They're hyping up Arya because it'll probably be the only plotline worth caring about from now on (maybe alongside Jon's).
The rest they'll either make up as they go or simply cut, so...

They're hyping up Arya because it'll probably be the only plotline worth caring about from now on (maybe alongside Jon's).
The rest they'll either make up as they go or simply cut, so...
They're hyping up Arya because it'll probably be the only plotline worth caring about from now on (maybe alongside Jon's).
The rest they'll either make up as they go or simply cut, so...
Arya was always going to be the focal point for S5- she has the best storyline by a mile.Some pretty bold inferences being made here based on a nugget of a marketing push that hasn't started yet....I'm sure just like the other seasons that the trailers and promo spots will feature a variety of characters.
Man they are really pushing the Arya angles in these teasers.
I'm more excited to see Cersei destroy herself personally and Jon getting stabbed, and whatever is happening with Sansa althoughArya was always going to be the focal point for S5- she has the best storyline by a mile.
Arya was always going to be the focal point for S5- she has the best storyline by a mile.
absolutely. does anyone disagree that she had the best story of the established POV characters in AFFC/ADWD? not that that would be difficult.
absolutely. does anyone disagree that she had the best story of the established POV characters in AFFC/ADWD? not that that would be difficult.
absolutely. does anyone disagree that she had the best story of the established POV characters in AFFC/ADWD? not that that would be difficult.
I don't disagree that Arya has good content for S5 and will get significant screen time in S5, I meant that saying the marketing was really pushing Arya before we've seen a trailer is premature.Arya was always going to be the focal point for S5- she has the best storyline by a mile.
I do. I prefer the Jon and Theon. Arya is too young to be doing all that and I'm not a big fan of the whole Master Assassins Guild trope, it's like GRRM abandoned the 5 year gap for everyone except her.absolutely. does anyone disagree that she had the best story of the established POV characters in AFFC/ADWD? not that that would be difficult.
Wow, no one talking about this?
Some interesting iconography here. Mel, nails, a hand going towards the snow slowly (jon?), that strange rock or stone with the sigil...
Tickets are on sale now:
Because there's nothing to talk about. It's basically all old footage, except the pot smashing and the final shot of Arya in the other video. The shot of Mel is from the S4 finale. The nails were those driven into the Masters' hands. The hand in the snow/ash is Dany's from the HOTU sequence. This whole Raven thing has been a disaster.
absolutely. does anyone disagree that she had the best story of the established POV characters in AFFC/ADWD? not that that would be difficult.
Surprised so many people liked Arya's stuff in book 4/5, I found it pretty uninteresting and not really relevant to anything else going on. It also seemed like she was getting several time jumps which didn't really line up with any other characters.
I think Jon and everything happening at the Wall was the best storyline, be interesting to see what the TV show viewers think since none of them seem to like Jon.
Cersei's and Danaery's should stay relatively the same. Jon & Sam's will work mostly fine as well. Stannis's and Theon's will probably remain faithful. The only uncertain one's are: Tyrion's, Jamie, All of Dorne, Brienne and Sansa.
Why has that been a disaster? Like in the show with Bran or the marketing for Season 4?
Yeah I agree with this Arya had to few chapters in between the two books for it to really be impactful. I think spreading he training arc over 3 books kills any momentum that her storyline otherwise would have had.I do. Daenery's is a good arc.I also enjoyed Jamie's, Cersei's, Jon's, Tyrion's, and Theon's.
Surprised so many people liked Arya's stuff in book 4/5, I found it pretty uninteresting and not really relevant to anything else going on. It also seemed like she was getting several time jumps which didn't really line up with any other characters.
I think Jon and everything happening at the Wall was the best storyline, be interesting to see what the TV show viewers think since none of them seem to like Jon.
The whole Raven marketing thing. They initially make a big deal about it and when it comes around, it's a mess. A huge number of people can't get it to work, and for those that do... It's a hodgepodge of footage from previous seasons.
I can't understand how Aegon being Trystane could work in the show.I agree. fAegon is something that seems to large to cut especially when George has said there will be a second dance of the dragons. If they haven't cast Young Griff but have cast a seemingly unimportant character like Trystane it makes me think there's a good chance he is their fAegon.
A little too close to home?
I've yet to get one to work for me despite getting a PM for each one.
R + L =
Get it? or not
Pip+Lyanna. Makes sense to me.Same with me. On another note, with the IMAX thing being delayed a week, the "exclusive" trailer will no doubt be delayed too. What a mess.
P + L = J
Seriously, this is reaching. I think it's a coincidence.
Heh, I assume once HBO sees some cell phone shot version of the trailer from the iMAX showings has 5 million views on youtube, they'll just post it.Same with me. On another note, with the IMAX thing being delayed a week, the "exclusive" trailer will no doubt be delayed too. What a mess.
Sounds legitPip+Lyanna. Makes sense to me.
But Jon doesn't really fight anyone or have sex or do anything a tv show would I'm sure they'll add some action beats and other asinine content.
That's why they will probably only jump from major one major story beat to another. We assume this season ends with his assassination and in the show he wasn't even elected LC yet. He has 13 chapters in ADWD so they have a lot of wiggle room, a ton of content will be thrown away to make it more exciting for TV viewers.
I don't expect it to be a cliffhanger like the books. I'm expecting the end of the season to be him being revived or the last shot being his eyes turning white. I don't think they'll leave it at him just being stabbed.
I honestly don't know what to think about this. On one hand it's a great end of season, typically GoT moment. On the other (and presuming he's resurrected by Mel), it's an incredibly cheap cliffhanger to leave fans on for a year.
On the other other hand, if this season doesn't end with "For the Watch"... what finale moment could Jon really have?
I know there's been a lot of speculation that they're reordering things to have Hardhome play out on screen and to maybe actually have Jon lead the mission there, instead of the Cotter Pyke stuff from the books. I could see that battle being an episode 8-9 event, and then having the final episode have Jon returning to Castle Black badly beaten, maybe with a few rescued wildlings in tow to replace the ones Tormund brought in the books. Then the opening few episodes of season 6 could have the two big battles from the beginning of Winds, plus for the Watch happening in actual chronological order after the battle instead of happening out of order like in the books.
That way, the cliffhanger doesn't feel quite so cheap, since you're only waiting a week to find out that he's not dead instead of a year, and they don't have to spend the entire off-season worried that someone is going to snap a photo of the supposedly dead Jon filming season 6 material.
It's a bit of a soft climax, but it's no worse than ending Dany season 4 on the dragon chaining scene, or the fact that the season 3 climax for King's Landing was just everyone finding out about the Red Wedding and Jaime getting home.
I can see them leaving it on a cliffhanger when Jon dies just to avoid getting ahead of the books for as long as possible, then hopefully Winds will be out before season six starts.
I can see them leaving it on a cliffhanger when Jon dies just to avoid getting ahead of the books for as long as possible, then hopefully Winds will be out before season six starts.
Hadn't thought about Hardhome, that's an interesting scenario. Having Jon lead the fight there could be a way to avoid ending the season on what would ultimately be a cheap cliffhanger for Jon given our assumptions for what will happen next.
They've avoided them all 4 other seasons, no reason to start now.I don't see any indication that these showrunners would want to avoid a cheap cliffhanger.