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Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 |OT4| Nothing Stops This Patch!


get some go again
In my opinion Chris/Spencer/Sentinel.

In actuality probably Zero/Dante/Vergil.

I would've used the Chris team though. And Task plus Haggar kinda wrecks them if I'm not careful. Not to mention Hawkeye can always be a pain in the ass if I'm not careful
next time i want to play the chris/spencer/sent team. i play a ton of zero may cry teams so not much interest in that team. :p
next time i want to play the chris/spencer/sent team. i play a ton of zero may cry teams so not much interest in that team. :p
Will do. Though Haggar just strikes way too much fear in my heart. Hell I'm fighting a Haggar player right now and he's fucking destroying me. Haggar can be on so many damn teams....you just never know what's coming. And you think the combo is over? Hell no! It's never done.


Frank has won stuff but solely as an "assist" character. Kusuro won with Frank and Justin Wong won with Frank (Spencer/Vergil/Frank). This EVO season though (the one going from 2012 to 2013) there were no Frank wins. The character is still a major risk to play on a team.

Of course the counter argument can be made in that no top player is using a completely optimized Frank team (ie. using Dante with him plus a point character who benefits from Jam Session and gets to LVL4 Frank in a single combo).

Nova or Skrull/Frank/Dante

All sound like optimized Frank teams to me.
Annotations for the first 10 characters. Feel free to add/comment/critique. I left some of the Dante slots blank because I don't know how to explain the changes well enough to annotate them. If an experienced Dante player would write some stuff up, I would greatly appreciate that. Chris is not annotated because he has not been approved by the committee.


+Gohadoken (all) can now be canceled into Demon Flip.
Akuma has stubby normals and a mediocre dash. His primary game is based around his fireballs, but in most matchups they are not strong enough to control the field for him to get in. Allowing Gohadoken to be canceled into Demon Flip will improve his zoning and approach options, and will also give him new mix-up options such as an aerial Gohadoken canceled into Demon Flip H for cross-ups at close range. Since Demon Flip canceling Gohadoken leaves Akuma vulnerable and causes him to change his momentum, we are confident that this would not become too powerful, especially with the resulting fireball still being pushblockable. In general, we felt like Akuma needed a buff to his neutral game, and this made a lot of sense from a character design standpoint.

+Hyakkishu L x Hyakki Gojin (assist) now has 36 frames of startup.
Right now, this assist is only useful for unblockable setups, and it is rarely used even for this reason because these setups are unreliable and Tatsumaki Zankukyaku M is so strong. With a decreased startup, it is now more reliable as an OTG extension and becomes more appealing.

Since this is the first of many buffed OTG assists, this is an opportunity to discuss what we feel makes for a good OTG assist. In general, every OTG assist should have two traits:
1) A startup that guarantees nearly every character can use it as an OTG extension in a mid-screen combo. For this reason, nearly every OTG assist in the game has had its startup reduced to the mid-30s range. This places them roughly on par with Wesker’s Samurai Edge, which is currently the most used, and most useful, OTG assist in the game.

2) A secondary purpose beyond the OTG hit. Samurai Edge is useful because it OTGs and hits low, making it useful as a secondary assist on teams for unblockable setups. Most notably, it is frequently used with Frank West since Shopping Cart is good for Wesker, and after leveling up Frank West Samurai Edge synergizes well with Frank West’s paddle saws. We have tried to ensure other OTG options in the game are more appealing for their secondary purpose as well.

+Messatsu-Gohado Ungyo (air) can now be X-Factor canceled into Messatsu-Gohado Ungyo or Agyo.
Akuma is the only character with an aerial beam punish who cannot X-Factor cancel it into a second beam. As a character who spends a lot of time throwing fireballs and waiting for a beam punish, it is an unfortunate drawback to the character that he cannot double beam if the opportunity presents itself. Whereas Akuma was a terror of an anchor in Vanilla Marvel, he is now completely overshadowed by Strider, Vergil, and Phoenix in the present version. Providing Akuma with another comeback tool will make him a more attractive anchoring option. With the universal health increase, it is not quite the destructive tool it would have been in the present version.

+Health increased to 850,000.
We feel as though Strider’s health is justifiable at 750,000 because he has a teleport, teleport dive kick, solo mix-ups, and a very good rushdown game. Akuma has a solid moveset, but nothing about him suggests that he should be a high risk character with low health. His game is based around spacing and fireball throwing until he can get in and throw the opponent.

Character health ought to correlate to the degree of patience the character requires before getting a hit in. Instant gratification characters such as Phoenix and Strider, whom can dominate from a variety of positions and have easy pressure options, receive low health because when played properly, they should not be getting much or at all. A character like Hulk or Haggar deserves high health because they require patience and effort to get in and hit opponents. Their health is a buffer for the hazard (projectile/chip/hyper) damage they take before gaining an attack opportunity. Akuma is not Hulk or Haggar, but he also does not have the instant gratification options Strider and Phoenix do.

+Raging Demon hard knockdown time increased; now possible to OTG follow-up with Hyakki Gojin.
This is part of the nigh-univeral buff to level 3 hypers that we agreed on. Right now, Raging Demon is of questionable use. With two excellent and safe beam hypers to wear opponents down, Akuma is already among those characters who prefers to use meter opportunistically as a punishment tool. He also has an invincible hyper in Messatsu-Goshoryu. This hyper is an excellent reversal which also negates beams, leaving Raging Demon with a marginalized role as a reversal hyper. Since it also cannot be comboed into, Raging Demon is really only used in situations where it would either kill the opponent outright, making it slightly more attractive than Messatsu-Goshoryu, or when Akuma would die otherwise. Given Akuma’s variety of attractive meter-expending options, we feel it is important to provide Raging Demon with a post-hit combo option.

Since this is the first character of many with a buffed level 3, it is a good opportunity to outline our outlook on level 3 hypers. We feel as though level 3s, to be worth using beyond highly circumstantial situations, needs to have one of three traits:
1) Considerable utility (Strider’s Ouroboros, Arthur’s For the Princess).
2) Post-hyper combo extensions (Dante’s Devil Must Die).
3) Massive damage (Wesker’s Lost in Nightmares).

While Raging Demon seems to qualify under the third category, that the hyper is not comboable reduces the worth of that trait considerably. We did consider leaving Raging Demon in its current mechanic state while significantly buffing its damage, and we welcome you to consider this as an option as well.

Assists: Tatsumaki Zankukyaku M, Gohadoken H, Hyakkishu L x Hyakki Gojin
Tatsumaki Zankukyaku was left with its current version because the L version would not be useful, and the H version would likely be too strong. The startup time, priority, and projectile nullification trait compliment the assist’s lockdown trait to make it worth choosing. Gohadoken was changed to its H version to increase the traveling speed. UMvC3 is not a game that values slow projectiles in the neutral unless they cover a large portion of the screen or lock the opponent down. Gohadoken does neither. It may still not be used, but it is an improvement. Hyakkishu L x Hyakki Gojin was changed from the M version to increase the number of situations it can OTG from, and with the startup decrease we are confident that it will at least be chosen circumstantially on teams.

+Bloom’s frame data is now the same as Dark Harmonizer.
Bloom is a borderline suicidal move in its present state, and it’s not clear why. Giving up a neutral assist for meter generation contains a serious risk that few characters can handle, making the assist an already questionable choice for most teams. Likely, the team wanted to give Morrigan something special, and while we appreciate that, Morrigan has a lot going for her as a character, and we would rather see the other meter gain assists get used to improve team variety rather than keep the strong version of the assist to only one character simply for the sake of exclusivity.

+Minimum damage scaling on normals increased to 15%.
+Minimum damage scaling on hypers increased to 40%.

Amaterasu’s damage is extremely low. Improving her damage scaling slightly will help her in the game’s new meta. With the universal health buff, one of our goals is to not only remove damage sources which are extraordinarily high, but to also improve the damage dealt by low-end damage dealers. This is a slight change that will provide her with more competitive damage levels.

+Weapon Change startup reduced to 5 frames.
Stance-dancing is a key aspect of Amaterasu’s play, but stance-changing combos are underused due to their difficulty. This change will make those combos more consistent and usable for players, and will also improve the flow of her neutral game, which is currently rather bland due to all the frames spent stance-dashing in the air.

+Divine Instruments untechable knockdown time increased; follow-up combo possible.
Part of the nigh-universal level 3 hyper buffs. See Akuma’s level 3 for a list of our thought process on these changes. Divine Instruments is not going to be in a position to have strong utility, it should likely not be given massive damage due to its usage as a combo ender, but it is often used as an invincible counter against moves such as Bionic Lancer. Providing the move with a post-hyper follow-up will increase its utility.

+Veil of Mist no longer prevents meter generation from meter-generation moves (Soul Drain, Pick Me Up, etc.).
It makes good sense for Veil of Mist to negate meter generation when her team combo options are considered, but moves which have the sole purpose of generating meter should still function. Presently, Soul Drain will remove meter from the opponent, but will not steal it. This change will encourage more team formation experiments for Amaterasu, and we think it will not break Veil of Mist since it has a short duration.

+Thunder Edge L is now +1 on block.
Thunder Edge L should be Amaterasu’s standard blockstring ender while she has the weapon equipped. It is presently -1 on block, and there’s no reason she should be punished for using this move as an approach or blockstring ender. This also gives her a new tool to use in the neutral, as hitting an opponent from a distance will produce more frame advantage.

+Devout Beads Whip and Rosary Chain Combo Ichi, Ni, San, and Shi are now special cancelable.
+Rosary Chain Combo Ichi, Ni, San, and Shi all pull the opponent in closer on block or hit.

This is a two-part buff to Amaterasu’s rosary beads to make them worth using. The idea is that the 5-strike rosary chain combo could be stance canceled into a full combo. So against a large character like Hulk, where it is not safe for Amaterasu to rush with the reflector disk, she can go to the rosary beads and use multi-hit normals to lock him out of Gamma Charge approaches. If it hits, she can use the 5-strike combo, stance change to her reflector disk, and then continue the combo. This is why the pull-in is also important, as it ensures opponents are close enough for the link. On block, the rosary chain can be stance canceled into the reflector disk for a mix-up, since stance-canceling the beads leaves Amaterasu at considerable frame advantage.

+Amaterasu is now able to block 5 frames after the player lets go of her air dash input; air dash ceases immediately when inputs are let go of.
In Vanilla, Amaterasu was a frequently picked characters because she got in for free. Amaterasu players could vine dash in while holding back, approaching with complete safety into a very strong option select j.H in reflector stance. Nerfing this kind of mindlessly effective play was a smart decision, but now Amaterasu is very weak in the neutral. The universal air dash nerf was applied equally to all characters even though all characters do not have the same air dash, and as a result Amaterasu, is only ever played on the anchor position for Cold Star H assist, her THC, and her ability to make comebacks thanks to her XF3 infinite, solid incoming mix-ups, and Veil of Mist.

Just as one of our goals in this patch is to spread assist love across the cast, so too do we want to see characters played effectively on more spots than their present one(s). This change makes Amaterasu a more reasonable point choice while ensuring her gameplay still takes thought. 5 frames of vine dash recovery ensures that she can still be beam hyper punished if she does not block post-flash and that she can be anti-aired when the opponent plays well. Finally, right now Amaterasu has to do a stance-dance in the air to really be effective, and she just feels awkward to play. Now vine dash is useful and important without being too strong.

Assists: Cold Star H, Power Slash H, Bloom
Cold Star H is arguably the best lockdown assist in the game, so we saw no reason to change it from its current form. Bloom was brought in line with Dark Harmonizer, which gets considerable use, so we are confident that it will have a place on teams especially since Amaterasu has one of the best THCs in the game with Okami Shuffle and her hurtbox is smaller than Morrigan’s during the assist call. Amaterasu’s current assist, Solar Flare, is the uncontested worst assist in the game. With its short duration and circumstantial use, it’s only useful if a player’s endgame plan is to get Amaterasu killed. It simply has no real use. Power Slash H is not a superb assist choice, but it could be potentially useful in wakeup setups and as a keepaway tool, so we chose to put it in. Cold Star L was not chosen because it would simply be too good: a full-screen horizontal projectile lockdown assist on a small character would negate any reason to pick any other projectile assist in the game for most characters.

+j.S horizontal hitbox increased slightly; hitstun increased.
When Arthur goes into the air, he has trouble coming down. None of his projectiles reach beneath him, and with no real aerial mobility his j.S often misses its mark. Increasing its horizontal hitbox will help him land safely in a greater variety of situations. Additionally, we feel the move’s hitstun should be increased because presently it can hit standing opponents and they often recover before he can continue into a combo. Its landing time can be accelerated by canceling j.S into Dagger Toss, but this is unnecessarily prohibitive.

+When Gold Armor is on, the input for Gold Armor refreshes the duration; Gold Armor is now a soft knockdown on break; Gold Armor input changed do d,d+AA.
Gold Armor is strong, but not strong enough to warrant Arthur suffering from hard knockdown when the timer is up. Even a soft knockdown is a questionable decision, especially when compared against other strong install hypers such as Berserker Charge and Devil Trigger. Are the buffs Arthur gets in this form significantly stronger than the ones these other characters get? Not according to tournament results. Gold Armor is simultaneously necessary yet self-destroying in the current meta. To balance out the now soft knockdown, we have made Gold Armor refreshable at any time. This creates a meta-game for Arthur players over whether to delay the refresh to have a guaranteed armor refresh, or to wait and risk the soft knockdown and the need to spend two bars of meter to regain Gold Armor.

Gold Armor’s input was changed to d,d+AA because Arthur’s greatest enemy is teleporters, and trying to armor only to get hit by a teleport + beam combo is disheartening. The new input ensures Arthur players are able to armor up without having to worry about their inputs getting crossed up.

+s.M now starts up in 6 frames and has 8 active frames.
s.M is meant to be a counter, but it has a large startup and very few active frames. If it succeeds in its current state, it is largely a stroke of luck – Arthur players simply never use the tool because it has so much risk attached to its startup time for very little chance of payoff. This change makes the move more likely to be used defensively, as it was intended.

+Cross Sword is now special-cancelable; air OK.
This is part two of our plans to help Arthur land safely after jumping when an opponent is beneath them. Making Cross Sword (b.H) air OK gives him a small barrier to cover his landing. Presently, the move has no use outside of some incoming mix-up situations, and even those are inconsistent due to the sword’s travel path. By making Cross Sword special cancelable, it is now more like M.O.D.O.K.’s Shield Barrier, which protects him from advancement for a small period of time if he plays it smart.

+Walk speed increased; general speed increased further when without armor.
Arthur players want a dash, but we feel as though the character has been balanced to work without this tool. As he is the only character in the game without a dash, he is also unique and interesting as a result of this tool. Giving him a dash would homogenize his moveset more, and we think it is better to focus on making Arthur work without a dash rather than simply blending him in with other characters. However, he is still extremely slow, and so we think his walk speed should be faster than it presently is so he can move without jumping. Additionally, we gave him a speed boost when his armor breaks to give some kind of benefit in that state. There may even be players who like to keep Arthur unarmored just for this speed buff, and this adds an additional dimension of interest to the character.

+Arthur now recovers from air and ground throws faster; easier to convert into a combo.
Arthur has very weak mobility options, so his throws need to count. If he succeeds in outsmarting an opponent close up with his weak movement options, Arthur deserves to get more than he does right now from that. He can convert off of air throws presently, but the execution is prohibitive. Even top Arthur players fail to convert off of his air throws in most situations.

+Startup on normals decreased by 2 frames across the board; hitstun increased slightly on all normals.
The hitstun on Arthur’s normals is so small that it feels like they need to be linked. We feel it is important to provide him with more combo consistency, especially considering how infrequently he is able to open people up with his weak mobility. Faster normals help him convert as well, and give him a better close-up game. Presently they are simply too slow, as though they were meant to have super armor to make up for how weak and slow they are. Small hitboxes and mediocre range combined with slow startup and no mobility is too crippling.

+Arthur can now walk during Goddess Bracelet.
This change gives Arthur a lot of new options. Up close, he can cancel an attack into Goddess Bracelet and use its duration to walk back away from the opponent, establishing his space. On hit from afar, he can walk toward the opponent and combo off of the hyper. Goddess Bracelet is a relatively weak hyper aside from its ability to chain into itself, and presently he can only move during it by jumping, which causes the hit chain to drop. This change provides him with a new tool to cover his weaknesses.

+Fire Bottle (Gold Armor) now has a wider hitbox and more consistently OTGs characters; assist version startup changed to 34.
The assist version change is part of the universal OTG buff. This provides some incentive to choose the assist over Dagger Toss. The hitbox was widened to ensure Arthur can OTG relaunch with Fire Bottle (Gold Armor) in corners, which presently does not work.

+Scythe Toss recovery reduced to 30.
Reducing Scythe Toss’ recovery helps Arthur with combo consistency and gives him a new tool to use in the neutral for mid-screen pressure. By reducing the recovery, he can now convert easier and use it as a mid-screen anti air with an increased degree of safety.

Assists: Dagger Toss, Crossbow, Fire Bottle
Heavenly Slash is a weak assist due to its considerable startup time, small hitbox, and the need to upgrade Arthur to Gold Armor for it to be worth using at all. It was thus swapped out in favor of Crossbow, which covers the screen in two directions and provides a tracking anti-air assist in Gold Armor. One of our goals in assist alterations was to provide more assists that hit at superjump height. Presently, there are only 4 real options to anti-air characters with at superjump height: Vajra, Jam Session, Hidden Missiles, and Mystic Ray. We have tried to increase the number of options available to characters to deal with aerial characters such as Trish without marginalizing those characters.
Captain America:
+c.L is now +1 on block.
Captain America is one of a handful of characters with no safe blockstring, and this is a major reason he is not used in tournament play. A safe blockstring is a necessity for every character in this game. By making c.L +1 on block, Captain America now has a move to chain into itself for frame traps or ground throws. We do not expect that players will be able to hit confirm off of c.L, but rather that they will have a close-up poke to throw out which does not put them at a disadvantage when blocked.

+j.d+H is now better for crossing up.
Captain America has problems opening opponents up. He has no overhead, no command throw, and no high/low mix-ups. His sole option to open defensive opponents up is to use his predictable Cartwheel combined with an assist. By making his anti-ground kick better at crossing up, combined with his double jump, he now has a new tool to get past defensive opponents.

+j.u+H vertical hitbox increased.
This move is supposed to be an anti-air kick, but the hitbox is too small to be effective for these purposes. By increasing it, Captain America is now better able to utilize his intended moveset.

+Final Justice invincible from frames 0-36; travels faster; allows for post-hyper combo follow-up through Shield Slash L OTG.
Final Justice is the only level 3 damage hyper that is not invincible on startup. This change provides it with increased utility, especially since it leads to full combos now.

+Shield Slash blockstun increased slightly; grounded version causes more pushback on block on the first hit, and pulls the opponent in more on the second.
This first change is actually meant to be a small nerf to Captain America. The blockstun on Shield Slash is so small right now that pushblocking the move is inconsistent and often leads to a player dashing instead. The increased pushblock makes the move feel more natural for the game’s mechanics. The pushback was increased to provide Captain America with more safety after the move is blocked, as presently he can be punished in some situations after using it close up, and he now has some ability to decide whether to back off of approach after throwing it. The increased pull-in was implemented to off-set the pushback increase.

+Shield Slash L vertical hitbox reduced; now passes under some beams and projectiles.
This is partly a change for the assist version, but we also recognize that despite being a mid-screen zoner who wants to get in for mix-ups, Captain America loses out of firefights in most situations. One way of dealing with this is to increase the projectile durability on Shield Slash, but we were strongly concerned that this would ruin the projectile game of many other characters in the game, since Captain America also has Charging Star to threaten them with. Giving him a projectile that passes under some of the game’s other projectiles gives him a tool to get around those opponents without changing the projectile’s priority.

+It is now easier for Captain America to combo off of his throws.
We left it open as to how this could be accomplished; increased untechable time is one option. Captain America’s mix-ups are very weak, and he simply has problems opening opponents up. This change, in tandem with his c.L buff, provide Captain America with another mix-up option to help him open opponents up. It is not enough that he can simply OTG into Hyper Charging Star for recent damage; his throws need to lead to combos for him to be a threat.

+Hyper Charging Star is now fully projectile invincible.
Presently, a few projectiles, such as Genmu Zero, still hit Captain America during this move. This is Captain America’s defining move, and it should beat every projectile in the game during its active frames.

+Cartwheel now has invincibility from frames 1-18.
Cartwheel seems to have been added as a way for Captain America to get past projectiles, but the current invincibility requires stringent timing to use. We have increased it so the move is more worth using outside of melee-range cross-ups when combined with assists. The frame data is otherwise unchanged.

Assists: Shield Slash M, Charging Star H, Shield Slash L
Charging Star M was upgraded to Charging Star H because when it is used as an assist, which is infrequently, it is used for corner combo extension and pushback. Increasing its screen coverage aids both of those uses and furthers its utility. Stars and Stripes was removed as part of our approach to close-range anti-air assists. We feel as though anti-air assists are only worthwhile when they provide additional utility beyond that role. Three common forms of utility we approach are:

1) Considerable priority through either invincibility or super armor (Hulk’s Gamma Charge AA).
2) Crossover counter post-hit combo follow-ups (Viewtiful Uppercut).
3) Strong hitstun on hit for post-hit combo follow-ups (Ryuenjin).

The second option is clearly not possible for Captain America unless we make Stars and Stripes cancelable into Shield Slash, and this was considered, but eventually decided to be too strong for him on point since it means a free invincible reversal that leads to full combos and is safe on block. The move does not have strong hitstun, and we were not inclined to change this, and we feel as though invincible anti-air assists should be kept to a minimum since it harshly affects certain characters and leads to some playstyles being marginalized. We all remember Vanilla Double Lariat and Gustaff Fire.

Thus, Stars and Stripes was removed in favor of Shield Slash L. This provides teams with an OTG assist that is also a projectile with some reasonable ground coverage. It is not as strong as Shield Slash M due to its angle, but there are teams that will prefer it for the OTG property.

*Grenade fires now dim significantly when the active frames have finished.
+Flamethrower vertical hitbox increased; slight upper body invincibility on assist version.
+s.S now cancels Chris’ Grenade Launcher and Satellite Laser hypers.
+Grenade Toss L +1 on block.
+Combination Punch follow-up inputs made more lenient.
+Gun Fire L grounded hitbox extended downwards; no longer whiffs up close.
-Flamethrower damage reduced to 120,000 maximum.

Assists: Gun Fire M, Grenade Toss H, Flamethrower

*Kikoanken input changed to hcf.S.
A few Chun-li players informed us that even when they have practiced the move for ages, the second H input for Kikoanken still does not come out right. Chun-li has an unused input, so we think the move should be moved there to give her a slight drop in execution requirement.

+Able to air dash backward.
One of our rules in this patch list is “no new animations”. Chun-li is being given a slight exception to the rule; we hope this can be done with no new animations, because it is important to her character. She only moves in one direction, and it is predictable. This is a large drawback to the character. She has great mobility with a triple air jump/dash, but it’s unilateral so it isn’t as appreciable.

+All THCs use Kikosho.
Hoyokusen is a weak THC hyper that tends to miss or mess up team combos. Kikosho will be much more beneficial to teams. Characters like Frank West and Storm are picked partially because they have amazing THC hypers that allow the team to deal major damage while keeping the point character active. Chun-li is dying to be added to this list with this small change.

+Kikosho now hits OTG.
Chun-li’s basic combos that end into a hyper are difficult. One of the best features about this game is the ability for anyone to pick up a character, learn an ABC combo, and then play. Chun-li was skipped over when this design philosophy was implemented, and as a result she is not even picked at low levels of play. Giving Kikosho the OTG property will encourage low level players to pick her. The OTG property also enhances her role as a THC character through the previous change, and really: the move looks like it hits OTG.

+All Kikoken projectiles now travel full screen; dash cancelable; only one may be on the screen at a time.
Our biggest change. When you compare the rushdown characters in this game, they all have something to help them get in. Wolverine has an amazing ground dash combined with Berserker Slash, X-23 has aerial screen coverage, large fast normals, and a great ground dash, and Firebrand has high priority aerial swoops with frame advantage. Chun-li has none of these things, and frankly she is not good at rushing opponents despite being a rushdown character. Her pressure is solid, but these other characters have solid pressure combined with being good at getting in. We decided to make Kikoken dash-cancelable so Chun-li could have a way to help herself get in that is decidedly Street Fighter in feel. To ensure it is not abused through chain projectiles, only one may be on the screen at a time. If Chun-li enters the startup frames for Kikoken at any time, any Kikoken projectiles on the screen immediately disappear. Alternatively, Kikoken could simply be locked out as an input once one is placed on the screen; we are open to either implementation.

+Shichisei Ranka now air OK; now leaves opponents in a crumple state.
This buff to Chun-li’s level 3 gives the move additional utility through allowing a post-hyper combo follow-up. It is air OK to give her an easy way to end combos into it, and this also provides her with some interesting aerial options on incoming, making her an attractive pick as a support character now with her assist improvements and excellent Kikosho THC.

+EX Spinning Bird Kick now invincible from frames 1-20; causes a soft knockdown. EX Spinning Bird Kick has a considerable charge up time, and it is very hard to use as a reversal. We feel the move should have more invincibility than it presently does to make up for how difficult it is to use in the neutral. It is still punishable on block, however. The soft knockdown ensures that the move can always be followed up from.

+Spinning Bird Kick (all versions) now negates pushblock; now -8/-5/-3 on block. Pushblock negation on Spinning Bird Kick gives Chun-li some pressure setups with assists that she does not have right now. The move was made to be slightly less punishable on block to encourage its use.

+c.L now hits low.
Chun-li’s only style of play is rushdown, but her fastest low is 6 frames. This improves her mix-ups to increase her success rate at opening opponents up.

Assists: EX Spinning Bird Kick, Hyakuretsukyaku H, Kikoken L
Hyakuretsukyaku H is a great assist; it needs no changes. Neither of Chun-li’s other assists are worth using, however. We have changed them both out for other options that might be more appealing. Kikoken L may seem underwhelming because it is a slow, single projectile, but that she can dash-cancel the move gives it additional utility as a crossover counter. A player could block a beam hyper such as Chaotic Flame, crossover counter into Chun-li near the end, and Chun-li would have a lot of frame advantage plus a projectile on the screen covering her to open opponents up. This versatility helps justify the move as an assist choice. EX Spinning Bird Kick is meant to be an alternative to Double Lariat. While this may seem like a dangerous option, it is important to note that the move is only invulnerable for frames 1-11 (1-20 in our version), but it has 35 active frames and 26 recovery frames. So while it is a strong option, it is also less safe on recovery than Double Lariat, along with hitting 10 times, ensuring any combos gained from the move are heavily scaled.

C. Viper:
*C. Viper now flashes yellow when performing an EX attack.
C. Viper’s EX attacks have no cinematic screen, and this is their primary selling point. The opponent is not given any guaranteed reaction time to respond to the attacks. This is not inherently bad, but the animations on these moves provide no warning to the opponent at all, making options like a full-screen EX Thunder Knuckle more attractive than it should be. Giving C. Viper a yellow flash like she has in Street Fighter IV makes the moves more reasonable while also bringing her closer to her source material.

-EX moves can no longer be canceled into one another.
This change is primarily made to nerf the frame trap caused by EX Thunder Knuckle into EX Seismic Hammer. EX Thunder Knuckle is a strong move that leads to full combos on hit, negates projectiles, and has no cinematic screen to provide opponents with an opportunity to counter it. That it can be safely canceled into an invincible move that also leads into full combos, is automatically safe on block, and provides free pressure through a jump-cancel plus an assist call is too strong and leads to a lot of dumb play. We are fine with her EX moves existing, but they should have risks associated with them and ought to require smart reads.

-Minimum damage scaling on specials reduced to 20%.
-Minimum damage scaling on normals reduced to 15%.
We feel C. Viper’s combo damage is slightly too high, and thus reduced her minimal damage scaling slightly.

-Optic Laser’s upper portion of its vertical hitbox decreased slightly.
The hitbox on the laser is slightly too high and hits characters at or near maximum jump height. It should be decreased slightly, especially considering its other properties such as its large amount of hitstun.

-Focus Attack Level 3 now causes a significantly less hitstun on airborne opponents with a strike attribute, preventing follow-ups. Grounded hits are unchanged.
Another goal of this patch list is removing the increasing tendency in this game toward 1-player matches. Unblockables have been nerfed or removed across the board. We are not opposed to unblockable moves, only setups that cause the guaranteed death of an incoming character. It is simply not fun to play a 1-player match, regardless of what side one is on.

Assists: Thunder Knuckle H, Optic Laser, Burning Kick L
Thunder Knuckle H is retained as an assist because it converts into full combos as a crossover counter. Seismic Hammer was a weak assist that we considered giving tracking to improve its utility, but we think that it would still be of questionable utility with such a change. Burning Kick is C. Viper’s most popular assist choice, so we decided to keep it for unblockable setups as it is one of only three overhead assist attacks. Optic Laser, which most players thought and hoped would become a new assist choice for her in Ultimate, has now been added as an assist choice. This will likely be her go-to assist for basic team construction.

+c.L startup reduced to 6 frames and can be chained into from s.L.
Dante has the slowest normals in the game for a non-heavy. Giving him a faster s.L helps provide him with an option up close against opponents. While Dante is a spacing character, he still needs tools to make him somewhat threatening up close since he no longer has The Hammer’s invincibility from Vanilla. c.L chaining into s.L helps open up combo and pressure options for him.

+Fireworks regains piercing ability.
Fireworks is an interesting move in the neutral that is rarely seen because it is hard to perform consistently and does not pierce. We have alleviated one of those issues to make it more prevalent in the neutral as an assist-catching tool.

+Hitstun values on all normals returned to Vanilla status; pushback remains the same as Ultimate.

+Drive now hyper cancelable during startup.

+The Hammer hitbox and active frames improved slightly; now always connects when used near the ground.

+c.M pushback on hit returned to Vanilla levels; active frames increased to 3.

-Can no longer block during Bold Move's initial frames.
Dante can Bold Move cancel his normals into a block animation in his pre-jump frames, and this makes his neutral game borderline impervious to punishment. No character should be able to safely whiff normals without spending meter to cover them.

-Helm Breaker’s hitbox near the hilt during descent reduced so that it no longer hits characters behind Dante.
Standing behind Dante still gets you hit by his j.S at times. A slight reduction in the hitbox would help prevent this problem and make the move more reasonable to deal with; it is still cancelable into a wide variety of moves for safety, but Dante players should not be getting free combos when they make poor judgment calls.

-Devil Trigger invincibility frames removed.
Ground command grab hypers should not be defeated by an install hyper performed at the same time. Devil Trigger already has an extraordinary recovery time; invincibility frames make the move a little too good as a safety option.

-Jam Session pushback decreased slightly.
Jam Session is unsafe on block, but the pushback renders it unpunishable by some characters. Decreasing the pushback makes the move more fair against some characters who have trouble dealing with it, and helps balance its usage as an assist a bit more.

Assists: Weasel Shot, Jam Session, Crystal[/I]
We feel as though Dante’s assists are all good and worth using right now.
+4th Wall Crisis is now 5+0 on startup; 1 bar; damage reduced to 220,000; throw scaling on follow-up.
4th Wall Crisis is one of the 5 worst level 3 hypers in the game, right down there with Nemesis in terms of likelihood to be a complete waste of 3 bars. The primary problem with the move is that it allows 1 frame of post-cinematic animation from the opponent, which means only opponents who cannot cancel their present attack into a projectile are really likely to be harmed by this move. The list of characters who cannot do this is very small, making the move far too circumstantial. However, even with such a change, 3 bars of meter for a counter is excessive. We have instead made the hyper into a level 1 move, and balanced its effects appropriately.

+Happy-Happy Trigger damage increased slightly.
Trigger Happy L/M into Happy-Happy Trigger feels like a waste of meter unless it kills a character. We would like to make this a more worthwhile way for Deadpool players to expend their meter.

+Ninja Gift (all versions) no longer leaves Deadpool prone until landing.
Right now, these moves are unsafe until landing, and Ninja Gift M is an invitation for a beam punish on the way down. We are leaving the actual recovery of these moves open to discussion, but strongly feel that they need to be safer than they are to provide Deadpool with more safe ranged attack options.

+Teleport Malfunction now causes a soft knockdown.
A hard knockdown is too stringent of a downside to this move. Losing momentum in UMvC3 is two steps away from death in this game, and we would like to encourage character to use their full moveset. A soft knockdown is still highly undesirable, but does not guarantee Deadpool’s death in the event of a poorly chosen teleportation.

+Taunt Bubble stays out for full animation when canceled.
An aesthetic change. Leaving the taunt bubble on the screen adds to his flare as a character.

+Quick Work into Chimichanga is now easier to perform.
A 2-frame link between specials is rather harsh in a Marvel game. We did not decide on a specific window where the cancelation should be possible, but would like to see it widened. None of us have ever seen a Deadpool player do this in tournament play, and there’s no point to a character feature that never gets used.

+Katana-rama! hitstun significantly increased; now -3 on block; -1 on hit.
Katana-rama! has potential as an anti-air and anti-ground move right now, and we would like to see it get used more for this purpose. Katana-rama! canceled into Deadpool’s teleport should lead to full combos when it connects.

+j.L changed to +10/9 on hit/block.
Presently, j.L works well as a low-to-the-ground overheads, but it is difficult to link off of. Increasing the hitstun/blockstun slightly will improve its usage and help Deadpool’s offense.

Assists: Trigger Happy L, Katana-rama! H, Ninja Gift M
Presently, Deadpool has no good assists. Quick Work is a weak low that only gets chosen due to a lack of options, and no one ever picks Trigger Happy H because it covers such a small area without producing strong results even on hit. Trigger Happy L would not be stronger than other projectile assists like Iron Man’s Unibeam or Chris’ Gun Fire M, and it would give him a go-to assist for team composition. The L version was chosen over the M version to provide more variation in projectile angle choices among characters, but the M version could be chosen instead. Ninja Gift M would provide interesting setups due to its OTG properties and medium projectile durability, and would primarily be useful on keepaway teams. Katana-rama! was left in because it is an OTG assist that leads into full combos as a crossover counter, and it also resets the ground bounce. These uses make it worth considering as an assist choice for some teams.

Doctor Doom:
+Molecular Shield inputs can now be held to keep the shield active for more frames before releasing the rock; 30 frames max; startup decreased by 2 frames across the board; L version now -3 on block; M version now -1 on block; H version now +1 on block.
Molecular Shield is rarely used outside of combos, and that is because the move is both negative on block and has weak projectiles. A meager 4 projectile hit points are generated by Molecular Shield, meaning even a basic Hadoken beats it. What makes Molecular Shield interesting is its projectile absorption ability. During the wind-up (not startup) period of the move, Molecular Shield absorbs projectiles; the move is intended to turn around firefights. However, the move is never used this way because it is hard to time the move properly for these purposes. As a result, we added the ability for Dr. Doom to hold the input to extend the wind-up period, giving the move added utility as a projectile absorber.

This change creates an added concern surrounding damage. Dr. Doom frequently ends combos with Molecular Shield into Sphere Flame, and holding Molecular Shield for 30 frames could add a lot of damage. This could be handled in a variety of ways, such as ending the wind-up once it hits an opponent, reducing the wind-up damage, or reducing Dr. Doom’s minimum damage scaling from specials. We have left this open to discussion.

Finally, Molecular Shield was made safer on block to encourage its usage as a projectile that covers Dr. Doom’s approach, and to make it more useful as a blockstring ender.

+Hidden Missiles is now dash and hyper cancelable.
Dr. Doom gets completely slaughtered by keepaway characters. Players like Filipino Champ frequently joke about the Dr. Doom vs. Dormammu matchup, and the problem is not with Dormammu. Dr. Doom’s limited mobility options ensure that he must air dash to move about the screen at all, and he cannot block during this time. As a result, he gets continually pelted by projectiles any time he tries to move. By making Hidden Missiles dash cancelable, Doom can call one missile, dash cancel it, and then up-back block a projectile. The opponent will have to take a moment to move to evade the incoming missile, providing Dr. Doom with some space to move about. Additionally, we recognize that Dr. Doom players frequently THC cancel Hidden Missiles when he is the only character left, providing extended lockdown and chip damage. We think it would be useful for him to be able to simply cancel Hidden Missiles into his hypers for interesting damage setups and lockdown.

+j.L hitbox improved so that it can hit small crouching characters while tri-dashing.
Right now, Doom’s j.L overhead whiffs against crouching small characters. This helps Dr. Doom have a mix-up option against these characters.

+Recovery after a forward air throw reduced slightly.
Conversions off of forward air throws are inconsistent at best for Dr. Doom. This helps ensure players are able to convert more consistently. It would still be difficult, as Doom players will need to hop across the screen to convert even with this change. It will just be slightly more forgiving.

+j.f+H hitstun increased slightly.
A hitstun increase on j.f+H (Foot Dive H) may seem random, but there is good reasoning here. While corner loops always have enough time for j.f+H to chain into j.S, mid-screen loops require it after two loops. The Buktooth loop (s.S, sj.M, sj.f+H, ADDF, j.M, c.MH) can only be done for two reps due to the hitstun decay on j.f+H, and as a result players must use Doom’s mid-screen OTG loops. This loops is boring to watch as it takes a long time, and we would like to encourage players to use Buktooth loops for improved gameplay flow.

-Hidden Missiles (assist): fires two fewer missiles; missiles which have not yet gained their tracking property fail to do so if Doom gets hit.
First, it needs to be said that Hidden Missiles is not a problem as a point move. It is only problematic as an assist, and it is only slightly too good. Many players have suggested that the missiles the move generates should disappear if Doom gets hit, citing Sentinel as an example of why this would not ruin the move. However, this ignores very real differences between Hidden Missiles and Sentinel Force. Sentinel Force only makes Sentinel vulnerable for a moment; the drones provide cover as they move forward, making Sentinel difficult to hit aside from beam hypers. Hidden Missiles, however, has a highly delayed effect on game. The player is sacrificing present playing power for a very strong effect later. The proper way to balance Hidden Missiles is not by making the missiles disappear, but ensuring that there is indeed a sacrifice being made in the game.

Presently, Hidden Missiles quickly appears and fires its missiles. Even if the opponent punishes the assist call, the one or two missiles that were fired off before the player had time to act will come down and hit the player, making assist punishes unattractive. By making the missiles fail to gain tracking if Doom gets hit, there is an additional window where the opposing player can punish Hidden Missiles without fear of retaliation.

The second problem with Hidden Missiles is that it just does too much. It tracks, it is an anti-air, it OTGs, it causes good chip damage, it locks the opponent down, and it is the best combo breaker in the game (but not the only one). We decided to reduce the number of missiles fired by two as a result of this list. While it may not seem like much, two fewer missiles is two fewer missiles to dodge, and two less to block for lockdown. We think these two small changes will keep Hidden Missiles worth using while making it more fair as well.

-Plasma Beam no longer appears behind the point character.
This change is made under the same justification the universal assist nerfs were made with. Assists should provide opportunities for characters, but only when used intelligently. Calling Plasma Beam while dashing forward and using Berserker Slash demonstrates just how silly this move is in its current form. Regardless of what Wolverine does, Plasma Beam covers him, and since the assist appears off-screen it is impossible to punish for most characters. With its current firing place, many characters can simply call Plasma Beam while blocking to gain initiative.

-j.S no longer causes a ground bounce.
j.S is one of the most salt-inducing moves in this game, but we think it is mostly fine. We almost made no changes to it at all. The move is not significantly better than it was in Vanilla aside from one change, and this is the ground bounce. Too many moves trade with Doom’s j.S and Doom still gets combos as a result of that trade. We think that removing this feature, and forcing opponents to dash-cancel the move to combo off of a raw hit, increases the skill level needed to make use of it and makes it more fair. The propensity for players to get hit by this move during the neutral illustrates how many people need to work on their blocking.

-Damage on normals reduced by 10% across the board.
Doom’s combos do a little too much damage and build more meter than is reasonable. A slight damage reduction on all of his normals fixes this issue. We would have targeted specific normals, but his combos are so flexible that a “problem move” cannot be pinpointed.

Assists: Plasma Beam M, Molecular Shield H, Hidden Missiles
Plasma Beam M and Hidden Missiles were retained as assists, but Molecular Shield was switched to its H version. We feel that Plasma Beam provides Dr. Doom with an excellent projectile, and what really makes Molecular Shield shine is its windup period and lockdown. Increasing the wind-up period to the H version is an improvement.

+j.M hit float properties returned to Vanilla status (no knockback).
This was a strange change in Ultimate, and it’s not clear why it happened. As a result, Dormammu cannot always convert off of a launcher as j.M knocks opponents back. Returning it to its Vanilla knockback status would improve his combo consistency.

+3D0C is now +1 on block.
1D0C and 2D0C are +1 on block. 3D0C is negative on block despite Dormammu having to work for it. With 2D1C and 1D2C becoming more and more prevalent in usage, 3D0C needs a small adjustment to make it more attractive, and improving its frame advantage does that while bringing it in line with its little brothers.

+0D3C now OTGs; projectile invincible; guaranteed on frame 1.
The entire point of Dormammu as a character is to sacrifice short-term gains for long-term ones. Dark Spells make the character what he is. It is thus a betrayal of the character’s design that one of his four final Dark Spell combinations is relatively worthless. To illustrate the importance of this change, the current four Dark Spell combinations ought to be compared:

3D0C: hits full screen up to superjump height, negates projectiles, OTGs, links into hyper; excellent against projectile characters as a way to make them think twice about firing

1D2C: covers the area in front and behind of Dormammu with fire, comes out guaranteed after 1 frame, OTGs, links into hyper, deals massive damage when the tip hits; excellent as a reversal, especially against eager rushdown characters

2D1C: covers the mid-screen area all the way up to superjump height, comes out guaranteed after 1 frame, OTGs, links into hypers, deals solid damage, deals massive chip damage, and recovers with enough time to charge two more Dark Spells; excellent against aerial characters and characters with poor ground mobility

0D3C: disallows jumping for 300 frames; excellent against...?

It’s not clear what 0D3C is meant for. It does not OTG, it deals no chip damage, it is blockable, it does not come out guaranteed after 1 frame, it does not cover an area above ground level, it does not negate projectiles, and it cannot be combod into without a move like Spencer’s Slant Shot restand to help. The move never sees play unless a player forgets how many Creation charges he/she has because it is not worth using over the alternatives.

Many suggests were made as to how 0D3C could be made worth using, and what we all agreed upon is that the “no jumping” effect it has is a unique ability that Dormammu has. For that reason alone, that should be its base effect. Frequently, players suggest that 0D3C should be unblockable, and Seth Killian said that at one time it was. However, this would be far too strong against the characters who already have problems with Dormammu, who lack aerial mobility. First, we decided to give 0D3C an OTG property for flexibility; it feels odd that it does not, since it moves along the ground and his other Dark Spells hit OTG. Still, no player would choose 0D3C over 3D0C with those effects; what all of Dormammu’s Dark Spells have in common are their utility in the neutral.

While it may seem as though Dormammu’s Dark Spells cover him against all of his matchups, there is one type of opponent who is not covered: the one who uses full-screen beam hypers to catch Dormammu’s ranged game. A common example is a Dormammu player facing Ryu, and as Dark Matter is winding up Ryu uses Shinku Hadoken. None of Dormammu’s Dark Spells can deal with this, especially since 1D2C hits at the screen’s edge inconsistently and tends to get eaten by beams. By making 0D3C come out on frame 1 and making it projectile invincible, Dormammu now has a viable counter to these opponents if he gives up his other options. 0D3C may not be extraordinary as a result of these changes, but it will finally be worth considering for the first time since the game’s debut.

+Ground and air throw range extended slightly; air throws no longer occasionally cause opponents to bounce off of a wall.
Characters with poor ground movement ought to have larger throw ranges. Dormammu’s seems particularly small for his considerable character size, and what would be a throw with many other characters often results in a j.H with him. Improving his throw range would give him a slightly better defensive ability; presently he has the weakest melee defenses in the entire game. The second change is a bug fix.

+c.M returned to Vanilla status; still chains into H inputs.
c.M used to be Dormammu’s anti-air of choice in Vanilla, but its hitstun was so thoroughly nerfed in tandem with giving him a LMH chain that it became impossible to convert off of. Returning this move to its previous hitstun values would give Dormammu a better anti-air defense, and would also improve his combo options as c.M used to link into Dark Hole L against some characters in Vanilla, and would probably link into Dark Matter now.

+0D1C and 0D2C now hit OTG.
Each of Dormammu’s Dark Spells should have some use, even if that use is limited. 1D0C and 2D0C have solid hitboxes and are +1 on block, giving him a tool that can force breathing room when needed. However, 0D1C and 0D2C are entirely useless. The spikes create no pushback, are unsafe on block, and their damage is miniscule while scaling combos heavily. Giving them the ability to hit OTG will provide Dormammu’s combo options slightly while making them useful. They had this trait in his reveal trailer, even!

+s.H frontal hitbox made slightly larger (c.L, s.H always hits).
The entire Marvel gaming community seems to agree that Dormammu gets too much damage off of his ABC combos, and that he should be using Dark Matter into jump loops. This would be a fair expectation, except s.H sometimes whiffs after c.L, and s.H is the only normal that Dormammu can link into Dark Matter. It does not make sense for Dormammu players to risk dropping combos for slightly more damage; increasing s.H’s frontal hitbox would improve his comboability.

+0D0C startup is 10 frames; hitbox increased slightly.
Each of Dormammu’s Dark Spells should have some use. Right now, 0D0C looks far more powerful than it is. Dormammu has the weakest defense options of any character in the game. By giving 0D0C a slightly larger hitbox and increasing its startup time, Dormammu has an option against opponents who try to teleport behind him or approach him at odd angles.

-Flame Carpet no longer hits low.
Solo unblockables are generally not a good idea. While Flame Carpet technically rarely creates true unblockables, it creates many hard-to-blockables. When Dormammu has been DHCed into, he often also leaves Flame Carpet on the ground and then raw tags out, and characters like Magneto get to use Flame Carpet for setups that are very difficult to avoid.

-Damage on normals reduced by 10% across the board.
This is part two of the response to the idea that Dormammu gets too much damage too easily. Reducing the damage on his normals ensures that Dorammmu players are more inclined to use Dark Spell and Dark Matter combos to maximize his damage output.

Assists: Purification (Tracking), Dark Hole (Tracking), Dark Spell L
Presently, Dormammu has a terrible assist, a mediocre assist, and a circumstantial one. He has the odd role of being the only completely selfish character in the game who also cannot be played on point due to his weak opening options. We have improved all three of his assists to make them usable. While Flame Carpet and Dark Matter are both also solid assist options, we feel it is best to go with the options that provide the most interesting and unique gameplay, and Dormammu has defining moves that set him apart while also being useful as assists.

Purification (Tracking) would work just like Blackheart’s assist in MvC2. When MvC3 was announced, Seth Killian said Dormammu was our Blackheart replacement, but he doesn’t have Inferno as an assist. Purification would work just like MvC2 Inferno did as an assist. This provides another superjump anti-air assist for the game, and while it may seem too strong as an option, it’s important to remember that this move is merely a Vajra that knocks opponents up instead of down, and is less safe as well.

Dark Hole (Tracking) would work just like Purification, but it would use Dark Hole instead. Right now, Dark Hole hits at an awkward and uncomfortable point that is rarely useful in the neutral. In corners, it usually whiffs as it goes too far off the screen to hit the opponent. Making Dark Hole track would add another much-needed pinning assist to the game with an interesting property for team composition.

Liberation is an interesting concept for an assist, but in practice it is barely usable because it requires tagging Dormammu in, charging three Dark Spells, tagging Dormammu out, and then you get one use of Liberation. By changing Liberation to Dark Spell L, players who are fond of the Liberation assist can still use it by tagging him in and charging Dark Spells, as Dark Spell L produces Liberation when all spells are stocked. Additionally, in the neutral game players can now call Dark Spell L assist to either get them to their desired Liberation faster or build up to one use of 3D0C every four calls. Needing to call Dormammu four times to produce the Dark Spell balances the power of the assist call. This would only be useful on selective teams, but it would be useful and unique.


Nova or Skrull/Frank/Dante

All sound like optimized Frank teams to me.
They are but no top player is using those teams. That was my point.

Karst I will read that and give impressions later at night.
That moment when you ask someone you thought was your friend to play, and they say "sorry, playing someone". Then you find them through player match, alone, and they leave anyway. :-(
Never trust a lawyer!
That moment when you ask someone you thought was your friend to play, and they say "sorry, playing someone". Then you find them through player match, alone, and they leave anyway. :-(
Never trust a lawyer!

Well to be fair the character limit on PS3 messages is incredible small to explain, but yea I was caught bad, just felt like doing some random's cause I didn't think I was gonna be on for that long and you like long sets. I thought it better that way.
GG's Karst. Fuck Mystic Ray.

My controller had me raging pretty hard. I really need to invest in a new stick

Those Doom/Dorm/Sent matches had me laughing. So much bullshit on the screen
GGs Mango. Glad we finally got to play. We'll have to go again sometime when my wife isn't around. I tried to play the Firebrand team again, and man...I couldn't even remember half of his movements. I was surprised at myself. Now it's like I really don't have a team, lol. :-(

Yeah, the Doom/Dormammu/Sentinel mirrors were hilarious. Best set of my weekend IMO. Don't necessarily blame your controller. The online is funky and drops a lot of stuff. You weren't doing my opinion on Vajra any favors. :p That assist is so goddamn dumb. I raged every time you hit me with that XF3 Sentinel cross-up, because goddamn it I blocked the right away every time. I fucking hate this game's netcode.

Ew, no! I want my damn wings!

Well to be fair the character limit on PS3 messages is incredible small to explain, but yea I was caught bad, just felt like doing some random's cause I didn't think I was gonna be on for that long and you like long sets. I thought it better that way.
Whatever you say, lawyer!

Karst you didn't fill in some of the characters. Do you need help with that or are you going to edit them in?
Did you read the first post? :)
Yeah the Sent crossup is stupid. It's pretty much unblockable online at times, haha. It did win me an offline tourney though! .......once

Yeah we'll have to play again, good set. I was gonna go back to the Felicia team because Felicia vs Firebrand is a lot of fun. Surprised our connection was decent considering I'm in Cali.
Yeah the Sent crossup is stupid. It's pretty much unblockable online at times, haha. It did win me an offline tourney though! .......once

Yeah we'll have to play again, good set. I was gonna go back to the Felicia team because Felicia vs Firebrand is a lot of fun. Surprised our connection was decent considering I'm in Cali.
I'm in Colorado, so we're not too far. Oh, and my apologies for AFKing at the end of that last game and then leaving. My wife kept asking me to stop playing so I did. I actually don't really enjoy Firebrand much these days, I find. I just figured that I would whip him out and see how he did. And I really hate Shuma-Gorath, that tentacled piece of shit.


+Hitstun values on all normals returned to Vanilla status; pushback remains the same as Ultimate.

One of the main nerfs that Dante received going from Vanilla to Ultimate was a general reduction in hit stun on a lot of his normal moves along with increased pushback. The changes made sense at the time as Dante's pokes were amazing and lead to big damage. This isn't the case anymore, Dante no longer has among the best normals in the game in terms of start up and range plus he also does not have huge damage. The nerfs made hit confirming with Dante especially from anti air situations inconsistent and much more difficult than is normal for most characters. We feel that an adjustment that brings Dante's hit confirms to somewhere between Vanilla and Ultimate status would be appropriate.

+Drive now hyper cancelable during startup.

Drive is a decent but underutilized move of Dante in the neutral. Making it hyper cancelable on start up would allow it to be made safe on those frames and would push players to use the move more.

+The Hammer hitbox and active frames improved slightly; now always connects when used near the ground.

The Hammer has a propensity to whiff near the ground, these fixes are meant to fix situations where Hammer misses when it shouldn't.

+c.M pushback on hit returned to Vanilla levels; active frames increased to 3.

Dante's cr.M is a bit underwhelming as a low mid range poke, these fixes would make it much more usable in the neutral. The pushback change allows for better hit confirmation off of the move.

Dormammu has the weakest defense options of any character in the game.
Come on now man.... that's an exaggeration. Worse than even Hawkeye? Chris?

The 0D0C should say "decreasing its start up" not increasing start up. Increasing start up would mean we are making it worse.
Thanks Dahbomb. I still don't understand the Drive change and why it's helpful, though.

I fixed the 0D0C typo.

Dormammu has slower and worse L attacks than Hawkeye and Chris while also being a slow mover in general without a ground dash and has a big body. He's definitely worse off than they are up close. No one has it as bad as him.


Thanks Dahbomb. I still don't understand the Drive change and why it's helpful, though.
You use it, someone teleports behind you while you are in start up, you use Devil Trigger to adjust your position in relation to the opponent.

That's the obvious situation where that would look useful to me, there might be some other use to it.

I can do the Chris changes too, even if they are approved or not I feel like having annotations would help with the decision making process:

*Grenade fires now dim significantly when the active frames have finished.

This is just a visual change so that it's easier to see when Chris' grenades have lost their active hit box indicating that it's safe to do some action or safe for Chris himself to back off. Right now it's too ambiguous as to when Chris' Grenades are active or not, sometimes you see the flames are on but there is no actual hit box there.

+Flamethrower vertical hitbox increased; slight upper body invincibility on assist version.

Chris has very limited anti air capability and without grenades already placed or particular assists, it is very easy to rush him down from the sky. That is of course an intended design decision of the character as he is superlative at controlling the ground space so he had to have some holes in his zoning. That said we still feel that the Flamethrower could be more useful in the neutral in terms of controlling tri dash characters.

+s.S now cancels Chris’ Grenade Launcher and Satellite Laser hypers.

Chris' Grenade Launcher hyper has always been designed to be a safe/utility hyper that you can just throw out to reset the neutral. The problem is that there are gaps in between each grenade shot that can be exploited and sometimes you only need one of the grenade shots particularly the freeze grenade shot. By making it cancelable on individual grenade shots it would allow Chris more flexibility in the usage of this move whether it be in combos or in the neutral or a better DHC in option. Making the Satellite hyper (LVL3) cancelable on the first or second hit might lead to more unique combo possibilities.

+Grenade Toss L +1 on block

Chris generally lacks pressure block strings or even safe/+ on block strings. He should have good strings so that if he does make someone block his string they should be compelled to push block him. Grenade Toss L being +1 on block makes it a better string ender and allows Chris to maintain a small amount of pressure if he is blocked.

+Combination Punch follow-up inputs made more lenient.

This is just a quality of life change, right now the Chris Combination Punch follow ups are a tad bit too strict for combo purposes. It doesn't make much sense just like it doesn't make much sense as to why Deadpool's Quick Slice into Chimichangas is a tight cancel.

+Gun Fire L grounded hitbox extended downwards; no longer whiffs up close.

The Shotgun fire is supposed to be a move that is more powerful up close but bad at long range. When it fails to do its most basic function then that's a problem. There is no reason why a Shotgun should be whiffing that close and fixing the hit box while on the ground allows it to be more usable in tight situations.

-Flamethrower damage reduced to 120,000 maximum.

Right now Chris is a high damage character, being able to do TOD type combos off of even throws. The big reason why he is able to inflict such high damage despite having fairly average scaling values is because his Flamethrower does a tremendous amount of damage no matter where it is placed in combos. Even at max scaling the Flamethrower does a lot of damage not unlike Spencer's Up Wire Grapple. The Flamethrower is still subject to damage scaling so the solution is simple which is to reduce its maximum damage. This will also affect the chip from Flamethrower but because in this suggestion list the Flamethrower is getting a better vertical hit box and it's being used as an assist, these changes make sense or else the move/assist would be very powerful.

Dormammu has slower and worse L attacks than Hawkeye and Chris while also being a slow mover in general without a ground dash and has a big body. He's definitely worse off than they are up close. No one has it as bad as him.
Neither Chris nor Hawkeye have near the same air mobility options as Dorm. If Dorm gets out of a bad situation he can stay out but someone like Hawkeye stays in a bad situation for a much longer time thanks to his floaty jump with no air mobility. Chris has about the same start up on his Ls as Dorm, 6 frame on his fastest with no air mobility whatsoever. Defensive options aren't just your start of the round options or how fast your fastest normal is, Dorm having the option of air dash down back into a normal is a solid defensive option that someone like Chris or Hawkeye do not have.

I also think Thor has terrible defense as well (that is being fixed in this patch but I am just comparing current character). Slow start up on normals, shit ground mobility and a big target. His best defensive option is a 1 meter burn, something you can't always rely on and something that can whiff leading into more problems. At least when Dorm is set up his defense is solid between Flame Carpet and his 2C1D/1C2D, Thor can be "set up" and still have shit defense throughout the course of the game. It's why that character is so rarely picked, he gets mauled so hard.

I just think saying "this character has the worst defensive options in the game" is a bit hyperbolic.
Neither Chris nor Hawkeye have near the same air mobility options as Dorm. If Dorm gets out of a bad situation he can stay out but someone like Hawkeye stays in a bad situation for a much longer time thanks to his floaty jump with no air mobility. Chris has about the same start up on his Ls as Dorm, 6 frame on his fastest with no air mobility whatsoever. Defensive options aren't just your start of the round options or how fast your fastest normal is, Dorm having the option of air dash down back into a normal is a solid defensive option that someone like Chris or Hawkeye do not have.
Defense = what you can do when someone is in your face. Chris has a better L than Dormammu. If Dormammu is able to superjump and space with his aerial normals, I don't consider him to be on defense - that's a good place for him to be, moving about freely and attacking.

I also think Thor has terrible defense as well (that is being fixed in this patch but I am just comparing current character). Slow start up on normals, shit ground mobility and a big target. His best defensive option is a 1 meter burn, something you can't always rely on and something that can whiff leading into more problems. At least when Dorm is set up his defense is solid between Flame Carpet and his 2C1D/1C2D, Thor can be "set up" and still have shit defense throughout the course of the game. It's why that character is so rarely picked, he gets mauled so hard.

I just think saying "this character has the worst defensive options in the game" is a bit hyperbolic.
Thor has a 1 frame command grab. That's not a bad option at all.


Just popping in primarily to say I vote Y on the revised Strange, Ghost Rider and Hsien-Ko. Still not 100% on Felicia(mainly the Cat & Mouse change and the Rolling Buckler follow up changes) and on Firebrand's two versions/unblockable situation. I'll see about coming up with some changes for the Rolling Buckler follow ups tomorrow. Where are the two different changelists for Firebrand, btw? I'll look those over and consider the option of submitting both lists.

On the subject of Dante's Drive change, it's primarily just me being selfish and wanting to be able to cancel into Devil Trigger when I'm trolling shitty Dante players with rapid-fire Drives. Most of them think they can just teleport only to get bopped, but a few of them wise up and throw out a full screen Million Dollars which will catch the startup of Drive. Normally, DT at that distance would save Dante, but alas... Yes, I'm a terrible person. I must troll! :p

Still... it does have more practical functions. Like, against Nova Drive protects the grounded approach, the startup slash protects against box dash H, and it has the added bonus of ducking under one of Nova's common assists(Bolts) but sometimes you'll mistime it and can't spend the bar to save yourself when less effective options would give you the opportunity.

Also, Drive is probably my third most used Dante special.
Just popping in primarily to say I vote Y on the revised Strange, Ghost Rider and Hsien-Ko. Still not 100% on Felicia(mainly the Cat & Mouse change and the Rolling Buckler follow up changes) and on Firebrand's two versions/unblockable situation. I'll see about coming up with some changes for the Rolling Buckler follow ups tomorrow. Where are the two different changelists for Firebrand, btw? I'll look those over and consider the option of submitting both lists.

On the subject of Dante's Drive change, it's primarily just me being selfish and wanting to be able to cancel into Devil Trigger when I'm trolling shitty Dante players with rapid-fire Drives. Most of them think they can just teleport only to get bopped, but a few of them wise up and throw out a full screen Million Dollars which will catch the startup of Drive. Normally, DT at that distance would save Dante, but alas... Yes, I'm a terrible person. I must troll! :p

Still... it does have more practical functions. Like, against Nova Drive protects the grounded approach, the startup slash protects against box dash H, and it has the added bonus of ducking under one of Nova's common assists(Bolts) but sometimes you'll mistime it and can't spend the bar to save yourself when less effective options would give you the opportunity.

Also, Drive is probably my third most used Dante special.
Updated. Don't forget your Doom and Chris votes.

I think that Firebrand will hold us up for a while. I am going to say that we ought to skip him for now and discuss him toward the end. Assuming Frantic and Zissou hold good on their statements and make their votes tonight/tomorrow, I'm going to open up the next 10 characters so we can get this moving forward:

Iron Fist
Iron Man


1 frame command grab that has a whiff animation when so many characters have 1 frame regular option select throws. It's not something that you can do on defense/disadvantage, it is bound to get you killed more often than saving you.

Also it seems like your definition of defense differs from mine. You are including defense as just that space where two characters are right on top of each other. To me defense is so much more than that. Characters with good mobility automatically have better defensive options because they can leverage their mobility to turn a defensive situation into a good one. You aren't on the ground all the time which means that sometimes you are blocking in the air or have to do defensive manuevers in the air. That is what separates Chris/Hawkeye from Dorm, they have shit defensive options in the air which is the space where a good portion of the game is played.

If the game was always played on the ground with two characters being in close proximity to each other then yea Dorm would have the worst defense in the game but that's not the game we play.

Maybe you can tweak the statement to say "Dormammu has among the worst close proximity options in the game" because defense is interpreted by different people differently.


Where I stand on my 'N' votes:
Dormammu- any one change seems reasonable, but I still generally disagree with the idea that an upper tier character is getting buffed substantially- it's like vanilla Zero -> ultimate Zero all over again.

Dr. Strange- I'm ok with everything except the way the wording is for nerfing FoF. As I understand it (correct me if I'm wrong), HSD is purely timer based- it reduces in a fixed linear relationship with time elapsed since the first hit of the combo, excluding certain circumstances like cinematic hypers and such. Would FoF 'accelerating' HSD cause the timer to elapse uniquely and abnormally fast or something?

Felicia- Still iffy on the cat and mouse change. Seems unnecessary and could have unintended consequences.

Firebrand- We'll probably have to figure this out later when we hash out the more debated character changes.

Frank West- Same as Firebrand. I think he needs some discussion time to himself. No one has responding to my criticisms/concerns.

Ghost Rider- Still against invincibility on assists, upper body or otherwise. Still iffy on judgment strike change. Everything else is fine.

Random comment on Doom annotations/changes: I understand the reasoning behind the molecular shield buff, but in reality, I don't think it will help him at all against zoners like you think it will. If Hawkeye is chucking arrows at Doom, it doesn't matter if he absorbs a few before he chucks off his shitty rocks which are then destroyed by arrows- Doom will still lose horribly.


Dorm is not the only upper bracket character who is getting buffed. Aside from the assist changes the Dorm buffs aren't that big and he got a couple of nerfs. Quality of changes matter more than quantity... Buster cancel on Zero was equivalent to 20 buffs.

In fact the whole change log is buff heavy. Only characters who got mostly nerfs were Zero, Vergil, Viper, Doom and Magneto aka the top 5.
Frantic, don't forget to vote on Chris and Dr. Doom.
Zissou, don't forget to vote on Chris.

1 frame command grab that has a whiff animation when so many characters have 1 frame regular option select throws. It's not something that you can do on defense/disadvantage, it is bound to get you killed more often than saving you.

Also it seems like your definition of defense differs from mine. You are including defense as just that space where two characters are right on top of each other. To me defense is so much more than that. Characters with good mobility automatically have better defensive options because they can leverage their mobility to turn a defensive situation into a good one. You aren't on the ground all the time which means that sometimes you are blocking in the air or have to do defensive manuevers in the air. That is what separates Chris/Hawkeye from Dorm, they have shit defensive options in the air which is the space where a good portion of the game is played.

If the game was always played on the ground with two characters being in close proximity to each other then yea Dorm would have the worst defense in the game but that's not the game we play.

Maybe you can tweak the statement to say "Dormammu has among the worst close proximity options in the game" because defense is interpreted by different people differently.
I will tweak the statement; good suggestion.

I'll clarify how I think about these things, though:
Defense: Frame disadvantage or in a position where you have to block.
Offense: Frame advantage or in a position where your opponent has to block.
Neutral: Any position where you and your opponent are not hitting each other and not about to.

So I would say that Dormammu has a much better aerial neutral than Hawkeye and Chris, but worse defense.

Where I stand on my 'N' votes:
Dormammu- any one change seems reasonable, but I still generally disagree with the idea that an upper tier character is getting buffed substantially- it's like vanilla Zero -> ultimate Zero all over again.
You have to give me a lot more than that if you say "N" to a character. And Dormammu is only upper tier when he is safely DHCed in and has Hidden Missiles. You have to keep in mind that, like Morrigan, we punched his only S tier assist in the gut.

Dr. Strange- I'm ok with everything except the way the wording is for nerfing FoF. As I understand it (correct me if I'm wrong), HSD is purely timer based- it reduces in a fixed linear relationship with time elapsed since the first hit of the combo, excluding certain circumstances like cinematic hypers and such. Would FoF 'accelerating' HSD cause the timer to elapse uniquely and abnormally fast or something?
According to Frantic, what kills the FotF loops is that eventually, Dr. Strange's launcher does not cause enough hitstun for Impact Palm to be linked off of it. The actual Impact Palm to FotF link never stops working AFAIK. I am okay with that; by FotF accelerating HSD, we are making the launcher link whiff earlier so fewer reps will happen.

Felicia- Still iffy on the cat and mouse change. Seems unnecessary and could have unintended consequences.
Like what? You need to hurry thus stuff up if all you have come up with is "it could be bad but I don't know why". Our job here is to figure out the unknown.

Firebrand- We'll probably have to figure this out later when we hash out the more debated character changes.
I think this is best as well. Let's see how the rest of the characters go, and then we'll go back to Firebrand and see how we feel.

Frank West- Same as Firebrand. I think he needs some discussion time to himself. No one has responding to my criticisms/concerns.
I think that Dark Phoenix and Wright are far more powerful than Frank West when powered up. Up close they may be similar, but Wright and Dark Phoenix both have projectiles that can be spammed for harassment/setups, while Frank West just has the paddle saws. He still has basic movement, and he can still be air thrown and such because the saws are chained to j.M. He still needs to get in, which the other two don't.

I think the burden is still on you to say what needs to change about him, too. I've read 3 character responses from you where you say you don't like what's going on, but you don't give strong arguments as to why that is the case except for "I don't know", and you don't suggest what needs to change with the character. Especially when the vote is 3-1, you need to do a lot more work than just say you don't like how it is. I want to hear what you have to say, but you need to say more about some of this stuff. What needs to change about Frank West? I don't think increasing the hits necessary for him to get to level 4 is the right answer, because multiple combos with a team to get Frank West leveled up is going to be a real hassle, and there will still be easy team combinations even if we double it. The only thing we will change is the number of characters who can level Frank West up (Skrull and Nova will still get him there in 1 combo even at 200 hits needed).

Ghost Rider- Still against invincibility on assists, upper body or otherwise. Still iffy on judgment strike change. Everything else is fine.
I guess we'll pass it on a 3/4 vote, then. Upper body invincibility on an assist is an odd complaint when we gave Chun-li EX Spinning Bird Kick as an assist. Judgment Strike won't become OP because it only covers up to jump height and it has frame data that makes it impossible to spam: 25 startup, 30 recovery, -7 on block. It's really only used as a blockstring ender for its pushback and for harassing heavies.

Random comment on Doom annotations/changes: I understand the reasoning behind the molecular shield buff, but in reality, I don't think it will help him at all against zoners like you think it will. If Hawkeye is chucking arrows at Doom, it doesn't matter if he absorbs a few before he chucks off his shitty rocks which are then destroyed by arrows- Doom will still lose horribly.
It will help. Maybe not so much against Hawkeye since he has Spritzer, but imagine being able to absorb Purification or Dark Hole from Dormammu. It's not meant to be a game-changer, just a game-helper. Dash-cancelable HIdden Missiles is the game changer for him against keepaway.

Doom is not a top 5 point character.
Which is why his point abilities got significant buffs, while his assists got toned down.
My votes on the next 10:
Iron Fist - Y
Iron Man - Y
Jill - Y
Magneto - N; we need to talk about the Magnetic Blast change; is it even really needed? We have nerfed quite a bit about him.
M.O.D.O.K. - N; I would like to add in some kind of nerf to his unblockable. Maybe c.M shouldn't hit low.
Morrigan - Y; though OTG Soul Fist is still not something I am fond of; I would rather s.S just OTG since it looks like it would. Morrigan is already the highest execution character in the game - why not give her an easy OTG off of throws?
Nemesis - N; I've been thinking about it, and Fatal Mutation 360 degrees at 10 frames might be too good; I like the 360 degree aspect since it's unique and fits the animation, but maybe the startup should be a bit higher - around 20 or so
Nova - Y
Phoenix - N; we need to talk about whether Dark Phoenix should have her own X-Factor values (Which is currently the case)
Wright - Y, though aerial evidence is still weird to me.


I vote yes on Chris.

For Dorm, I understand why these changes help him- I just don't understand why he needs much help on point. I am completely fine making his assists substantially better in the spirit of of our general philosophy of making characters more versatile. Dorm currently isn't widely used because he's a character that's difficult to play first, since he's weak at the opening gambit, but he's difficult to play down the order, since he offers limited support value to the team. He'll now offer strong support and when brought in, he'll still be the upper tier character he's always been.

For Strange, as long as the annotations make clear what we're trying to accomplish with FoF change, I don't really mind how it's worded. We can leave it to capcom to figure out how to fix it.

Felicia- with her other buffs helping her quite a bit, I don't understand why the cat and mouse change is needed as well. I'd prefer a less drastic change by making it a bit faster rather than giving it new crazy properties.

Frank- I get what your saying, but if someone levels up Frank, he starts out close to you, it's very difficult to get away, and when you die, it's difficult to block incoming mix-up city into more pressure. It's not like he pushes you away when he levels up like Phoenix. He doesn't need to get in because the act of leveling him up got him in already. You shot down my suggestion (stolen from Viscant) of making it harder to get level 4 Frank, so I would rather more significantly nerf paddle saws (hitboxes, not just chip) and tools of destruction invincibility in exchange for buffing levels 1-3 to compensate.

Give me a day or two to look over the next 10 characters. I'm heading to bed- be back in around 8 hours.
I vote yes on Chris.
Recorded. Now we just need Frantic.

For Dorm, I understand why these changes help him- I just don't understand why he needs much help on point. I am completely fine making his assists substantially better in the spirit of of our general philosophy of making characters more versatile. Dorm currently isn't widely used because he's a character that's difficult to play first, since he's weak at the opening gambit, but he's difficult to play down the order, since he offers limited support value to the team. He'll now offer strong support and when brought in, he'll still be the upper tier character he's always been.
Most of the changes aren't about helping him, they're part of my whole character philosophy, where I think it's important for every move in a set should be worth using. 4 of his changes are changes to Liberation, all of which are important as part of that philosophy. The j.M change is a borderline bug fix - it should have never been altered in the first place. He does need better defensive options. Like I said, he has the worst defense in the game. We gave him three changes there that slightly improve his defense, though not to the point of causing any problems (c.M, throws, and 0D0C). s.H is needed so people stop complaining about his ABC combo damage. And in turn he sacrificed his damage a bit and his unblockables.

You still haven't actually offered anything concrete about what the problem is. Which of these bother you? Or, if it's a combination of changes, which combination? Why? What should they be, and why? I think the proper way to look at characters is:
1) What is this character lacking?
2) How could that shortcoming be improved?
3) Does this change help the character without it becoming too strong?

That is what I have been looking at. I don't care if the character is S tier or D tier. That's why I support Dr. Doom and Morrigan buffs despite that pairing being nigh-universally agreed to be OP.

For Strange, as long as the annotations make clear what we're trying to accomplish with FoF change, I don't really mind how it's worded. We can leave it to capcom to figure out how to fix it.
K, I'll take that as a "Y".

Felicia- with her other buffs helping her quite a bit, I don't understand why the cat and mouse change is needed as well. I'd prefer a less drastic change by making it a bit faster rather than giving it new crazy properties.
I actually made a rather huge post about how this offers her interesting stuff that a speed increase doesn't offer. More importantly, a speed increase is lazy. Cat and Mouse is slow by design; it's not good design to just homogenize things and make it another Cartwheel. Like I said before, compare our Felicia to Wolverine and ask whether it's too good.

Frank- I get what your saying, but if someone levels up Frank, he starts out close to you, it's very difficult to get away, and when you die, it's difficult to block incoming mix-up city into more pressure. It's not like he pushes you away when he levels up like Phoenix. He doesn't need to get in because the act of leveling him up got him in already. You shot down my suggestion (stolen from Viscant) of making it harder to get level 4 Frank, so I would rather more significantly nerf paddle saws (hitboxes, not just chip) and tools of destruction invincibility in exchange for buffing levels 1-3 to compensate.
Get to writing all those changes, then. It's your suggestion - take command of it. If you want to buff levels 1-3, you have a lot of work ahead of you. I'm not entirely opposed to your suggestion, but it is your suggestion and you should take the lead on it. I think the paddle saws hitbox is fine.

Give me a day or two to look over the next 10 characters. I'm heading to bed- be back in around 8 hours.


Chris - Y: Though I really should figure out the exact damage for Flame Thrower... still, I'd be content with reducing the damage from 18k x 25 to 14k x 25. That way it'd go from 67k at max scaling to 52k.

Doom - Y

Iron Fist - Y: Although what does "Crescent Heel no longer ground bounces a standing opponent" mean exactly? Do they just remain standing for it?

Iron Man - Y

Jill - N: Still don't like the 10 frame reduction on the Knee Drops. 5 at the minimum.

Magneto: Change "Hyper Grav (all versions) damage reduced to 65,000" to "Hyper Grav (all versions) damage reduced to 35,000 x 2". Just for the best clarification. I still subscribe to the notion of making each version of Magnetic Blast having different durability, and probably reduce hit/blockstun by 2-4 frames or so.


Morrigan - Y

Nemesis - N: Just because his level 3 would be a guaranteed hit if it caught characters on the ground and in the air.

Nova - Y

Phoenix - Y

Wright - Y


Iron Fist - Y
Iron Man - Y (willing to do a write up on this character if needed)
Jill - N, don't like the 10 frame reduction on her knee dive and don't like her health range (should be 900K with all those buffs)
Magneto - N, Magnetic Blast needs more of a nerf especially a decrease in block stun
Morrigan - Y and a definite no to st.S as an OTG.
Nemesis - N, his LVL3 should not grab aerial opponents
Nova - Y
Phoenix - N, still a big no to being able to use the new Transformation hyper in the air
Wright - Y
Frantic, I am also missing your Felicia vote.

I feel like Flamethrower should be more like 40K at max scaling.

Yes, Crescent Heel will leave opponents standing.

Dahbomb, will you consent to a 5 frame cut on the knee drops?

I want someone to explain what's so crazy about Magnetic Blast.

I don't see why Phoenix shouldn't be able to transform in the air.

Frantic and Dahbomb, are you open to making his level 3 hit aerial opponents if we increase the startup time? I feel like it would give him something interesting and unique.

Why are you both okay with M.O.D.O.K.'s solo unblockable staying in?

We need to discuss Dark Phoenix X-Factor values.

Chris - Y: Though I really should figure out the exact damage for Flame Thrower... still, I'd be content with reducing the damage from 18k x 25 to 14k x 25. That way it'd go from 67k at max scaling to 52k.

Doom - Y

Iron Fist - Y: Although what does "Crescent Heel no longer ground bounces a standing opponent" mean exactly? Do they just remain standing for it?

Iron Man - Y

Jill - N: Still don't like the 10 frame reduction on the Knee Drops. 5 at the minimum.

Magneto: Change "Hyper Grav (all versions) damage reduced to 65,000" to "Hyper Grav (all versions) damage reduced to 35,000 x 2". Just for the best clarification. I still subscribe to the notion of making each version of Magnetic Blast having different durability, and probably reduce hit/blockstun by 2-4 frames or so.


Morrigan - Y

Nemesis - N: Just because his level 3 would be a guaranteed hit if it caught characters on the ground and in the air.

Nova - Y

Phoenix - Y

Wright - Y

Iron Fist - Y
Iron Man - Y (willing to do a write up on this character if needed)
Jill - N, don't like the 10 frame reduction on her knee dive and don't like her health range (should be 900K with all those buffs)
Magneto - N, Magnetic Blast needs more of a nerf especially a decrease in block stun
Morrigan - Y and a definite no to st.S as an OTG.
Nemesis - N, his LVL3 should not grab aerial opponents
Nova - Y
Phoenix - N, still a big no to being able to use the new Transformation hyper in the air
Wright - Y


I have already explained why Phoenix being able to transform in the air is not a good idea. It marginalizes incoming mix ups on her and having Phoenix transform on the attackers term. The hyper is basically an on reaction burst 360 degree, someone tries to attack Phoenix while she is in the air, she activates the burst destroying any offense. On the ground if she bursts and its blocked on time, at least some set ups will still work.

I am fine with a 5 frame reduction on Jill.

Still no to Nemesis simultaneous ground air grab. The more you increase start up the worse the hyper gets. Its situation likes these where something either is too good or too shit is when you need to re-evaluate the change.

I didn't really comment on MODOK's unblockable. I am 50/50 on it.

The crazy thing about Magnetic Blast is that the move is ridiculously plus on block. If he gets you to block it on the ground he gets a free tri dash mix up on you because the block stun is so high and recovery is so low on it. We can't really tinker with the recovery because it will affect his combos but block stun has to be reduced. Going from Vanilla to Ultimate Capcom reduced the block stun of EMD as it was a very powerful option. He uses Mag Blasts for spacing against ground characters while staying safe, uses it for confirms, uses it for combos and uses it to set up pressure. If the move wasn't on an awkward input we would see more players abuse it.
I have already explained why Phoenix being able to transform in the air is not a good idea. It marginalizes incoming mix ups on her and having Phoenix transform on the attackers term. The hyper is basically an on reaction burst 360 degree, someone tries to attack Phoenix while she is in the air, she activates the burst destroying any offense. On the ground if she bursts and its blocked on time, at least some set ups will still work.

I am fine with a 5 frame reduction on Jill.

Still no to Nemesis simultaneous ground air grab. The more you increase start up the worse the hyper gets. Its situation likes these where something either is too good or too shit is when you need to re-evaluate the change.

I didn't really comment on MODOK's unblockable. I am 50/50 on it.
Any air setup will still work if Phoenix uses Overload. For example, Frank West can still Funny Face Smasher if she burns Overload on incoming. So I'm not following what you mean by that.

I changed Jill's Double Knee Drop in my notes.

I think Nemesis' grab could find a happy place. Even if you make the startup something like 20 frames, which is enough time to back out, he could use it on response to tridash attempts and such. I think our Nemesis is still pretty bad, and giving him a great level 3 will help him out a lot.

How can you be 50/50 on a meterless unblockable reset? :p

You can just pushblock the Magnetic Blast. No reason to get mixed up over it.


Frantic, I am also missing your Felicia vote.
It's still a N at this point.

I want someone to explain what's so crazy about Magnetic Blast.
14 frame startup, downward angle, relatively slow moving, 5 low durability points, retains Magneto's momentum during the move, +24 on hit and +22 on block, instant ground recovery... what isn't crazy about it?

I don't want to nerf it into the ground, but it needs some adjusments.

Frantic and Dahbomb, are you open to making his level 3 hit aerial opponents if we increase the startup time? I feel like it would give him something interesting and unique.
No. It'd need to lose the invincibility we gave it for me to even be slightly okay with it hitting ground and air opponents.

I think Nemesis' grab could find a happy place. Even if you make the startup something like 20 frames, which is enough time to back out, he could use it on response to tridash attempts and such. I think our Nemesis is still pretty bad, and giving him a great level 3 will help him out a lot.
You overestimate human reaction times. 20 frames is enough time to realize that the move is starting up and react to it, but not enough time to actually do anything about it. Most movement options aren't fast enough to get out of there that quickly. Plus, it'd still be a free reversal against any offense that leads into a full combo. There are also offensive purposes where someone is in the corner, you hit cr.L and go right into level 3. Any character without some invincible reversal would be unable to do jack shit about it, and then he'd get a full combo off it. It's as 'unique and interesting' as it is dumb.


I am not talking about just a Frank set up on Phoenix. You have to first land a clean hit on Phoenix, that clean hit can be nullified by the hyper on reaction. And this is a tool that would be abusive beyond the incoming mix up, Phoenix can just stay at SJ height waiting for the opponent to approach and then burst on reaction to their attacks. The hyper is an immense buff to the character, the hyper itself should have some limitation to it to prevent Phoenix from being a guaranteed win with 5 bars. In fact an alternate suggestion would be that if you used the hyper manually there would be no post transformation burst.

I am 50/50 on the MODOK unblockable because its not completely easy to set up and its finnicky. The entire hit box of that puddle isn't a low, its just the edge. The move itself whiffs in the corner a lot, has to be spaced properly to make it be unblockable. I will reserve my vote on it until I see more suggestions/discussion on it.

On the point of Magneto that situation arises when you are trying to get in against Magneto. He back dashes into a Mag Blast while you are dashing forward. If you block it on the ground and you push block you give up your positioning and have to work to get that space back in. If you don't push block you then eat a 50/50. If you block it in the air and then push block, he recovers so fast at times on landing that the push block negated and he is in a perfect position to air grab you. I don't know the frame data on Mag Blasts but at times it feels like its +20 on block at least that's what it feels like when playing against it.
+Fatal Mutation now has full invincibility; places opponent in a crumple state; startup time reduced to 10 frames; L+M input places the grab hitbox in front of him, M+H in the air in front of him, and L+H straight above his head.
+Biohazard Rush now has hyper armor from frame 1 until recovery; startup reduced to 8+1; vertical hitbox increased; recovers sooner to allow for post-hyper combos.
+Bioweapon Assault now better at predicting where rockets should fire; recovers sooner, allowing for post-hyper combos.
+c.H super armor changed to frames 8-27.
+s.H super armor changed to frames 7-24.
+Minimum damage scaling for hypers increased to 60%.
+qcb.S now fires a downward-angled rocket that hits the ground at half a screen away.
+Clothesline Rocket L: 26 frame start up, +2 on block(no rocket, soft knockdown); previous L and M versions moved to M and H, respectively.
+c.L now chains to s.L.
+Launcher Slam M now has armor from frames 8-29; carries over to the assist version.

Assists: Launcher Slam M, Clothesline Rocket M, qcb.S
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