Why would I suggest another scene where I'd like something like that? It's such a unique thing that it isn't appropriate in almost any other scenario, and doing something like it again would rob that moment of its uniqueness and impact.
That moment with Jaimed getting his hand cut off works because it isn't a major heroic character getting killed in a tragic, unexpected way thereby completely crushing the audiences hopes and dreams, like the Viper, who was a wildly enthusiastic, easily likeable character trying to fight against the "bad" guys for noble reasons, who was seemingly winning a fight before being brutally killed. It also isn't something so disturbing as a character being endlessly tortured by a complete psychopath.
It's a character who is likeable, but at that point in the series is still more of a "bad" guy, who is a dick to many characters. He's a smart ass, he's smug and in the scene he's trying to use his stature and influence to get himself out of trouble. It isn't a brutal, depressing killing, it's a moment of immense humbling for a character that has been incredibly cocky and essentially coasting through life as an entitled pretty boy (to the audiences perspective at that point in the series). It's something that the character might even deserve. It's a reminder to the audience that "Nope, this isn't a world where you can just smoothly talk yourself out of trouble." It's a subversion of expectation, an intentional clash, by having the music tonally "siding" with the characters who cut Jaime's hand off instead of with Jaime himself. It's a raucous moment for them, where they would cut his hand off and laugh about it while returning to the fire with a pint in hand. The music is a statement about the world as much as anything else. "You're one of the best swordfighters in the land? Tough shit, we're cutting off your sword hand and we don't give a fuck, we're carrying on drinking while you cry in the corner." It's a jarringly violent moment as it's shot very bluntly in one shot, and hangs on it as you almost don't perceive what has happened, and then the hard cut to black and the period inappropriate music only emphasizes the surprise of the moment.