Have you ever even picked Skrull?Rolling Hook doesn't need an input change.
Tapping forward three times for a good neutral move is unnecessarily cumbersome. The delay kills its potential.
Have you ever even picked Skrull?Rolling Hook doesn't need an input change.
Getting Meteor Smash as an assist is a big buff. So the point version is getting nerfed but the move being an assist is still a buff to the character. It's a buff to his support value.Actually, isn't it all a "-"? I don't consider listing the assist traits to be a "+".
Raw Fatal Buster would be waaay too good. I once played a good Skrull who could perfectly time Orbital Grudge to catch Dormammu's j.H/S every time time thanks to the armor. Now if I imagine him having Fatal Buster, there's no way aerial characters would ever touch Skrull! As much fun as I would have with it as a Skrull fan, I can't back that!
Also, I know you specifically typed out what you want the Storm Float change to read, but I lost track of it. Would you type it out again so I can insert it and we can get you a "Y" on her?
I put Zissou as a "Y" for Spider-man since he said he would go with the majority vote.
Not all characters are fast enough to punish Fatal Buster, though. It would absolutely destroy heavies.Getting Meteor Smash as an assist is a big buff. So the point version is getting nerfed but the move being an assist is still a buff to the character.
Fatal Buster is highly unsafe on block though... its well in line with his high risk high reward play. Quite frankly that's the type of neutral tool he needs more than double armor on his charge moves. If he uses that move to anti air and it gets block he has to burn meter to not die.
The Storm float change was this:
"Can call an assist during super jump Float; cannot call an assist again until Storm is grounded".
Have you ever even picked Skrull?
Tapping forward three times for a good neutral move is unnecessarily cumbersome. The delay kills its potential.
Have you ever even picked Skrull?
Tapping forward three times for a good neutral move is unnecessarily cumbersome. The delay kills its potential.
GB's internet is third world quality.Your internet sucks. Couldn't tech a single throw.
His mobility is fine, I'm talking about his speed. I know how he moves; he basically moves like Dormammu does, which is why I can pick up and play him while doing relatively well. That is still like...half the speed of Magneto or Storm.
Alright, so let's try to wrap up character discussion:
Zissou, what can I do to get you to "Y" him? I would really like to see some contentful suggestions from you on this.
I really think that the aerial command grab is necessary for her Zissou. We're not even letting her convert off of it anymore. It just gives her an option against chicken blockers. No character should require a pinning assist for mix-ups. Anyone here is welcome to apply that logic to other characters and I will follow it through appropriately.
Is there anything else we can do to Magnetic Blast to make me a "Y"? Zissou thinks Magnetic Blast is still too good, and we need to hear from him more on this.
I suggest this version; please give me feedback on it:
*Says He loves you! again during Inferno; Inferno now -3 on block; Super-Skrull no longer falls prone after aerial use; damage reduced slightly.
*Rolling Hooks input is now f, f + H (from f, f, f +H).
+Meteor Smash hitbox reduced slightly; screen now adjusts to make the moves placement more clear; a large shadow appears where Skrull land; assist version causes a soft knockdown, does not OTG, and does not hit overhead
+Orbital Grudge now -1 on block.
+Skrull Torch now has invincibility starting on frame 1.
+Stone Smite gains 2 hits of super armor on frames 14-53; startup reduced to 47.
+Stone Dunk gains 2 hits of super armor on frames 16-42.
+Brutal Pile Bunker is now -2 on block.
+Flame Kick gains 2 hits of super armor on frames 12-52.
+df.H hitstun increased (blockstun unchanged).
Assists: Tenderizer L, Orbital Grudge M x Fatal Buster, Meteor Smash (Tracking)
This is my proposed Thor:
+Mighty Spark startup hitbox extended downward more; now safe for blockstrings against crouching characters.
+Mighty Smash M assist causes a hard knockdown after the ground bounce; armored from frames 36-63; now ground bounces against Amaterasu.
+Mighty Smash L super armor from frames 6-20.
+Flight Startup reduced to 20 frames; fly cancel is 1 frame.
+s.H has super armor from frames 6-20.
+s.L startup reduced to 6 frames; c.L hitstun increased slightly to ensure it can always link into c.H.
+Startup on all versions of Mighty Strike reduced to 15-25 (charged) frames, have super armor from frames 12-30 regardless of charging; charged version travels significantly farther and has 2 hits of super armor starting on frame 15.
+Mighty Thunder now causes pushback equivalent to Magnetic Shockwave; startup decreased to 10+4.
+Air throws now cause enough knockdown to ensure Mighty Thunder can always connect afterward.
+Mighty Punish range increased slightly.
Assists: Mighty Spark M, Mighty Smash M, Mighty Strike L
We need Dahbomb to approve him. I don't think anyone else is supporting a damage reduction on him. He has gotten a lot of indirect nerfs as it is.
I'll do my best to explain:I understand very much you wanting all the different dark spell combinations to have uses. Why are we also buffing his throw range?
Right, unless Morrigan has an OTG assist, which is a considerable sacrifice considering her typical team structure.So air vector drain would not lead to any combo afterwards? Just shadow servant?
I'm okay with nerfing the move now. I'm still not happy about it, but compromises have to be made. What really, really bothers me is the ground recovery time. It messes with Magneto's general flow.I'm not saying it's still too good as in the proposed slight nerf to it isn't sufficient- I will vote Y on the current version of Magneto as described in the patch notes. I know you disagree with nerfing the move at all, but I think watching match footage of top Magneto players shows how truly dominant the move is. We have to nerf it slightly somehow, so unless someone comes up with something else sensible, the reduced blockstun and slight landing recovery make sense to me.
Yay! Dahbomb is not cool with the shadow portion of Skrull's changelist, though - are you okay with removing the "big shadow" portion?I vote Y on this.
I'm cool with this version of Thor.
Agreed on all accounts.I don't quite get the need for a further reduction on Wolverine's damage. Fatal claw will do less, so that's already one significant damage nerf. He's losing TAC infinites for big damage off of throws (which he is now less likely to get in the first place since he can't OS throw with divekick) and plasma beam nerf is an indirect Wolverine nerf as well.
Hooray for progress!I can live with the current version of Dormammu if the 0D0C change is removed. I vote Y on Morrigan as well. Do you have any suggestions on how to otherwise alter mag blast to make it something more of the cast can deal with while not fundamentally messing up Magneto's playstyle? I'm fine with removing the shadow thing on Skrull too.
Chris's throw and chip game is ridiculous though. Not every character needs some sort of mix up or mobility as long as their overall game is good. Chris is a solid mid tier with some bad match ups that are alleviated by assists. He is one of those characters that can win without opening someone up.Right now, Chris is the only character in the game without 1), and he also does not have 2). So IMO, Chris needs some more love from us. And I hate Chris.
A 13 frame reduction on frame advantage is a huge deal. At +10 you're looking at characters recovering before Magneto touches the ground. This move is literally what keeps Magneto a top character. If it gets nerfed too hard he won't be there.Without added recovery to Mag Blast you are changing nothing. It can be +10 on block and it would still be a dominant move. The problem has and always been that whiff punishing the move is impossible especially when he is doing low to the ground. It's too low risk high reward and it crushes match ups because most characters are helpless against it. The only reason people don't see the power behind this move is because people spamming Mag Blast has been a recent change to the meta game when before they spammed Disruptor. Hell some Magneto players still don't use Mag Blasts that much which is mind boggling. If every Magneto player played like FChamp then you would see more people complaining about it. Quite frankly Magneto always gets a pass for being good because he's "Mag-fucking-neto" and he is the official mascot of the series.
The C. Viper infinite is fixed in my notes:I don't know why I am "N" on C Viper, I thought I had voted Yes on it. I guess that was "N" from when we were still deciding on unblockables. Also we need a fix on her infinite which is why I guess I still have an undecided vote on her.
Fixed and put you for a "Y".On Thor I brought up the point that the charged version is having armor start up later than the uncharged version (15 frame versus 12 frame). You probably need to change that otherwise I am a Yes on Thor.
The way that Magneto uses Mag Blast he will be touching the ground before the opponent does thanks to plink dashing. He can do air dash back Mag Blast and make someone block it in the air while they are chicken blocking. If they block it like that he would still have enough time to dash in and do a mix up... push block or not.
The recovery change was something that has been talked about on FGTV at length and that was the only change that made sense. Of course they were talking about 5 frame initially then scaled back to 3. Normally moves that have 35 frames of recovery should be punishable but Mag Blasts isn't thanks to low to ground plink dashing and various other methods that Magneto uses to negate recovery.
Limiting Mag Blast to 1 per jump isn't a good solution. That would hurt him in the Morrigan match up and the Wolverine match up as well because being able to do like instant Mag Blast while super jumping and then another while coming down allows him to negate 2 Morrigan fireballs while also cover various spots that Wolverine likes to be.
It's behind a paywall. I think it MIGHT be in one of the FGTV podcast discussions, I mean FChamp has talked about Mag Blasts on more than one occasion.Do you have a link to video of the FGTV discussion? Or is it behind a paywall?
You mean limiting the Magnetic Blast to 1 per jump would hurt Magneto against the opponents that you say it currently gives him one-sided match-ups against?The way that Magneto uses Mag Blast he will be touching the ground before the opponent does thanks to plink dashing. He can do air dash back Mag Blast and make someone block it in the air while they are chicken blocking. If they block it like that he would still have enough time to dash in and do a mix up... push block or not.
The recovery change was something that has been talked about on FGTV at length and that was the only change that made sense. Of course they were talking about 5 frame initially then scaled back to 3. Normally moves that have 35 frames of recovery should be punishable but Mag Blasts isn't thanks to low to ground plink dashing and various other methods that Magneto uses to negate recovery.
Limiting Mag Blast to 1 per jump isn't a good solution. That would hurt him in the Morrigan match up and the Wolverine match up as well because being able to do like instant Mag Blast while super jumping and then another while coming down allows him to negate 2 Morrigan fireballs while also cover various spots that Wolverine likes to be.
It's behind a paywall. I think it MIGHT be in one of the FGTV podcast discussions, I mean FChamp has talked about Mag Blasts on more than one occasion.
Magneto vs Wolverine is about even mostly because of Mag Blasts and how the Magneto player is able to place the Blasts. Against Morrigan it's the same thing... he has to expertly place the Blasts.You mean limiting the Magnetic Blast to 1 per jump would hurt Magneto against the opponents that you say it currently gives him one-sided match-ups against?
Yeah yeah, and Morrigan!
Giving Wolverine the chance to get in is the point, I thought!
Here's my counter-perspective:Magneto vs Wolverine is about even mostly because of Mag Blasts and how the Magneto player is able to place the Blasts. Against Morrigan it's the same thing... he has to expertly place the Blasts.
Against someone like Iron Fist, Magneto can just close his eyes and keep doing plink dash Mag Blasts and IF will never get in. Joker was doing this against Justin Wong at Canada Cup and he couldn't do anything even with Bolts assist backing him up. Yes I realize that IF is much better in this patch but this problem exists for more characters too like Tron who can't do much against this.
What I am trying to say is that the Mag Blasts should be nerfed to a point where something like Iron Fist/Haggar/Tron vs Magneto isn't 1-9 but not nerfed to a point where Wolverine has a big advantage over Magneto.
Also I found the FGTV podcast patch talk. This was one of their patch talks, starts at 26 minutes:
Basically he talks about how on landing its 0 frame, non trip guardable and should have some recovery. And these are both Magneto players so you know the bias is going to heavy.
Magnetic Blast is not just a move, it is a playstyle. Anyone who can't get in on Magnetic Blast can't get in on Hawkeye's general gameplan, Morrigan, Dormammu, etc. These are the characters who get chipped out from full health to death. Is it easier to just change Magnetic Blast? Sure, but only if you don't actually care about balancing the game. Magnetic Blast is just one example of an excellent space-controlling move that shuts down all of the games bad characters. With so many other characters with similar offerings, even removing Magnetic Blast would not be helping the overall situation for them.At a point you have to realize what is an easier fix.
Fixing one move or fixing half of the characters so that they can compete against that one move.
It's like in Vanilla Marvel when Phoenix had Salty Balls or Magneto has EMD that had too much block stun... should you change every other character so they can compete against those moves or do you just fix those moves?
The counter point to fixing the other characters is that if they get to a point where they can handle plink Mag Blasts then they will become good enough to dominate other zoning characters harder which would overall change the meta game because now only Morrigan and Magneto are viable zoning characters as they can compete against these new breed of rushdown characters while other zoners can't.
Rising Fang for example is NEVER going to punish low to the ground Mag Blast because Magneto will always recover in time. Hell you can't even Bionic Arm him that's how fast that recovery is.
Iron Fist vs. Hawkeye is really hard. I've only ever seen one good Hawkeye, though. Sometimes I wish the online players had a way to get out there, because I'm certain this Hawkeye would be a Wolfkrone if he went to a tournament. Ditto for the best Dr. Strange player I've seen.Wolverine beats Hawkeye easy he can get in on that. Even Iron Fist can get in on Hawkeye because of fast ground dash. It's a different case altogether comparing Hawkeye versus Magneto especially since once you get in on Hawkeye he folds... not with Magneto because he has godlike mobility to escape bad situations.
Not to mention that if Hawkeye whiffs a special he loses great advantage unlike Magneto who is basically whiffing Mag Blasts all day long without any real risk against these characters.
You should probably stop trying to balance something you don't know anything about. Even I was willing to admit I didn't want to talk about characters I wasn't familiar with like She Hulk.Hell you can't even Bionic Arm him that's how fast that recovery is.
You honestly can't Bionic Arm him on reaction if he's doing a back plink dash into Mag Blast. You can only do it if you predict he's going to do it in advance which is of course a risk as if you guess wrong you would die.You should probably stop trying to balance something you don't know anything about. Even I was willing to admit I didn't want to talk about characters I wasn't familiar with like She Hulk.
The dream is dead.
The dream is dead.
3 support team.The combination of jam session and vajra are the only reason I think I can get away with playing point Doom against other strong teams. Dat support.
I think Photon Shot makes those doable. What really kills me is Vajra teams.I feel like Doom w/o at least one anti-air assist really struggles against characters like Trish and Magneto. Or maybe I've become lazy and reliant on busted assists![]()