Ok, Flowely has killed me about 20 times now. When does it end? I'm only given the option to do 1 damage to him at certain moments.
Well, I defeated Flowey and got the neutral ending. Onto the True Pacifist ending! Also, never guessed that Toriel is Asgore's ex-wife. Seems kind of obvious in hindsight.
So, Undyne x Alphys, huh? I support this ship. Another date mini game is always welcome.
Wow. Really upset at the moment.
Genocide Run:
So apparently I was supposed to kill every enemy before killing Mettaton. I saved afterward, and I just learned that no enemies will appear anymore, so I'm fucked out of my Genocide Run. Think I'm done with this game. Don't feel like playing through it all over again especially after it took me so long to beat Undyne.
I can dig it.
Happened to me 3 days ago.
Still steaming over it.
I can dig it.
Happened to me 3 days ago.
Still steaming over it.
I really think it retroactively soured me on the game. I ended up watching the ending on YouTube and there's quite a bit I don't understand. But oh well.
I knew I had to kill every enemy of course, but I expected a warning similar to the Undyne portion of the game. You can't do it for one section and then not do it for the other.
About that true pacifist route...feels like I'm watching a cheesy anime ending or something. Music's great though.
if i just did the true pacifist ending, I can just reset and start the masochist path? I dont need to edit the ini or anything weird like that?
It's very cheesy. That's why it works so well, I feel.
Do you have the OST, by any chance?The theme from Heartache - the song that plays when you fight Toriel - recurs in ASGORE. There are tons of other little hints along the way, like when you talk to Napstablook at his snail farm and he tells you about his two main customers...
Have fun with the True Pacifist ending! Pretty sure you're going to enjoy it a lot.
Anyone know if the OST is coming to iTunes anytime soon?
He hasn't said anything about that as far as I know. Bought it off bandcamp and just added it to my itunes library.
How do you put music from other sources into the iTunes library?
How do you put music from other sources into the iTunes library?
In the top left drop-down menu in iTunes there should be an "Add file to iTunes" or some such option. It'll let you import music from your computer. It's pretty tedious because you have to actually highlight the music files individually and can't add whole folders, AFAIK. At least, I've never been able to figure out how.
I'd also recommend getting it off of Bandcamp, because Steam and Apple take a bigger cut than Bandcamp.
I actually have a quick question about that. The Bandcamp and Steam pages for the OST only list tracks up to, and are missing songs from the endings of all of the routes. The Steam link explicitly says that there's "extras," so I'm assuming these missing songs are included in the Steam download, but I don't see any mention of this on Bandcamp. Are these additional songs added as "secret" tracks if I purchase via Bandcamp, or are they only available on Steam?ASGORE
Does the full game support controller? I'm enjoying the demo, but I don't like playing with keyboard.
yes it does
It should be in the starting menu when you boot the game should you have a controller plugged in.
Glad to hear you enjoyed it. You're indeed correct that you're not done yet. You can just load your save, and backtrack a bit. The game will instruct you what to do as you leave.Ended it yesterday. Didn't kill anything the entire game or gained any experience or whatever. After the ending I was told I could reload my save file to get a "better" ending, so I guess I missed some stuff. Will do that stuff I guess.
Anyway, what an awesome experience. Loved every second of it. One of the best games this year for sure.
Glad to hear you enjoyed it. You're indeed correct that you're not done yet. You can just load your save, and backtrack a bit. The game will instruct you what to do as you leave.
Haha, goddamn, someone actually made a whole metal tribute album to undertale.
The gameplay was garbage. I don't even know if I would call it a video game. More like a visual novel with directional movement. It was very funny, cute, and endearing. Probably my favorite game since Portal 2.
The gameplay was garbage. I don't even know if I would call it a video game. More like a visual novel with directional movement. It was very funny, cute, and endearing. Probably my favorite game since Portal 2.
The gameplay was garbage. I don't even know if I would call it a video game. More like a visual novel with directional movement. It was very funny, cute, and endearing. Probably my favorite game since Portal 2.
I'm having to quit Undertale here, due to a glitch. I'm trapped in a dark invisible path with no exits. The mushrooms helped on the way to Temmie Village, but now I can't leave. I've tried for about 30 mins but I'm pretty certain it's a glitch.
Pretty disappointing. I wonder whether this will ever be patched.
This is the end of my playthrough, though. Kinda crappy.
Man you are a complicated player...
Read InfiniteNine post or follow this map if you are really annoyed with this part:
The gameplay was garbage. I don't even know if I would call it a video game. More like a visual novel with directional movement. It was very funny, cute, and endearing. Probably my favorite game since Portal 2.
Not sure whether I'll keep playing. Please don't trot out the 'have determination' meme.