I think they could get away with a $5-10 charge just for a balance patch if they added the Vita features in plus some of the features we requested up there.
Man, I could imagine the usual general gaming outrage being even more than usual if there would be a charge for an update with no new characters.
Input changes need strong arguments for them, not just "well, that's tradition". I even left Shuma-Gorath's inputs as goddamn charge moves. You're a Zero player, so dp motions should be second nature to you.
A few people have brought up the ATK+S input change, and I'm interested in it, but I haven't really seen a compelling argument. Would it somehow improve the character? Does the current input interfere with his gameplay in some way? None of the committee members have responded to these requests. It's truly bizarre that you are focusing on me. If no committee member attaches to an idea, it doesn't move - it is required that 4/5 vote for it. Instead of whining to me, whine to another member to take up your cause. I just change the list - I don't control what's on it beyond the initial suggestions I post, which are my own ideas, which is how everyone should be doing it.
I like the Atk+S change for Iron Man as well.
I dunno. I just think making inputs as simple as possible if the option exists is just better design, especially if there is a history and it doesn't break the move. Less focus on execution, more on strategy. If there's not a valid argument against it, or the argument against changing is that it the difference is negligible, I don't see a reason not to.