.

Either that or he's Paul Mckenna, and she doesn't know what's going on.

For the longest time I've wanted to be a househusband. Has been my dream for years but my gf doesn't earn enough to keep us both.

I wasn't happy when she said that she'd like to be a housewife the other month, she knows that's my ambition (househusband, that is).

I did it for 5yrs, wife didn't earn much but i fucking loved not worrying about all the shit that goes with employment.
Cosigned. Unfortunately My fiancée hates her job so much she told me that she wants a baby just for the time off. I told her that if she gets pregnant I'll throw it in the sea.

I don't want kids yet!

Ha! I'm looking forward to when or if we have kids as then I can get a dog. Think my priorities may be a tad messed up.


Anyone here work from home?

Seeing as I'm doing freelance work for a company, I'm supposed to work from home but this crowd is nice enough that they have some free office space and let me work there. I like working from the office but I'm sick of commuting in and out every day especially when the weather is bad.

The only problem is that if I start working from home, I'm afraid I'll end up doing nothing and wallow in my own filth for days on end.

I work from home now and then, after a while you wish you could interact with people instead of phone and email though. I'm a social creature damnit. It's nice to take things at your own pace, sit there with the radio/TV on and crack on with work though.













Either that or he's Paul Mckenna, and she doesn't know what's going on.

I did it for 5yrs, wife didn't earn much but i fucking loved not worrying about all the shit that goes with employment.

I've done it for a few months previously and I loved it. Cooking, cleaning, DIY etc plus bundles of fucking spare time.


That's cool. Like I said, what works for a couple works for a couple.

To quote Ally McBeal:
"If a couple puts a bean in a jar everytime they have sex during the first year of marriage, then every time after the first year takes a bean out of the jar, the jar never gets empty."
Although I really enjoyed Season 1 of Ally McBeal, by the middle of Season 2 I was ready to punch Calista Flockhart in the throat. Her character went from 'ditzy' to flat-out stupid.

Fucking hell, you lucky bugger.
Eh, we both bring plenty to the table. She just happens to bring more than me!

We have never, ever fought over money. I'm really happy about that.

Edit: No way could I ever work from home. Never. My house is just full of toys designed to divert my attention from work. I'd need a job that I absolutely loved for it to even stand a chance.
I work from home now and then, after a while you wish you could interact with people instead of phone and email though. I'm a social creature damnit. It's nice to take things at your own pace, sit there with the radio/TV on and crack on with work though.

I worked from home for two weeks before, I then had to take 3 days annual leave to catch up on work that I hadn't done before i went back to work.

Hopefully working from home for the olympics but I'll be a bit better at managing the work this time.
I would rather take the weeks off work than have to be in London during the Olympics. You should take a career break for then.

I'll be completely changing careers hopefully in September and I need all my annual leave in the meantime fro training and work experience in my new career.

I live in the Camden area so hopefully won't be too badly affected if I'm working from home, plus my job is a doddle most of the time. I work in Stratford and there's no fucking way I'm working here for the Olympics, it's going to be a complete disaster in that station as it can barely handle the passengers now.


I work from home (self employed) can can confirm that every one of those Oatmeal comics is 100% correct.

Everyone of them.

That's right, in my pants.


im kinda tempted to run the london marathon in 2013. any words?

maybe us uk gaffers can do it. we can do it to meadows unbanned??


i wont bother editing that. i appreciate the pure terrible grammatical sentencing of that particular sentence in which you highlighted.
im kinda tempted to run the london marathon in 2013. any words?

maybe us uk gaffers can do it. we can do it to meadows unbanned??

Enter the ballot (which you have to do today, I think) and cross your fingers because if you don't get in that way you'll have to go via a charity and get about £2k sponsorship (think it's £1650 at my place).

no angel

Ha! I'm looking forward to when or if we have kids as then I can get a dog. Think my priorities may be a tad messed up.

I said the same thing, maternity leave is a great time to get a puppy as someone's home with it all the time and it grows up with the child. My parents have got a 5 month old nova scotion duck tolling retriever and bryony's besotted with it so I reckon I'm in with a chance.

This is scary J, it's like we're psychically linked. Perhaps we should marry each other?

(although we're obviously going to argue over who gets househusband duty. Dibs. )


Got my first paycheque today. That felt really good. Am now no longer in debt to my parents, either, and for the first time ever I have more than £500 in my back account. Starting to feel like a proper adult for the first time in my life, not including student loans that immediately went on rent.

I mean, I've had jobs before but this time it's different, ya?
I did it, and he appreciated being asked, good excuse for a couple of beers as well. Not sure what I'd have done if he'd said no though!

Let her decide, perhaps :D

Anyway, Dave, you've kind of won me round to the idea of it, just for sentimentality / tradition more than anything else. Congrats again.
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