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UK/R.O.I GAF - Thread of geopolitical confusion

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Hey, it's true. I think there's something about a love of metal/hard rock that makes people into the friendliest motherfuckers on the planet, because everyone I've met who's expressed interest in the festival has been a stand-up guy/girl.


oh absolutely! When I was at Rock am Ring back in 2008 it was such an incredible atmosphere and people were so friendly. I recall this one time I was seeing Incubus and I desperately needed a drink so I headed to one of the stands at the sideline and asked for a coke. The dude serving the drink took the Euros and placed the cup on the table and went to serve someone else. It was still pretty crowded at the sidelines and I got slightly shoved back so I was just about to stretch my arm to get my drink when some random German chick picked up my cup and handed it to me. At first I was about to go nuts at her because I thought she was gonna run away with it but I was surprised at how cool she was. We ended up talking and enjoying the rest of the bands that played that evening.

Actually, one of the safest gigs I've ever been to was to see Meshuggah. Music was loud and angry but the crowd were so calm. No shoving or crushing or even the smell of piss. Usually I sweat like crazy and end up being completely drenched but I came out of that gig surprisingly dry.


so uni has properly finished for me now, and im now in the position where i'm looking to get a job. shamefully one of the side effects is that a lot of people i know are now leaving so i'm losing a lot of hang-out time and other shit.

i really don't want to sit around playing videogames outside of work hours.

so i need to get some hobbies and shit, apart from jerking off. so any good suggestions. i'm thinking of taking up a martial art of some sort, for some reason indoor wall climbing interests me for some reason, what other shit can i do thats a good time waste and easy to meet new people?*

*i'm not going to games workshop.
so uni has properly finished for me now, and im now in the position where i'm looking to get a job. shamefully one of the side effects is that a lot of people i know are now leaving so i'm losing a lot of hang-out time and other shit.

i really don't want to sit around playing videogames outside of work hours.

so i need to get some hobbies and shit, apart from jerking off. so any good suggestions. i'm thinking of taking up a martial art of some sort, for some reason indoor wall climbing interests me for some reason, what other shit can i do thats a good time waste and easy to meet new people?*

*i'm not going to games workshop.
Extreme skateboard jerking off.


When keepin it real goes wrong. Very, very wrong.
Chinner join your local golf club. It's a excuse for you to wear checkered polo shorts that you dig so much.

I need a hobby my self but I have no motivation so I end up surfing the net for hours on end. Today im going to walk to a body of water I spotted on google maps (its a few miles outside my village, all country paths) I hope to put both of my feet in the water and get that crystal clear refreshing feeling. I'm going to enjoy it so much, if I wasnt as wise as I am these days I would swim in the water but drowning would suck ass so il just stick with dipping my feet In.

I suppose "hiking" is a hobby.

Jedeye Sniv

Chinner join your local golf club. It's a excuse for you to wear checkered polo shorts that you dig so much.

I need a hobby my self but I have no motivation so I end up surfing the net for hours on end. Today im going to walk to a body of water I spotted on google maps (its a few miles outside my village, all country paths) I hope to put both of my feet in the water and get that crystal clear refreshing feeling. I'm going to enjoy it so much, if I wasnt as wise as I am these days I would swim in the water but drowning would suck ass so il just stick with dipping my feet In.

I suppose "hiking" is a hobby.

Sounds lovely. Will you be taking headphones or listening to the birdies? I find that I enjoy walking with headphones, but I sometimes realise that I missing out on all the sounds of the world, and it makes you quite insular. But there's something very calming about walking or riding around with your favourite songs blasting.

Godamn is it hot today. I just had to walk across school (about a 10 min walk, this place is huuuuuge), and I'm not used to wearing a full suit in this weather at all. I want to ditch the jacket, lose the tie and roll my sleeves up. But I haven't seen anyone else in shirtsleeves yet, everyone wears a tie, and I have tattoos that my posh peers might balk at. Oh dear...!
Crap, I spend one day gettting drunk in the queue for my favourite band and look at all the stuff I missed!

Firstly, happy belated birthday Dave, hope it was a good one for ya. Secondly, can I come to your Eurovision party please?

As for the chart, proves what I knew all along, people who take drugs have shit taste in music.


When keepin it real goes wrong. Very, very wrong.
Gotta love lifting my leg a little to let one rip, so causal yet so manly. Loving this weather folks
Yeah yeah that's them, In The Shadows, 2004. S'all anyone in this country knows them for.

And hey, isn't everyone just super glad that Kentpaul is back in this thread?


When keepin it real goes wrong. Very, very wrong.
Not you, Kent. Musha

She should be nice to you because you were one of the only people who commented on the pictures she posted the other day.

Everyone should be nice to me im a good guy, in tesco right now buying meat for a BBQ, we just bumped Into some dudes who's coming with us. One of the guys sold me ectasy around Xmas time lmfao it will be good to chill sober with the dude he was rolling last time I seen him. Also popping by a dudes house to pick up a bad boy spliffy. I live for summer.


I'm not actually that sad because he'd already had three strokes and was kind of not there anymore. This was a long time coming, really.

Still, bit of a shock coming home to it.
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